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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1917)
1 J ___ i * \ *?•» ß - * T S ■1 •’ - J . * I T re re p Vw- * *v - • 1 , They will be put into general use at this store. -sf ¿¡¡jut . This Means to our «toro in M arch of pur« and high-grade Groceries will reault in your complete aatia- faetiou from every standpoint. In variety, in quality, and in moderate prices, we easily beat all our competitors and satisfy the most particular purchasers. We solicit the favor a t a trial ordre, and know that we can ¿ va give ------ j--------------—---•---- » • .-J* .'l ’ ! 4 ;v r We are “doing our bit” to aftiflt the food administration to carry o«t the plan to REDUCE IK HIGH COST Of LIVING and in order to do this and figure our prices as dosely as possible it will be neces sary to USE THE PENNY CHANGE. . in this move which will E in t N»tion»l Bank ArikUng 50c JONTEEL Talc The gkxious new odor of 2 6 floweo- Decomber 14 k u bMB Mt u th« «tat* of the fl rot mooting of the city teeebera for purely professional pur- poooo. At that timo Mrs. Mulkey will dioeuM the Socialised Recitation, Miao Nowell, Supervised Study, and Miao Anderson, the Junior High School Soto# time will bo giron to the gen eral discussion of these subjects. Vie- W e ask your cooperation a i niminnuuf saving to the consumer on many items in the food line. As fast as we can make the changes ALL GOODS WILL BE PLAINLY MARKED and we want you to feel at liberty to visit the «tore and inspect the prices whether- you ex pect to buy or n ot We May Have JU ST W H A T Y O U W A N T 25c JONTEEL Face Powder The new fees powder, extremely Invisible, clingi to the skin despite strong winds and '= ^4 **¡4J9m m ***** <* p box. Busy Comer Grocery Front and C Streets Coquille, O&egen 50c JONTEEL Combination Cream A New idea in creams. Read the label on the bottom of the Jar. ■ ■Auction Sale 50c A t Fairgrounda, M yrtle Point ■. Fuhrm an’s Pharmacy Tuesday, Dec. 11,1917 "The R eu ll S tan ” A t One O’clock Sharp, Bain Or Shine, 25 H ead o f H i Class Registered Jasey Cows - __________ U ^ _______________ ■ ■*— B.L1. “"Sg ________ '-K and Heifers, two Bulls, one im ported. All T. B. Tested. C ertificates from S tate V eterinarian. All damn and healthy. Heavy milking strain and high test. C atalog a t Sals R ing; o r w rite Rural Spirit, 37 Yam hill S t , Portland. “Waste Not Your Time!” H ay, Grain, Flour and M il] Feeds A uctioneer Lime, Cement, Ureter, , Fire Bricks and Clay Nov. flfl—Toot John Whittington and Florence Bobtflson, both of Broad- t* Railroad "W here R ail and W ater M eet” K ay and H u n t W arehouse Co of the Myrtle Pota the last foot bull Nor. flfl—8 . J. Murray and Rachel J- Woightman, both of North Bend. Nor. AT—Frank F. Holbrook and Mattie F. Ruaaoll. both of Bandon. Nor. IT—W e. H. O. Ireland, of Power«, and Mia« Noitta Wilhoit, of Manhfield. Nor. flfl—Earnest Earl Hughes, of Bandoa, and Martha Florence Perkins, of Lamps. ~ - Nor. flfl—Lloyd Lackey and Char- lotto Koeke, both of Broad bent. Nor. 28—Walton Haydon Jr., of Baipfae, aad Vera Orleigh Wilson, ef Ptebste Court Notes. An order for the adoption of Glenn Leroy Wheeler by M. T. and Hattie Hendrix had boon approved by the eourt and the adoption ordered, the consent of the parents haring been given. ' Hannah Anderaon baa been appoint ed executrix do bonis non of the es tate of Ida C. Stora, deceased. The teto consists e f flflflO in real pro-