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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1917)
' Warranta for taxas should bs re- 'ceived by the interested counties with in a week, according te Oswald West, 'on whoaa report the government is now ready to pay the taxes, h r. West's report shows that the sons Wes will resolve fit round numbers ths fol lowing amounts: Benton, «78400; Clackamas, «108,000; Columbia, «80,* Coos, 81514»; Carry, «9,000; Salem, Ora. Sept. 38—The 000; past somewhat vaguely spec-ilating as Douglas, «318,000; Jackson, «243400; County exhibit baa been award Josephine, to the portion of the taxes from the Klamath, «Sh The following is the list of the mea ed the first prise in the Coast ot»; Lane, «180,000; teCtch of four big delinquents that only about two months before. «277,000; Lincoln, «7,000; District, consisting of Clatsop, the ages of 31 and 80 yean boon owing the county for from 1%e Farmers A Merchants Bank is have «48.000; Marion, «38,000; Mult between Tillamook, Lincoln, Coos and Linn, two to ten years, which will go to registered for selective seprlee in the the pioneer in the savings bank line nomah, «10,000; Polk, «62,000; Tilla Curry counties. Shis also won mook, «11,000; Yamhill, «18409;. Ü. S. army from Coos county, with in Coquille valley, and has paid a good the county and the portion to bo taken the grand swoepetskse prise Washington, «16400. Clarks county, the names in theorder in wMeh they deal of money to its patrons in this lanison J r, Delator 108 department. ever all the counties in ths state. Washington, will receive «1,008, will bs called ap for examination and Phillipa, Myrtle Pt. 104 Come on up hers and boost for The facts stated above further em taxes are for the three years into' service in ease they ere found Cook. This is the biggest -and up These phasise what we raid last week about to June, 1918, and will be paid by p&yskmlly fit. We have taken n good the improvement of business coadi- the government to the respective many honra to make this list typo tions and the return of General P ro / counties enumerated. The money, graphically as correct as possible— parity to Coquille. Bat this fact is which has been long ovsr-dne, and end It took the letal board ban a writ so large in the growth of nil lines represents in twHijlffi ta the tuttt . ‘goad many woeks to completo it and of business in Coquille, in its freight penalties and accumulations, will get the names arranged in order as tonnage and the pay rod of He in This is one of the moot gratifying come like n gift from heaven. The dustries that even a blind man cannot The amount of stats and county telegrams the Sentinel has received tax money cernes in time for tM re fail to sea H. in a long time. That Coos County has spective county boards, to take ‘Into L&xea only due Coos county on So them received so splendid g testimonial to consideration in making up their bud Oregon, grant lands for the years 1903 the completeness and excellence other get and tax levy for the coming year. 786 Ernest Johnson, Empira 119 te 1318 inclusive, as as follows: 1649 Jos. E. Olond, Norway 120 exhibit at the State Fair add taken Net tax ...V ................,«187463.68 1478 Gao. F. Cox, Parkersburg 121 her place at the head of the whole 180 Andrew J. OarnweU, N. Bend 122 Hat from Multnomah to Malheur, is ever, sfnes the,registration on Jonh 1292 Boyd Bruner, Riverton 13« 6, we note that some misspelling» of 972 H. H. HolverstotV McKinley 124 names hate occurred. Where tre ab 90S Marion L. Coster, Sumner 126 A deal was mods recently which Total taxes due.. . . . .«260,901.14 138 means a greet deal for ths industrial solutely knew the spallings wem 767 GRfford G. McKay, Mfld. 137 Oregee California Texes wrong wa have corrected them, but 988 Thos. L. Ward. Mfld. future of Coquille and insures the con Amount of and stete and county taxes tinued operation of one af our largest due Cooa county on Oregon and 879 Wm. A. Bunnel, Eastside 180 pay-roll producing plants. We refer only California Railroad Grant lands for, to the Sitka Sprueo Co., which has the 1918,1914 and 1916: purchased the lower mill from the Stete years and County net ta x ..« 92,111.60 Robert Dollar Co, at l price raid te Interest and penalties........ 48,498.77 be «80,000 for pleat end land. rievr end neighbiring small stsoams After purchasing the plant Manag Address Order««. as Cunningham and Fat Elk, and Myrtle Total due state and Coos County was awarded the grand such er Roy Wernieh immediately Jbegan *. North Bend 1 21 cans ware emptied in Beni Lake, county .....................«130,61047 sweepstakes prise for the county ex across the river south of town. FMr preparations for Improving it in ways The noted .Kinney, Taxen hibits, scoring 78.6 The sweepstakes Warden Clanton had notified A. J. to facilitate the handling of the lum The following is the amount of the prise to «100. While then were ether Sherwood that there would bo 80 cane ber and for the protection of the ptaht. total state end county, city eounttos that scored higher in the per for Coquille but as ths Marshfield The letter is to be accomplished by the and school taxes on district, the Kin centage than Coos County, they failed sportsmen were not pr n n t te re installation of n water system with ney tract as listed in one judg to exhibit such a representative shoe ceive their share the entire- shipment gumerons fire hydrants at ths most ment for the years 1907 to 1916 in ing of producta, according te ths M- sms brought to Coquille. A. " \ serviesebls points. Water will be se- clusive: nouncement of the judges. Polk Coun sured by a connection with the city Total not taxes ten years..«49,746.71 i . Craig, who bee boon on the Job ty, as an instance, scored 86.1 per cent, for T. six •win between the Collier warehouse Total Interest. Penalties and qr seven years, was in change but failed te bring along for its ex of the car. He said the fry were net Costs to Oct, 1, i f l7 .. . . . 41,18346 hibit some of the banner products of Grand to ta l..................«90484.08 for the sweepstakes. Three high coun neigh berk nnd of Portland. The In addition to tkis the lots and ties in each of the three divisions the new bar of fry te the can varied from tracts not listod in the cult mentioned scored as follows: 300 or 800 to 1000 and it was Im will bring the total amount duc for First district—Coot, 78.6; Tilla possible to got an approximate es all Idnds-of taxes, penaltiea, coats and mook, 87.76; Lincoln, 884. I A contract for a complete electric filterest timate of the number brought in. the Kinney ostete up to 8c toad district—Polk, 86.1; Benton, These fry, which are about two inches I lighting system has just been mads W e than on «100400. Of this it is con- 834; Multnomah, 83.1. , by the company with F. E. McKenna. long now, attain n rise of from 8 to 1918 Wm. B. Sullivan, Powers ' Third district—Baker, 7746; Union, 13 inches, but according to Mr. Craig, 696 Edward J. Roberta, Mfld. I This win cover the entire mill and en- folly «50,000 will be due the county 774; Mortow, 764. , ahto work te contiue ell winter as and state and will gp to replenish the 1287 Owen H. KhSWttoiV Coquille arc a delicious fish, being nothing like 636 Ira Tripp, Mild. ' it has been doing this summer, with county treasury. the mod cate or so-called “bull-heads” 1496 Osa. B. Allen, Lamps While e grant many other people found in the Coquille river now. 1 no shortening of hours on account of As recently stated in these „ columns 548 Richard Anderson, Mfld. deserve credit for the efforts they i the early darkness, many of these fry will be eat 126 Henry Johnson, Cooston the «60,000 just ppid on the Boutin made to furnish exhibits for thV Coos en That i A flood light will bo installed both of 1679 Geo. Kribs, Myrtle Pt. by the larger fish is sure but with tract will go to the county for county display and pot them in pro the catfish instinct to hug the muddy 1237 Nick Randall. Coquille ever the chute where the logs ere county «46400 end state taxes and be availa 1432 Edward Ingtoman, 1 per shape, the men at the bat who bottoms a good percentage should 784 John A. Hunter, Empira brought up from the river and on the ble for the redemption 1737 Chao. A. Knight, B 1732 Clarence W. Myers, Bridge scoqpd this great hit was our County reach maturity and make an addition 766 Henry B. Lewellen, Mfld. feeding dock so that in case of neces warrants. So in that of line outstanding 981 Russel Sage, McKi the score Agriculturist, Jay L. Smith, and any to the variety of fish abounding in 107 Antons A. Outinen, Allegany 1848 sity ths loading can bo continued at now stands as follows for money Alton L King, Pow that attempt to place anyone else in his 1670 Winifred 8. Davis, night - 1646 Gehrer O. Maee, Myrtle Pt. will belong entirely to Coos county 1817 Leo Gerber. Powers class is what in Europe they qww call Coos county waters. 1663 Lester P. Trigg. Norway This contract which was mads this soon as it is paid in: 770 Rudolph Sherych, ] 1389 Herald W. Quigley, Bendon “camouflage”—which is only another weak represents a considerable oat- as 882 Carl 57 Olson, Mf 616 Royer L. Avery, Mfld. Case of Senile Dementia. tract paid county....« 46,000 way of putting our old expression, toy itself and work was begun on it Boutin 877 T. Q. Donulakis, M 373 C. E. Cunningham, Cooston Kinney for oounty........ 60,000 out to the Wm. Manning sms “throwing dost in people’s eyes.” 749 Fred R. Nilea, Mfld ioiu naiijr in. rciiBini. wjivin 1676 Harry M. Fourier, Myrtle Pt. yesterday by Mr. McKenna’s force. Southern tract Oregon, county only 260401 Insane Hospital at Salem this morn 1288 1888 Vergil L. McCollum F. G. Jennings, Coquille The installation of the new lighting O. A. C. lands, codtity only.. 130,610 ing. He used to be a fisherman on 1891 Bert Ocheltroo. Powers system will, of course, permit the use 776 Carl A. Beck, Empire the Coquille, but three years ego of two shifts of hands If it should Eric Kanvo, Mfld. The annual conclave of the Knights Total ...............................«486411 other fishermen charged him 486 ever be deemed desirable to speed up Thu 692 Robert H. Lang, Mfld. Templar of Oregon to now In session some lacks but little of a half mil with stealing their fish and beat him 600 Tsoi C. Smith. Mfld production in that way. at Marshfield, having convened there up terribly. There was nothing to do 810 Alton Niekotto, Mfld. lion for treasury; and by The cost of the new lighting system the time the the county yesterday. The conclave is prssided then but to send him to the county -1639 Lloyd T. Jarvis, Bancroft Southern Oregon case to the company a^ b d to what it will by Sir William F. Laraway, of Hood farm where he has lived for the pest 1682 Otto W. Magill. M; has boon ground through the courts cost the Oregon Power company to and 607 Rehart K. Parts, 1Í river, grand commander. congress, following the precedents three years. Hs is 74 years old and 809 Wm. A. Sheppard, build a power line oat to the plant The grand council, Royal and Se suffering from senile dementia. So 437 will run up in the neighborhood of a lect Masters of Oregon, is also holding Dr. Richmond and Judge Watson ___Josuha 1324 P. Jennings, Bendoi its annuel assembly today, presided passed on his esse Wednesday after 804 Melvin L. Shankland, Mflï 48 Hugo D. Benson, Templeto ever by William B. Bilyeu, of Albany, noon, and the superintesxtont of the 1783 Erwin J. Brolliar, Power» ikost illustrious grand master. ( ounty Assessor the Groom. At the present time the amount of 1648 Frank A. Nelson, Norway hospital waa.wired to send down an After ths dose of the grand com attendant to take charge of him. At one o’clock tost Sunday after- outstanding county warrants is a little 1264 Clifford D. Hudson, Coquill 1066 Wm. D. McKay, Beaver Hi! mander/ today there will be an excur noon, at the groom’s home on Spur- lees then «260,000, or with interest, Earl W. Kmmeaa, Mfld. sion tonight to Powers, whert W. G. Items From ths County Firm. 924 geon Hill, County Assessor J. F. Bey- something more than that amount, 420 Henry Johnson. Mfld. Shellenbarger, grand master, will es ers was United in marriage to Mrs. Just think of the condition of ear 1914 Loyd F. Cam best, Mfld. tablish a lodge of the Ancient, Free At the county farm a concrete foun 1178 John N. Kerrigan, Coquille Myrtle Noah, of Sitkum, daughter of county treasury, though, when nil and Accepted Mesons. From Powers dation has just been laid for the silo 614 J. Wm Richardson, Mfld. E. N. Harry. The ceremony was per- these taxes have been paid in, as 433 Benjamin F. Wyant, Mfld. a party of prominent Masons, includ that to to be built there.' A silage 1829 formed by Rev. T. H. Downs. Those they seem bound to be in the near McLeod. Band on ing the grand master, grand secretary cutter and gasoline engine have been 10 John present were Miss Wanda Harry, sis- future. In ten d of stamping war- Charlie W. Johnson, Lakesi and others, will visit Golden West installed to prepare the material to 1046 Ellis Hagstrom, Leneve tor of the bride, who tenches the Me- rants “net paid for want of funds,” lodge et Langlois, Curry county, going u n i t 1081 Steve Steward, Dalmar Klnley school, Marion Wilcox, of Me- as to new the case the treasurer may Milton K. Hoffman, Myrtle in automobiles. This will be the first Britt Henderson, who was ssnt to 1708 K inlay, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Selander, fie adding to the general fond the la 1881 Chaa, McPotl, Prosper time la a number of years that it has the farm last year suffering with lo 1686 the latter being e sister of the groom, terse* received semi-annually on the Hermann G. Fray, Myrtle 1 been visited by e grand master. comotor ataxia, has experienced n 487 Gas Klsnette. Mfld. end their son; Ralph, son of the bride «300,000 and more ths county will wonderful recovery and is now at work 1382 Bari L. Schroedor. Coquille and Lyle and Margaret, the two child- stand to the good then. blowing out stumps on a field there 1823 Herald Green, BuAards to make ready for the planting of some winter crape. Judge Watson says that Mr. end Mrs. Noria Lan ci re th have taken kold of the manage- County Between 21 and 30 Years, With Serial and Order Number. MORE LIGHT AT THE SITKA MILL RAINBOW : HERE AGAIN aitfdMJRLi s On October 5 the last half of the 1918 taxes will be doe. 'If they era not paid by that time there will not only be an interest charge of one per cent a month but a 6 per cent penalty will automatically attach.