Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1920)
I l I.SI» 4Y, Jl la <1, IIIUO, GHAVIH l'iss DAILY lÜtRKh Section 14, said township and range,' nineteen ro/l« an<l eleven and one- In th*» County Court of Josephine half feut East from the Northwest ■ corner of Ix»t 10 In said section 14, County, Oregon In tli/“ matter of th« organization of «aid point b«tng the Northeast cor ner of a tract of lan<l de* rlbed In l <»ll HALE MIHI ELLA S EOI H an Irrigation District. deed record’d on December Noll e la hereby given by the un la ! 191 9, at page 8*5, Volume 50, alfalfa dersigned petitioners, whose names Re>ords of Josephine County, Deed Ore- Granta BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS'transfer are subscribed to the following and gon, from Roy E Latbrop and wife, Phono 14-R. IB attached petition, and who ar« a Slit ‘and Carl M. I<athrop to Mrs. M nuijority of th*“ bona fid« owners of (Lathrop; thence South 44 C. rods; land within the boundaries of the roil HAI-E Slab wood, dry *3, HANKERS 1JFE COMPANY, Des feet: thence West 19 rode 11 H .Irrigation district proposed and des- thence i4outh to the North boundary green I - 50 per Uer. Cash on de Moinas, Iowa. District agent, My- 'cribed In the attached petition, , ........ irrl- line of the James P and Margaret livery W J. Teal, phone 395 R run C Gaston, G*nt* Pass, Ore gated of susceptible of Irrigation that Tuffs ’ Donation I-and Claim Number *5tf Over *7,600,000 In force In Ore- said petitioner» by said attached pe- 37; thence* West along the North * K„n 95(f t1tlon propose the organization of an boundary line of said Itonatlon Land *OH HALF 2 ami 3 months old. Irrlgatlon district under the provi-1 Claim Number 37 to the Northwest «Ions of Chapter 357. General laws cockerels, 15c and 25c each Con KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Thor- of Oregon for 1917. and act« amen- corner of said donation land claim: 30 Hbaefnrs. II. F D 2 mopylae lodge No. 60, meets «v«ry1dntory thereof, with the boundaries in Section 14, said Township and Range, thence South along the West second and fourth Tuesday •ven- morn particularly d«a rlbed and set boundary line of sa *d ’d Don Donstfon ’."nd! FON SALE — *.’■ acres of land. 2 09tf forth In said attached petition, and Claim Number 37, t lo a point on said Ing Visitors Invited. hoUBM, « 1 walla uf water, fruit will present the add petition, here West line 550 5s feet South of the Iree«, 9 aerea cleared James to attached to the county Court of est corner of said D »nation THE PICTURE MILL copies photo Josephine County, Oregon, for its Nor! 18 Steward, ltd 2.’ Land Claim »; thence South 72 degrees graphs and valuable Instruments considers!Ion, for the purpose of or 9 minutes east 130.36 feet; then »- ganizing such Irrigation district, un makes beautiful sepia enlarge- , FOR SALE One emuli South 79 degrees 39 minutes east! monts-tlnts portraits and views In der th« provisions of said lnws. at a 4<»0 feet; thence South 73 degrees( lot, also outbuildings. special meeting of aald court < ailed oil or water color— does all kinds for the purpose of considering and (."»5 minutes east 469.53 feet; then-e Irrigation, cheap for cash of viewing and commercial work acting noon aald petion on Saturday, ' Muth 1388.1 feet ’o center of Conn Joseph Hill, 923 South 10th t.y Itoad; thence along center o anywhere at any time >-all or the 24th day of July. 1920. at th«- County Road .North 7 4 de¡ Grants Pass. Ore. I degrees 31 hour of 10 o ’ clock In the forenoon of residence phone mill 283-R or rrtlnutes West 84.11 thence feet; FOR SALE- Two mares, weight 140-J, - *4 said day. or as soon thereafter as North 78 degrees i 15 minutes West! the Court can attend to and hear the North 79 degree»» 300 feet; then e about 3200 lbs Good pullers and same, at the courtroom of said Court, I feet to a point! gentle Prl e *125, harness In MINING Will do contracting of |In the County Courthouse, Grants 33 minutes West 597 In the center of said County Road: cluded If taken at once. C. Goats, tunnel, shaft and annual assess.- ¡Pass, Josephine County. Oregon. 1966 feet South of Northwest cor-1 This notice Is published pursuant tier of said Donation Land Clafiftl Josephine Hotel. 15 Acnt work anvwheru In Southern Oregon or Northern California. to said laws on e each week for four Number 37; thence South to Rogue' IsuccMisIve weeks, and the date of the CHICKEN RANCH 13 aerea. house, Goo. S. Barton. Granta Pass. Ore (first publication hereof Is the 21»t River; then’-e westerly along the meander line of Rogue River to the fences, chicken yards, etc., to sell Phone 515. P. O. Box 646. 3fi day of June. 1920. point Of beginning, all In Josephine 4 or trade by owner, no agent Said petition Is as follows, to-wlt: County, State of Oregon. That the miles out. good roads, I xmh than CADfLI/AC AUTO STAGE- I-eaves petiti «”. ton <>itG tviz 11" >A «Munds within the above described OF AN IRRIGATION DISTHK T , boundaries are wholly within Jose half value at *900 now Add resa every morning for Crescent City phine Connty, Oregon, and your pe- No. 14 80, care Courier 15 Head- at 9:30. Passengers only In the matter of the Organization of tloners. desire to provide for the) quarters Fashion Garage Orlan- FOR SALE 1919 model Ford In A-l an Irrigation District under Chap construction of an Irrigation sys do Hiller. IMI ter 357. General Uw» of Oregon tem and Irrigation works for the Ir-1 4000 than condltion, rtin lesa for 1917, and acts amendatory rigation of the lands within said mllee. Prlce *500. E. J. Und, thereof. boundaries susceptible of irrigation. ( DRENNMAKLNG IB Rd 1. That it is the purpose and desire i To the County Court of Josephine of your j>etitloners to organize an County. Oregon, and to the Honor DREH8MAK1NG I am now ready te FOR SALE 1930 Harley-Davidson irrigation district under the pro tat» orde.t for dreums’li g at my able C. G. Gillette. County Judge of visions of said a -t and acts amenda motorcycle, *300 See Ray Wil said Court and County ami to W. F. now location 661 North liam», 301 8th street 17 Third Bnd J. s McFadden, com- tory thereof, and to that end we Streit. Prices reasonable, eetl-( mlssloners of said court and county: have signed this petition. WHEREFORE Your petitioners 1 HAVE SOME fine broccoli plants, mates cheerfully given. Mrs W. We. the undersigned petitioners, pray ¡hat a hearing b« had upon this per hun- ready now, at *1.36 22 owner« of land within the boun petition; that on final hearing there R. Swoape. daries of the proposed irrigation Phone or call on T. P. Cro dred district, hereinafter described, being of. by order of said County Court, it mer. election be held svlthln said pro VHC.II, INHTKI (TION deslrou« of providing for the con- an posed Irrigation district according! .«trnctlon of an Irrigation system and to Ft»II HALE l-man slump puller at the provisions of said act for the ( Burkhalter’s Feed Store* 18 MRS. QUY KNAPP—Voice sod plnuo I works, for the irrigation of the purpose of determining whetjier or: Accredited teacher for high school Jands within said boundaries. sub I not such proposed irrigation District .-••ptlble of Irrigation, do hereby ii ro- FOR SAI AC CHEAP Second hsnd work Phone 224 Residence1 pose the organization of an Irriga shall be organized: and such proceed- 420 A street. 33tf tion district under and In accordance Ines he had In the matter of the or- piano In good condition. Address ganization of such irrigation district No 1600 care of Courier. *7 MRS J. I,. JOHNSON—Instructor of with the provisions uf an act of the as are required by law; and that tweutv-ninth legislative assembly of such irrigation district be organized of and Its boundaries established and voice. Rooms above Moore’s Ba- Oregon at the regular session A-l SADDLE for sale. Inquire of kery. hours from 1 to 5 on Tues said assembly, providing for ;he or defined, under the provisions of said Alonzo Jones, layton Rooming ganization of twslgatlon districts, act and acts amendatory thereof. days and Saturdays 67tf an house. 15 contained net forth and Christ Hlnderer, Roy E. lAthrop. in Chapter 357. of the Gen- A. D. Reed. A. B. Eckert. K. Ham- ILL-A-HEE BREBDING STOCK FOR PIAMO TUNING eral Laws of Oregon for 1917. and n-.erbacher. G. 8. Eaton. J. R. Hawes, SALE- Owing to the removal of undor and in accordance with all acts i Edw J. Schumacher, Edward Sine. otir flock of lll-a-hee Barred (>EO W. CROSS a tuner with 17 amendatory thereof, and do respert- Thomas Oliver McEuen. Fort Van years practical experience. Includ- Petition for the organization of noy Orchard (C. H. Elsmann, Pres.J. Plymouth Rocks to the Butler _ . . . , . „ j such Irrigation district, and state C. E. Weston. Oregon Caves Orchard Poultry Ranch. It will be neces tog 9 years factory training Head-|4inrt repr(ment as follows: Ida sary for ns to reduce our flock be quarters Josephine hotel Your That a majority of the bona fide Co., by Chas C. Hunt. Secy : g’tf J owners of land« ’••'••’In th« boun May King. Wyman Eaton. H. C. Mal fore August 1st. We are therefore i sat’r.fartlon tn ray success. ic*. Carl M. I-alUro»», Mrs. C. M. i daries of the irrigation District, os lAthrop. Willis A. Sharp. E. Grout. offering female stock at *3 00 each herein proposed. Irrigated or suscep Cora W. Sharp. G. C. McCallister. H TAX» while they last, Onr flock of ap- tible of Irrigation, have oigned this I Wood. Ada Weston, Luella Grout. proximately SOO Oregons will go petition, and hereby request the or Lena Eckert. Elizabeth H. Hawes. dls- Scottie I* Schumacher. M. Sine. Car for *1.50 each If taken In one lot. SOONER TAXI -Phone 262-H for ganization of such Irrigation Jitney Luke nr Cutler Cells an trlct. or *2 00 each If In lots of six or I-alhrop. C. 3. McCall. J. That each of the signers of thlB rie swered anywhere, anytime. 86U Branscombe. Geo. R. Riddle. M more. Must be sold before Aug- ! petition Is a bona fide owner of one guerlte Riddle. M. N Loughrfdge. uat 1st. Addrees communications ( acre or more ____ __ of ____________ land situate ______ within Tom !the boundaries hereinafter described G McMacken. Fred H. Menzel. to <1* Stock Exchange Bldg., PALACE TAXI- -Phone 22-J. Wind. 03tf of the said proposed irrigation dia- Portland. Ore., or call at lll-a-hee I trlct. and over the age of twenty-one Our Human Wssknessss. Ranch at Grants Paas. 19 KERBY-GRANTS PAHS JITNEY »eara, and each of said signers Is I wouldn't give three whoops for a leaves Kerby 9 and 1 dally; leaves nuallfled In all respecta under ths man whose heart did net beat faster, WANT El» as. a - SAM A » » *' t<> P*tttlOn fOF t h<» OF K« n i 7.8 t ton whose eyes did not teke Ore. and Grants Pass 9 30 and 4 dally ;, of Btleh frrl(tat|On district WANTED- Grocery or general store through and way passengers. Ever-j That the boundaries of said Irrl- w hose spirit did not swell—who would ett Hogue and Pete Beagle 61 ¡gallon district as proposed by your not be moved to laughter or to tears In country or small town and in - - - -. petitioners are described uartlcnkirly by the voices of birds and children, Rogue Valley. Price stock lease, as follows, to-wit: by a song from the lieart. by a won» or sell building. Describe in first DKAYAGE ANI» TRANSFER Beginning at a point on the North an'e heart, by a woiuau's pleading, by letter fully. J. R. Mlnfch, 125*. 'bank of Rogue River where a slough Michigan Ave.. Portland, Oro. 18 TUB WORLD MOVES; ao do we |or lake sometimes known as Van- noble oratory or noble acting, by any F .ah Bros. Transfer Co Phone!noy Creek empties Into said Rogue human action through which the spirit WANTED—Man and wife for out of » River. In Section 30, Township 36 In one speaks to ’.he spirit In others. 'South, Range 6 West. Willamette Our human weaknesses are often the town work. Wife to cook. . Meridian : thence running in a North So. loving Good Jr ■ for general work >’ *AM, drayage and transfer, ¡ easterly direction along the center se< rrt of onr salvation. life. I have always l»een Impressed by good wages Addri as No •a . n»»no- td furniture | of na|d slough or lake to a point the emotions of youthful, exuberant ship ’ and ate I where the section line between seo- care Courier. .Mt pt < life which bring cheers, laughter and i lions *16 and 17. said township and he. WAiNTEl»—-Wheel chair to rei . range, crosses said slough or lake, tears, and without shame In any of - which Is about 1589 feet South of them.—Hon. Joseph G. Cannon In Har short time Call 272-R. *4 the quarter corner between said sec per's Magazine. tion 16 and said section 17*. thence WANTED Girl or woman for . --.r I one, North along said section line to the eral hènne work. Good war-» ess. Northwest corner of said Section M ’.orare Peltoa, Gold Hill, Or 14; thence East along the North lines gon. Phono IOC. f*’ if 3ectiop 16. Section 15, and Sec- Merciful rfeavena, how. my back & tf”i 14, said township and range, to point oti thé North line of said hurts in the mornins I ” It’s all Classified Advertising PAGE III IC NOTICE That indefinable something called charm for lack of a better definition -what is it? Healt»., personality, appearance -all these go far toward its making, but Charm is greater than any one! Purola Toilet Preparations are real con tributors toward Charm. For many years they have been compounded from finest ingredients. They are pure, beneficial, and soothing, as well as beautifying. PURO l A ALMOND CREAM-one of the most favored toilet requisites—is a delightfully scented preparation to keep the bkin soft, fine and beautiful. Use it for sunburn and chapped or irritated skin. fi I AIDS TO HEALTH AND BEAUTY OUR GARAGE AND SHOP WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY JULY 4TH AND 5TH HUDSON CHALMERS AND FSScX CARS COLLINS AUTO COMPANY r 4 - (■ (ÎÏ 3 «IF S a H” REPAIRING PH0Nf 3,7 5H H STREET, USTI GRANTS PASS, SRE OH, DEAR! MY EACE! HO<—cEEPINC. ROOMS for rent 411 North 6th street, opposti courthetase 92t PHYSICIANS i. CLEMENT. M. D., Praottee -nlted to diseases of eye, ear. nose and throat. Glasses fitted. Honrs 9-12. 3-5. or on appointment. Phones, office 62; residence 359-J MICKIE SAYS orney-at-law. I o. Grants Pase Ba Co. Bldg KOWtt’, » HSrtt to V ( Saxà, t» now < MAN»»»' NOU», PllNtlNCr \ a. 8. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practices In all courts. First National Bank 8. LOUGHRIDGR, M. D. Physician oom Mg&t, » jarf NSHSH3 1 and surgeon. City or country calls Building MOMO k»K »OMtkOOv NNMÚJ sttended day or night. Phones it. aaoui wh M iwt't \ O S. MaANCHARD, Attorney-at-law. Rea. 369; Office. 182; 6th and H ÍH1HK OF OUB VJO«.* ANO Golden Rule Bldg. Phone 270. Ou« aawNtce. »P vou oo. V ms ’ vi . va an a ANOtMta C. A. 3’DLBR, Attorney-at-law. Ma I E. J. BILLION. M. D Physician MV< cyHOHES t sonic : ’.11.’»io, Grants Pass. Ore. »nd surgeon, office richallhorn •V V ■ 7 4—-is----- jf ’T J . y ------ - block, phone 54-J, residence. 1001 r upo. H. DURHAM. Attorney-at-law 1-awurldge, phone 64-L. referee in bankruptcy, Masonlr • Temple. Phone 136-J. W. F. RUTHERFORD Manual the JAMES T. CHINNOCK lawyer re putlcs It gets your ailment. Office over Ramos’ jewelry store First National Bank Building. Office hours*9 30-1 2; 1:30-4. due to an. over-abund ance of that poison called' arie w’d. The kidi-cys are not able to set rid of It. Such con ditions yot can readilj orercome and proIons lifebytakins “»Anuric” (anti-uric-acid). This caa be obtained at almost any drug store, in tablet form. When your kidneys set sluggish and clog, you suffer from back ache, sick-headache, dizzy spells, or twinges and rains of lumbago, rheumatism or gout; or sleep is disturbed two or three times a night, get Dr. Pierce’s Anuric, it will put new life into your kidneys and your entire system. Send Dr. Pierce's Invalids’ Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y.( ten cents for trial package. Dep endable Power Down to the last drop “Red Crown” is high-grade gasoline. It is made to meet the require ments of your engine. “Red Crown” is all-refinery gasoline with the full and con tinuous chain of boiling point* necessary for ready starting quick and smooth acceleration steady, dependable power and long mileage. Look for the “Red Crown” sign before you. fill. STANDARD OIL COMPANY iCalUsrala) RAbPH W STEARNS, M. D Phy-1 alelan and surgeon, X-ray equip-1 ment, dental X-ray. Office, M’ : sonic Temple Bldg Phone« Of- S an F rancisco , C alif .—“I have used Dr. Pierce’s remedies in my flee 21-J; residence 21-L. The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company TIME CARD Effective Nov. 24, 1919 I DENTISTS Trains will run Mondays, WedliHS- days and Fridays. IB. C. MACY, D. M D. First-class Leave Granta Paaa.............. 1 P. M dentistry. 109U 8 «th St Arrive Waters Creek .... 2 P M. - r Leave Walers Creek. ... 2:1* P M. VETERINARY SURGEON Arrive Grants Paaa..- 4 P.M For Information regarding freight DR. R. J. BESTUL, Veterinarian, and passenger rates call at the office hcsldence 838 Washington boule af the company, Lundhurg knllit'ns or telephnwn |st. vard. phone 39R-R. family for fifteen years and have found on every occasion that they Fave satisfactory results. Recently was troubled with my kidneys and my back constantly pained me. I took three packages of Dr. Pierce’s Anuric Tablets which removed all >ain and cleared up conditions. 11 advise everyone to give Dr. Pierce’s remedies a fair trial.”—M rs . E. E ve . 422 Brannon Street. C. D. Pies, Special Agent Standard Oil Co., Grants