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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1920)
GBANTN I’lHH. losilulM 4ATURDA1 4LGIW] 14, MR0 WHOLE XUMBtíR 301«. AGAINST G.O.P. b TRY ATHLETES (<»I NTY, OREGON. U|ua<J<- Meng Ncloxluled for Nest Fri* • lay Evening—I'rlMw Will Rr Donami I tilted Staten ¡’roteai to Occupation of .-vagliali» Inland Anvwdbwl by N ipfsnww A program ot swimming coniestio III HIT Y V 1TIONN lli:i*llKHENTEI> IN SI V I N I II * 01.1 MI’I ID simitar to tho«« of last aeaxou will ] GOVERNOR OPENH FIKE ON OP- SPEAKER WALKER OF TENNEH- Washington, Aug. 14.—Japan’s re WARSAW DEFENSES ENDANGER INiHITION BY ALLEGING TRICK* HEI HOI SE ANHWER8 I'REHI- ply to the American note protesting ED BY SIAV ADVANCE WELL be st&gnd at th» city bathhouse on : M llh H OPENED TODAY Kill IV LE AGI E FIGHT DENT WIIKON against the Japanese occupation of TOWARD THE REAR Friday «veiling of next week, August I ____ _ «J the northern part of the Saghallien 20th The program of events will f | island was received by the state de- be announced on Tuesday and entry 1 partment today. The note is des- lists will be open at tbe bathhouse t was under with .Mrs Myers ind ut Cramer Bron stood it went throughly into In to the store. All the events will be t re« I whole question of the Japanese pol- and prlsea will be awarded to the <k-n(r«l Mifcw Not Allowed to Enter first anil second In euch event. The • amIbaigli Not in O|M«n, Claim of llourwi lUMM» Will Not Be Sacri- *cy. Th« Siberian document, togeth- Attacking Forcea Within 21 Miles of Into t'<«1 tents—Brasil I «ul» the Bc«1 u> Hecurw Political Harmony with the original American note banks have offered part of the prizes Boudlam Nominee—< •mtribiitHm* City—Northwest Une Is Being 1‘nrailn ot Nation» ! and th« committee In charge will be Total Million*. « laiin Nays Ixsulcr . ! probably will be made public next Assaulted week. [ pleased to receive donations of prizes from any of our business men who Antwerp. Aug 14 The Olympic i wish to help' • Wheeling, Aug. 14. -Governor Nashville, Aug. 14. -"I do not be-! Warsaw, Aug. 14.—The Russians Stadium wax opened today It was a Borne humorous features will be Cox today opened fire on bis republi lleve that the men of Tennessee will attacking Warsay have worked well formal ceremony, staged with a set Included in the list of events, and as can opposition, charging its leader surrender their honest convictions I toward the rear of that city’s de ship with the "attempted trickery" there aro several fine canoes on the for political expediency and har- ' ting ot flags, banners and fluttering fenses and are attacking PloMk river, those will bo given a chance at ' ot the .American people in opposing mony,” Speaker Walker. of the Ten-1 within a dozen miles of the Vistula pennants against a background of th- list of prizes The band will the league of nations and with con- [ nessee house of representatives de river on the northwest Polish lino, white stone, coment and wood, with give another concert on this even ductlug a campaign behind "smoke clared today in a' message to Presi according to Friday night’s official royalty, officialdom, diplomacy, fame ing. and it is th« intention to make screens" to secure partisan spoils. dent Wilson. He was replying to a Polish communique. On the north It tho lH<et aquatic competitionthht That a "powerful combination of' message from the president of last, and fashion participating in the pro eastern front, along the Plalystok interests" is now attempting to buy night urging the Tennessee house to gram or represented In the boxes. has been held in this city. road, the Russians are 21 miles from A number of new swimmers have government control, he also assert-1 concur in the senate action in rati Washington. ^Aug. 14. —The only Warsaw, this morning’s newspapers But the thousands of spectators pack been developed and they will have a ed. charging that ’millions and mil-1 fying »he suffrage amendment Neith ed about the huge oval centered chance to show their skill and speed lions" are being raised in the cam-' er house is In session today. tree, known to have been planted in reported. . ____________ In races for them alone palgn for contributions. their Interest In the actual contest memory of Abraham Lincoln right The water la In the finest condition anta athletes from 30 nations after hls assassination has been nom- I*ORTLAND MARKETS The governor loosed hls attack in inated for a place in the Hall of who paraded the arena and tomorrow for evening swimming and • large numbers nre rvlllng themselves ef an address in the West Virginia | will begin their tests of strength and Its pleasure under tho illumination democratic convention, which was his Portland, Aug. 14.—All market Fame for "trees with a history" quotations am unchanged. alUU. which the American Forestry Asso of the largo flood light first vigorous assault on the repub Tho members of the bathhouse licans. It was to be followed tonight ciation is compiling. A. S Bailey of committee are Geo. E. Lu nd burg. [ by another address to the general GUERNSEY COW TAKES ADDED Decorah, la., where the tree now Antwerp, Aug. 14 Reinstate Geo C. Sabin, Dr E. C. Macy and IMPORTANCE IN THE WEST stands, informed the association that ment of Dan Ahern, who wax dis Mexicali, Aug. 14.-—Negotiations missed yesterday from the Olympic Theo P Cramer, who will be glad the tree was planted by one John on disputed points are in progress sll IRK HI NTING WITH ROWS The Guernsey cow has taken on an Finn, who is still living. team on charges of Insubordination, to receive your offers of prizes. here today between Governor Esta- was announced today Ahern apoli- When Abraham Lincoln was assas ban Cantu, of the northern district IS LATR8T IN CALIFORNIA padded importance in the western glM-d for hls actions —— states recently and is being advocat- sinated Mr. Finn was in Chicago and of Lower California and the provis Ventura, Cal . Aug 1 <■—Hunting i e(1 by breeders as a profitable invest he returned home much depressed. A ional government of Mexico and few days later, on April 27. 1865, strong hopes are entertained that a sharks with bow and arrow is the lat- ... _ . , . . . , ment. Many Guernseys will be shown I Governor Stone of Iowa declared a est sport to be _ introduced 1n Ventura settlement of all controversies will : county __ . __ Dr. __ E. ______________ ot at mourning Lincoln. Finn Oregon K. Roberts and '<I*Y Harry the 8tate for fairs th,s -vear bo reached within a day or two. ‘ ’ I (Van de Linder reported exciting ex-|1“Ite tjpcently imported 5 9 Guern- ,w«nt into the woods and dug up a Shanghai. Aim. 14.—Silver trophy perlencee after a day at Point Magu seys'ffrom the island and these were I small hackberry eshoot which he The Oregon Dairy Council is plan cups of the Shanghai Rowing Club] passed in hunting sharks in this di^ributed by lot. E L. Westoveritransplanted on the street in front ning to have an exhibit at the state 'held by German rowing crews when manner. In many instances, they appointed western ftbld representa- of his home. The shoot took root fair In Salem and at the Pacific In I tho war broke out and which dlsap- i said, the sharks started out to sea ,,vo Of *•>« American Guernsey Cat- | and today is one of the most magnif- ternational Livestock Exposition in ¡•eared at the time ot the German! wit.h the arrows sticking in their l,e Club has opened an office in the icent trees in Iowa. It is 110 feet Portland. The exhibit will show the •■xodus from Shanghai, were brought bodies and It required speed ou the Northwestern bank building in Port- ¡ high and nearly 12 feet in clrcum- content of milk and the booth will be Athens, Aug 14 Nows of the lit- Ito . light unexpectedly at a recent part of the hunters to overtake them. ! land, but will travel all over his field, ference to which facts the American attractively decorated with posters tempted assassination of Premier I dinner of the club. They were award-1 These sharks are not . man-eaters. ] He will !>e ,n the city probaby some- Forestry Association points as a showing the food value ot milk and Venlzeloa. at Paris has resulted In ex •<d to the Scotlsh and Danish crews, ’ which are not known so far north. ¡time near state fair time. ■ great lesson in what can be done in others sent by the National Dairy cesses such as wrecking plants of the j winners of the spring regatta. It ' tree planting. Council. The council is also getting opposing newspapers and the resi was dlscloeed that when the affairs ] The Daughters of the American the butter men together to stress the dence of the former premier The! ¡<>f thd German bank in Shanghai Revolution, the Grand Army of the fact that there is no substitute for former Greek minister to Petrograd | were taken over by the bank of Chi- , Republic and historical societies of butter. Advocating milk recess for was shot dead while trying to es- na the lost cups were found in a the country are said to be reporting the schools wherever the teachers are capo from a military escort. vault. ] many other trees with a history to willing to cooperate Is another fea I the American Forestry Association ture of the council’s work m SMOKE SCREENS USED CONVICTIONS WILL 8L GIVEN CHINESE TROPHIES TAKEN FROM HUNS | Vienna, Aug. 14—Boui tiful er- p< I Berlin. Aug. 14.—Since the rais- i ing of the blockade, Germany has im- ¡of early fruit and vegetables and' 1 ported 10,000,000,000 marks' worth promise of an abundance*of hardier of silks, perfumes, chocolates, or- later yields from field and orchard. I | anges, cigarettes and other luxuries with the big American flour credit ; frorv abroad, and tne poor are clam still available for the ration of daily Dublin. Aug. It Sinn Fein Is or- meets again somewhere else, In no oring for oatmeal and condensed ¡bread have given Austria a reprievej knnizing under the name of the Irish instance have the troops and police milk, according to German advocates tiom the terrible hardships of last Chicago, Aug. 14.—Four thousand E. Connally of Oklahoma, says more winter. ! more children are working in Chi- violations of child labor laws have republican government, u supreme permanently prevented cases from of "the simple life.’* being tried." “ cago today than a year ago, accord been brought to the attention of his how- A new movement kflown as the] Fats are as scarce as evpr, . 1 sourt of appeal which when set ui> The plan for forestalling British League for the Regeneration of Ger ever, but in this gracious weather ing to Clyde A. Brown, acting direc- office this year than previously, from will complete the system of tribunals Judges and courts is very simple but many, which preaches plain living their need Is not so keenly felt. Meat,, tor of the city vocational guidance which he deduces an increase in ju- — z'« ___ n____ so successful In handling minor dis- quite effective, when court is called and high thinking a return to old- too. too, is scnnfv scanty and hiirh high, hpvnnil beyond roanh reach imrAiu. mi,« The i- increase in «kii^ child labor cenile workers. Connally sata «he mon summoned for jury service fail of the masses. The American floor ¡ 5 sa jd to be general ip the Middle past three months. The nutes for tho time simplicity, coupled with a re increase in violations was probably ghost court of the British govorn- to appear. (Fines up to $500 have vival of the Intellectuality as opposed credit will be exhausted before the West bnt exceptions are noted in due to the fict that there was 30 per ment In Ireland has virtually ceased been Imposed on absenteos. If the to tho crass materialism of the pres-uw'nter sets fairly in and no man in , Missouri. Kansas and North Dakota, cent more jobs in the state than to function because appeals have officers arrest them and Imprison ent day. has been started here. It Austria knows from where or by what Necessity of the child helping the workers. heen wlrthdrawn and many litigants them they go on hunger strike and depreciates the daily issuance of 26,- means it will be replaced. I family meet the high cost of living, A. L. Urick, Iowa state labor com decline t<x recognize that ft has any subsequently are released, hence, 000,000 marks in paper currency by Strikes and disturbances in tbe[the pulling power of higher wages missioner, recently reported that ap British authorities have ceased to the government. Authority whatever. Teschen coal fields, tho situation in ] and scarcity of adult labor together proximately 1,000 more permits had Arthur Griffith, tho leador of Binn use Imprisonment as a weapon and An appeal is made to the people to Silesia, virtual suspension of the with the discovery by employers that been issued in the past year to chil Fein in Ireland, told the Associated their courts are rapidly ceasing to confine themselves to the essentials Hungarian supply, little as it was and j women and children often could dren between the ages of 14 and 16 Press, that 1t had not boon decided function. of life—no more foreign-made finally, Austria's inability to enforce take the place of men were cited by than in the year previous, I All officers of the Sinn Foin par clothes or luxury foods, no more ex- even ttye meagre contractual supplies Mr. Brown among reasons for a sim- whether to have threo or five Judges Kansas and North Dakota report on the supreme bench nor had any of, ish and district courts, aro under the pensive pleasure trips abroad, no from Bohemia, have prevented the liar increase in child labor in other child labor in those states as almost jurisdiction of tho department of more costly presents. hoped for accumulation of a modest1 parts of the United States. negligable. St. Louis reports a de the Judges been selected. . “Our. lower courts have been sue-1 justice of the Irish republic. The promoters, among whom are fuel reserve during the summer! Minnesota officials report that crease. Children now employed in cessful tn checking tho wave of crime | Each litigant In a civil action former Finance Minister Count Ros- months. Public utilities of Vienna child labor is nearly doubled In that ’hoi city are stated to number 8,900, that was sweeping over Ireland a few agrees to abide by the decision and derir; the economic expert Walter aro reported to have but a week's re state. Thè ijreatest increase, they which is 750 less than were at work months ago,” saM Mr. Griffith. not to take up the case In an "enemy Rathenau and a dozen well-known serve of coal for power and light and say. is among children of the “white there a year ago. Tbe state facto» ''What^er may ho said about tho re-’court” moaning a British Institution professors and social welfare work less than a month of gas coal at a collar” class whose parents have inspector’s office says the decrease « puhllcnff government by otir onomlae In Troland: This agreement and the ers, emphasize that they aro not as minimum consumption. The last been forced by rising prices to permit general all over the state The fed It must bo nnd is admitted that petty .weight of public opinion conitltnt^i cetics nor prohibitionists but that Austrian pig iron oven In operation their children to work. About 3,000 eral tax on child labor is given as the crime has boon on the wane afl over the power of the new courts in civil •they make a plain appeal to the com has just drawn its fires for lack of- under 16 years ot age are now at cause of the decrease. I the country since our courts began cases. The power In criminal cases mon itanse of the people ts restrict j coke. —■ • work In M1nnesq$a. to function Naturally pinny cases lies with the Irish volunteers, a forte their general expendgiirs fijr tho. Into Ups sttuatkki hns been Inject Wisconsin statistics on child laho^>,>r”P«,rty Is Purchased— both criminal nnd civil have been that is becording less and less secre sake of the “ Mrs. Ijmra Dunken hats purchased ed a curious Anslness phase resulting fcrr the yeas are not yet tabulated Fatherland. appealed hut we have no court high tive in Its activities The courts are It is claimed for the movement from the increased valee of the crown but officials say enough returns aye the 43 acres of river bottom land er thnn a district court to which wo* held In public halls or in any place that it is entirely non-partisan and ,on forotgn exchange. In the late win in to Indk’nte a considerable increase owned by Q. C. McCallister. Mr. and may take them. Appeal cases nre convenient and reports of the des that it has the effi lai endorsement ter and early spring the crown drop over previous years. Some boys un- Mrs. Dunken will make their home piling up and the need of a supreme truction of tfio courthouses of the of the government. ped as low as 350 to the dollar on dor 16 years have been reported re- on the property, which lies about four miles down the valley. Pearl court ts Increasing everyday. i British government come in almost private exchange. Encouraged bv this reiving $100 a month. "Wn do not nntlclpnto any more i daily. T. C. Jennings. Texas state labor Briggs sold lot 2, block 14 to Mrs. Washington. Aug. 14. Balm Ruth a small export trade wax nourished. trouble with (ho military nnd <>oBco i S’nn Fein has no prisons. Sen- kncjkod out hls 42nd Home run ot Austrian factories« famous for cer commissioner, reports an increase ef P. A. DoGeniult. Dr. Bert R. Elliott In holding meetings of the supremo • fence In mnfr serious criminal eases ’ho season In the first Inning of to- tain forms of finished articles, began about JO per cent in Texas child la of Medford, sold h’s home on Wash court thnn wo have hnd In connec and the one most dreaded. Is depor- d.iy’s gerne Wwccn the Yankees and to resume operations on a limited ' bor over last year. Postponement of ington boulevard to Mrs Emily R. tion with the lower ones. Now and I tatlon, usually to England. Penalties Washington. This Is the first Circuit scale, foreign buyers seeing a good compulsory school attendance he Newton, of the Shattuck Construc tion company. These sales were made then an armed forco prevents their ■ for minor offenses ere usually a mod- drlve Ruth has hlt on Nm Washing business •chance in the low crown val says has been a factor. State Labor Commissioner Claude by Isaac e«st. being hold but in that cnao the court ; llcation of the pillory system. ton grounds. ue against standard monies.