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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1917)
i * ■ffi898riw raj‘'.'''iffi ItlT. wmm. Q—atlonnatrsa Go Oat Soon. 'S: ' ' * '* Í fUP [ A ssessor B eyer« say* the queettoa- 1 naires fo r the men registered fo r Urn d raft have been received but that the local board is w aiting fo r further in structions from the adjutant general o f this state before sending them out. A s to when the next call w ill be made, there is no authoritative inform ation, though it ia generally supposed it w ill i f yea «rant to be a volunteer, now be early in 1915— perhaps in Febru is the time to en list A fte r December ary. A Portland paper has published 15, when the new d raft regulations the story that the next call w ill be fo r Èmaém etfectiv«, assn o f d raft age 5,000 men from Oregon aad that Coee w ill not 1 m pecasittod to sollst volun county would have to furnish 600 o f ta rily in the arm y, navÿ er marine (corps, says the adjutant general o f o f every four now registered in this county. This is evidently a mistake, though, as tharo is no sort o f figuring by which Coos county would bo called on fo r one-tenth the quota o f the state. Ope fortieth would be nearer H fh t- ' o f eon. . . ’j Leo, D istrict Ne. 16, voted on spec ial tax o f $2897.28. C arried, 6 fo r, I against. M cKinley, D istrict N o. 18, voted % special tax o f $2308.68, seven fo r sad none against. G ravel Ford, D istrict N e. 15, voted fo r a " 10-mill levy to $562166. District, N o. IT, voted on tax o f $2257.94. Lost, N orn 9 against. and four in meâtiens neals. Ths re lu rn « fo r wasteless meals are bal>w the average and it is suggested that moré attention be paid to checking this w aste; otherwise the main object o f the movement, i. e., conservation of food, w ill be loet. Remember a fu ll garbage pail means a starving people both at horns and abroad. CAN SPEND HER $150,000 But a s provision ia made fo r vol- itary enlistment o f men o f d ra ft age ; the Arm y. The other exception has to do with sdical studants , hospital intarpas, M ists, doutai students, veterinari- ■ or veterinary studants, who w ill » permitted under regulations ta ha ow n op by ths Surgeon G eneral o f • Arm y, : ts enlist in the Enlisted «serve Corps o f ths M edicalD ep art- SET LIMITS FOR GERMANS Thanks to Liberal Given. The follow in g has just bean reeeived the Sentinel from the M arshfield «U r o f the Red Cress w ith a re quest that w s publish it« “ In this ess son o f Thanksgiving t struction «Co. to be^ 1728.26. W arrants w e re ardered drawn bn ths im prove ment fund to pay this amount. The total coat o f this improvement was $23,469.61. N o objections having been filed to the prop oned budget fo r 1918, the council passed an ordinance adopting the budget as published in the Sen tinel N ov. 2d.* A petition signed by a num bjg o f1 business men requesting the council- to pass an ordinance to license and regulate transient merchants waa read sod, a s. hour’s discussion w as in dulged in to determine how heavy a license fee m ight be charged such transients without running the risk o f having the courts (declare the ordin- W edneeday Assistant U . S. District Attorney C. F . M cKnight, o f M arsh- 6eld, received the follow in g dispatch from U . B. District Attorney Clarence Reamss, o f Portland: 'i -G < “N otify all G enaans over 14 years cld who Ore not fu lly naturalised that rom and after m idnight tonight they must not reside within or be employed within o r approach within 100 yards of ■aw waiW fre n t desk o r pier in Coos built or may be loaded. A ll passes and permits to the contrary are revoked. There are no exceptions to this ru lft" This w ill make it necessary fo r all qnraturaHsed Germ an* at the B ay to keep off Front street and off the road between that city and N orth Band. It will also render j( n ir m a iy fo r G at - mans living at Bandon to keep o ff tbo main business street o f that city aad ‘o keen aw ay from the Prueper mills. W hat w ill be iu effect in Coquille «rill depend on how the phrase "eeeiei vessels m ay be loaded” is interpreted. ether colleges. T h aw adven high schools now have 159 petals enrolled and the aggregati t expense o f th eh igh school instruction they gw re last year w as $15,788. *} * 1 By schools ths numbe r o f high School pupils DO!v in attendance and the cost o f tuition p sr pupils is as follow s: * ■ School N o. o f pupils Cost per pupfl M arshfield _ 7 46 $1*5 Coquills $6 m 25 n M yrtle Point 26 60 N orth Bead 20 80 Corn R iver Con. in 4 ' ï Powers 4 100 w aiting the m atter waa finally settled and cleaned up. — I City Engineer Saw yer has filed his ________ ^ ____________ . Too Mock Food Wagta*. A llegan y, D istrict N o. 6, voted special tax o f $8976. Lost, two fo r and 16 against. - ■ | ÿ^|tr v t W illanch Slough, D istrict N e. 7,' voted on special, tax o f $656. Carried, le u r fo r aad none against. South Slough, D istrict N o. 5, voted on special tax o f $5696.65. Carried, m ight fo r aad aoae against. Easts ide, D istrict N o. 54, voted en ■pedal tax. Defeated by a m ajority act on various m atters. Councilman M ansell w as the only absent««. T bs first business to be tackled w as the improvement o f Second and other streets, end a fte r a tw o years’ period pised penny as a coin antitied to just as much rights as ths nickel or dim s: bbt sa w ar economies begin to enforce themselves we w ere bound to begin to take care o f the pennies in any event. W e congratulate the “ Busy C om er," however, on taking time by the fore- lock aad voluntarily adapting a sys tem which w ill mean a considerable saving to buyers o f sm all articles. Oftentim es there are things that can be sold at a profit o f 11 cents but not possibly at 10 cents. It has bsa^ the eity the minimum sum o f $100 fo r a one thousand dollar stock or less, and 18 per cent o f die invoice price fo r all over $1000. O r he may give a satis factory bond fo r ths same amount. I f he continues in buslnsee in Coquille fo r the period o f 12 months such cash payment shall be refunded or in esse o f n bond k shall be declared void. Ths penalty fo r failu re to observe this city law rfhall not exceed $100. This ordinance is prim arily required se a protection fo r the local m er chants against the transients who might corns in fo r s short time during the holiday season, skim ths cream and d ep art They have heretofore paid po taxes, done nothing fo r the support o f the eity; and came here sim ply to unload. H ereafter they w ill be required to pay fo r that priv ilege. I*»* « h , r I Logan Key asked the 'Ctouneit to have something done to relieve the residents across the Beech street bridge who w ill be unable through the winter to get wood, coal, grdper- fcs or supplies delivered, ow ing to the condition o f Beech street fo r the one block between F irst and ths bridge. The council instructed the eity engin eer U prepare plans end specifications fa r an improvement fo r that one block, including sidewalks. Ths H a ll street bridge w as again the subject o f aldermanic discussion as ft has been with every council fo r lo, these many years. W hen a new bridge w ill be bolt there is still very uncertain, but as a first stop the street eemarittee w as Instructed to close it up to all traffic i f they found it unsafe, dodge W atson’s report that county engineers had condemned it as dan- •a U at the M yrtle Point fa ir gre Tuesday, Dee. 11, commencing af o’clock. These ousts are all T. B. Considering the wen it w as a rattlin g good - wkÄ/