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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1920)
l ulverslty of Ore Librar» • I VOL. X„ No. 271 GRANTH PAMM. JOHKPHINK (XH’NTY, OREGON, WHOLE MMHEK 30 ML »cm ms SOVIET MEETS Iti'ltcllioii in EniHWiada tgiUnst the llolaa-lllon of Governor Begun, Say lt«-|r»rtM la»» Angeles, Aug. 13. A rebellion, against the rebellion of Governor Bn-I toban Cantu of Ixiwer California, bus broken out In Ensenada axcording to1 a statement tod^y by Eduardo Ruiz, representative here of the provision al Mexican government Ludwig Marlen» < latin» Hr Know» Nothing of Any Stonrw—Maya Crown Jewel» In Treasury WITH POLES Ï0 TRY FOR PEACE IntorMJiti- < ommerce Commission Al low» IncT'Mc of 11A5 per cent in Express Charges POLISH Ft HU ES REIT I/4E BOL- SlfEVIKI ON NOITHERN FRONT SAYS (O.MM4 NIQI E Washington, Aug. 13—-An in<-ease( OFFICIALA OF FOREIGN EX of 12.5 per cent in express rat as was CHANGE COMPANY LATEST TO t>u‘h< »hed today by the iilerstate’ FALL INTO NET ‘T com erre commiasicn Req- f»ta of- the American Railway: Express company *»• i’.rreases aver aging 25 16 per cent were fauna un- Note Being Srait tbc United Nlatcw Capital City of ‘I'lMiuitl l>-ilar«l in (Jormunonl Expnvwing Pleasure Stale of Siege Htrvra* Emptied on Stami Takixi at 10 o’clock at Night Buainra* Reason- Givrai aa Reason tor Turning Ponxi Over to United State« Mar-lul • Warsaw, Aug. 13. -The Polish Warsaw. Aug. 13.—Polish sue-| Boston. Aug 13.—-Raymond M«y- A reception was given on Thurs j commissioners with authority to ne- cesses on the southern front, where era, Charles C. Meyers, Charlee 8. day evening by the ladles of Beth gotiate peace are expected to leave the Russians have Le&n pushing for The regular weekly band concert Brightwell, secretary, manager and any Presbyterian church at the home Warsaw on Saturday and meet the Ixemberg. were reported in last will be held in Riverside park tonight president, respectively of the Old soviet delegates somewhere on the night ’ s official communique, of Mr. and Mm Frank Nombalala on at 8 o’clock sharp. A good program Colony Foreign Exchange company, A street in honor of Mrs. H. Bob- road between Breat-idtovsk and War has been arranged for the evening zlen who leaves soon for Seattle, saw, the foreign office announced to Warsaw, Aug. 13.—Thursday njght were arrested today charged with and a large attendance is urged. The ladles had planned the affair day. the Russian soviet forces attacking conspiracy to defraud an a result of Th« band director, J. R. Yiiggln- for themselves but soon after they the Polish lines to the east and north- Parfe, Aug. 13.-—The French gov- east of here have reached a point 25 'botham, desires that the people get the investigations of the sensational bad gathered the gentlemen! put to the park as early as possible and financing methods which started an in their appearance and gave the ernmeht la sending a note to tho miles from Warsaw. ladies a surprise The rooms were United States government expressing A state of sefge has been declared refrain from racing their engines Inquiry into the operations of Charles Ponzi. Ponzi was surrendered by profusely dix-orated with roses and I pleasure that the French and Ameri here by the military governor. Civil while the band is playing. He state« his bondsman today and turned over other flowers, while the yard was j can views on the Russo-Polish situa ians are not permitted on the streets that the crowd at the last concert was lighted with strings of electric lights tion "are in complete a-iord," It wax after 10 o’clock at night The cafes very appreciative, the people coming j to the United States marshal. Surety early and remaining until the con-1 was withdrawn for business reasons. close at 4> overod with Japanese lanterns, the learned today. cert was over. A blanket warrent including 50 lighting e(Toi ls having been generous-| The program for tonight will be counts charging Ponzi with larceny POKThAMl MA li KOTS Ixindon. Aug. IS.—Capture of ly donated by Paul's Electric store. as follows: was issued In the yard was a cleverly arranged Mlaw and Pultusk and the occupa- Portland. Aug. 13.—Hogs are low- tlon of Siedlce are announced by the "Indiana Guards," march____ ___ 'Old oaken bucket" and aa the guests ----------------------------- W. H. Kiefer Boston, Aug. 13—Other arrests are Nkw York. Aug 13. I aid wig Mar •were being served with punch from er. prime ‘mixed $17.75 to $18. All Russian soviet military headquarters "After Glow," reverie serenade ...... expected within 24 hours as a fur tens. unrecognized soviet ambassador the today. bucket. Miss Parsons of Other quotation« are unchanged ----------------- Harry J. Lincoln ther result of the Investigation sine* to the 1’nlted States today disclaimed Omaha, — - - — - Nebraska. standing .in "Raggy Trombone," trombone Charles Ponzi’s Securities Exchange any knowledge of the diamonds ad the children's play house in the top characteristic ...... •. ...... W. H. Kiefer company fell' under suspicion. dressed to him which it was brought of an oak tree beautifully sang the Messrs Uncoln, Braxton. Hamilton out at hla deportation hearings had "Old Oaken Bucket." She also gave "The 8ky Pilot." overture_______ been intercepted In New York Ex other selections as did also Mrs. A. ....A. M. Laurens pressing Indignation, ho asserted that N. Parsons. Later in the evening "Salute to Washington.” march.... al! the confiscated Jewels were In the brick ice cream and cakes were serv ....... ........... W. H. Kiefer Russian soviet national treasury. ed to the 75 ladles and gentlemen ("Kentucky Dream," waltz........... . present. I --------- S. R. Henry and D. Ont vas Washington, Aug. 13.—Latest re Vienna. Aug 13..—Austria has "National Emblem," march............ CANADIAN BOOZE BRINGS ports received at the navy depart abolished government control of her E. E. Bagley HIGH PRICE IN MONTANA ment are that the dirigible, R-38,' domestic grain supply after a bitter Washington, Aug. 13.—The Ger I Helena. Mont., Aug 13 -Canadian now constructed for the Ameri- political fight In which the advanced Penalty Is Charged— man government is taking iver 24 "imported" whiskey, according to re-¡'‘«n »*'/ by the Royal Airship nar«?s were defeated by an over ship« aggregating more than 195,000 Local shippers were advised today ports current hore, recently advanced works, at Bedford, Eng., is more »helming vote of the combined gross tons, under construction in var $5 a quart, making the price $18 to than 60 per cent completed and Christian Soclalist-Grosse Deutsch of a penalty of $10 a dajr which has j ious private shipyards of the country, Nashville, Tenn., Aug 13. The $30, according to tho age and brand, probably will be ready to take the Parties Government control, it was been authorized by the interstate I for delivery to the reparation com senate today ratified tho woman suf Much of the best stuff, at the latter a,r by the latter part of November alleged, was a "farce.” commerce commission foL the deten- j While the grain of Austria is ne- tion more than 48 hours of all open mission {is provided by the terms of frage amendment by a vote of 25 to 4. figure. It Is said, changes hands When the great dirigible, which dally In Montana. One chauffeur will surpass in size any airship ever gllbile in the world’s supply and but top cars and cars loaded with lum-1 the treaty of Versailles Raleigh. N. <’., Aug. 13 Suffrage who is declared to have started in constructed, thrusts her nose out of a fraction of her own need, passage Five of the vessels were ordered won the initial battle in the North the illicit liquor business a year ago! the hangar at -Bedford for the first of the decontrol act is interesting as» ber coal or coke. This new charge is by the Hamburg-American line, one Carolina législature today when, by with a few dollars is now said to be time there will be a trained-to-the- a popular demonstration of the line in addition to the regular xiemur- of 56,000 gross tons add another of a vote of 7 to I. tho constitutional worth $30,000. Scores of automobiles minute American crew aboard to put of demarkation between the two ' rage rate, and is designed to prevent 20,000 gross tons. One ship of 18,- ' undue detention of equipment in the 000 gross tons was being built tor amendment committee of the upper come in from Canada dally add so I her through her trial flight. Several great political factions The penalty the North German Lloyd. The economic experts of the social present emergency. hoyso favorably reported for the rat long is the boundary line that it is training cruises on the British dir I charge will apply on forest materials ist wing declared the dec ontroi act a ification of tho resolution almost impossible to stop the traffic, igible R-33, offered by the British Owners of the vessels who deliber government for that purpose, already reactionary measure in favor of thy to which the lumber rates themselves ately avoid the obligation of deliver officials declare. apply, but excepts cars held at ports have been made by American naval a*trarian element and predicted that ing the’ships to the government will i>ersonnel who will form the R-38’s bread prices would rise because» of it. for trans shipment by vessel. Recon be punished by imprisonment up to Advocates vivw USXV7 uiaiiiitiuiu ma mino th aucuip airship will a of the measure, ’ ’ on -- the ~ signing rules on all freight in open one year and by fine up to 100,000 crew aiiu and the be manned by experienced sailors of o,*ler hand. insisted that tn spite of top cars and coal and coke in all cars marks, the German government de Romo, Aug. 13. Popo Benedict .. his foed- are amended to permit of but one re clares and anyone avoiding the otUi- the • farmer withheld Antwerp, Aug. 13.-J)an Ahearn, the air when she sets out on her ,aws - *•-- met with a jdkght accident today, , stuffs from the government requisi consignment under certain conditions -tation by carelessness will be fined trans-Atlantic flight, which oficiáis slipping on the marble floor while tho Illinois athletic club world's re tion and sold to the "left hand” and exceptions, outside of which any i up to 10,000 marks. say will be made next April or May. going to his private library, the Mes cord holder in tho hop. step and I trade, -which In turn profited by the re-consignment, diversion or re-ship With a gas volume of 2,724,000 saggero states. Ho sustained a slight ¡jump, lifts been dismissed from the risk they undertook and lull -ontd ment will subject the freight to the American Olympic team on charges cubic feet, the R-38 will surpass in abralson of tho skin on the knee. TWO ROUMANIAN PALS local rates plus $5 per car. of Insubordination. |slzo the largest rigid airship yet turn prices. These men say that dec»ntr-»l means a normal adjustment of prices ed out by the Zeppelin Company, the FULL WALLOP IN GOLF IS IL-71 by 304,000 cubic feet and the to demand and the sale of bread-stuffs RECOMMENDED BY TRAVERS j British dirigible R-34, which crossed being legalized the farmer and miller (the Atlantic last year, by 711,000 will again enter open competition in Washington, Aug. 13.—Cap n ! cubic feet. Her six engines will de- 'a fair market. The decontrol act brought the re Thomas L. Edwards, of Baker, Ox - , i velop 1950 horsepower, or 130 more and a companion, wore killed in an i than tho most powerful Zeppelin signation of Food Controller Ixjwcn- airplane accident at Mirebelals, Haiti, j craft and drive the great gas bag at feld-Russ. Under hfa leadership the on August 9th, It was announced at an estimated maximum speed of 75 social democrats fought the bill stage by stage. In its final shape the bill marine headquarters today, Hoth j miles an hour. New York, Aug. IX.—The great provides that when the individual jest water-frout improvement here in were marines. To accommodate the 694-foot farmer has given up thrce-tentli^ of A____________ stretch of the R-3 8, the naval air 1 his crop the rest of it is freed. -The 50 years, involving the removal of 32 (’onhwts Are Popular— antiquated piers along the Hudson County Agent R. E. Miller went ' to ship hangar at Cape May. N. J., al I bill also abolishes milling permits. river, and the erection in their stead ready has been lengthened to 700 - tho Illinois valley yesterday to stir of 18 new and vastly larger piers of up somo enthusiasm in the i third feet and also increased in height, latest design, has been planned by Yoatenlay Hottest Day— The two large hangars now under Farm Bureau contest which is not Yesterday proved the hottest day Murray Hulbert, commissioner of ns popular as It should be. This con- construction at t Iaikehurst, N. J., of the season with the thermometer docks, and approved by the Sinking probably will not be completed until ciilis for an article dealing with Fund commission. The Improvement project work, and tho boy or July. 1921. or after the R-38's ar at the courthouse registering 102 de will cost 150,000.000 and will re crees. The day before was about the rival. showing,tho best knowledge of ••- /->-■ same temperature. The river has quire 10 years to complete. Work is work In Ills community will be **------------ x------ JtSA expected to be started next spring. become popular In th» two days, as 4.S«. awarded a prize. Tho membership «'offer l> mu Near CWnpleHon— This with tho proposed vehicular the water registers 72 degrees. conics!» are taking good and much Tho coffer dam aj-ross the Rogue Crowds keep tho bathhouse full all tunnel to Jfew Jersey is expected to Interest Is being shown in them. Mr. at Savage Rapids where the big dam solve New York’s west side dock the time, even until late at night. Miller will return tonight. is being built. Is about completed. problem. The new water-front sys The water has been diverted from tem 1« to Consist of wide ■♦rs. slips Jerry Travels. Street Dunce Tonight— ‘ tho south side of the river to the Were Married in Portland— jind marginal streets, with ware Is easier The Grant« Pass band‘will give an north side already and the main cur-l Word has been received by friands houses and tracks where available In op. when other of their popular street danres rent Is now near the north side of in this city of the marriage in Port the rear. Is nt the tonight at the usual place on H tho stream, The steam shovel has land of Miss Thelma Selleck and Al era’ opHi street between Sixth and Seventh Kouuiuiiiiiiis lune completed a half utile of the exea- fred Earle Douglas, the marriage oc Tito dance will be preceded hy a band vat Ion of tho main ranal and has been curring on August 9 wofked a limn together for years. Both young Mrs Rena Kiser left this after They tire ini-e'uirable and come to the concert in Riverside park between 8 placed temporarily on the gravel pit, people are very well known in this and 9 O’clock and dancing will start in order to get the gravel ready for city and were graduates of the 1915 noon for Rorkeley, Cal., after ^visit American Red Cross station for their ‘dole of relief auppllea always together. soon after theaend of the concert. the construction of tho dam. The class of the louil high school. They ing in the city with her father. V. The liand orchestra will furnish the shovel will be put back to the work wilt after August 15, be at home to Wallace, and with friends for the The war wiped out their small sav-, mgs and almost ruined their farm» music, for the dancing. on the main canal again soon. past month. their friends at Vale, Ore. they are over seventy years of aga. i Washington, Aug 13. Over 100 diamonds supposed to have been part of tho famous jewels of the Russian royal family, addressed to "Comrade Martens" have been Intercepted by customs officials while on route from soviet Russia to the Unltoit Slates, according to evidence Introduced In doportatlon proceedings against Lud- wig Martons, self-styled soviet am baaaador to this country Detail* of a regularly established courier ser vice between bolshevik! agents in Sweden with soviet representatives In New York, by which large quanti ties of jewels have been transported for the past sis months also has been Introduced in testimony. It became known today.