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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1921)
hi tKHOt'IATED I'll EH« HERIRE GIlANTH l*AHH, JOKKPHINK COUNTY, OREGON, VOL. XL, N<». IAB. HtTI’RD.lY, MAY ai. 1021. OF 20 HOLDS UP Wife of <'ll I < ago Broker Halil to Hair Mobi l«! II oiimw of tlie Rich <>r Many Tlioiisauds •M-nate Committee Hoars Pieu of i«ov- i-mors of Western State« for Help in Projects Chicago, May 21. (A P.) Klep- toinunln caused by an automobile ac- eldont Injuries was held responsible by relatives for hets of Mrs. Joseph 8. Hill, wife of a wealthy broker who confessed that for over a year she hud robbed homes of wealthy * families by posing as a maid. The loot Is said to total over 525,000. Washington, May 21.— (A. P.)— FREIGHT IS LOOTED OF SII.KS RIVERS OF THE NORTHWEST ARE CONTINUING TO RISE AS ; Possibilities of benefit to the eoun- AITO OTHER GOODS TO THE try from increased federal aid for re SNOWS MELT VALUE OF $70,000 clamation projects were presented to the senate committee by governors of western states here today. t Diploma^ Iru IL»u<b-<l Out by Dr. I O, l lemeni, Repixwrntitig the School Roani »IMMETTE IS AT HIGH STAGE SIX MOTOR TRUCKS ABE LOADED -»creta!) D m « is Ih-lietcs liuti Rullio Ix-winUm Is Only Point in the District Tiutt Re|M>rtM a Recession of < Sperai or nn<! Sea tuen Will Alno the Waters Vi<-|<| One of the Most Spectacular Train Robberies of Recent Days Is Staged Early Today manly Pretty girl graduates, Portland, Ore.. May 21.— (A. P.)— Buffalo, May 21.—(A. P.)—Twen Ill IIUI1ULULU ITInllliL I Washington. May 21 (A P.) The cyanide plant recently instal youths, flowers and the plaudits of ' Acceptance of a 15 per cent wage re Possibility that the crest of the flood led at the Boswell mine is now In ty masked men held up the New admiring friends filled the walla of duction for marine engineers, but is near is indicated by the weather full operation and Is proving a com York Central freight train near North tho Rivoli theater last night a« the Honolulu. May 21 (A.P.)- Imrn -j with modifications as to working con * bureau prediction that the Willam- plete success. The plant is in charge Tonawanda, early today, covering class of 1921. throe dozen In strength fer 4a coming down In price in Hono- diUons, are understood to bo includ- otte, which is flooded by backwater of ER. Crouch, mining engineer, the crew and railroad detectives with bowed Its way out of public school| 1 lulu, but telephone and electric lighted in an agreement reached today at from the Ceiumbia, will be nearly who also Is in charge of tbe assay weapons while silks, shoes, clothing, life. ' rates are going up. conferences between Secretary of 1-a- stationary by Tuesday, following a office and laboratory at the mine. It automobile tires atd other roods Lumber dealer« recently announe-,x,r Chairman Benson of the predicted stage here of 21.1 feet on is estimated that the returns from worth 170,000 were loaded on to six The theater was a bower of beauty In quotations running from ; ¡• ah| h| l PP" ’Plt>8 ’« board, board- and »«“1 representatives Monday. The Willamette today is the cyanide plant will more than motor trucks. The bandits headed with its decorations In the colors of . d ms _ in to 810 »io per ;.„r thousand .ml he " Marine and ulmnsiioi almost oi ‘ th Marln* Engineers »««‘neeni Beneficial 19.3» rise of 1.1 feet. The Colum meet all expenses at the mine for the for Buffalo with the loot. the clase, and the large audience listened with the moat Intense Inter simultaneously the telephone nt)(l association. bia continued rising today except at crew of 30 men now employed at «st from prelude to postlude by the electric companies were granted per-1 Changes In working conditions and Ixiwiston. where a drop of .6 foot mine and mill, the higher grade ores Fl AERAI. SERVICES HELD FOR CHIEF JI SLICE WHITE high «chool orchestra. The gradu mission by the public utilities com overtime would bring actual reduc was reiorted. Wenatchee, 32, rise of being milled in the Huntington mill. ates. who received their diplomas mission to temporarily raise their [tion In wage« to somewhat less that 1.4; Lewiston. 18.5; Umatilla. 21.1. The cyanide plant consists of two from the hand of Dr. L O Clement, rates whle the commission Investigat e 15 per cent, Radio operators and rise 1.2; The Dalles. 34.1, rise, 1.7 sump tanks, gold storage tank, solu- Washington, May 21.—(A. P.) — of the school board, were e<l their applicaton to have them In seamen would agree to the •ame Forecaster Wells said that while Uo“ tank- mechanical agitator tank, With aimpie. but impressive service«. creased ¡»ernianeutfi Under the neu terms. Davis believed. Davis and the river would be nearly stationary compressor, rotary pump, va- Chief Justice White was buried here Gudrun Anderson. schedule business phones will Jump the engineers’ rep resen ta lives are go- Tuesday, a further rise may result cuum clean-up tank, iron-zine boxes, today. Emma Alberts, from |7 50 to 18.75 a month and real-ling to New York in an effort to have if heavy melting of the snow in the sas engine, etc. llazel Harr ilence phones from 13.50 to 84. The the American Steamship Owners As- mountains continues. 80011 88 additional depth Is Gretchen CleOMha PORTLAND MARKETS light rate will be eight cents per kilo-1 soclatlon agree to the terms. gained in the mine more equipment Elan Downer. will be added to care for the large Choice Steers........ ....... 88.25 © 88.59 watt hour, straight, instead of eight : Velina Everton cents per kilowatt for primary con Ellen Flint San Francisco, May 21.—(A. P.)—I amount of milling ore that cannot Hogs ______ __ _____ 89.25 © |9 SO now be treated by the 3 84 -foot Hunt- Prime Lambs ...... 87.00 |7 50 sumption and six cents for additional* Rogue Waler« RI m «— Myrtle Ford Description of the robber who last ., ,, . , Ington mill. A change in the char- Eggs, buying price.. ., 16c 9 18c consumption. Frieda Gebers. 51 mail sacks af- __ ~ _ . Rogue river has Increased in vol- night ripped open jacter of the ore with depth might Butter___________ _________ 85e Hertha Green ume during the ¡>ast few days as ter holding up the mail clerk on the; call for different machinery and the Josephine Holland rains have fallen in portions of its Southern Pacific train 30 miles; >« board of directors in conference with Marie Kerley. snows are also now northeast of here, caused offcers to- the management decided no addition- I Lillian Keyte. mountains, and a day to send circulars asking the ar lai milling machinery would be added Pauline Meade. be expected for the rest of Roy Gardner, who escaped at till 100 feet was reached on the vein ! Maryl Muir. After that when it Portland a year ago while en route after which all changes in character 1 Isabelle Rengatorff. will be for the sum to McNeils Island to sene a sentence of the ore would be determined. A Cleo Roberts. ______ . mer season, and work will be crowd- for an 887,000 mail robbery near 7x9 Blake type crusher was trans-' Maanlla Robinson. ed on the big dam at Savage Rapids. San Diego ___ ffferrted to the mine thieweek. Gladys Sundry. Honolulu, May 21. (A. 1*.>—-Rep-, The shipment of bullion made the Ottawa. Ont., May 21.—(A. P.)— Amelia Sauer resentatlve David Kupihea would fore part of this week shows increas Thirteen thousand enumerators will Dorothy Stidham. have congress amend tho organic act [ ing fineness in the gold as depth is j employed to take the national cen- Yvonne Smith <>( tho territory to make It read that gained. This ■ shipment - - - showing - the sus which will begin June 1. With William Harrow. ; proceedings of the legislature l>e con-, ■ bullion to be worth over 118.30 per the aid of the Royal Canadian Mount Ernest Calhoun. 'ducted In the "American” language. ounce. ed Police in remote districts, they Carl Dale- Instead of the "English'* language., Charley Dale w-ill be expected to get the name of ¡The house I>assed tile resolution to every man. woman and child in Can Ix'ltoy Heston. Bj A. E. VOOFHIES STR1KEBREA KEILS CAUSE i this effect. but It mot with a potter in Frank Hillis RIOTING AT PORTLAND ada's 3,729,665 square miles. This the senate when President Charles is an area larger than the United Harold Isham. Chillingworth. at the suggestion of I States including Alaska and is one- Malden lailloy Many of the temporary war worl^, Our stay in Cuba, although it was Senator Charles Rice, referred It to! Harold Lundburg. Portland. May 21.—(A. P.)—The sixth of the land surface of the globe. tho education committee to "deter- “ <l«y longer than originally planned. buildings yet remain in Washington Gathering of the data will require Glenn McAllister. and there is a vast number of clerks police were called today when two mine just what tho American lang- owing to the fact that the boat wehad from four to six weeks while the Floyd Parsons. tinge is.” At the time the legislature hoped to take was entirely sold out, employed. In one of the temporary' strikebreakers were hit by rocks exact population will be known in Albert Handle adjourned sine die the education was all too short. There were many structures covering a couple of thrown by »trike svmpatnizers near five or six months. It is estimated laxmard Williams. >points of interest, historically and blocks there are something like 2000 the Broadway bridge, committee had made no report. at 9,000,000. The cost of the work Stephen Woodin. ______ otherwise that had to be passed up office rooms, many of them still in, will be 11.750,000 The program as rendered was as and it was with a feeling of regret use for work resulting from the war. Much information aside from pop A call was made on Congressman TUC8ANY COMMUNISTS AND follows Prelude and process I on a., "Beloved. It Ts Morn," senior girls' that we steamed out of the harbor, NATIONALISTS IN BATTU-: ulation figures will be gathered. high school orchestra. Invocation, double quartet. Awarding fellowship while from the dock came the strains Hawley and he seemed immensely Questions will concern not only auch Rev. Joseph Knotts Salutatory. medal, Prof. M. C. Gaston. Presen- of the Star Spangled Banner, the pleased to meet someone from his' individual matters as age. sex, race, Hortense Hough. "Spring Song." tatlon of class, Supt. John Gray Imel '••Adios" of the Cuban committees, home district. We also had an enjoy-1 Rome, May 21.— (A. P.)—Three occupation and earning capacity but “Señorita," girls’ chorus. Valedic Awarding diplomas, Dr. L. O. Clem-|and the fluttering handkerchiefs by able visit with Miss Cecelia Harris, dying and many wounded details of agriculture, finance and In tory. Maryl Muir. "Sunshine and ent Distribution of flowers. Junior the Individuals of La Asociación de who went to Washington from Grants dead> Pass a couple of years ago. and who ’ s result of a pitched battle be- dustry. Rain." Mnrie Kerley. Hortense girls. "Around the Gipsy I Reporters. The population of the Dominion at Hough. Address. "Where Do We Go “Medley From the South," Tho Gen. Cobb, when the gulf is employed in one of the depart-1 ’w een communists and extreme na- men t 8 tionalists at Chiusi, Tuscany, where the census of 1871 was 3,689,257 and From Here." Dr. M Elwood Smith, chorus. Postluile, high school stream was encountered, was even at the 1911 census, 7,206,643. Our next stop was in New York. i>oyt election disorders continue. dean, service department, O. A. C. chestra. [more unwieldly than on tho coming- ria » _ _ ' over trip, and as a matter of precau where we slept on the 19th floor of tion I spent the hours of the trip in the Hotel Commodore, had lunch 1II T A I 0 A II | i|I [” TT i my stateroom berth notwithstanding the day light. Many others of the | party also occupied their berths dur building, and dinner with the James Noble family in the sub-basement at ing the return trip. Arriving at Key West there was the Grand Central terminal. We took' examination of passports, etc., exam the elevated In making a call on Mrs.; ination of baggage, etc., standing in Ruth Hathaway Hopkirk, her hus Hoylake, England. May 21.—(A. Paul Hunter, 'Los Angeles, Calif., Boston, May 21.— (A. P.)—Caffein i brain work. It is not followed, ex- line for Pullman tickets, and stand- band and baby We went to the Hip- In tho moderate quantities consum copt In excessive doses by undesirable Ing in line to check baggage. In al! podrome, rode on a Fifth avenue bus, P.)—The American golf team here and J. Wood Platt, of Philadelphia, ed by tho average coffee drinker is after effects IA few people are os- several hours were consumed in strolled up Broadway in the daylight to contest with the British for the This is by tar the most formidable championship beginning team of golf players that ever sailed declared to be a safe stimulant with peclally sensitive to coffee, and for this manner,'but finally we were on and in the blaze of electric lights, amateur out harmful after-effects In a prelim them its use is not to be recommend our way north. Twenty-four hours to rode in the subway, shuttled across Monday, made a clean sweep in four- from this country in quest of a for inary report of a scientific investiga ed. In these cases the abnormality Jacksonville, and then the crowd town, traversed Wall street, exam- gomes arranged as part of the prelim- eign title and it is hoped that some tion conducted at the Massachusetts Is In the Individual rather than in which had traveled many thousands ined the marks left by the bomb ex-Unary matches with British players one of them will be fortunate enough plosion, mingled with the curb stone [today, Cyril Cyril Tolley, Tolley, British British amateur amateur to repeat the victory gained single Institute of Technology since June, any Inherent poisonous or deleterious of miles together scattered north, Charles W. handed by Walter J. Travis of Garden east and west, Three groups went brokers in front of the board of; champion, defeated 1920. Tho investigators directed by property of the cafeln itself. "Caffein can be taken by the vast to Washington by different routes, trade, stopped in at a service in Trin [(Chick) Evans, American amateur City, L. I., when he won the British Professor Samuel C. Prescott, head of the department of 'biology and majority of healthy adults without and on several occasions during the ity church, and in the flagging in | champion. In their individual match championship in 1904, and brought the trophy back with him. public health who makes this I an-1 subséquent narcotic or depressant ef- next two days we came across indi- the church yard read the inscription this afternoon. on the "David Coutant Sepulcher. Before sailing from New York Cap noiincemont of the first findings of ’ feet, provided It Is used 'in modera viduals of the newspaper party. In Washington we visited a broth 1718.” (There reposed the mortal re-! ( New York. May 21.— (A. P.) — tain Fownes said "ours is a wonder Excessive thelr research, are now at work to tion and not abused. mains of one of the ancestors of A. ' America will be strongly represented ful team but we realize that there are isolate and identify the other con amounts incite temporary disturb er-in-law and family and we made S. Coutant of the Observer), And^by a team of amateur golfers when plenty of good players over the water stituents of tho coffee l»ean. especial ances In the central nervous system rood use of the two days in visiting when we finally sailed from New (tho com;>etltion for the British ama- and Great Britain's amateur golfing ly those which determine the flavor but these do not cause any perma ponts of interest. I was in Washing York we were In sight of the Statue\eur i:„. golf championship title begins at stars are by no means played out as and aroma, preliminary to studying nent injury. It Is equally true that ton 25 years ago and it was an added of Liberty and steamed under the' Hoylake. England, on Monday. May1 some reports would lead us to be pleasure to again visit the home of other normally harmless substances th« lM*st methods of brewing bever auch as salt, sugar or condiments Washington at Mount Vernon, the Brooklyn bridge. Yes. it was a 'busy 23. The team as organized by the lieve. age coffee. two day we put in at New York. Pittsburg veteran. William C. Fow-[ - "We are not going over to lift the "The effect of caffein Is known.” when used in excess may also produce historic town of Alexandria. Christ nee, Jr., who is its captain, consists* championship title and trophy but church where Washington worshiped, says the report. "For the great ma untoward symptons which are often JOTTINGS ALONG THE WAY of Charles Evans Jr., Edgewater. Chi we are on our way to make a mighty and the 'Masonic lodge over which severe. Our studies lead us to en jority of normal individuals It Is a ( In Alabama the automobile laws cago; Francis Ouimet and Jesse good try. To accomplish our earnest mild stimulant of tho heart. Increases tire agreement with the results stat Washington was master, and where require but one license plate, and power to do muscular work. Increases ed In Hollingworth that when taken are displayed many of the articles that one placed on the front of the Guilford. Woodland. Boston; Fred J. wish we will have to play a lot of i Wright Jr.. Albermarle. Boston; good golf and defeat a lot of good Intimately associated with the life of with food in moderate amount, caf- concentration of mental effort and Bobby Jones, of Atlanta. Ge., Dr. men at Hoylake." (Continuad on Pace Eight) therefose the power to do more fein Is not in the least deleterious.” the Father of his Country. AMtKGAN LUNliUAlit F03 HAWAIIAN SOLONS HIGH LIGHTS IN THE TOUR WITH THE NATIONAL EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION bliLr I tfl