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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1933)
THE COQUILLE VALLEY SENTINEL, COQUILLE, OREGON. FRIDAY, JULY 7, 1933. PAGE FOUR The Sentinel / . A 6000 PAPtB tk A 6000 TOWH H. A. YOUNG and M. D. GRIMES Publishers II. A. YOUNG. Editor Subscription Rates One Year......................................... *2.00 Six Month* ....... i........... 1-00 Three Month* ............................. .60 No subscription taken unless psid for in advance. Thia rule is impers g DI >■111 ■ 1 IÎ divide*! system of county administra tion, politics cuts a big figure in de ciding wjio will administer each de» partment. Under the county man ager plan, politics would be hamper ed in influence. The county board, being elective, would be judged by the quality of th? manager they em ployed, and the professional manager would be too jealous of hie own rep utation ami his own chances of ad vancement to take a chance on per mitting thé county board or anyone else to play politics through his ad ministration. TABLOIDS By W. 8. Sickels ' . t tk Advertising Rates Display advertising, 25 cents per inch: less than 5 inches, 30 cents per inch. No advertisement inserted for leu than 50 cents. Readings notices 10 cents per line. No reading notice, or advertisement of any kind, insert ed for less than 25 cents. Entered 4 the Coquille Postoffiee •» Second Class Mail Matter. 9 > Receipt is acknowledged of the an nual booklet issued by the secretary of state entitled .‘‘Propoked Constitu- , tionai Amendment», Measures and Questions (With Argument») io Be Submitted to the Voters ot Oregon.” This particular iosufe contains fifty- >ne pages and comes to us on account of the special election to be held July 21. lit is a pity that all voters do not qive these publications a thorough eading; but it ia known they do not Io so, ns many of the booklets were to e seen in the waste receptacle locat- d on the street curb in front of the i^toffice, Cast aside as rubbish! Thus is not necesearitly a manifestation of indifference. Moet >f the people are readers of newspa pers and perhap« consider themselves n formed un the issues of the day and lo not wish to be bothered by the -eading of the 30,000 or 40,000 words his 1933 volume contain». It would »eem the printing and distribution of t is largely a waste of money, but it s required by law. PRICES WILL GO UP JULY 15 I - ■ - 1 « V the above date new prices on all Kelvinator models go into effect. Electric Refrigerators will probably never be so cheap again. Family models now as low as *99.75, oenveaient terms if desired. i (1 Office Corner W. First and Willard St. . ‘ ABOUT THE COUNTY MANAGER PROPOSED LAW (Oregon Voter) Under the county manager form of government, there would be an elected board which would employ a manager The board would decide matter« of J; policy and the manager would be an executive. The manager . probably would come from, the professional class of career men who advance in public service through their integrity and ability being recognized by other communities who seek their services. City manager* mostly belong to this class, and are called from city to city. Our delegation to the world eco u>«ually starting in «mall cities and nomic conference did not measure up power bill. Now the Grangers them- gon had been equipped with new li Murphy, Robert Milburn, Max hat- advancing on up through larger cities. •o the need of the hour, therefore the .seJves bave etili further gummed up cense plates on July 1. Thousands »on, Wayne Hubbard, Jimmy Rouw, Numeri us elective officer* would be nan of the hour, from across the the situation by securing an injunc- of procrastinating motorists «stood in Betty Stewart, Bobbie Lewis, Ritchie abolished under the county manager ea had to take a hand in the proceed- lion against the referendum of the line at Che registration bureaus at Wilson, Billie Ann Horton, L.die Mil- system. The peace officer, taking over ngs. And how we liked it! Security Owners association, the re- Salem and Portland Thursday, Friday uurn, Lowell Davin, Helen Murphy, the police duties now performed by suits of which will be to postpone the and Saturday while thousands of oth Marvin Smith, Earl Warner, Edward the sheriff, would be an appointee of vote on the power bill. As the situ ers file*! their applications through Lindley, Brian Otis, Richard Shultz, Some unusually observant person, the county manager. The tax collec '■hgaged in uneual research, has esti ation now stands neither the power the sheriffs of their respective count James Long, William Westmoreland, Ojlf l^ n i tion work, now handled by the sheriff, mated that a cow move» her jaws 41,- Dale Crew, Russell Morgan, Edward bill nor bhe power commissioners will ies. would be under the immediate admin •00 times each day. He might have Charging that William Einzig, sec be up for consideration by the voters Rowton, Oma Widmark, Frederic istration of thè county manager, ax rone a little further into the matter retary to the board of control, per Lives of Oregon residents are in- Griswold, Anita Watkins, Jimmie the July election. If the court lat- M would the work of the county clerk >y adding that the cow has something sists in ignoring low bids for state I er finds the referendum petition to > ure I .for an aggregate of *660,829,- King, Robert ¡Hull, Wayne Munroe, and the county treasurer. The anseMi- to whow for It at the end of the day. business and juggles awards to suit be valid the power bill will probably 969 in 453,602 policies, according to Robert Hennessey, Leis Wyland, Eva , ment work, now performed by the as himeelf, Staite Treasurer Holman this come un for action at the general elec the annual report of A. H. Averill, Geraldine Davis, Frances Ellen Kinfc, sessor, would be in s department of The frozen assets we have heart! week renewed his attack on the utate tion in November, 1934. There would state insurance commissioner. Pre Harry Stallard, Eino Frye, June R<>- ' which the county manager would ap most about during the last few years purchasing agent- still be need, however, for election of miums paid on life policies during vang, Bessie Grove«, Phyllis Barry, point the head. The county manager, were locked up in closed banka. If Putting his finger on specific in the power commissioners before any 1932 totalled *21,191,827 while claims Donald Littler, Dobell Westmoreland. in turn, would be responsible to the the sale» tax fails in Oregon many a stances Holman points out that in 'start could be made on the big state paid in this «tate amounted to *14,• Dorothy Zimmerman. state tax commission for technical ful finger will be frost-bitten by the his recommendation tor the board wide power development which the 721,586. filment of it» requirements in M*se«s- The county superintenednt’s office handling of county and city warrants. covering the purchase of a boiler and Grangers have in mind. ing property. The coyoner would be pumps for the state prison, safe cabi is finding that clerks have been even From School Supt. Office a popin ted by the manager, as would The State Reclamation Commission The 'Republican party is not dead, nets for the forestry department and Sammer canning for hot school more prompt than usual in submitting the health officer and the various in but four th eight years away from automobile« for the police department has called on the emergency board lunches has been suggested by Clari- audit marterials, reports, bonds, and spectors. the pie counter is going to give it Einzig had hot only ignored the law for *5,000 with which to finance th«^ bel Nye.of the Oregon State College. budget materials. The audit is now Judicial service now performed by that Ivoyish figure so much admired. bid in each case but in one instance gathering of information and data in This seems to be a timely suggestion being made by W. H. Wann and A. B. bhe county court would f be turned over had ignored the two low bids. support of loan applications aggre Collier. -- to the circuit court, The financial The practice, Holman declares, is gating *3,000,000 filed with the Re- and. an especially good one for Coos The 'Literary Digest has put on a county; where so many vegetable« are management now done by the county new drees. Having kept company meeting with vigorous protests from eoriitruction Finance Corporation by grown. For some children, school Card of Thanks commissioners, with no power over with that publication for a good many business firms whose low bids have some 20 Oregon irrigation and drain iunchas are now very meager and the The Flower Lovers’ Chib take« this the other elective officers, would be years this writer feels privileged to been tossed aside in favor of iiome age district». The loans, if approved, warm dish is of particular benefit. means of thanking all who helped the responsibility of the new county competitor Who has been awarded the will be used for refinancing purposes. Experiments have re.ealed that chil make the »how a success and particu-' say that he doesn’t like the said new board as tn policy and the responsi dress. business at • higher figure. A fund of *50,000,000 was made dren who eat a warm dirt for^oon do larly Mayor Berg, Miss Eloise Wilson bility of the county manager as to available by the last Congress for nuoh.better work in the afternoon and Mr. Allen Young. execution. The road work would be Nine counties were in default in the relief of irrigation and drainage than children who.*« lunches are en A traveling salesman of Eugene, Secretary. the same, the county board deciding Oregon, informs me that a certain payment of their state taxes on July projects, most of whidh are located tirely cold. policy and the county manager being 1. They were Columbia, Crook, Cur in western states. jobbing corporation has contracted for Miss Nye has printed a bulletin en Ask for Cow Bell Dairy cream and the administrator. the entire 1933 crop of Coquille pea»; ry, Grant, Jefferson, Tillamook, Uma titled, “The School Lunch,” which milk, the only milk and cream made Probably five members would be on When Mr. and Mrs., Voter settle will be helpful to mothers or Woman’s that the yield m expected to be not tilla. Wallowa and Wheeler. Of these safe by pasteurization. the county board, with not more than les« than one thousand cases and that Jefferson had made no payment at all themselves in their eany chairs be Club« in canning for this purpose. two elected every two years. The com twice that amount would be welcome. on its first half taxes. The other fore the cheerful fireplace to peruse pensation of these member« would be 'He further staled that last year'« crop eight counties had made partial pay the 52-page official pamphlet contain Ninety-one children in Coos county low. probably *5 a day for the days was received with great favor and the ments. Thin is the first time within ing arguments pro and con on the have won certificates a* member* of when they would be in session. The supply was soon exhausted. In fact the memory of any present employee several measures appearing on the ..he Oregon Children’s Book League. salary of the county manager would the “trade” pronounced the peas to of the state treasury department special election ballot they should no', These certificate* are issued by the have to be high enough to attract a be the best ever handled in the Ore when this condition has existed. The be deluded into the belief that this Oregon State Library and State Supt. Lost Her Prominent Hips— competent administrator. Presumably gon market. They are packed under law requiring counties to pay the little compilation of facts and fiction iffice to children who have read at the combined per diem of county board Double Chin—Sluggishness two brands, "CoquiHe Stratagems” state tax promptly and in full makes is, entirely without cost to the tax least one good book of suitable grade members, salary of county manager and “Coquille Telephones.” Why the county treasurer personally re payer. Printing and mailing of the each month for eight consecutive Gained A Shapely Figure and salaries of the various deputies they are so named has not been ex sponsible for the payment. Default pamphlet« cont the state approximate month*. and assistant* under the county man plained, except that in the grading as ing treasurers are subject to removal ly »8,750 or almost two cent« »piece If you are fat how would you like Remote and Bald Hill shcools also ager, would be materially le«* in total to size the first named are the small from office. Treasury officials, con for each of the 425,000 copies re i1 at th* ’*m* time Stain in ach earned school certificates in con than the. combined salaries now paid er pea* and the last named are large fronted with this situation for the quired to cover the registration lists. nection with the Book League, accord- physical charm and acquire a clean, to all the elective officers and their Xant ’ n he^lth' yeB ** Saarkk‘ with one. The acreage planted this year first time, are undecided what action, ng to Oregon State Librarian, Har deputies under the present scattered Oregon’s farm boys are staying is much greater than last year and it if any, will be taken in an effort to Why not do what thousand* of riet C. Long. Names of children re system of county administration. force payment. women have done to get rid of pounds with the farm. Of the 296 agricultur ceiving Book League certificates are: snooTW First step to establish the county ia stated that there is no danger of Take on* half tea al student* graduating from Oregon over-production, owing to the unusual Cunningham Dist. No. JO, with spoon of Kruschon Salts in a glass of manager form of government in Ore high sahools last year 81.4 per cent quality. Best of all, “the grower will Hundreds of state employed* took Marie A. Schirlke, teacher—Dorothy gon i* to amend the constitution. The aeyery morning before get more,” (in line with Pathfinder’s advantage of the three-day holiday have cast their lots with farm life in Graham, Hazel Amend, Louise Cun Ybu ?ue*P 11 up for 30 ,lays amendment is before the voters to be ■dogan) and the crop will doubtless over tW Fourth. A few state depart one capacity or another, according to ningham. Ruth Amend, Jennie Amend, by cutting th* "CtiPn of Kruschen voted upon July 21. It is general in meata 5 • " °?- PLa,rtry and a »survey by the state department for Patricia Nosier, Grace Amend, Char buttar ita terms, as constitutional provision* become an important one for this sec ments closed their doors Monday hut K K 1«hl on Potatoes. vocational education. Of the 1932 ley Vincent. ' tion, as the climate and soil are pe most of them remained open with should be. and it entrust* to the legis . elf creJ*m- Then weigh your- graduates 37.5 per cent obtained jobs h9w ma”y Poun G you Bald Hill, Dirt. No. 33, with Mr». have "^t lature the responsibilitity of enacting culiarly adapted, it ia said, for the skeleton crews in charge, releasing on farms, 28.4 per cent became part production of a pea that will make the rest of the force for the holiday. the laws under which the county man Bessie A. Smith, teacher—Leia and are a blend of 6 Coos county will receive *43,432.93 ners with their fathers or some other Jaylord Wilberger, Catherine Parrish, *ak*rUmhC? ager system would be operated. The Coquille famous. In fact fame has ¿«t o^H J“ body health, farmer, l.i per cent rented farms, 1J already settled on our peas, which is Kru«eben Salts ■ha*. Schellhammer, Robert Terrell.* hat wilM’.t50 constitutional amendment provides, however, that only by a vote ef the saying a lot, when it ie realized that a year through the annual apoprtion- per cent became farm managers, 4.3 Krthur and Melvin Wilberger, Bill W. but a trifl. *yuU f°r 4 w<*k" «Osts hmri trifle. A«k any druggist for a Der cent are farming on their own. (nd Jack Terrell.. 'at ¿day' it“ people of a county may the county last year was the first serious attempt ment of *1,600,000 in highway fund* and 2.7 per cent are continuing their at production on a large scale. provided for under an act of the last manager form be adopted. Roy, Dist. No. 44, with Mre. Cora you wt gT*y a? reduce but be sure legislature, according to figures Com study of agriculture in college. It would require several .’year* to Mackey, teacher — Clarence McNair, y^ itet Kruschen—your health come« I have always had a feeling of sym piled by the state department. Al Theodore Gerlach. ^make the change. If the people rati Thirteen million acres of forest fy the county manager amendment, pathy for “Fatty” Arbuckle, and had location of this fund will be on the Remote, Diet. No. 50, with Mr*. r T that merely lays the foundation. The hoped that his efforts toward a “come same basis as was the allocation of land in Oregon are now under modi Laura C. Brandon, teacher—Maude fied closure regulations. Persons en motor vehicle funds under the old law 1935 legislature wduld have to pass back" would be successful. Certainly ind Wayne Jennings, Helen Looney, the general act. It probably would be he was the victim of a most unkind which gave the counties one-third of tering any of these areas for camp Bob Hagedorn, Mabel Griffey, Ernes- November, 1936, before flny county fate. The details of the relentless the net revenue from each county for ing purposes will be required to com ine Warner, Lorraine and Lucille on all kinds of could vote on whether the change was persecution he suffered at the hands motor vehicle registrations. The mon ply with certain requirement« such as 'lolmcs, Cliffor.l and 'Harland Wyrick wanted. of an un-Christian rabble should be ey will be available for payment of that of carrying along an axe, »hovel Zera Warner, Archie Clarno, Merle This measure i« being opposed not well remembered. He wasn’t given a principal and interest on highway and bucket for use in fire fighting, Wyrick. only by county officer*, who sense in chance. “He that is without sin bonds or for use on county roads at must refrain from smoking except Wiillaneh Dist. No. 55, with Mildred it a threat to their existence; and by among you, let him cast the first the discretion of the county court. when on a paved or surfaced highway •lanson. teacher — Johnnie O. and Isical and Ung Distance county employees, who dread what •tone,” didn’t mean a thing. Permit Distribution of the fund will be made and must obtain camp fire permits if Lewis Williams, Pansy Demarest. Mulkey School Dist. No. 90, wi-fi may happen to them in the change; me to quote this comment by Will in two equal semi-annual payments planning to camp at some point other than a designated and prated camp Mice DarufeLr.n teacher—Hazel and but by taxpayers who fear that con Roge-rs: “Those who demanded their in July and December. ground. The closed , area includes all ! ouise*Thderrtn, Fay Wigle, Con centration of power into one board pound of flesh finally received their Phones 101 J—224L ‘Fatty’ Arbuckle ac- and it* manager will reeult In build satisfaction. It now looks as though £he power the national forests except the Siun- stance Ellefsen. » ■ n ing up a political machine .that will commodated 'em. by dying from a program of the State Grange had law. Four separate areas in the Mt. -Powers, Diet. r*<>. No. oi 31 — — ray Fay Stewart, . be extravagant. Experience under broken heart. He brought much hap been maneuvered into a stalemate. Hood National forest have been closed Charlotte Grove, Ix»h Short, Everett ¡ Warner. Frances Grove, Naomi Mun the city manager plan discount» them piness to many and never knowingly The Security Owners association to all forms of travel. fears. The adoption of that form wronged • soul. The Lord will pas« blocked a vote on the power commis roe, Giles Lay, Howell Short, Pa In spite of the low license fee fewer tricia Briggs, Norman Bukon, Clar has thrown a lot of politics out of city on his innocence or guilt now, and not sioners at the special election ‘by in administration. Under th« sxtating the reformers." voking the referendum against the than one-half the automobiles in Ors- ence Hull, Maynard Rovang, Irene KELVINATOR MOUNTAIN STATES POWER COMPANY it© F?!Capital N >€t< ? l J How One Woman Lost 20 Lbs. of Fat New low Price COAL HAULING Mansell Drayage & Delivery Co. I J