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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1920)
associ item -e VOL. XL. No. 73 i* it E hm hkkvick UNITED PHEW SERVICE GRANTS PARK, JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON. Tt ESDIY, DE< EMBER il, HMÍO Ì -, ' ' LEAGUE WANTS AGREEMENT si l l \ LION i ♦ (leneval, Dec. 14.— (A. P.l — ♦ | The assembly of the league of nations went on record today as favoring limitation of arma- ment by powers' during next two years by agreement. The council of the league was ssk* ed to undertnke to bring about ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ > ♦ I ♦ ♦ * ♦ ♦ . ♦ ! ♦, * , MENATE COMMITTEE HUBMITM A| PARTIAL ItEI'ORT—M'OI LD TURAMI ill REPORT SHOMb TUAT MENATIMI WANTS RESOLUTION INABILITY TO Al DIT RETI UNS PASSED TO OPEN NEGOTIA ♦ IM CALME TIONS FOR REDI (TKJ.N OONTINVH PROBE ......... ..... I MILLING EN ROUTE IS GRANTED LUMBER MEN ♦ ---------- ♦ ON ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ == . WHOLB NUMBER »ISO. • Portland. Dec. 14.—(A. P.) —The Southern Pacific grant- ed milling in transit to Oregon lumber men, rdaking it possible to ship unfinished lumber to eastern points under a single transcontinental rate and h<*ve the finishing done en route. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ SUPREME COURT RENDERS DE- CISION IN MANDAMUS PRO CEEDINGS AGAINST UNION . « AMENOMEHT HELD OPERATIVE South American Republic Does Not Consider Herself a Member of Hrmator Kenjon MUU«'s ■flmt n(. Telegraph t ompeliy Asks District of Complet Naturti of Revenue I hm « President Would lie Empowered to No Addition Legislation Necessary to ('oliiinl>bt Court to Restrain the league of Nations MottM D«'«lro 'liuti tlie (<ov«-rn- Bring Difficulty Saya Member of ^¡egotialo With Great Britain Make Amendment Valid—Opinion < •ovcrtuni ’ nl nuMil Run Mln«* Staff of the Treasury nail Japan for Agreement la a Complete Reversal Buenos Aires, Dec. 142 —(A. P.) — Argentina will not give notification Washington, Dec. 14.—(A. P.) — Salem. Dec. 14.—(U. P.)—Mil of her withdrawal from i the league A resolution requesting tije president lions of dollars In road,bonds voted with article to- open negotiations with Great of nations in accordance in Oregon counties were validated Britain and Japan for an agreement one of the pact, because • it does ùot 'by the decision of the pupreme court consider Argentina has ever been a to reduce the naval building pro in mandamus proceedings brought grams 50 per cent for the next five! member of the league, the foreign by Ladd & Tilton against Union office told the Associated Press to years was introduced In the senate I county. by Senator Borah, of Idaho. Secre day. The constitutionality of the tary Daniels, before the bouse naval | amendment Of 1919, authorizing committee, opposed such a proposal Engagement Is Announced— county indebtedness for road pur ------------------- The engagement of Miss Alva Wil- poses up to 6 per cent of the assessed __________ Stat«- Tax Incr«wuww—- Austin Wilson, of Applegate, spent 40n .daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. valuation of the county, is held oper The state tax for Joscphlnb coun Monday In the city attending to bus- Wilson. to _____ Philip POKTI a AND MARKETS ______ .. , Twohy, ____ .. of __t Port- ative without any additional legis ty has been placed at 174,798 for iness matters. I ■. ■ .... - f ' land, was announced yesterday after lation. the coming year. Thia la an increase J. R. Harvey returned Jhls mqrn-! noon at a bridge-tea given at the Portland, Dec. 14.—(A. P.J — of over 100 per cent over last year, The opinion is a complete reversal ing to the Old Channel mine at Ga-1 when tfoe state tax amounted to Hogs are lower. «10.75 to «11.25. lice, of which he now has charge. ! Wilson home. Each of the 25 guests of the decision of the supreme court >35,874.20. The large Increase Is Eggs are firm. Other markets are The mine is operating and a good J who were present, received a tele in a suit by W. P. Hawley, instituted gram with their score card which due in A large measure to the mill steady. against Clackamas county, testing cleanup is expected. gave out the news of the engage age bills^oted by the people at the Mrs. Andrew Shade returned Sun-____ _________ ____ ___________ _ the validity of «1,700,000 of the ment. The house was beautifully primary election, it Is said. PASSENGER AIRPLANE AT day from Mood ward. Oklahoma, and decorated with chrysanthemums for Clackamas county issue. Bond issues affected were voted in LONDON CRASHES TO EARTH Kansas. Mrs. Shade*has been visit- the occasion. Miss M'ilson is one of Dtvorvrs Are Granted— ing in the two states for* the past the most popular young women of Jackson, Lane, Coos, Crook, Clacka A large number of divorces were She finds Oregon < the city, being prominent in social mas, Union and Yamhill counties. , Ixmdon, De<^. 14.—(A. P.)—A five months. granted yesterday at the December large passenger airplane leaving for gmeh more satisfactory as a i place activities. She is a graduate oi the session of the court. Nevada Buell Salem, Dec. 14.—(A. P.)—The j University of Washington and is a I*aris with six passengers struck a to live, however. was gran tot a divorce from H. H. Mrs. Charles Robbins left this member of Kappa Kappa Gamma supreme court today reversed the tree, burst into flames and tj ashed Bneli Lloyd Johnson was granted a The pilot, ___ mechanic for ho» Angeles after vlsit- sorority. Mr. Twohy is a son of ruling in the casd of Mr. P? Hawley 1__ 1 decree from Gladys Johnson Henry ¡to the ground. CL. | ing at Galice for a few weeks, She Judge John Twohy, of Portland. He against Clackamas county and de and two passengers were killed. Oth Bacher was granted a divorce from j spent yesterday and last night visit- is a graduate of Stanford University. clared valid the road bonds voted in Another stop has been taken to Hattie Bacher and George C. Metcalf er passengers were uninjured. ing Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Shinn. Mr. several counties under an amend __________________ wards bringing tbs slacker lands of secured a divorce from Marlon Met Robbins was on the southbound train ¡ ment adopted by the voters in 1919 the irrigation district to n state of calf. Mrs. R. E. McNapp. formerly of and was met here this morning by 1 Marriage license Issued— A marriage license was issued yes extending the indebtedness limitation* productivity by the appointment of Reuben, went to Merlin this morn- Mrs. Robbins. Their home is in east terday to Charles Louis Woelffle and for road construction from 4 to 9 a committee of nine members to trill«-* Are < <>ni|>lot«l— ; ing and will make her home there ! ern Oregon. per cent of the county's assessed ' Miss Ruth Sanders. formulate a working plan for the de The pouring of fonerete on tile valuation. The case decided today velopment program of the Chapiberf f|va arches at the Savage Rapids was brought by the Ladd and Tilton Married Here Yesterday— of Commerce. dam was completed today, bringing bank, of Portland, against John Paul Lamont and Miss Maybelle The appointment of Clyde E. Niles, the buttresses to the desired height. Frawley, treasurer of Union county Othelia Se.vbold were marrie'd yester manager of River Banka Farms, as This will leave ’the pouring of the for interest on bonds voted under the day by Justice of the Peace Holman, head of this committee was an newer house yet tn be done. With n amendment. The court today held i Both are well known young people nouncod. at the open meeting of the few cold nights like last night, the the amendment is self executing in of the city. Chamber a few days ago. At the re river will soon be down to a low the Clackamas case. It was held quest of Mr. Niles the following eight enough stage to enable the floating that additional legislation was need in cm tiers have been appointed to of the cribs into place which will Washington. Dec. 14.—(A. P.) — °* w' He,d Meeting— Portland. Dec. 14. ( \ p. > —The ed to make it effective. »comprise the balance of th«« commit shut all the water aff from the dam Operation of the United States postal A meeting of the W. O. W. with » tee: Sam H. Baker. Judge C. G When this work is done, the dam ¡service for the fiscal year 1920 re joint fish and gan^e commission de initiation was held last night in the cided last night to set aside the Mac- Gillette, II. D. Norton. Dr. W. W. may be completed without delay. sulted in a deficit of «17.370.482— lodge rooms? A committee was ap- Walker, II. W. Sparks, Al Young, A. j the second largest 1n the history of ! Kenzie, Tumalo. BtiLte Falls and pointed to make arrangements for a Wylberg and F. S. Bramwell. The Nainl Cruise l.ik<*<l— I the service—Postmaster General Klamath hatcheries as trout hatch-| basket social for the first Monday chairman directly after naming this J. K. Manuel and Frank Ray re ' Burlesou shows ln his annuli report eries under the supervision of the ! *n January- committee called a meeting of the turned Sunday from Portland where today to the president, ln which ex- . „ . „ ,,, full committee to meet at the Cham- they were released after their cruise j penditures of the postoftice depart game commission. The Bonneville. | „ keep the Pot Boiling— ber of Commerce roomM at 7:30 thia on board the destroyer Renshaw ment are placed at «454,322,609 and Klatskanle, Siuslaw, Umpqua, Coo8| The Salvation Army pots have I * evening. The cruise took them as tar south revenues at «437,150,212. The post and Alsea hatcheries were designated again made their appearance on the Tacoma. Mash., Dec. 14.—(A. P.) as San Diego where they were given master general charges congress with as commercial hatcheries under the street w’ith the familiar egend —The omahai first scout cruiser J. R. I«ee. supervising foreman of shore leave often. They report direct responsibility for the deficit, supervision of the fish commission. "Keep the Pot Boiling” attached. A of the Pacific Telephone and Tele rough weather on the entire trip. I explaining that the expenditure in The Oakridge hatchery will be used large number of contributions are built for the United States navy graph company, spent Monday In the The Columbia bar was crossed on the cluded approximately «33,202.600 for both trout and salmon but oper- being gecived to aid, In the work of since 1907, is being launched at the Todd Drydock and Construction city with C. H. Corson, local man- return trip about an hour before the paid as a war bonus to postal em ated as two separate units on the the Army at Christmas, yards here today with Miss Louise B. z ager of the company. ‘big storm broke. ployes and stating that but for this same site. Action was deferred on ' White of the Nebraska metropolis there would have been a surplus of the Gold Creek. Santiam and Neha- Former Pourier Employe Visits— [as sponsor. Miss White was selected «18,427.917. Mr. Burleson says he! lem hatcheries until an investigation Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Bender arrived' by the mayor of Omaha to christen j declined to approve the bonus action ! can Ibe made. Sunday night from Colfax, Wash.. i the boat. ! of the legislative department, add-] by auto, on their way to southern j ! ing that he had offered suggestions California for the winter. They are, Shipyard records show that the Everett Earle.Stanarti I of another plan for compensating the Temperature Mas Down— spending several days with Mrs. Ben-| Omaha, which is 550 feet and six The mercury took a sudden drop der's brothers. . James and' employes which would have served ___ George _ i *nches ln Iength' 18 the long68t ve’- Mrs Bender! Bender 8el ever bwi,t on PuS*t Sound. She the purpose without at the same time last might, getting as low as 28 de Slovgr, and families. Mrs. °f construction .and For many and many a moon the people round here giving a blanket increase ln pay to grees. This Is not as cold as the was’an employe of the 'Courier for 18 of a new "thousands who were already amply previous cold spell when the low seveh years, retaining the position as she was designed primarily for dwelling have praised the weather late and soon, aloud its mark of 20 was reached. With fair under several ownerships. Mr. Ben- speed, It Is believed she will be glory telling. They bad the sick ones hither fly to cure compensated.” iTs'm^icanttle bus- among the fastest ships afloat, with i "For reasons that can be readily ! weather for tonight and an east w«n<l I their dire diseases, and bask where sunbeams never die. and a mark of 35 knots an hour. and hag Mtlred understood," he continues.'"the leg- | blowfng, a lower temperature may be )negg )n Nature always pleases. And each and every citizen that . _____________ i Islatlve department rejected these expected. traveled other counties discoursed on wondrous climate Four propellers, two on each side, suggestions made by the postmaster when they taste of Grants 1*080 bounties. Men doubled up have been bnllt on the cruiser. Her (LARK EV ANS REFUSED general and hence is directly respon Vocational Gtildnnee Director Here— with aching Joints or epizootic chronic will find our weather A REHEARING BY COURT boilers will generate 105,000 horse sible for the deficit which inevitably power and her displacement will be Just like pints of pharm ictlc tonic. While the coy seasons Prof. William L. Wible, vocational followed the indefensible action. 7.100 tons. The armament will con skipped and fled we bec .oned to dyspeptics, nnd luring Salem, Dec. 14. — (A. P.) — The guidance director, of Los Aageles. is "The postmaster general feels con-i In the city for a few days. Professor supreme court refused a rehearing sist of twelve 8-lneh. , high power, words we always said to monomanlakleptlcs. We saw the strained to point out that if a prompt j Wible is especially interested in for Lark Evans 'today. Evans was rapid fire rifles, two «-inch anti-air long procession come, peg-legged men, string-halted, those halt Is not called and such a policy j school work and has been spending convicted of robbing W. G White of craft guns, two 3-pounders, two ma who had sipped of too m ich mm or bolted peanuts salted. Is persisted in. there will be a de-1 some time at the local high school I Grants Paes. chine guns and two twin torpedo We saw full many and many a time, with feelings of elation, tube«. ficiency for the next fiscal year of1 Interviewing students. He is a cou the germ-bug hosts right in their prime, all vote on emigra approximately «38,000,000 and the sin of C. A. Wible. tion. "It is the climate" said we all, and so with Joyous sing CONSTANTINE MAKES START The Omaha is being launched bow postal establishment will cease to be; ing we climbed upon a ladder tall and sot a sign a-swlnging. ON RETURN TO GREEK THRONE I first. Instead of stern first as usual. ■ i self-supporting, as ft should be. and And then the elements is glee began 'to tltter-tottar, and The keej was laid in 1918 and she Mrs. H. W. Dunn left this morn-! Lucerne, Switzerland. Dec. 14.— will be ready for service late next will become a constantly Increasing' every day at half past thrve ¡toured Qiit a flood of water. Old burden upon the general treasury.” ' Ing for San Francisco where she was (A. P.)—Former King Constantine year. The Omaha, which is one of Sol can't be depended on Just when you pull your sweater Reference also Is made to the de called by the death of a nephew. the glimmer of the sun Is gone. Wet. wet you get, and wet- i and his party left on their home three scout cruisers under construc cision of the Interstate commerce- ter. Your rrfln coat yo.i must wear to work, your lflg um- Mrs. 8. L. Brown, of the Western ward journey to 'Athens. They were tion here, will cost approximately commission, granting the rallAays brell to dinner: and your goloshes do not shirk If you would «3,500,000 when fully equipped. hotel, left this morning for Salem cheered at the station. additional pay aggregating «8.103.-! be n winner. > The sign will rot some day, no doubt, before where she will visit. 889 for carrying the mails. This we croak despairing, an 1 in the sun we’ll sally out, no mack Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Churchill left William Gilbert was a visitor la served likewise to offset increases inf Mrs. Lawrence Underwood went to last night for Loe Angeles where the city yesterday, coming down intoshes wearing! postal receipts, Mr. Burleson de Merlin this morning to spend a few they will spend the next few months from Medford to attend to soma clares. days with her mother. with their daughter. business. Washington. Dec. 14 -(A. P.) — Sharp criticism of the coal industry accompanied a partial report of the senate committee on production and reconstruction, which wss submitted to Ihe senate. The report asked for the iiower to continue the Investiga tion and suggested government ac tivities to bring about cooi>eratlon under regulation in building con struction. Senator Kenyon. said that If present methods pf producing and distributing coal are to go on he "for one, harsh as the remody might I h >. shall favor taking over the mines." A The report urged the de- partment of Justice to prosecuted the wrongdoers among labor leaders and employers who have comblneh to force unjustly high coats of build* in«. Washington. Dec, 14.—(A. P.)-*- The Western Union today asked an injunction In the District of Colum bia supreme court restraining thè government from Interferrlng wilh the proposed connection of the com- pany'a cable with a new cable from the Barbardoes, where It connects with the British cable to South America. Washington. Dec. 14.—(A. P.J— The treasury department estimates that more than «1,000,000,000 is outstanding in unpaid taxes because the government has be«;» unable to audit returns. Dr Thomas 8. Adams, of the treasury staff, told the house ways and means committee. Be cause of the complex nature of the revenue laws, tax returns tor 1317 are not yet checked up. he said. LAND DEVELOPMENT CONGRESS IS BLAMED ;