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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1917)
iiw 11—' iim im io i I 1 articles which are greatest possible price ! TO* t> thu tSnu far wiy j not meftn to hoard but to get toni So your d o t h * buying ought to bo < that ) on ci* i Styleplus Î j 7 Clothes V I * .K-.«. _____ Known quality, style, guarantee and prices— dependa bility written afl through their record. A ll wool fa b rics, expejtly tailored. S T Y L B frL V S $17 you have known many year»—«till the same price a* long a * present stocks la s t H. LORENZ Powers Coquille September the 1st 1« a good time fo r you to start ■K CREAM. in the right way. W o are convinced that our cash plan is R IGH T, and wa want to convince Y O U . A trial shipment, or a month's trial is better, w ill prove to you that o n branch— O O Q U ILL E — torn, in ths short time we have bean operating, done much toward putting the D A IR Y B U S IN E S S on the PR O PER B A SIS. delay, but start aauding your cream to us. Don’t PR IC E T O D A Y FO R B U T T E R F A T delivered Coquille. 49c per pound T. S. TOWNSEND CREAMERY CO. iie i . |f received in C oquille V a lley, over 'tod. gem he would have located ike. “beet" I The “ living farther up the riv *y* the oarn etc is ee good up wey that travellers stop and slyly help ttepuelvaa ead go e little far ther and roast the “ beet.’’ Messrs. Fred Vsit i Billinbsley, men of large.busineas in Portland, end friends m youth at Mr. and Mrs. Annht, are here for their vs. cation end n hunt. They ere at the Annin family and sajoy the tripe over the county by automobile. The W. C. T. U. met Tueolay with Mrs. Waa. Blingaby on Catching crook. Mr. Vtiten k the name of the new conductor on the Marshfield train. Ho family and com « frejn town The Rod Cross society has moved from the Bank building, second floor to tho R. E. Shine block on the ground floor. A few of them have ’tej| lively before others get interested. Twos ever thus." He and hk wife came Sunday p. m. nd “we” and “ ours” went with them for the top of the moutain Catchiiig way. First on the way >d to see a baby the doctor i us of: Then we sailed on with n few ipa, till we or put as off the grade—a young i w ith'a foam rail end lots of muscle helped us on but before thh stalled on a stoop place and got out and k t tho machine climb up. We next got in a mix-up in meet ing a California car and we got out again and turned down the mountain bossing and in the darkness ran off tho grate but didn’t go over and couldn’t te n thing, but Joe Knight Jr. with hk auto and pulled us out and on. Good Joe. The next was ice cream at “Grovers." Next? Oh, yea! we had to have a new spark ping. C. K. Kinsey with hk wife k in this valley with their ear enjoying oar pr ito rts. Mr. Kiitsey k photographer for the “ West Coast railroad, has ju st arrivi D IR E C T FR O M T H E P A T C H Every melon ripe, every melon good. Season will soon be over. Get them while you can. All sizes, all prices. ALL GOOD. The Car shortage makes the carrying o f complete stocks o f feeds, etc., a very seri ous problem. • • , Don’t let your supply run _ out before ordering more. : . - Now in stock. ^ .. • ? — - - Alfalfa hay, cheat hay; cheat, oats and vetch mixed Bran» shorts» middlings, alfalfa, meal, Holstein Dairy Feed Get your vetch seed for Fall sowing. Busy Comer Grocery Front and C Streets Coquille, Oregon Phones 691 and 541 Marshfield Monday and w W g . for m thoy cbuld, Coolodo, whei^Fwork on ih \ vlj H O M E C R E A M E R Y and h ave spent much tin e, effort and money getting it eq uipped with the beat o f everything that we m ight boat nerve your interest*. W e are giving the same honest weights and teats we always did and prompt cash payments. W e have the same competent butterm aker aa ever and IF D E SIR E D Henry Belloni w ill receive yonr. cream and owe Pay Spot Cash for EVERY Delivery at the very highest price for butterfat. W E P A Y P O R T L A N D PR IC ES ; at our plant A T C O Q U IL L E . Y O U P A Y N O EX PR ESS TO P O R T L A N D O N B U T T E R M IL K . You got your buttermilk back from us freo. Do business with your home creamery whose money is invested in your home country. From Sept. 15th and until further notice the price of butterfat w ill be 49 cents COQUILLE VALLEY CREAMERY Coquille, Oregon. Item* From Armgo. Killed W hile Hunting. William Arnold, at Looking Glaa* Mies Sylvia Hardman, of Portland, Douglas county,-a sawmill operator, toned school on Fiahtrap Monels. Mr. sad Mrs. Gee. Robison and fam- was instantly killed about noofi Bun r are taking a week’s outing at gay by the accidental discharge of a gun in the hands at hie brother, R. C. Mrs. L. Albee and daughter, Mamie, Arnold, a farmer living nine mike west o f Roooburg. The two brothers have moved to Coquille. Mrs. Jute Cornwell is preparing to had gone to Sugar Pine, mountain for leave Friday for San Joee, Ca_, sad a hurt, and while they w en together, Mr. Cdrnwell will follow aa soon aa R. C. Arnold started to manipulate hie gun. It was instantly discharged, he can settle hie best o w affairs, Mrs. Howard Young and little shooting hie brother through the head. daughter left for their home at Rocky William 'Arnold waa about 46 years at age and unmarried. , May. Montana, laat Saturday. Mrs Ann Lamb la visiting her ■bmghtor, Mrs. Henalger, for a few tfre rood would bo completed te 60 or 60 minuUa maybe. but thoy returned Sidewalk, the earnest kind, is being put down before W. E. Pike*» and F. W. McClookey’i business houses which make it continuous from First street tr Roil rend avenue. There w y not much sign of booeo at the Fair. “Jim" was liable to catch any that waa. Jim will got them, that’s a cinch. When they’re worth? of a pinch,; ... A nd^u t them where they'll think some, thinks— In the House that stinks and stinks Peter A. Span! is in this week prov ing np on his bomastaad before A. E Dodge, U. S. commissioner, makfa« final proof. Hie witnesses are Joseph H Davis and C. W. Crook. Goo. Winchester, of Marshfield, af ter aa outing paaeed through tow* on bis way house. C. A. Kurts, a young man who has teen hare for a couple of years, left Monday for Ms old home in Michigan, town of Flint. His two 'younger brothers have gone to the Front and » goes to bo with his father on the the garten, orchard, field or yards. George Lee, (General), son of Milt Lae and now in the Farmers store at Bandoa was up A the Fair. I f he had been accepted when h« offered his services to the army, he would now te on the way te France. He was creek, waa in last weak and took out a lead of furniture for their fine new echoed house for which he mate a check for 6252.28 A fine looking old gentleman from somewhere below Myrtle Point and with fine long white whiskers was wmtchel by a little one at the fair who couldn’t make up her mind so aha fin ally ask her mother saying, “ Mama, See that man, is ha Santa Claus or William Manning, . s young man oat Oakland, Or«., ha* arrived and logo. • w ill te in tha bridge eonatruction Ed Thrift and Miss Nellie arrived at Dr. Peaabarton’a unannounced aa& unexpected L They ... arc comiag from were old friends and were , Joyfully Dillard. H. R. Root wont for a load tn they said, bach with a load of water- a few days’ * • • A little girl, 4 year*, on the atreet tor mamma, suddenly stooped and pieted up a second hand nipple and said, “ Boo Mamma, I found n baby anchor.” Attorney Claud Gilo* left Wednes day morning for San Francisco to at tend to hk regular business—law and school graduates from Prof. W. B. Smith, superintendent of our achoola laat year, says ha begins a terra * f echoed but likes no plate better H m « Myrtle Point. , A fter the Fair there ware a few leaden half dollars in town. Thro# of Another unit against the Kaiser!” ■ays Goa Diets, of the Farmers •tore. Wednesday night a boy came to the parents— 11:80 p. m. and pounds 10H. Ws nil knew Gus was taking more daylight all summer planting more potatoes and beans and now wo know that ho knew. Dr. Pem berton waa the stork man. The K. H. Hansens with their Msts, Boy Duncan and his mother, want to Band on and returned Wednes day after dinner. J. H. Stover, a grand army man, who went east a year ago, is pleased to be here again after hia stay in Wkhita. He will now W. J. Hammond said, “ Give this to U s e and tell him to send the Sen tine! for one yuar.” Put him on the list so te never will bo missed.' L. Frank Strong k yet walking with •ok from Gold Baach. Theii Ida”, because hia horse kicked him arc Victor Miller, Elmer Mil i hk foot a couple of weeks air<\ breaking two bones. He smiles anil says, “ It’s bettor every day.” Ernest Hammack and Mabel Bark- low wore unite! by marriage Sunday at exacUy 12 o’clock by the Rev Barklow. • There were but relatives present . They will livs in the Pkhtrap country as the husband k s fanner. B. Kirkruff, of Lee, has come with hia family to town. The family will remain tern and te will go to the lumber camp. Harry Steward, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Steward, arrived from Mare Is land the first of last weak- He is i" the electrical department at the Training station and reports he is making fins progress. From what he has to say of the Navy life It would do n good to put In a "cruise” as te called i t He returns to duty about the «1 st