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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1917)
Ü S £ ¿0 r M ftO ■ fk ■ I OCCIDENTAL RANGES . V - ' * S 6 f*. ........................ '1.......... 11 Only 4 to go at the remark ably low price o f from $45.00 $o the C oquill. branch o f the Bad Croces' Meadamcc Jaeie O. Fuhrman, Laura C. Brandon, Julia Johneon, Virginia Lamb, Nolle Cary, Marvin Lyons, Ma m ie Slagle, Grace Norton, Mahal Haa- ard, Bella Gould, Cora Howard, ltana Jonee, Genie Lorens, Georgia Rich mond, Emma Pierce. Am y Aaaan, Lon Lukena, K ittle Leneve, V W a Collier, Lois DeLongk Carrie Stanley, Bernice Smith, 8 . V. Epperson, Eva Currie, Chaa. Eviand, Logan Kay, H. E. She! ley, E. E. Fraedrick, Geo. Goodman, Ethel Bchroeder, A . J. Shjrwood, An nie Von Pegert, J. L. “Barker, T. O. Barker, J. S. Barton, J. D. Bonham, Hariet L Bledsoe, Mary A. Branstet- ter, Ruth E. Candlin, T. M. Dimmiek, E. J. G ulliford, Jim Hatcher, 8 . K. Hatchet, Robt. Holverstott, Herbert Johneon, J. 8. Lawrence, A . T. Mor rison, Mary J. N orris, Florence W. Sanford, Russell Sage, U -B . Teters, J L Thompson, Era Treiehlsr, Clarence Tuttle, H. W . Young, H /O . Anderson, C. W . Endicott, E. H. Hamden, E. M. Lyons, Mary Em ily McKenna, M. Nos ier, P. B. Phillips. O. J. Seeley, Car oline Lorens, Ida K. Owens,. Isabelle Emery. Misses Clare Sherwood, Vesta Bey- rie, Mary Davenport, Sarah DeLoug, Adrienne Hasard, M arjorie Haz ard, Kathleen MulvihiU, Olive I. N orris, AUie Phillips, Beatrloe Por- teous, Eva L. Schroeder, Lydia Skel- ly, Synthia May. Tyrrell, Elva W illey, June W illqy, Marian D. Young, Ineo F, Burch, Cecils Hoffman, Naomi Knewl- $ 52.1 Colonial Range at $70.00. Don’t forget, on these chilly evenings and odd BM>rninga, that we carry the beet line o f heaters in town. T cert, prompted Mr. Patinar to arrange fo r three appearances in the county and we are pleased to announce that this charming a itisi w ill bo heard in Coquille under the auspices o f the Rad -V . H. O. ANDERSON Furniture Hardware Cron, For a singer who has held the fh p - m oct position in sur largest o p en company as soloist with Cresteris f-a ■nous Italian Band during Ms entire New Y ork and Chicago engagements etc., it is hardly necessary to say more than that she w ill be heard here, and will he Welcom ed with true Coos county hospitality. Mr. Parker assures us sad hie as; eertion is borne out by her reputa tion, that she kaS one o f the meet won derful voices in this or any country, a contralto, at exquisite quality, lus- nearly three eetavea, aad withal won derful power, and a personality that is magnetic and holding. Shq is o f the true Italian, Spanish type, add it Is in the blood she inherits this grant art, so tolling in the Latin race. She will sing the song* that you love, the'songs you a n fam iliar with, Messrs. Lyle Barker, T. G. Barker, too songs that moon something, the Tom Boone, Wm .Candlin, W . C. kind that arouse enthusiasm or touch Chase, Arthur T. Conch, W esley' Downs, E. E. Fraedrick, Chas. W- Gardner, Lee Goodman, C. C. Gouthier, B. H. Ha» kin, Jim Hatcher, 8. K. Hat cher, Samuel G ulliford, G. R. Harper, R ob t H olverstott, Arthur L. Hooton, C. A . Howard, A . A . Howe, X. A . Jack- son, John Kerrigan, Matt Kerrigan, J. A. Lamb, E. W. Lorens, John Msedor, John W . Millor, R. B. Murdock, H. F. McCracken, C. E. McCurdy, Joes N el son, Chas. Newton, Gao. H. Newto % 0 . L. Newton, J. W . Nobiet, J. B . Oerding, F. C. Pursley, James Rich mond, M. D., O. C. Sanford, Leslie Schroeder, J. Finley Schroeder, Wal ter Sinclair, Arthur A . 8etender, J. 1. Smith, J. M. Snodgrass, Jaa. A . Sul livan, L. E. Teters, Raymond E. Bak er, Jesse Servis Barton, L. J. Cary, L. W. Coleman, Judge Cornwall, A l. U m t E. Crouch, Frank Dun gey, C. W. 1. ndicott, Wr W . E lliott. S. V. Eppor Lon, G*>. P, Falconer, C. J. Fuhrman, V. L. Hamilton, E. H. Hamden, Anton Jacobson C. McC. Johnson, Ever- tt K. Johnson, Ned C. K elley, C. B. Kin sey, R. 8. Knowlton, O. H. Kapwltea, Lanson W. Leneve, J. W . Leneve, *1. Earl Low, W . H. Lyons, M. McDon ald, F. E. McKenna, Fred Noeler, J. It. Norton, N. N. Noiman, W. D. Newton, Joe Peart, Wm. Peart, F. B. Phillips, D. D. Pierce, P. B. Rider, F. B. Schow, W . V. Schroeder, J. J. Stanley, Ja*. Sullivan, F. C. True, James Watson, Aaron W ilsoa, H A . Young, H. W. Young. quills river to Bandon, rather than the exposed shore route by way o f the Seven Devils end Whiskey Run coon- try The Sentinel wants to express its high appreciation o f the public spirit- ed end patriotic acton o f A . H. Pew- ore in offering to the men ompioyed la the camps o f the Smith-Powers L ogging company an addition o f 15 cants n day to the wages o f ovary one who would subscribe fo r a Liberty Loan bond. The result was that the Powers district, which was put down fo r shoot 16,000, subscribed that amount six times over and put the town o f Powers et the head o f every commonwealth In Oregon—and per- heps in the whole United States. That ix the sort o f thing that the histories o f toe com ing generation ought ty.tall, 1 " 1 ■" W a g Attempted M a rd e r. Chas. Carson, who had boon pros- pecting la the Eckley country, was brought here Friday, Buffering from a bullet wound in Ms righ t a im A c- cording to hie story, a stranger giv- in g his name as Tracy sailed at Car- son's place and asked to stay all n igh t He picked up C anon’s rifle and Car- eon, objecting to the way he handled the gun, took it from Mm and Md the cartridges. Carson then want out to d ig a few potatoes far the evening meal. Shortly xftexwarda he heard a rifle shot, follow ed immediately by a sharp sting o f a bullet in hie arm. Ho n n for too brush, aad Tracy, who had the rifle, did not shoot again. Carson spent the night et the Smith- "500” Club ht Bln. StadRirt. The "900” du b held a m ost enjoy able session et the hospitable home of Mrs. W elter Sinclair on Tuesday ov- o f guests, the party numbering about twenty. The rooms wore fantastically adorned with witches, black cats, etc., Her VMt at Portland. suggestive at Hallowe’en. Mrs. S. V. Epperson returned on A t a late hour e delicious tw o course Monday last from Portland, whither luncheon was served, Mrs. Sinclair be aha want a month a go, it will bo re ing s ssissted in the serving by Moa- membered, as a delegate from Coos county to the Food Conservation Con ference. Having relatives in Fort- land end vicinity, she naturally visited them. She reports an exceedingly en joyable time, starred only by the Ill- nose o f her lis te r , Mrs. G. A. Suther land, which delayed her home coating. Mrs. Sutherland has many friends in Coquille, who will be glad to hoar that she le now quite well again. Among other memorable experiences, Mrs. Ep- packagos that can be sent and the rate o f postage remains the seme, twelve cents a pound or fraction thereof. m .ji.j W M flM * l5 r,a * * - IB - and Mrs. Ray L. Beckett have arrived in Marshfield to make their home, says the Thaos. They cams from Bridge where their wedding occurred Tuesday at 9 o’clock at the homo o f the bride’s titter, Mrs. Roy Brown, where the bride, form erly Miss Evelyn Heath, aad her parents. Mr. end rMs. O. W . Heath, hero been visitors. Rev. Lewis Anderson, o f the M yrtle Point Presbyterian church, par- form ed the ceremony. ....... I t D ep en d s o n D in n e r P la n e. Your plans for dinner, Mrs. House- w tie, a n Just as Important in their way as General Haig’s p i « « fo r a night attack. Haig kirns to gat the o f results with the mini- mom at material. He uses plenty, but he doesn’t waste any. So should yon. That’s the wax von and H air will win follow s: ' Sunday school at lb a. m. Preaching at 11 and 7 JO by the pas tor. Subjects; "F aith, a Secret o f the Christian L ife,” and "M artin Lather, the Reform er.” The Communion will be observed et the d ose o f the morning service. And this being the four-hundredth anniver sary o f the Reformation all Protes tanta are observing it in some definite * aby * 7 ? way, and so we have our attention A; g . g * * ? * * * * * ^ called to Luther Sunday night. Churabito, o f Salem, will be among the Epworth League 4 JO Sunday even instructors present. Coos county hoe ing. »bout 900 teachers, The Monthly Board moots Monday ^ ^ ~ T T. evening. C B n it lU C h u rch N o te s, Prayer meeting Wednesday e t 7:30. W orld's Temperance Sunday will ha observed next Sunday evening, Nov. 4th, during the regular Endeavor hour at 6:90. Temperance rally aad petri- otic program . Everybody com# aad bring n lend pencil with which to sign the war-tim e pledge, The Ladies Aid met last weak with Mrs. Boyrie. This week they will moot with Mrs. Hamsay. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander entertained row (Saturday) at 9 p. m. their Bible School Juniors with n Hel November 4th. 22nd Sunday after lows’en party la the church basement Trinity— ffithin the Octave o f A ll fast Saturday evening. They a ll re- port a Jolly good time • The Sunday 8ckool aad Endeavor • » preparing to send Christmas boxes to our four boys who are in the »•rT4c* * * * country, Morton Tyr- 4*11. Earl Iaaasoe, Gay Kelley and Here Shelly. The » • * P«»tor for the com ing year, PrenbyUriaa Church. W . Whiddon, aad w ife will be- Teaching service from 10 to 11 a. m. »to toeir work with us next Sunday Morning service at 11 a. m. morning, also services immediately Evening servies at 7:90 p. m. follow ing the program in the evening, Rev. J. A . McVeigh, pastor. A very cordial invitation is extended to all. Hies Audrey SUnniger has barn very busy fo r the lest few weeks or- fw dsin g Junior Endeavor Societies. has organised two at North Bend, 4#o in Marshfield, o m n> M yrtle Point will reorganize the Junior society A s we grow older end lees active, leas and* lees food is required to moot the demands o f our bodies. I f' too much le habitually eaten tbs' stomach will rebel. When e man reaches the advanced age o f 84 or 00, you will find that he is a light eater. Be as careful aa you will, .however, you will occa sionally oat mere than yon should aad will feel the need of Chamberlain's Tablets to correct the disorder. These tablets do not contain pepsin; but' strengthen the stomach end enable it to perform its functions naturally. also causo a-gentle mi Want-Ads Oe. Cent . Beri lech hewtiee COW F O ? 8 A ^ S 5 r ? ,goodinî5Pcèw grade Jersey for $86. C. A . Pendle- TOWN LOTS in Coquille far aale, good residence loto, cheep on thd in stallment plan or will build fo r you on same terms. See C. A . Pendle ton near Christian church. Coquille. surprise meeting and song service for FOR SALE— Baker Hamilton 2 tt H. Mrs. Graham, who is a shut-in, never P. gasoline engine fo r 950 at the being able to move from her bed. Sentinel office. In First Claes order. Arthur Hooton w rites that he Hies college life but is not particularly fond o f boiag “ ducked." W e miss Ar thur from the Bible School end En deavor. The church is planning extensive improvements in the way o f repaint ing, re pa paring etc. MHHona o f European farm ers have 1 W e are all glad to know that Mias Vera Kelley is very much improved left their Aside to fight foy the safety Tkose in health since going to California. Wo o f America aad -the world. fields therefore have’nt been produc ing much. Ours have. Europe’s food has got to .come from somewhere. Am FOR SALE— 16 acres, all bottom, one w ile from Coquille poetoffies; city We wore all glad U r sea Mrs. L. P. erica is the piece. R ’t little enough Maury back in the Bible School last to eak the individual American to eon- . water. Inquire John Hickem. Ptf. Sunday. She has boon absent far some time on account o f a sprained ankle. Lyle Nosier from M yrtle Point was with us Sunday. When in town ho never forgets to take Me place in the school. OUR GRANITE and Enamel Ware stock is larger W e noted tea new faces in Sunday School last Sunday. W e are always than ever before and is o f a heavy, durable quality. r i«d to welcome strangers coming to The stock is large, well selected and the variety o f town. The monthly workers’ conference ot articles cover every article o f kitchen ntehsils. the Sunday School will be held mart Sunday afternoon at the home o f Mrs. Prod Noeler. W e noticed in lasf week’s Sentinel that the Ladies o f the Christian church would serve their annual dinner on Nov. 17th, which was .a mistake. Is should have road Nov. tth, (W ednes- day) evening. A lso sale o f fancy work will be held at Hartaoa’s furniture Pans..................... , _____ 10c to 30c Dish Pans.................... -— 40c to 65c Kettles____ - ............ 30c up Granite Frying Pans.........-15c and 20c Granite Tea Kettles........ _|1.00, $1.25 and $1.75 Coffee Pots and Tea Pots. .„50c and 66 Pie pans, cups, dippers, stew kettles— AN YTH IN G yon need, for the kitchen, at very reasonable prices. RACKET STORE MRS. BONNIE W A LK E R , Prop. r ..* S