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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1920)
GRAN'TH l'AHN DAILY OOtRIER MONDAY, DEI'EMIIEH Iff, II12O Classified Advertising FOH HAIJC WANTED PAGE THREB if is GÌ gilt o'clock. PUZZLE Î0 EXPERTS WOOD FOR SAIJD Delivered tor WANTED - Dry slabs or corfl wood In nr load Jots Ashland ixiundry 43 75 per tier. Phone W. 8 Rob- • lisw York, Inion. Wtldervllle. Oltf Co. 50 Utile ■'a time P.zesci cwskl, Polish FOR BALE -lllver Banks Better HTP.AVBIl chess ' under of djjh and one-half Berkshire«. Thrifty, prolific stock »ears, who hz* tlefe, te<l the most River Banks Farms. 03tr STRAYED -A dehorned red cow, | [ formidable m tors of the che kered branded “V” on left hip. Owner! is Hayed I square where .1 r the SEASONED WOOD FOR SAI,E -O. call for same nt Laliirop much. 50 j In Europe, ari I who Is fulfilling a and laurel, $6.76; t>ody fir. 34. pine and second growth fir, 83.76; STRAYED from Aigieda, Oregon. I two months engagement demonstrat- Holstein heifer, branded ID V on i lils skill to American cx'crts. nianznnlta. 86. C. W I<aml>re<'ht, right hip. smooth crop on right ’ Ing been In ‘‘training quarters” In Rd I. Box 1! 26tf ' has eur, black uni! white spotted, com country near New York most of BALED HAY FOR SAIJ1 Se« II. N. ing 3 years old. Anyone knowing i ’ the time since he arrived In this Parker. 58 where »3« is iileaso write to Mrs . the Eitle Vanblerlcom, Grants' Pass I country PIANO FOR RALE CHEAP-—Call ut The child prodigy explains, thru Oregon. 511 TH North Fourth street. «5 - . .... — - — ---- -MW- — a staff of Interpreters translate »he who youngster's PIANO INHTIit fTIO.Y RESIDENCE FOR SAIA! 7-room successively from modern house, with lot 100x100. MRS. JAMES M. POWERS, instrsc- Polish Into French or German and Call at 311 A street. 4 5 And you have a generous, lasting lather that tor on piano; studio over Barna«' thence, finally Into English that a chess player's training differs ma will soften the toughest beard so the razor Jewelry. Phone 265-J. FOR BAUD—507 E street. The Ward will fairly dance through the shaving task. terially from that undertaken by robe Cleaners: Ouo dark blue over DENTISTS chnmplons In other lines when they coat. wise 37. *20; one ladles' dark Use Pu rola for speed and smoothness. First-class put themselves into combat form. blue capo. 33.50; one ladles' dark E. C. MACY, D. M. D. dentistry. H 6th 81 And listen io this: If you don’t find Purola In clearing his intellectual decks brown coat, large else, >20. 45tf K the greatest shaving cream you’ve ever used, for action, young Samuel does every CIVIL ENGINKKIt FORRA i J e Model 1906 Winchester return a-.y part of the tube to your dealer 22 rifle with brand now barrel' CIVIL ENGINEER- Denial MeFnr-1 thing else within 11s juvenile caps and get your money back. city except play chess. Titus he Is and peep sight. Shoots longs. I land. Civil Engineer and Surveyor. ablo to appear fresh and with an un Good druggists sell Purola. shorts and long rifle cartridges, ’ Roa. 747 North Tenth St. Phone burdened brain when called upon to 500 rounds ammunition go with 211-T. Oltf match tactics with his opponents, gun Price 820. Merle Willits. whom he habitually takes on fifteen HEAL »»TATE Wardrobe Cleaners. 52 at a time to thirty anticipation of a spirited FOR HA1.E Seven-room house with e t . M c K instry , 603 g st., phone So, in some of the nation's most 355-R, general real estate business bath. etc. nt M02 N. 7th street. 61800. Five-room house, small Best of soils for fruit, hay or gen tilt with champions, the youngster foremost eral farming barn. M6 N. 7th street, 3);■'»<• Is running the gamut of youthful ac Mrs W H. Quält, Rd 4, city. 70 HIGGINS 4 VERDIN -Genera) real tivity from playing Indian or chaslnz estate. Office 111 South Sixth. cottontells In the fields to operating FOR SALE One Holstein milk cow. Phone 69. 20tf a mlnature railroad system and fresh two weeks, one Jersey cow, fresh four weeks. Otto Henrlc- SEE BALLINGER & HtTLL for farm, braving the danger of being soundly son. Rd 2. Boz 24, cr phono 602- cny and business property. 10 and scolded by his elders should one of F-21. 45tf hfs toy locomotives Jump the tracks ’ 11 Flanagan Bldg. Phone 284. and mar the polished parlor floor. FOR SAIJC-—No. 17 Del<aval cream, TAX» separator, 1000 pounds capacity, ( For young Samuel, away from a' has been used 30 days. Paid 8152. MOONER TAXI —Phone 262-R for chess hoard, to perform on which has will take 8100. F. R Hyde. Mur-j Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an been alfnoat an obsession with him . Phy. 501 • wered anywhere, anytime. 86tf since the age of three. Is a very nor mal sort of little boy. rather shy and| FOR SALE I Universal electric ItltlYAGE AMI TRANSFER backward w-lth grownups, but with | Black and red spruce are very com-J ers and 380 lieutenant commanders GERMANY WANTS PERMISSION three-heat, round grill, with nleklel FACTORIES IN BRAZIL rnonly seen in New England Christ- will have to be revoked July 1. 1921 TO BUILD . * • dishes. Phono 3 46-1,. 50, THE WORLD MOVES; we a taste for diversion out-of-doors Bhortage of o(ficera in the iow. Bunch Transfer Co. Office phone which would have entitled him to a mas celebrations and in New York due Rio de Janeiro. Dec. 11.—(A. P.) place of honor among the associates and Philadelphia. In Illinois and er grades, the report says. MISCELLANEOUS 34 9; reslden e phone 315-J. —>A German syndicate has made a of Tom Sawyer, "Huck” Finn and ¡Ohio the local demand is supplied More attention must be paid to the proposal to the Brazilian government NURSERY stock of all kinds. Orna F. U. ISHAM, drayage aud transfer. the rest of the “gang,” had he been partly with nursery grown Norway Saf.-s. pianos and furniture mental. shade and fruit trees Geo. personnel side of the conduct of the to establish factories in the state of ; spruce. Pines are in great demand an .American and a contemporary of moved, parked, shipped and stored H Parker. TOtf for Christmas trees when . fir and navy, Admiral Washington says, as Minas Geraee for making automo that noted society. office phone 124-Y. spruce are not available. ‘ Tkrough- serting that ‘this point of view does biles, balloons, and agricultural im A1.11ANY NURSERY, trees of qual VETERINARI .HI lU.EttN plements. according to a cablegram out Maryland, Virginia and in Wash not now prevail.” ity. F. E. lordati, special agent. to the foreign office from the Bra ington, D. C„ the scrub pine fln<js 860 N. 7th St., Granta Pass. 83'f DR. K. J BESTUU Veterinarian. “The attention of the navy and of zilian consul in Berlin. Special con ! a way into many homes, while in Residence 83 8 Washington boule HAULING -One-ton G. M. C. truck southern Wyoming the lodge pole al! those who In any way enter into cessions in duties and freight rates vard. phone 398-R equipped with pneumatic tires ( pine is almost the only species avail-] the activities of the navy must be are requested of the Brazilian gov floc* all kinds of hauling; special concentrated equally on the ships! ernment. Brazil’s action on the pro PHYSICIANS able. ty: Sand, gravel, granite and loam. and the men who man them," the i posal has not been made public. D.. Practice Temporary phone, 3 23-R. Call L. O. OIJCMENT, M rei»ort says, ‘‘The long period of limited to diseases of eye. ear, nose for Roy Wilcox. Rea. 516 Rogue Washington. Dec. 11 — (A. P.)—■ material reconstruction covering the How He Ended Kidney Trouble and throat. Glasses fitted. Hours River A vs. 53 Between four and five million Christ-j new building programs has diverted “I had a severe attack of kidney 9-12. 3-5, or on appointment. mas trees will be felled this year to too large a share at service attention trouble and for three weeks could ROOFING—Paper and composition Phones, office 62; residence 359-J brighten American homes, churches’ from questions of personnel.” roofing repaired the right way; 14 not get out of doors and scarcely out years experience In San Francisco 3. LOUGHHIDGE, M. D. Physician and community centers, and delight] Commenting on the enlisted man of bed." writes C. E. Brewer, Village and surgeon. City or country calls the hearts of t|ie children. This Is j and Bay cities, Cal. Address L. situation. Admiral Washington states Springs, Ala. ‘‘Could not bend over attended day or night. PbonEs. the estimate of the forest sen-ice. J. Otis, 740 N. 10th St. H mm that the nav has very largely re at all without the most excruciating Res. 36!». Office. 132; 6th and H which says that the total of trees! Washington, Dec. 11 (A. P.)— covered from the post-war reaction pains. I purchased a bottle of Foley 211-Y. 53 Physician used In this country each yuletide Declaring that the officer personnel that virtually stopped recruiting. At Kidney Pills. Was relieved after the ”8! NOER” leads as usual—1921 B. J BILLJCK, .M. D season equals approximately the of fhe navy should be augmented to the rate new men are now entering first few doses and continued their and surgeon; office Schallhorn models op floor Grants Paas Hard- combined consumption of England, fun strength and placed on a per- the service the authorized strength use until completely cured. I con block, phone 54-j; residence. 1004 See them. Your terms • are C.t Scotland. and Wales and Is about 25 ■ manent basis "with the least possi- will be reached by July 1, next, his sider Holey Kidney Pills the best Lawnridge. phone 54-L. are ours, J W. Scott, sales msn- per cent greater than that of Ger-, .................... t>le delay.” ’ Rear Admiral Thomas report states. Due to the loss of a ] kidney remedy in the world, No re- ager Binger Sewing Machine Co. W. F. RUTHERFORD—Manual *he- tnitny. 1 Washington ! Washington, chief ot the bureau of large percentage of the navy’- older j currence of my trouble.” rapullcs. It gets your arrment. 75tf Forest service officials are opposed navigation, in his annual report to enlisted men. however, the report Office over Barnes’ jewelry store — . . PAINTING -Paperhanging, Kg Iso to any movement to discourage the Secretary Daniels today describes the says that the enlisted force has not Office hours 9:30-12; 1:30-4. Hammermill Bond Letter Heads ti.*« mining done by day of contract. use of these trees for Christmas pur- personnel situation as the most ser- yet gained normal efficiency. land Envelopes at the Courier office. RALPH W ‘ STEXUNS ’ m . D. Phy- Call pbWM 3!’ I R 50 siman and surgeon, X-ray equip- pcses. To the argument that the tous problem before the navy. Even JOB. MOBS AGENCY fare ins h r- cutting and use of the trees Is a though 1200 reserve and temporary ment, dental X-ray. Office, Mo- anon, plate glans liability Insur- sonic Temple Bldg. Phones: Of- i great waste, they say that the cits-, officers are taken into the regular tf ance. 204 % Sixth street tom Is so old. so well grounded, and establfshmenP-as permitted by law fice 21-J; residence 21-L so venerated, that even if It were , during the coming year the shortage LOST ATTORNEYS economically somewhat indefensible, of officers May 1. 1921, will be eq •" 1X18T A bunch of keys, somewhere H. D. NORTON, Attorney-at-law. those aspects will and should contin- to seven years output of the na- . in town, along the curb, if found Practices In all State and Federal tie to outweigh economical consider- academy. Admiral Washington as- return to Courier offico. Suitable serfs. Courts. First National Bank Bldg. ations. reward. 51 Placed altogether, the four or five From present indications and 171- G. W COLV1G. tttorney-at-law. mllltons of trees used annually J less remedial legislation is obtained 1A1ST -Amber ring from umbrella Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg. would make a mighty forest, but the temporary appointments of 7 handle. Finder please leave at the Josephine Grocery. 49 E. 8. VAN DYKE. Attorney. Practlcee forest service officers point out that' admirals. 67 captains, 154 command- In all courte. First National Bank many of them come from fields be- Ing cleared for farming purposes or Building. MICKIE SAYS from forests which need thinning to O. 3. BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-law. protect the more sturdy trees. They ERTAIN fine types of Golden Rule Bldg. Phone 270. also argue that trees are for use and tobacco, previously used ■ *’ ONCI IM A. VJMItt K C. A. .•»‘DLER. Attorney-at-law. Ma that there Is no other use to which for export, piled up in the LtTTia. Ft«. «UïlUKôY\OU ftVOWl-i sonic l ‘.nple. Grants Pass. Ore. they be put that would contribute \H ’YMOUY NO UkWF RIGMED Y’ United States due to the high GlIX). H. DURHAM, * Attorney-at-law so much to the joy of mankind as rt ’M IT MSXJFU COhStR NO rate of exchange. From thesfc referee In bankruptcy. Masonic their use by children on this one CLO9CR. f' » i YYIH' IM YV a '^P k VÇU. ON’T fool with n great holiday. Temple. Phone t35-J. TUfcU YU' OxO Y G 15 Y tu' high grade tobaccos we have ( cold. Go to your Of the total of Christmas trees »HYb »AWi. "TU' HOkAY FO«. J.\MES_ T_ OH I NNOCK. Lawyer L ' ' druggist and get a Isittle consumed In this country, 1,500,000 of Or. King’s New Discovery and start manufactured “111” (ONE- OR.PHA.U UtYYta« TH’ First Nation's) Bank Building. are used in New York state and New taking it. By the time you reach mri eANKST’' ELEVEN) CIGARETTES — TU' BO«S A. C, HOUGH—Lawyer. Tuffs Bldg. England, the forest service says. home vou’U begin to feel better, and a new product — a quality ■will have a restful sleep without Practice In all courts. C0MF Atoi*)0 throat torturing coughing. λ TMf product— made of tobacco never V. A. C. AHLF, lawyer, practice tn Dr. King's New Discovery, for over (F vouwan T TO fifty years a standard remedy, has the previously used in cigarettes in state and federal courts Office iS VMMeti Medicinal qualities that relieve con over National Drug Store. this country. gestion. ease the cough and loosen the phlegm. Convincing healing taste, the Sugar m Lite's Cup. too. Price 60 cents, $1.20 a bottle. I'm -»irrinc th<- hesH there la noth r n tirsi-eins* spoon with a inally .0F1 —B>>«ton Transcript. Stomach-Kidneys-Heart-Liver represents one inch • oj' PUROLA slaving crearrv 1 rifle u vier—sVery popular no\Va¿fays minute,pasteigfii j *2 How To Get Rid Of Your Cold WATCH THE BIG 4 Tunklne. « "Some men.” said Jud Tnnkfnx "have n lot of sense uhoiit mnklng money ami n lot of foolishness shout pendine* it " • Keep the vital organs healthy by regularly taking the worlds stand ard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles— GOLD MEDAL CHICHESTER S PILLS i X. A»k yowr IfrttffifM for < fit eh«Mi-trr ■ RrM<t/A> 1*111« Red find Mold metalllcVWy h>trt, tealwl aith Flu« Riblwtn* \ / TaUe an *.thrr. Biw of lone v llnfftat. Ask ( »< in-4 HTfc.TEIW IMAMON!» HR INI» 1*11.1.«. Cor yen*«knownM Drib i-Meit. Alw»ya Rslfltb*' ^DMWLG u STSPOYWIFP». Nnttonal Remmly cf Holland centuries and endorsed by Queen Wilhel mina. At all druffRiRts, thres sizes. Look for the name GoM Medal on •▼ary box and accept no imitation For coldsandtSna^hg Pr-KingS Corrlipated? Here’s Relief u m . e tr.e t. ,c system and __ aud bring b back old time energy with Dr. K '.tag's il „L They promote free bile flow. Uir up the Lzy liver and get at the root of the trouble. Price, 25 cents. ■ > Prompt? Won’t Gri .IT/- tKlG 3 cigarettes J C F — <r