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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1920)
rants \<»l.. V. No GRANTM ••IHh, JOHEPHINI » OF X T V ORM.i >X I TO INTER J. 0. « ednehdiy , WHOLE NI MBEK Mf2H. ji ly 21, i»2<». lU-puhlh an Nominee Will Formally Accept Party Nomination Tomorrow Wlllingume. for Birrai Negotiation» Indicated by Reply Haya Lloyd George Resolute Wins in Third Contest; Two Straight Victories ALLEGED PLOT Marlon. July 21. Senator Hard THIRTEENTH (MlNVENTION BE * Ixvndon, July 21.—Lloyd George, GENERAL. UPRISING OF MOG* ing's speech of ^iceptance which Is addressing the house of commons to ING HELD AT LINCOLN BY For American Craft Necessary; Shamrock LEMS AGAINST ALLIED OCCt- to be delivered here tomorrow Is ex day, said that the soviet answer to * ANTI-LIQl Oil PARTY PAT1ON PLANNED pelled by close associates to give the allies regarding the Polish peace Led on the Start ■ prominence to the foreign policy of was incoherent and ambiguous and President Wilson and the league of that it was propaganda meant large nations In such a way as to advance ly for home consumption. So far as Kundy Hook, July 21.- The Ameri the starting line, however, 19 sec-' the campaign toward a squarely Join '" he could understand .however, the ed Issue bei wenn the two political can defender Resolute defeated the onds ahead of the Resolute and so, . ■ovist government indicated * win- _______ _ Shamrock IV today by her time al boat for boat, by the unofficial lim « parties. ingnese to negotiate direct with Po- ' lowance and not a second more. Huixlay Ileo Thought I navalUbl« for ing she lost the race by one second land. Conf rasión by Plotter Said to Direct pins the seven mlnntes arfd one sec- Ticket—Speech Making îak«W Suspicion Toward Men of ElUSte Went to Csv Moat of tito Day Sandy Hook, July 21.—The Amer ond she had to give to the defender. TURKEY DECIDES TO SIGN Power Yesterday a party composed of Mr. PE ACE TREATY IN REPORT and Mrs. F. L. Johnson, Mrs. R. B. ican defender Resolute today won Sandy Hook. July 21. The Sham- Eshelman. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Shad be? first race of the 1920 series for rock led across the starting line, the Constantinople. July Lincoln, July 21. Faced wlth duck. and Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Gale America's Cup. Constantinople, July 21.—Whois Resolute following 19 seconds later. ’’ I has decided to sign the 21-—Turkey semi-official Information that neither made a trip to the caves. They went She must take two more straight peace treaty, 8aJe arrests were made here yester Postponement at 15 minute inter- > WlUlam J. Bryan uor “Mill/" Sunday by way of Holland and hiked in ovep victories to prevent the Shamrock vals was ordered at 11:30 by the It was announced officially today. day in connection with an alleged plot to promote a genera! uprising of would be available tor the national the five miles of trail. They were very from lifting the trophy. committee directing the cup races. enthusiastic over the caves, although Soon Cnm|ilrt<< Paving — , Moslems against the foreign occupa- the etart, Taking the lead after ticket, the prohibition party forgot With scarcely a breath of air. the they said the climbing was bard. Pavlng on the highway between uon. The confession of one plotter the American sloop held first place sloops Idled around the Ambrose their nominees al the opening of the reported u> have implicated high on most of the first leg and turned channel lightship awaiting a blow. the county line and Rogue River will convention here today. They awel- the first mark and held it almost to The scheduled race was over a 30 be completed soon, according to J officials of one of the entente pow- tor«xl through two hours of spqsch the finish line. Within a mile of the mile windward to leeward course, L. Calvert who with 3. S. Schell has en fn the alleged conspiracy whicG the contract for the se^lon between directed chiefly against ths Brtt- making In the unventllated auditor finish the Shamrock drew alongside, with two 15 mile legs. the line and Gold Hill. The paying |8h. but the Resolute, granted a time al ium. Shamrock IV led for several miles.| Is going along fast ntyv and the____________ For the first time In history of lowance of seven minutes and one Resolute then coming up and taking crew is averaging a mile in about 11 ' national politics a woman has been second, was safe. the lead after both boats did much days. There is about two-miles left Ariirnil CTDII/C 10 chosen to bo permanent chairman of Had It not been for the time al tacking. It was a tight race, with on the stretch to Rome River but hfP|rnfll. \ I n|Rr l\ the national convention. Ml»» Marie lowance. which the challenger had to the advantage lying with the Reso this will be done within a couple of ’*-'*’*- viitiiM- iv The following la an additional list give, she would perhaps have won. C. Brehm, of lxuig Beach. Cal., was lute. The latter gained slightly on All I TH Ikl IDICL1 PITV given that honor today by the prohi of names of boys and girls who have because she finished 18 seconds every hitch as the sloops tacked. The weeks. The mile between the fin- enrolled In the Farm Bureau con-; ahead of the defender. She crossed portion at the line and the bitionists. , wind was about seven or eight knots. ished* completed part further up will be W G. Caidwell, vie« chairman of tests: done about Monday. Two plants ■ Membership' contest—Wllderville, the prohibition national oonyulttee. havq been thrown together and the Dublin, July 21. — A general strike Everett Robinson. Sucker Creek. late today presented a resolution be- increased output will allow the work was called in Dublin today in perau- Hazel Wells. Dorothy Walls, Clinton national co liven - the prohibition fore to proceed at a much faster rate. ance of the movement to secure the William lion calling tor the unanlmoua none Smith, Clifford Smith. release of James Larkin, head of the --------- . •nation of Bryan as the parties pr«-s- Houck, Maurice French. Arnold Dur Ohl Friends Meet—------------------------ transport workers union who is serv- kee. Ashby Fulk, Theodore Striker, idantial candidate. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Parker, on ing a sentence in New York on his Calling the thirteenth quadrennial Clyde D. Durkee. Nellie Houck. Inez Tuesday night entertained a number conviction of criminal anarchy. The Fulk. Marguerite Durkee. convention of the prohibition party The population of Josephine coun of old friends at tho Harvey reel- order to lay 4own tools was not gen- Itodent contest Sucker Creek,! Jjondon. July 21.--Caning of girl to order here thia morning, Virgil dence on North Fifth street, which erally obeyed. * G. Hinshaw, chairman of the prohibi Keith Wells. .Clifford Smith, Clinton ! pnpils in elementary schools by thek ty, according to census figures re Is the Parker home for the summer, i ceived this morning, showed a de tion national committee, told the Smith, Virgil Brown. William Houck, male teachers, a practice which has | to meet their daughters. Mrs. W. L. I delegatee they had come together to Maurice French, Ashby Fulk, Theo-| I been general In England for many crease during the past 10 years of 20 j Ireland of Portland, Mrs. E. 8.; dore Striker, Arnold Durkee "select a burial lot for John Barley years, recently has become the sub per cent. The population of the Veach and Miss Gertrude Tarker of, The other political parties, Canning contest Sucker Creek. corn ject of much criticism and the Dally county as shown by the last figures , Klamath Falls, and the Ireland and I he said, "out of respect to John's Marguerite Durkee. Inex Fulk, Nellie Mail has started an agitation for Its is 7655, or 1912 less than in 1910. Veach children, who have been visit relathes have voted that he »hall lie Houck. abandonment. Many letters have been These figures are in keeping with ing here for some weeks. During the years to be in state for another four population figures of other Interior Evening there were a number of' viewed by the American people. Mrs. Clarence Wlnetrout is spend written the newspapers, the major Oregon cities. Medford showed 39.9 ; pleasing musical selections. Miss "The democratic platform is silent ing the day visiting with friends in ity of the writers advocating inflic per cent decrease, while Roseburg Alma Wolke and Mrs. Veach gave the republican platform I» silent, Ashland. New York. July 31.—Erwin R. tion of cbrporal punishment of girls. showed a somewhat smaller decrease. piano numbers, Mrs. Ireland. Mrs. the prohibition national chairman Wltllnui Pollock, of Portland, la When necessary, by women teachers. There are many more people here at Veach. Miss Parker, Louise Ireland, Bergdoll, younger half brother of continued. "Harding owns brewery spending a few days visiting with his the present time than there were six Messrs. T. P. Cramer, George Cramer! Grover Cleveland Bergdoll who dis stock, ha is not a prohibitionist at parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pollock. They protest that a sensitive girl may months ago. The main decrease will and E. S. VanDyke gave vocal selec- appeared from his Philadelphia home never fully recover the "shame of heart. Cox is wet The futuro is be Mrs. Mary Trodt and Mrs. Joe Mel being caned by a man." probably be in the city figures, as it tions. There was also a vocal duet , about two years ago. since • which fore us. the campaign is upon ns. chor. who have been visiting here at is believed that there will be about. by the Cramer brothers and vocal time he has been sought on charges The lord mayor of Bristol, who had "We want to do the wisest thing, the G. W. Winetrout home, left this 3000 shown by the returns. trio by the Parker sisters. At the i of draft evasion, today surrendered at the best thing for the prohibition morning for their home at Marion, 30 years experience as headmaster It is believed that the principle er close of the program ice cream and Governor's Island. of a school, said he knew the prac movement and for the country. It Ohio. Mrs. Trodt Is a' slater of Mrs. tice of men administering corporal rors made in the final returns of the I wafers were served. was our fervent wish that every po Wlnetrout. PORTLAND MARKETS T punlshinent'to girls was common, but census are mistakes made by not se litical party would thia year fall in curing,« complete list of the residents he was opposed to It. line with the constitution of the Toll No Concert Friday— of the various sections. Portland. July 21.—Cattle, hoga, % ed States, with the congress of the As most of the members of the butter and eggs are steady and un United States, with the supreme Granta Pass band went to the concert GILBERT APPOINTED MEMBER changed. Sheep weak, valley lamb« cour of the United States, and recog at the jmrk last oMnday night, it was U. OF O. BOARD OF REGENTS 19.25 at 210.25. nize openly and avowedly.the settle Impossible to hold a rehearsal and ment of this question The other par the band concert for this Friday Washington, July 21.—In an effort Salem, July 21.—Rev. William S. ties have failed. What shall we do?" night will be postponed until a later to combat the high cost of living the Gilbert, of Astoria, former chaplain Turning to measures other than date. war department is soon to place mil of the Third Oregon infantry and « The pathtinding trip for the long prohibition which the party had lions of dollars worth of canned senior chaplain of the Forty-first di- est _______________ ____ ____________ auto scenic highway in the world. said. championed. Chairman Hinshaw Fishing Is Better— meats on the market at prices'below vision overseas, today was appoint-' sponsored by the National park ser *'Aa we assemble here for the 13th Fishing for the steelhead Is said even pre-war quotations. Bald an an- ed a member of the hoard of regents | vic« and promoted by the National time In 51 years we do so with a rea to he getting better now and a few nouncement today front the office of of * the ‘ University ' of Oregon, to sue- Park-to-Park Highway association, is lization that we have had part In are falling to some of the more the division of sales. ceed W. K. Newell, who has resigned, being made by A. L. Westgard, field more than one battle and for the so 1 "lucky" fishermen. At any rate Joe representative of the American auto- ..It |g Jugt M important to burn lution of more than one problem. Wharton ears that they are lucky for ntnr k|l||rn Alinnril mob,,e association [the blight pruning» as it Is to prune While we have been a party with an he fished a whole riffle last night Kfl I NflMrS I H The wonder hl * hwa >'- 4500 miles out the infected parts of the tree." eye single to the solution of one great [and could not get a strike on a fly. » • nnUL linillLU UIIUULI1 In length, traverses nine states, in-(Coullty lAgent Miller declared this problem we have at the same time Charles Adair then went over the rnn nnrnnil nnnu/rno Clndlng Ore8°n- Washington and morning. Mr. Miller is attempting aimed at the solution and reached same water with a spinner and pulled H K nr 1 N bn Wrn\ Ca,lfornla and connects the principal [to jmpPMa the orchardist» of the ab- the solution of many probelms. lout a nice steelhead. Frank Cole- I UK UIILUUH UIIUVTLIU' national parks of the west. This , solllte necessity of cutting out any in- "For example, we stood for woman man also caught a steelhead at the —---- -- boulevard, permanent improvement f«cted branch as soon as the disease suffrage In 1872, which was 40 years dam yesterday evening. Trout are of which is to be asked of congress, aPpears. Many have been doing this. before tho progressive party was said to be taking a fly fairly good Copenhagen, July 21.— An at The Oregon Growers^ Cooperative will be officially opened by federal but they have left the cuttings on the bom and 40 years before any other i now. tempt to reach North Point and thus Association has selected its trade and state officials, including Stephen . ground, _------- . The disease will blow from party assumed the same position. We complete the Danish exploration of names. The principal name to be — ‘ T. Mather, director general of na-[the cuttings on the ground just as advocated civil service reform the Cars Arc Sold— North Greenland will be made by used Is Mistland. i A second name tional and others in a a tour bad as they will from the tree. The ----- parks, 7 same year and thus preceded the Dodge Bros, cars have been sold Lange Koch. the young Danish scien which will be used on some of Its starting from Denver Augd-t 25. The blight has appeared In many orchards democrats by four years and the re b,v the C. A. Llnch agency to H. Mes- tist and Polar explorer, this summer. products, especially on dried and can tour will take about 60 days. I I Of - — ............. the valley this summer and It is publicans by 12 years. Wo chnm- songer, of Takilma, and to the Sooner The aim of his expedition, which is ned goods, is Firland, and a third Mr. Westgard in his pathfinding -------- feared that will spread unless ----- .. It „..I ploned the direct election of U. S. Taxi. The same agency sold a Baby expected to last about two years, name that will be used Is Tru-West, trip will visit the following towns: i means are taken to check it. The senators In 1872. The republican Grand Chevrolet to C. Hendricks and aside from scientific purposes, is to These names are now being register Portland. July 22, Salem, Albany and pnrty never championed that Issue a Buick roadster to Charles Mason, secure Danish sovereignty of all ed. California has capitalized the Eugene. July 23; Roseburg. July 24; I Oregon- law Is cooperative. Inasmuch as it works for the good of the fruit and the democratic party not until of Marshfield. Greenland. sun. Northwestern fruits are of su Grants Pass, July 25: 'Medford. July grower and prevents the spread of 1900 or 28 years thereafter. Koch, who in the capacity of ge perior quality due to a happy com-[ 26; Crater Lake National park. July tree disease«, If it Is carried out. "We favored two-cent letter post- ologist participated In Knud Rasmus bination of soil and climate. In every 27. and 'Medford and Ashland. July Anthracnose has appeared In many age In 1872 and thus beat every stood for national prohibition since sen's last expedition, hopes to reach valley of Oregon especially in the 28. orchards this year. also, says Mr. 1889 No other political party has other political pnrty to that proposi Inglefield Gulf hy motorship and In spring and fall thin veils and banks Europe has for years held the An- Miller. It is very bad in some, due tion by tho space of 18 years. We ever championed that issue In nation August or September will endeavor of fog and mist drift down against erican pleasure-seeking -people In a to the weakened condition of the stood for international arbitration In al platform or convention. to establish a depot 250 miles north the hills. It is a scene that every sort of wondrous awe of the Inspira trees after ^he exceptionally i cold "Not only hive we been the first 1878; the republican party did not east of there. A mechanic will be the Oregonian is familiar with. Oregon tion that envelopes the Alps. This weather of last winter. There i Is advornte It until 1 904. or 28 yenrs to champion practically all of the only white man to accompany him, ians are often afraid to mention the .park-to-park highway encircles it pan thereafter and the progressive ns'rtv fundamental questions of the last the other members of the expedition fact that wo have a little rain and oramic recreational area, Unking more of this disease throughout the state this season than there has been not until 1912. or 38 years thereat half century as they are recognized being Eskimos. mist occasionally. This mist, how (mountain peaks with valleys and for the past eight years, because of today both In statute and constitu ter. We opposed lotteries and gamb Henry Ford has plnced an Ice- ever, Is one of the greatest assets of (cities, rivalling in grandeur the sce the general hard winter. It is urged ling In 1978; no other political vnrtv tion but wo have been the first upon crawling tractor at Koch's dlsposal. the country west of the Cascades and nt- resorts of Europe. that all of this antracnose that can, the firing lino whether hy referen ever opposed such In pint form or In "ontrfhiites to Its richness. Its great The national parks of the West, he cut from the trees and burned. dum or party action In most cam Wm. Husclton returned this morn output, and the high quality of its connected with a continuous high convention. This will prevent the blowing of the "Whatever else wo mnv remember, nalrna for state prohibition, war pro ing from a visit at* Roseburg and fru’ts. Hence Mistland seems to be way. are destined to become the In spore« this fall and consequent dam hibition, or national prohibition." will go to Kerby today. let us remember this that we have very appropriate name. ternational playgrounds of the world. age te the fruit spurs. ALLIED OFFICIALS NAMED LALLtU IN IKlOII Uli CENSUS SHOWS FEWER f ; 4