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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1921)
Little Ladies’ Summer Dresses or Insulated T 3 Rubber Insula- old-time wood battery worries 9 *•'* ** 1 KWM gar -- w BcatingtheSoutheniPacific'sFastest Limited 1 1 1 1 1 ■■ J It’s a satisfaction to know that Threaded Rubber In sulation does not puncture, check, warp, crack or car bonize— ABOR with what zeal they uiay. something .«till remains for moth- era to n ike for their little ones, but the work is not much of a task when the matter of material and style are decided on. In materials we find plain chambray, small plaid and checked ginghams, light and dark sateens, dot ted swisses, voiles, organdies and taf fetas. all in pretty, live colors (with a spice of black and navy blue) make up the color story as told by the shops chambrays, ginghams and sa- teens for utility clothes organdies, swisses and tuffetas for special oc- casions. H. S. DISBROW quaint, small flower motifs. Odd shaped A stock 1921 Buick Coupe on Jan pockets are featured dresses. uary 7th and 8th performed this Tlie pretty dress at remarkable feat. Conquering be made up In white A strap decoration on the shoulders frozen roads and mud holes, wind and at the front and back at the waist ing mountain roads and rocky line Invites an embellishment which appears In a little simple embroidery. canyons, Buick once again demon Button-holed slashes at the ends of strated its characteristic inbuilt the waist straps allow a sash to slip through them, tied In a buoyant bow. power, endurance and reliability. with loops and ends at the left side. The very young ladles' spring and summer frocks, for dress-up wear, are most enticing when made of organdy For the small fry. from two to six years old, rompers divide favor with In gay colors. Idttle ruffles of or gandy trim them but their chief glory dresses and the latter are provided is found in small clusters of organdy with bloomers or short punts to match. flowers, in several colors, posed on Nothing is in greater favor than amus ing little peg-top bloomers of plain euch pocket, or on the girdle. There chambray. In blue, green, light brown are many long-walated frocks and gay ribbons add their enchantment to the or other colors, made with round neck other delightful details of orgnndy. and elbow sleeves. Very simple stltch- Swiss or batiste dresses. I>ark blue or ery is the usual finish for them. black taffetas have allurements In em Dresses with bloomers to match are broidery as clusters of red silk cher cut either in the smock pattern w-lth small yoke, or with a short bodice and ries or cross-stitch patterns in colored WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT. BUICK WIIJ. BUILD IDEM knee-length skirt. A pretty model ap silks. pears at the left of the two shown above, made In this way. White lawn CALL Dill Bile» la much used for collars and cuffs and colored floss provides cross stitch or Blds are now being received by outline embellishment and sometimes James H. Owen, President, ot the California and Oregon Lumber Com-, governor general of Ireland, and has ELECTRIC SIGNS HAD BROUGHT ANOTHER LOAD three cousins In the house of lords. Is I>any, Brookings, Oregon, for the con-! struction I in whole or In part) of ap popular among his classmates, who proximately 13 miles of main line You quit selling good« at 6 o’clock (or thereabouts.) Colored Tobacco Grower Knew What declare that he Is quite democratic. In railroad from Brookings, Curry So do your clerks. Was Expected of Him, and spite of the burden of his wealth. He Had Coms Prepared. Ilves quietly and unpretentiously, and County, Oregon, south to the Village But the rent does not quit. nothing in his mode of living seems to of Smith River, Del Norte County,, And your taxes do not quit. A colored man from Kentucky drove Indicate that he siwnds even a half of California. And your insurance does not quit. to a loose leaf tobacco sales wure- $S0,<)00 allowed him. The work consists of grading and ! house In one of tbe Indiana cities on Moreover the people do not go to bed at 6. the construction ot trestles and two the Ohio with a load of tobacco. bridges. Japaneee Remain Buddhists. Why not let an electric sign and brightly lighted When be received his sales slip and Plans and specifications for this That RO per cent of the Japanese windows, illuminated with electricity, go on sell weights he noticed the customary bank living In the sugar plantation camps work are now ready and may be seen check was missing. ing goods for you after 61 of Hawaii never have been touched at Brookings. Oregon. Approaching the cashier he said: by Christian propaganda, and that All through the evening in fact. Bids will be opened at 2 p. m., “Look here, boss, where is my American plantation owners, managers June 15th, 1921, and the right Is Why not — money for this here tobacco?’ The and others who have helped support sales sheet was consulted. The very people von want to reach—the purchasers Japanese Buddhist missions, “did a reserve«! to reject any or all blds. 85 | “It's like this: the expenses for —have no time to l>e on the street except even foolish thing, if ever man did," were weighing, unloading and commission two of the stat«*Tn<*nts made by Rev. ings. FIGURED IN NAPOLEON 3 LIFE for selling your tobacco amounted to Ulysses G. Murphy, representative of more than the tobacco was worth. You the American Bible society, in a re That is the time they roam about, looking, seeing, still owe us Just 54) cents," explained cent address at Honolulu. Woman Set Down In History as One formulating and deciding on their purchases. the cashier. of the Most Beautiful of His Rev. Mr. Murphy also, sal«l that the People do not have to hunt up your electric sign. “Well, that's all right, I guess, but elder generation of Japanese living Many Conquests. I ain't got a cent with me." It hunts them up .like a search light. In the plantation camps, owing to their “Then next time you are coming isolation, are forty years behind their It is seen from afar. NupolwMi's life was one of fair wo over the river, Just bring along a native country In thought and under men, but among them all few were Tt talks to folks all along the street. chicken with you and we will call the standing of mo«lern conditions. more beautiful and more heartless They do not have to decipher it, either. deal square." Any attempt at Americanization of Within a week the colored man ap- the Japanese In Hawaii which leaves than Marguerite Beillsle Enure«. Na It burns its message into them quickly, pleasantly, peare«! In the office with two chickens, untouched their horn«- life an«l falls poleon saw her In Cairo where she was honeymooning with Lieut. Enures, hav deeply and siirely. one under each arm. to recognize that the key to the prob ing accompanied him in disguise on And mark you, they will remember it, and you and "Here are the chickens." lem is the Japanese language schools Napoleon promptly “Sure—but you didn't have to bring Is foredoomed to failure. Rev. Mr the transport. your location, after they have gone home. sent Enures to Paris with alleged Im two of them, one would have paid the Murphy declared. Once more then, we ask, “How about Sunset to Mid portant dispatches nn<l began to make bllL" love to the bride. He was successful, night”—May we send our representative to help “Yes, boss, but I'se brought another Almost Had It and she moved to a cottage near the load of tobacco."—Indianapolis News. you decide 1 One of the Terre Haute wan! palace. Th«- English captured her hus schools was having a contest In seeing band and. knowing of Napoleon’s nets STRUGGLES ALONG ON $80,000 which children could lean» the airs of In Cairo, they promptly sent Eoure- a number of standard songs so they bnck there, knowing he would week University of Pennsylvania Law Stu could tell their names when they Phone 108-J 623 G Street, Grants Pass rev enge. dent Who Receive* Huge Income heard n few bars of the melody play«-d. But he was a drop of water against Lives In Modest Fashion. After "Horne, Sw«-et Home" anil the power of Napoleon. Ills wife was “Old Black Joe" had been playe«] sev given a divorce, anil be was sent to "Wanted, a stenographer of unim eral times the teacher put on the rec peachable character, experience«! In ord “Believe Me, If All Those Endear an obscure town In rural France. Kite then began to parade her «-apture. shorthand and taking dictation, who ing Young Charms." It was played a will be willing to devote her Sundays few minutes and she began to look dressed in costly costumes, wore Na poleon's picture on n chain about her to Indexing and preparing the cases expectantly nt the rhlldren. neck, and was with him constantly. of a struggling law student at the Uni Then a fair little youngster looked Ills soldiers dubl>e«l her “Cleopatra.* versity of Pennsylvania.” triumphantly up from the list of songs This Is the model of stenographic he hud In his hand. “Oh. It’s that When Josephine ma«le up with Napo ability require«! by the university's believe me In t»-nrs nil about your leon, and lie wa - «-levate*! to head 1 richest student, John Jeffries V of charms," he biiziinbd Indlnnapoll» France, he 1« ft the fair Marguerite, although lie gave her a small fortune England, who li "stniggllng" only iu News. lb- also nrrain ' t a man i .’>■ for her so fur as his law work <oes, for be with llenrl di- Rnnchoup. Her hit came to this cot dry with the mere band v. n out of town lyll'Jl of tie trifle of year on which to Limitations. live, «nys th«« Philadelphia Inquirer. As n general' thing, v. h«n It comes time. and she etifertnlm-l with Irtore I Jeffries, who fa a eeeond-ycar up that n woman has t>, k n man t0 hrilllnney than di- teflon. She end- d dent, already guess her age eh«- expect« him to be up by running nv ay to Brazil with a l’or Mule only by owner or rii th ori/r<| igcnfw young ollie« r. where she llve-l Happy I lit his earn«-! at least n g«ritler Dallas News. and content until .-h<- was nlncty-two I es of B years old. Detroit News. W. S. Maxwell & Co Willard Batteries Designing for Miladi in— Decorative Arts for Clothes Original Fashion Creations, Frocks, Cloaks, Blousee, Em broidery, Beading, etc., made from measurements sent me, with satisfaction. Any infor mation will be sent you by en closing a stamped, self ad dressed envelope and twenty- five cents in stamps. Ask me hat you should wear for the coming season. Betty McIntosh The Ha nt horn No. 8 251, Twelfth Street PORTLAND, OREGON JOSEPHINE HOTEL CAFE Come, try our ready-to-serve, a la cart lunch, 12 to 1:30 We will serve a very fine 75c table-de-hotc dinner — Time 5:80 to M p. tn. Special Sun«1ny Dinner $1.00 SUNSET TO MIDNIGHT I The California Oregon Power Company Ardencraig Farm For Sale Complete With Stock and Equipment at $50,000.00 • Largeat Scientific Society. la the oci Engraved cards Courier office Merchant Printers -Courier. Printed calling oards—Courier. i Advertising Pays—Advertise with the Courier