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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1920)
Tt I Mit». JI I.» GRANT* FASS DULT »'» HJEH FSÍ.E TWO U. Itrjxt LEARK THE DANGER SIGNAL . s GOOD HELP Port Limon Bananas vojäh : M >kl*T "RAM.Ui. HAWAIIAN to ajmoat iuipoaalbl. lo óblale aad my tu eu 'b proportion that I am «ompoll«d of repairing. tFTIK JI 1.» 1ST Jewelry or I will not be la a ¡xeltlos to accept for r repair, any Fine Watch Rapairlag • ■all work, but »HI make a specialty of. < and Diamond Betting LEW«‘NN P1NEAf*f*L»» trwsiMMliy. eti BARNES, Th? Jeweler «>■ f* •rd* fb**NU tell * b' Ml thro U M up ■dr*TOS O a « the perl-. >11 ifrri Count’s Feed Store IL E. Morton, Prop. DOGS ASSIST LONDON POLICE FEED, FLOUR, HAY, GRAIN ALL KINDS OF FEED .uau»a»d from Pag» O** < > federal trad» com ml»» ion la the far 1 »cwt they were coox.dorfng Govoraor OREGON WEATHER .■iam V Stewart, of Montana The couim U ou aaa alow in xtart- jlag. Beside» the name» mentioned ’ .t »a» ii»o «aid that the nan-tw of Jame» Hamilton Lew» and Secret ary Meredith would go oolore the mn- I rention. .AecrMary RooweeMt. «turn told he ' looked like good Umber, »aid "I -Tt> ORCANIZE. niinLUUZK can't afford the honor. I have five l-MMrea." AND ADVERTISE OREGON” The nomination« werS delayed Thl» to* the pnrpoee of the etale I pending the receipt of rome word wide expanaion movement now ua- from Governor Cox. who to being * derway, to ear oarage aad etrenxth- nought on the teleph me. «■ tbe Oraron Oymmer'e State Chamber e«er de*.—, - t irso -e •« «rie uf tbew dug* -tortibl tw treated a» »B »’• —««» to tbe «rime. The traiinag of tb--«e dug, call» fur a large amount of ¡wrier»-e. »ntelHgeO’v arel rewoercr. far remrrveii fr-oa the oh! Idea of ihm breaking, a hub ax« u«ual ty to Ireal ti» un wl an-rvilewaly iati» tbe ■■ «boera am » of a fe» wt rule*. It I» -tep by »trp '•» •■>» «tolly I-—-«>u» that a dog gradually to-—»»*» a track er of .-rfmlnato by their «*rat. ¡«mue» «•raping ¡ .!t—v>ver» mlwdnz ¡«« or finii« -ij-pei-rw! one» tn nm cea tarent He team« feerie«-ly to •* xe and pull down any aggre»-or. abeiirer bia ma ter or himarif b* at lav Leri, atei lo du It with tbe least poasible 'tomage. ces« trig at once aber, the enemy give» In Tbe popular uton of tbe putir-« dog 1» a wild, »avag« brute a bleb proti ■ Wy ecrooni« for rhe antipathy tu bl« uae litogriayed in »uuw guanara, and It to well liuti the puhtte -turul.l realize that tbe properly rraiued dug Is at all tinte» perfectly urn 1er ••■atml. uf The xtate haa been or- An exinw“!«« wlth w|.;'h everyrce 1» fu’iiRtar twylng •* ri>* cali." emn.— budget aubeerlptioni totaltng $150.- frnx» tb* i.'d tneth.el M e^tling ai covering a three year period, of twitil* li, thè earty <bij» of trade which amoant $1«$.0«0 to to be and «-ouiM.eT.v- uteri tmut» (mid tbeir ■iei.t* by ***un'uig .«ut tbeir gold .m ralxwd In Portland aad the remainder lo a .-“op<*-r “nail" <* tabie. la tbe Port!in<! market ptocr. Writteu mv-lpto are Leader» throughout the »tate are uva almo«t universa!, ami itene nel!» ere mi l«mger u—-1 hot twr» «plendld taking an active part tn the move- •f.fieri- -riti re*nr. in ermitrg rh» mo*t ment to « latch the atate “hamper to lnt*re«rtng tre»«’ir»-« of tire anident porr «f Bristol Bargiand. Tliey are •a opportnnfvfe« for iwefutBcaa a« a «-e*h abroit fonr ferì hlgli. -haped llke ■tate-wlde development ageney a giganti* bour già«» There tbey «land Oregon baa many natural advant- In rii* buay «tree*. a la«ilng mooutueot t» thè In'vgrlt) vt thè vid trading and agaa. aa all Oregonian» know but Ita the nail Brer.-hact ri* weed« are many. The world doea not and «curtred kaow of Ita vaet aerea of tillable gaalxed for an eztenalre eanvaae for Mud Mcnltirated : ter power: : undeveloped wa aww pop i latten fflt.flflb »ctmery to compere wtth Wwltzerland pr**lon» and hxae metal» in the hill» waiting ■dned that :a*Kcnpied area eonld be made to »upport '9 bo beeldM coal, petroleum and natural gam lumber maonree. and d k tpiK u g faenttien -eTI awaiting the SwvMopment and publicity world which an organization Mke the State Chamber of Cotnm»r-e fa he»» «real ised to hrratab The Stale Chamber i» the logical agency for the development of theae rew/urce» and the capitalization of the«* advantage. The began Intensive »anva«» in thia xecflon for fund» of the »tate during the week beginning July 5th. and the Courier would like to see every Industry. firm and individual tn Josephine county mntri bur. I i ro Getting Ready for Channal Tunnel. The gigantic ta»k of moving lisek the railway «ration platform» through out the Great Northern «yaleni to al low the pa«oige of r-ontinental train« when the channel tunnel In opened has been begun, the Dally Mall I« In formed. “The work of making to flt the train» will year»." «aid an official. “ every platform In liotli freight and pa«»enger «ration» will have to be al tered." The dhrtance the platform« are he Ing xet bar k la two Ini-he». Till, will allow a go<xI clearance for the con- tinental sleeping <ant, and al«o the large freight car». The "gauge" (the distance b»twwi tlie rail«) of the continental train« 1» roughly half an lnr-h wider than the British »ttindartl. luff the »haphig of the trend of the wlierd« make» It |»»t- afble for train« of both British and -ontlnr-ntHl «i«inn to run on rhe same frack without risk of accident. Puzzle for Arehe«lOfli«U. Arct.i-ob.irt«»» are puzzled by the pre- lil«t»ri*- earring of a Ihm wer Vere Now that the democrata bava t'i uz; t;ff<>rre hare been made lotrace "gone aad done it," wonder If they Ile- '•ri-.'ji of till« little known relic of pre.l'i-ioric America, but have tho« will owe the alogan "Democracy and il proveti futile. The «fmllarlty <•> Booze.” It might prove aa effective !.. ‘frican lion rathet than the mono aa "Hg kept ua out of war," and •n't. lion of thl» lieml»phere ha« added ■> thè myatery might bring the aam« reaulta. peat ud everybody looktag tired. It might be a good thia« to remind moat people that oatriotfam need not be reserved for one day only. Warr an try Deed Coirier office. blanke at the ONE THING THEY OVERLOOKED British Mihtary Authorities Forgot ths Desert Land and Deten Hwmbi« Pnntsr in Dsstrs to Pro. A |H>rtl«n> .<f the jooem- aorvs Wsr S«<mo. «yrlney. tlo- .New Soulli W..L« -apl'al 1 ■ n.' l!r» t *o Hill 'he nili.ui, le-art of Th. marqul» of Harting’.»«« telto an 111» .1 ». li.-» ..ver waterlr-«« hot ^, i * ih 1. from the -tar .lay- when rhe ... :;ity. I.letti. Syrtoey l’l<kl*«, wh<’ »py .arr a a» at It« height. a.eordlng .ah •lt»*n tire fea»2Witty of mii alt to a writer in the Halifax f’hmailele. «.•rvfce be' terti ih.- two <dtle., «aw n«' Ceria to ■ vblbhittlal infonnatton that L.mlmark a» he <r.ew-l thè barrer li»e military author'd.« wanted to keep «rretcb and «o had to ri«e hi» «vmipg»» ah«>lute1y ««•■ret waa «ent round by ftowr-rlbiog thè ptomeer flfglit. Ire .-rm» tru«ted courier« In Imkwl dlapatii» f or reri th* fntermlnahle rolltng land be boxen, with elaborate pm aUtliTO« of fore bini to thè gr.ty Irmele wa«te» of algnlrig and >vuinler,lgnlng and • beck thè Noni, «eu whlrh he had patroled ing every ».age. No .me below the in hi. «eaplune. rank of major general wax entrusted with the knowledge, and even the». Got Rid of Paatiforoua Fly. were bound by tretneudoii» oath« of Health ..niboritie» at Saranac latke -ecrecy. N. T.. de. lare that Ibis probably I» the After a time It w»w found that then- tiret "fly I*-» town" in the world. De- weighty document«. whlrii were circu •pite the <inii«nally l'«t weather of lated In printer! form. were being «•t iaat fune and July, then were xrarcriy up by ordinary printer», who were un any m<<re fu-« in tit* town than moat der no obligation to preserve mrxty, piare» have in Jarumry. It coat about and. in fact, took no preiautton» what $1.0«' to eradicate the fly nuloance. ever »gainer leakage. However noth wbi*b waa a<>'uiupii»hed by requiring ing did leak wit. but ike military man that manure I* ar-reened and frequent- darin». It 1» «ahi. »Iiudhered when they 1» removed. realized the rfak» that had fo-en run. make thia campaign a «ucceea With tho Fourth a thing of tho Ingeninua Way to Save Gee \ woman'« Invention to Xave aa« ar ■_' ■• rnngi make, the weight of pot ' «•tie on the burner throw open » . •• which allow» the gn« to bum .11 fdfee. while with rhe removal of ■ ' '‘eight the valve “lo«ea to a point I re It cut» off all the gaa except .ctotint barelv «ufftrlent to «tipport t pilot light. Outing Shoes When He Died, He Died All Over "Doggone!" »aid Jex».- Enclilmch, chief examiner for the efnte board of iiccoiinl«. a« lie rend one of the letter» I In hl. innll. “Here 1« one." The leater told of a man who hnd paid hla dog tax to the townalilp a«- «•«»or nnd the ungrateful cur had gone and tiled. The dog died before the a* »•»»or had turned In hie book» In the county aaaewNor and the inquirer wiahetl to know whether there wax any way to get back the dog tax. "The cruel law," Mr. EHclitiach will reply, “state» that tnxe« are paid on I property owned .March 1." “That'll r»l«e a howl!" he :i<l<h*d verbally.—-Indianapol!» N'ewx. MEN'S, WOMEN'S AM) CHILDKEN'H Ol TING AND TENNIS SHOES. MOST COMPLETE SHOWINi; IN JOSE PHINE COI NTT. PRICES REASONABLE. I Golden Rule Store No mailer whet make lull lory ym have U»1 bar* the parte. * e«|M-rl«-acr. aad failllurw lo re pair or rnlmlld II—and. a I .al ter, rvywtirrd or retmlit HLIUC I. »ne that to DKi'K.NDAHl.K- If you waal SKHVIl E that to »emer for I lie <>W\Ell—come lo u». » In older on the ♦ ♦ Tonight and Wednesday fair ♦ ♦ Northerly winds. I Hammermlll Bond Letter and Kavelepea at the Confier Heads office. YOUR ; LAST Y,?RD IM DICTIONARY Adams Electric & Battery Shop BATTERY »ly Few Anew What II la. Reali, It la Net st Great Imp« tacce Ito you know the tact word tn dlr-’hmary ’ ft begin» with the lato lo t^e aiptialwd. placed lu their •er»*- ..tiler. and II mean» an “lm lihellulld dragon fly having a la toad, narrow face and very la eye,.“ The word 1» 1 la In th* New Standard dictionary Waterier'« New Intemattanal »trfl»» •me abort of tbi». »«ting Its floal word a» “xythum." explainer! a» la-ing "» kind of ntwieni mall beverage." which the Standard cwll» a “very exr-ellrni freer that IMrwhirmt. 'bough wholly 'tn ,mi«roftH«1 to it. a til. med to have tie*.’ w-srcel.v Inferior irr the tube of the grape." Together, then. tire two dlcttooarl*« with I—*r «n<l a dragon fly. make fair ty unltujrortant ending». Reading up the mhttnn fmtu “xyx ■mnu«." one n.u«t trover»* «trange ter rttory for a dlrtsnr» of »«rd» be- for one rw hea "Zuider Zee “ the flewt —or rather the la«t fairly «ridel, known term in Ibe dthtlonary. B» tween rhl» Dutch dew and ibe llbellu lid fly 1» a aeml-denert country, aturi ded numeroii»ly with «wh thorny oh- at ruction« aa “Zygaenldae." “rgnetna ceae" and "xyflomalllare." No wonder you were una.gwalnte.1 with the laat word In your dictionary. Tou are earu«ed.—Knn«aa City Star. G. B. BERRY Harness and Saddlery Auto l op and Canvas Work With Grants Pass Hardware Co Timmons & Higgins treat, for tho Pigmenta From Coal Ihe [■'f — '. uf muro thaa 400 co' on are obtained froto coni. ALL OF OUR PLUMBING ÍuppLies RE THE CHOICEST MERCMANrtS The Wardrobe Cleaners Cleaning — Pressing - Repairing 316 N 6TH BT PHONE 147 WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER I PLUMÒ i NS- OÌ [CHARACTER AUTO CAMPING TENT AND COT $25 COMPLETE acter. Both our fixturea and our repair work live up to th« high Ideal, we bad when »», firxt »Carted buaine»«. If there were any better plumb- r Ing stippllea than three we dls- have them, play we would Don't forget our phone num» Only two left C. L. Hobart Co B. S. DEDRICK »1«! F Street I'ho.e fMMI-J LATE Donth only a matter of ahort timo. Don't wait until paina and acboa become incurable diaeaaea. Avoid painful conaequencea by taking II hy suffer the disco>nforts and embarrassments of a Goitre f GOLD MEDAL O. G, C. prrprrdion lor «oitrr hax bo ated m«nr. CHICH este RSJ ilií lie •eiW4 with •• «.tber. lifte*»«! SOlDBtì^lSISEVHYWNW Whr par «rr.-ral l.undr-d dollar« for .in operation to r.-more a goitre whi-n <) <■ <: can be obtain' d lor inch a comparrtirelv •mall eapendltur-l O.G.C. when properly applied »¡ye« uitir f«ctory reault«. or four mon.-r will be refunded. O <j,C, |a «old direct, br mail Writ.-lor booklet. Addreaa Dept. U •nts. 0.0. C. UIBMICAI. COMPANY ^^^^Sie«UleBAr««hinirlo^^^^^^^ i Th» world'« atandard r«m»dy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troub-ew—tho National Remedy of Holland «ince IMA. Guaranteed. Three ai«e», all drugg tom Leek fee ti>» ..... C.M M^.l M to« •ud ••««»« a. toahatto.