Image provided by: Coquille Public Library; Coquille, OR
About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1933)
■a «1 TRI COQUILLB VAUJTY 8BNTINBL. COQUILLE. OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 7, 1933. r PAGB FIVB few days’ vist at the Perley Crowley News From Lee Section Mrs. L. C. Mast and Wallie return home; Miss Genevieve Crowley spent the Nepet*—-Mrs. McCluskey 1st. ed home last weak from Medford, i - 4th in Roseburg with friends. Nicotians — Mrs. McCloskey 1st. where they had been visiting. Mrs. (Continued from first page) STATEMENT AS OE JUNE 30, 1033 Harold Dick, of Camas Valley, was Nemesis—Mrs. McCloskey let. Mast drove Mre. Effie Adams' car up a Tuwday caller in the valley. Ella Mrs. California — Poppie«, for her. Mrs. Adams, Hal, Mary sure knows his currents as he showed RESOURCES Elwin Alford was a caller in Myrw Jani th and Nancy Lee will spend the by the beautiful branch of this fruit Schr>e>ler. 1st, Mrs. McCloskey 2nd. tie IPoint Tuesday, having medical, Loans A Discounts $ 43.536.44 Poppies, Orietal—Mrs. Edna Kem »ummer visiting in the county. •which he brought. Both exhibits took Overdrafts 1st Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Sumerlin and treatment for an infected hand, re .11 V blue ribbons. U. S. Bonds 42,500.00 Puppies, Shirley—Mrs. Ida Owen Bennie visited with Mr. and Mre. ceived from a piece of crywtalized steel. ftther Bonds & Securities 135,233.13 Following is the official list of 1st, Mrs. Birdie SkeeU 2nd; Mre. Herman Sumerlin Sunday. They and Miss Doris Probaska, Miss EJoise Cash & Exchange i 144,050.32 Flora Dunne 3rd. John Sumerlin enjoyed a picnic dinner awards made by the judges: Crawley and James Crowley spent Banking House & Fixtures 37,800.00 Poppies, American Legion — Mrs. at McKinley. Class A Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Schroeder vis Tuesday at Fairview. Professional displays, blue ribbons McCloskey let; Mrs. Hickam 2nd. Clarence Shoemaker is helping with Total $403,120.00 .F oppies. Double—Mrs. Ruth Bey- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bunch —Myrtle Greenhouses, Myrtle Point; the chores during the time Elwin Al ers 1st Sunday above Bancroft. They return Bergen's, Marshfield; Coos Nursery ford is laid off wibh his sore hand. LIABILITIES Pansies—-Mrs. J. H. McCloskey Jat. ed Monday. Co., Marshfield. Mrs. Albert Christensen and daugh Pyrethrum — W. R. Mavity lat, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Michael and Capital Stock 50,000.00 Class B ter, Christina, accompanied by Mrs. Edna Kern 2nd. family, Mrs, Clyde Barker, Mrs. Tom Surplus A Und. Profits ? • 21,036.41 Non-competitive and Flower Club«, Peony—Mrs. Florence Barton 18t my Weekly, Wanda Willson, Anna Camilla «Smith and De wane Shoemak Circulation - v 12,500.00 bilie ribbons—Geo. Taylor, Sr., Co.- and 2nd, A. E. Alder 3rd. ' Mary and Kenneth. Anderson had Sun er, made a trip down the coast and to Deposits - 318,578.81 quille; A. M. Cooper, Myrtle Point; Phacelia — Alton Grimes let. day dinner with Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Newport and back home. They left U. S. Fed. Tax Acct. 1 104.78 Garden Club, Myrtle Point; Garden Sunday and returned on the evening Potentilla — W. L. Finney 1st. Haryey in their grove. Club, Marshfield. I of the Fourth. Roses — (Dr. Van Fleet, Mrs. Laws Last Thursday afternoon Mrs. Total ' Class C • Mr. and Mrs, Charley Holmes ahd Song Birde—Mrs. Geo. Leach, 1st; 1st, Mre. Geo. Leach 2nd, Mrs. Wm. Lloyd Haynes was very pleasantly family and Mr. and Mrs. Kenrteth Candlin 3rd; Caroline Testout, Mrs. surprised when a nqmber of her Mrs. Veda Lewis, 2nd; Mrs. Z. C. < Z. C. Strang 1st, Mrs. Birdie Skeels friends gave her * a miscellaneous Holmes, all of Remote,, and Mr. and Strang, 3rd. r '9 2nd, Mrs. Flora Dunne 3rd; Frau shower at the home of Mrs. S. D. Mrs. Robert Groat and family, of Gold Class D Karl Druschi, John Oerding 1st, Mrs. Clark. Mrs. 'Haynes received, many Beach, spent the Fourth at the home FIRST NATIONAL BANK Ornamental Fish—Mrs. Ruth Bey Laws 2nd; Sov. de Claudius Pernct, useful and lovely gifts. Later in the of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Groat. ers, 1st and 2nd. of Coquille, Oregon ' . Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Evernden, of. Mrs. Skeels 1st; Paulis Scarlet, Mrs. afternoon cake and coffee were served Class E * (lancroft, moved into the valley Mon R. A. Wemich; Climbing Cluster, Mrs. to Mesdames Lloyd llaynes, S. D. Miniature Gardens, adults — Mre. day. They will captp near Mr. Evern- Ruth Beyers, 1st; Mrs. Ida Owen, 2nd; A. Dimick 1st; Irish Elegans, 'Mrs. Clark, Stan Clausen, Mack Baker, den's work. He w working for Bry Neyron, Mrs. Dunne Louis Petereen, Lloyd ‘ Leatherman, Dunne 1st; Paul Hariet Webb, 3rd. 1st; Mos« Rose, Mrs. McCloskey 1st; A. F. WitUon, Clarence Johnson, Nor ants here. Class F Mrs. Dunne 1st; man Ingram, Hugo Michael, Carl An Tsusendschoen, Roses, single specimen — Alton Bridge Happenings derson, H. W. Mawt, 'Webb Mast, By and marriage contract now and here- Grimes, 1st; Mrs. J. H. McCloskey, Cecile Brunner, Mrs. McCloskey 1st. Snapdragon—Mrs. Veda Lewis I 1st. ron Hervey, H. W. Hervey, Misses Mr. and Mrs. Herliert Ink«, of Ter ! tofore existing between Plaintiff and 2nd. ' • Defendant; that the Plaintiff be Roses, climbing—Alton Grimes, 1st; Eula Mae Gant, Lorene Clark, Nor rebonne, arrived here Saturday night Snapdragons, Wild — Mre. John « awarded the sole care, custody and Oerding 1st, Mrs. Ella Schroeder 2nd, man Johnson, Helen Mast and Ike to visit with Mrs. Inks’ parents, Mr. Mrs. Hazel Pettingill, 2nd; Mrs.' Mc control of Roberta Lenore Enders, the Chandler. Mrs. R. A. Wemich 3rd. and Mrs. W. H. Huff, and other rela minor child of the Plaintiff and De- Closkey, 3rd. i T fendant, am J “ A m n and as ci fur Harry Laswell spent a few days at tives. Stocks—Mrs. Ida Owen 1st, Mrs. and for such other Roses, cluster — Mrs. Frank Leslie, C. W. NOYES ther relief as to the Cobrt may seem 1st; Rose Wilkins, 2nd; Mrs. Flora Ella Schroeder 2nd. the H. W. Mast home the first of the Mrs. Dan Cribbine and Mrs. Dwight Attorney at Law just and equitable. He returned to his work at Culver returned home Sunday from Shrub, name unknown—Mrs. W. W. week. Dunne 3rd. The grounds upon which said relief Practice in U. S. D. Court and Scottsburg Tuesday. Gage 1st. a visit of several days with their is based in said Complaint is deser Claes G State Courts Miss Norma Johnson «pent Friday sister, Mrs; IN. W. Perkins, at Oanby. Sidalcea—Mrs. McCloskey let tion. Potted Plants, col. group — cactus. Rm. No. 3 Farmers & Merchants This Summons is served upon you Silver Lace Vine—Mrs. McCloskey and Saturday with Mrs. Mart Gas- Little Mary Lou Culver, who had lieen . by publication thereof in the Coquille Mrs.^Ruth Beyers, 1st; begonia, Mrs. Bank Bldg., Coquille, Oregon ner at Norway. l>-t vie»it,ing at the Perkins home since Valley Sentinel, pursuant to order of Ruth Beyers, 1st; rock plant«, Mrs. Norman Ingram returned home May 31, returned home with ' her Scabiosa—Mrs. McCloskey 1st. the Hon. J. T. Brand, Judge of the Ruth Beyers, 1st. Title Guarantee & Abstract Co. above entitled Court, made, dated and Spirea—Mrs. L. E. Alexander 1st, from Eugene to spend the Fourth mother. Class H entered on the 12th day of June, 1933, here. Mrs. Ingram accompanied him Abstracts of Title, Notary Pub- Mark Hardman, of Bancroft, was a Potted Plants' .ringle specimen— Mrs. E. N. Harry 2nd. and which order requires that the Schizantiiue—Mrs. Ella Schroeder back and they will be there while he Bridge visitor Saturday. plete abstract plant in Coos Co. date of the first publication of said Baby Tears, J. H. Beyers, let; Be lie, Ins. Bonds. The only com- Mrs. Harold James and Children, Summons shall be on the 16th day of gonia, Peter Biases, 1st; Candytuft, 1st, Mrs. McCloskey 2nd, Mre. Edna is employed in a I urn tier camp this summer. June, 1933, and the date of the last Peter Biases, lat; Johnny-jump-up«, Kem 3rd. .Helen and Ronald, moved last week to J. E. AXTELL, Sec. publication thereof being Friday the Mrs. Willson, formerly Miss Ina their homestead on Rock Creek, where Syringe—Mrs. McCloskey 1st, Mrs. Coquille, Ore. Phone 36M ■Peter Biases, let; Christmas Cactus, 14th day of July,’1983. Peter Biseca, 1st; Aspidistra, Mrs. Ruth Beyer« 2nd, Mrs. Flora Dunne Baker, of Fisher, came in Saturday Mr. James has been living for some J. ARTHUR BERG, i night to make a two weeks’ visit with- time. Attorney for Plaintiff, Roy Wernich, let; Orange, Mrs. Wm. 3rd. DR. J. J. LESLIE Residence and P. O’. Address, Co Hickam, 1st. Sweet William—,Mrn. Ella Schroe- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Bak- Mr. and Mrs. R. Goldner and son, DENTIST quille, Oregon. 22t5 der 1st, Mrs. Ruth Beyers 2nd, Mrs. er. Harold, of Arago, and Mrs. D. L. Potted Plants, hanging — Saxafraga, Hours 9-12 m., 1 to 5 p. m. Florence Barton 3rd. i Mr. and Mrs. Isom Clinton, of Steinhoff and daughter, Evelyn, of Mrs. Ruth Beyers, 1st. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Evening by appointment Sweet Wiliams, mixed—Mrs. Hazel Marshfield, Mrs. O. T. Bender, of Nor- Myrtle Point, were Sunday afternoon Notice is hereby given that the un Class I Over Hudson Drug Store dersigned has been appointed by the Anchusa—Mrs. Ida Owen 1st, Mrs. Pettingill 1st, Mrs. Ella Schroeder way, and J. D. Clinton, of Myrtle guests at “Hooton’s Haven.” County Court of the State of Oregon Point, were Sunday callers at the 2nd, Mrs. Z. C. Strang 3rd. The Loyal Temperance Legion has for Coos County, as administratrix of Z. C. Strang 2nd, Mr». J. H. McClos Sweet Peas — Lavender, Alton George Clinton home. planned a picnic for Thursday, July key 3rd. the estate of W. H. Wimer, and all DR. J. F. YOUNG Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Latham and 13. persons having claims against said Armeria — W. L. Finney, 1st and Grimes 1st, Mrs. John Bullock 2nd, Chiropractor estate are required to present them 2nd. Mrs. Ella Schroeder 3rd; Flame, Mr». Thelma were Friday evening callers There were about 50 in attendance <f with the proper vouchers to the un 345 So. Hall . Wm. Hickam 1st; Blue. Alton Grimes at the Lloyd Leatherman home. at the social meeting of the Grange Bachelor Buttons — Mrs. Chas. Ash dersigned at the law offices of J. J. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mast and Friday evening when the 7th and 8th* Next Door south of City Hall Stanley in First National Bank ton let, Mrs. Hickam 2nd, Mrs. ‘Geo. 1st, Mrs. Leland Peart 2nd; Sweet Peas, Mrs. Helen Peterson, 1st; Mixed, Wiallie and Mrs. Effie Adams and grade and high school students, who The new phone 102-M building within six months from the Leach 3rd. date of this notice. Carnations—-Mrs. Willis Oddy 1st, Mrs. Edna Kern 1st, Andrew Hatcher children had a picnic dinner with the participated in the recent Prohibition Dated and first published this 9th David Pike family at Fairview Sun essay contest were entertained. A Alton Grimes 2nd, Mr«. J. D. Bell 3rd. Bnd, Helen Peteraon 8rd. day of June. 1933. JAS. W. WHEELER day. Ursinia—Mrs. Edna Kern 1st. potluck supper was enjoyed at the Chelone—Mrs. L. E. Alexander, 1st. Mary A. Wimer, Physician A Surgeon Ray Clinton arrived 'home last beginning of the evening. This was Violas, single—Mrs. Hazel Pettin- Administratrix of the Estate of W. Caleceolaria—Mrs. McCloskey 1st. H. Wimer, Deceased. 21t5 Ellingson Bldg. Coquills Canterbury Belle—Blue, Mrs. Z. C. gill let, Mre.' Geo. Leach ¿2nd, Mrs. Ida week from Chicago, where he has followed by games under the direc Leave calls at Strang 1st, Mrs. Ira Chase 2nd, Mrs. Owen 3rd; mixed, Mrs. ’Edna Kern been studying to be an optician. Hie tion of Mrs. Frank Porter, after IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE sister, Mis. Chester Render, of Port which a program was presented. The Hudson's Drug Store or at Co Whereat 3rd; Pink, Mr«. C. Huling 1st, Mrs. Hauschild 2nd. STATE OF OREGON. IN AND ■Valerian—Mrs. A. Dimick 1st, Mrs. land, accompanied him home to visit next regular meeting of the Grange quille Hotel FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS let, Mr«. Seeley 2nd; White, Mrs. In the matter of the estate of V. N. Jbhn Bullock 1st; Mixed, Mrs. Pur- Joe Lett 2nd, Mrs. Ella Schroeder 3rd. their parents until Wednesday, when will be held on Friday evening, July 7. ■ s Barker, Deceased. they returned to Portland. Mr. Clin Water Lily—Mrs. Willis Oddy Jal. James Morrison went to Roland vance 1st, Mrs. Edna Kern 2nd, Mrs. Notice of Final Account ton will work with Dr. Bender in that Creek Tuesday afternoon, where he Zinnia — Mrs. Hazel Pettingill 1st. Geo. Ix*ach 3rd. DR. J. R. BUNCH NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, city. Class K has employment at the Mike Morrison that the undersigned has filed in the Candytuft — perennial, Mrs. Edna DENTIST Lorenc Clark, accompanied Mr. and camp. Mixed Bouquets—Large, Mre. Ida County Court or Coos County, Ore Kern let; annual, Alton Grime» 1st, X-RAY Service gon, his final account as Executor of Mrs. John Bullock 2nd. Owen 1st, Mrs. Edna Kern 2nd, Myr Mrs. Stan Clausen to Saccfri’s beach O. W. Heath is better now, after a the estate of V. N. Barker, deceased, on a camping trip over the Fourth. Laird Bldg,..First Street few days’ illness caused by over Columbine—Mrs. Edna Kern l»t, tle DeLong 3rd; Small, Mrs, Ruth and that the said Court has set Mon Lloyd Haynes ha« received employ work. Telephone 82-L Coquille, Ora day, the 31st day of July, 1933, at Alton Grimes 2nd, Mrs. A. Dimick 3rd. Beyers 1st, Mre. Ida Owen 2nd, Mrs. ment with the Shell Oil Co. in Marsh Henry Lorenz 3rd. the hour of 10:00 o’clock_A. M. at the Vernon Shields, who ha« employ Campanula — Mrs. George Leach County Court room I in ‘ Coquille, “ - Ore - 2___ .. Z- —'._____ ‘Basket of Roses—Mrs. Ruth Beyers field. He left for his work Monday. ment at the reforestation camp at gon, as the time and place for hearing lat, W. R. Mavity 2nd. Mrs. Alf Johnson, Mies Georglanrm Agness, spent the Fourth of July va Campanula—Mrs. Florence Barton 1st, Mrs. John bullock 2nd. objections to such final __ * ' account ‘ am id GRANT CORBY Johnson, and Ray Vaughn, all of cation here with his mother, Mrs. Zoe Class L—Juvenile thé settlement of said estate. let. Attorney at La* Jem Barker, Calendula—Mrs. M. J. Harton lffi, l . Panaiea—Eileen Percy 1st, Yvonne Marshfield, were visitors at the H. W. Shields. Executor. Kichmond-Barker Bldg. 24t5 ‘Kern 2nd. ‘ I Maat home Monday, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Evernden had Mre. J. H. McCloskey 2nd. Phone 187 Coquille. Ora. Sweet Peas — Robert McGilvery 1st Mr. «nd Mrs. Geo. Reed and Mr. as dinner guests Sunday Mr. and Cynoglonsum—Alton Grimes let. CALL FOR TRANSPORTATION Residence Phone 24-M and 2nd. | and Mrs. Williams, of Roseburg, Mrs. J. W. Barnett and niece, Miss Dianthiw — single, unknown 1st, 1 BIDS California Poppies—Eileen Percy were Monday night guest« at the John Esther Barnett, of Arago. Mrs. Ella Schroeder 2nd; double, W, Bids are requested for providing Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Benham, of Co transportation of High School Pupils, L. Finney 1st; mixed, Rosie Wilkins , 1st, Eileen Kern 2nd, Joy Pettingill1 P»rry home. J. ARTHUR BERG 3rd. | Mr. and Mrs. Carl Anderson and quille, «pent a couple of days the first over the following described routes to ltt.* Attorney at La* the Coquille High School Building of Delphinium—Myrtle DeLong 1st, ! Roses, single specimen — Patricia family. Lark Mast and the Harmon of the week with their relatives, the School District No. 8 during the ■ Rooms 14 1 family had picnic dinner with Mr. and Benham’s and Brownsons, on Big Mrs. Edna Kern 2nd, Mrs. Ida Owen •Brady 1st and 2nd. school year, 1933-34: Farmers A Marchants Bank Bldg Mrs. James Clinton Tuesday. Roses — Eileen Kern 1st, Joy Pet- Creek. Route 1 — From the Fairview, Cun 3rd. Phone >7 Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Schroeder and tingill 2nd and 3rd. ningham and Riverside districts. Mrs. Ray L. Beckett led an inter Coquille. Oregon Daisy, African—Mixed, Mre. J. H. Route 2—»From the McKinley and Adrian, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hervey esting and well attended Christian Roses—Maxine Briner 1st. McCloskey 1st, Mrs. Edna Kern 2nd; Johnson 'Mill districts. Violas—Lord Nelson, Patsy Holver- and Helen Mast and Mr. and Mrs. Endeavor meeting Sunday evening. Route 3—From the C-oaledo district. Single, Harriet Webb 1st. DR. W. V. GLAISYER John Parry spent Tuesday at Bandon. Orlm Lett will have charge of the Successful bidders will furnish own Dahlia, Pompon—Alton Grimes 1st »Öott 1st; Hazel Muir, LucMe Kern 2nd; Jersey Jewel, Lucile Kem 3rd. equipment acceptable to the board of and 2nd. veterinarian meeting next Sunday evening, the Brewster Valley directors of School District No. 8, subject of which is, “What iw^Con- Sipderwort—Patsy Hol verstört 1st Dahlias, Large — Mrs. Laws, 1st and County Herd A Moat Inspector furnish all materials and labor neces Fern—Ruth Pettingill 1st. Mrs. C. M. Wilaon visited Saturday science? How to Teach and Train it?” sary for said transportation; furnish 2nd. Coquille, Ora Snapdragon—Yvonne Kern 1st, Eva at the home of her mother, Mrs. M. A. Miss Ione Ila Curtiss is the newly ap- bond for fulfillment of contract equal Deutzia—Mns. W. W. Gage 1st, Alexander 2nd. to 90 per cant of bid; and furnish pub Kirkendoll, of Coquille. ■nointed superintendent of the Junior lic liability and property damage In 'Mrs. Flora Dunne 2nd. Di an th us—Eileen Kem 1st Ruth Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Nickaeon and Endeavor work. f J. -A. RICHMOND Doronicum—Alton Grimes 1st. surance to the minimum amount of family and Miss Florence Mead were Mr. and Mrs; Albert Reed and lit- Feverfew—Mrs. Élla Schroeder let. Pettingin 2nd and 3rd. 1 $100,000. PHYSICIAN ead SURGEON Geum—Ruth Pettingill 1st. | Payment for «uch transportation busmeae callers in Coquille, making •le son, Gerald, of Reedsport, and Forgetfenot—Mre. Laws 1st Richmond-Barker Building shall be made in warrants to be issued Peony—Joy Pettingill .1st. the trip through Lee and Fairview. ‘heir guest, Miss Elsie Reed, of New GaiDardia—Mm. Purvance 1st, Mrs. by the Non-High School District Canterbury Bells—Ruth Pettingill -Mrs. Ivan Laird and children, Mr. berg, arrived Sunday afternoon at the Coquille, Ore. L. E. Alexander 2nd.. Board, to be endorsed over to bidder, Phones: Office 62M, Res- 98R the first payment being made Janu Geranium—Mrs. J. H.' McCloskey let. 2nd and 3rd; mixed Eileen Kem ' and Mrs. C. M. Wilson and Velma and home of Mrs. Reed'« parents, Mr. and lat. . ary 15, 1934, to cover the cost of the let. Eloda Krewson spent Sunday at the Mns. W. A. Lett, for a holiday visit. , first half year’s transportation and Scotch Broom—Videlle Kelly 1st. W. A. Nickason home. Mr. and Mrs. Lett and their guest« Geum — Mm. McCloskey 1st, Mns. J. J. STANLEY the balance in equal monthly install Browallra—(Ruth Pettingill 1st. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, of Marsh motored to Sitkum Monday evening Ella Schroeder 2nd. ments until fully paid. lawyrr Campanula—‘Eileen Kem 1st, Bus field, spent the week-end at the home to spend the Fourth with the Elmer Sealed bids to be submitted to Keith Gladiolus— Mrs. John Bullock let. ter Whereat 2nd. I Leslie, Clerk of District No. 8, Co of Mr. Smith’« sister, Mrs. Tom.Law Wilson family, returning home Tues Office in First National Bank Heliotrope, Garden—Mre. B. A. quille, Oregon, on or before July flth, Sweet Wilhams—Joy Pettingill lat. home. day evening, and the Reeds left early Davis 1st, Mre. EHa Schroeder 2nd. 1933, at 6 p. m. Building, Coquille, Oregon Nasturtiums—Joy Pettingill 1st, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Barton and Wednesday morning for Reedsport, Honeysuckle—Mre. McCloskey 1st, The School Board of District No. Yvonne Kem 2nd. children, of Powers, are visiting for where Mr. Reed is manager of the 8 reserves the right to reject any and Mrs. Ella Schroeder 2nd. Iris, Japanese—Yvonne Kem 1st a few days at the home of Mrs. Bar Dunham store. all bids. Iris — Japanese, Mre. L. Peart lot; im THF CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Keith Leslie, Perennial, name unknown—Eileen ton’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orin Kirk. Mrs. James Morrison and two chil STATE OF OREGON IN AND Clerk of School District No. 8, English, Mrs. » Wm. Candlin ltt; Kem 1st. Those to enjoy a Fourth of July dren, Evelyn and Edward, Vivienne Coos CAunty, Oregon, German, Jahn Guthardt, let FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS Baby Breath—Joy Pettingill 1st picnic at the home of Mr. and Mrs| and Virginia Lake, and Mrs. A. O. CHARLOTTE* M ENDfRS, Plain Larkspur— Mre. Edna Kern let. Candytuft—‘Eva Alexander let. NOTCE TO CREDITOR^ Bert Mead, of Gravel Ford, were Mr. Hooton motored to Myrtle Point Wed Lychnis — Mrs. L. E. Alexander ltt. tiff. Gaillardia—Eva Alexander 1st and Mrs. Elmer Wilson and children, nesday afternoon to visit Mrs. Stan Notice is hereby given that the un Lupine — Mrs. Edna Kern 1st ROBERT A. ENDERS, Defendant, Schisanthus—Jby Pettingill let. dersigned has been duly appointed Mrs. Ivan Laird and children, Minor ley Lake, who is recovering from an lamb ’ s Tongue — W. !L. Finney let Summons , administratrix of the estate of J. W. Begonia—Yvonne Kern 1st. and Florence Mead, Mr. and Mrs. W. operation at the Mast hospital. Lilies—Madonna, Mre. McCloskey Case No. 1020® Laird, •'»ceased, and all persons hav Mixed Bouquet — Fairy Cardwell A. Lett, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reed To Robert A. Enders, the above named ing claim« against said estate are I 1st; Davuricum, Mrs. J. D. Bell let; WARRANT REDEMPTION’NOTICE INfTHE NAME OF THE STATE hereby notified, that they are required Tenuifolium, A. T. Marrieon lat; 1st, Danny Cardwell 2nd, Ruth Pet- and Miss El«ie Reed. to present same duly verified, with Cernum, A. T. Morrison 1st; Umbelta- tingill 3rd. Coquille, Oregon, July 7, 1933.— lulmber into The Copco is hauling OF OREGON, You are hereby re- proper vouc',°r therefor, to the under Plant, Kennilworth Ivy—Joy Pet- the valley to build a new house at Notice is hereby given that all war quired to appear and answer the Com signed, at th» office of H. A. Slack, tum, A. T. Morrison 1st; Mr. Hood, ranto drawn by the ’City of Coquille their lookout station here. plaint filed against you in the sbov« in Coquille. Cons County. Oregon, , Mrs. Geo. Iaaqh 1st; Regal, Alton tingill let. Dish Garden—Ruth Pettingill lst. entitled suit, on or Satorday. within six months from the date of Grimes let; Wild Tiger, Alton Grimes Mr. and Mrs. Norieigh Alford and on its Water Fund, and beaming en- the 15th day of July, 1933, said date this notice. Miniature Garden— Joy Pettingill Mns. Alford, Stella Smith, all of Cree- dorement prior to June 1, 1932, are being after the expiration of four Dated this 29th dav of June, 1933. 1st; Com, Mre. Alexander 1st; Ele Special Ribbons well, are vesting for a few days at hereby called for payment and will be gans, Jene Sanders lei, Mns. E. M. weeks from the date of the first Mabie Lsird. J. P. Beyers—Gooseberries. publication of this Summons, and if the home of Mr. and Mns. P. A. Al redeemed upon presentation at my Administratrix of the Estate of J. . Harry 2nd; Peruvian, A. T. Morrison J. D. CHnkenbeard—Currant«. you fail so to appear and office. Interest on said warrants W. Laird, deceased. ford. 1st. Alice Holverstott 2nd. Complaint, or otherwise plead H. A. Slack, attorney for Adm n's- ceases as of above mentioned date. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Prohaska and ■ Lineria — Mrs. McCloskey let for want thereof, the Plaintiff will tratrix. . 24t6 W. S. Sickels, Mining Location notices for sale at ; Doris, of Roeeburg, were la the val Marigolds, French — Mrs. Edm apply to the Court for the ley Saturday. Dork remained for «lit City Troasurar. prayed,for in her Complaint, to-wit. thia office. Kem 1st Calling cards 100 for fLM. For a decree dissolving the marriage f ( • bfaeturtiums—double, Mns. McClos Prize Winners at Flower Show Last Friday key, 1st; mixed, Mrs. Laws let. Professional Cards I