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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1920)
PAGE TWO GllANTH PAM DAILY COVRI KK * IT I SDII. .11 Nl 21». IW'JO. —’ A. K. VOORHIEB, Pub. and Propr. enter,-d at poatofftee. Grant* Paa*. Ora., as second class mail matter. Complete ALL LINES OF LOW SHOES BROWNS - BLACKS WHITES HIGH AND LOW HEELS REAL SHOE SERVICE ADVERTISING RAT ’S Flaplay apace, per inch--------- —...20c Local-personal column, per line 10c Bandera, per Une............. ........ 5c DAILY COURIER By mail or carrier, per year $6 00 By mail or carrier, per month.. .50 WEEKLY COVRII A By mall, per year............ ......... — $3.00 MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively •ntltled to the use for republication of all new* dispatches credited to It or all otherwise credited in this ••per and also the 'acai news pub lia tied herein. All rights of republication of spo etai dispatches herein are also re served. TVESDAY, JI Ni: II»». &TWIJ KIN tOt-S-A NORTH «TH ITI DlllEll OF COMMERCE PEPTOMISMS I let and he and Elssner quietly re tired into the country on their re spective shares of the robbery. It was through Pnschge* who, hay Ina spent his share or the robbery in riotous living and was subsequent ly arrested on a charge of burglary that the whole affair came Io light The police caught Wenta lual as he was about Io emigrate with his fam lly GOOD HELP Is almost Impossible to obtain and my Watch R«H»alrln* has grown to such proportion that 1 am eoiupollod to discontinue certain lines of repairing. AFTER JI I.V 1ST ’ I will not be In a position to accept for repairs any Jewelry or Repairing small work, but will make a specialty of Fine Watch and Diamond Sotting. BARNES, The Jeweler NEW TODAY INSURANCE All forms. Life, Awl dent. Health, Fire. Automobile. Liability. Plate Glass and Ronds. T. M. Stott. 306-10 N. 8th street • Office phono No. 44-J. 93tf BARGAINS In sixes, one Buick 1917 as good as new. one Cleveland Seo Stott only run 1500 miles iit Buick sales rooms. north Sixth 10 street. KERBY GRINTS PASS JITNEY 1 waves Kerby !» and 1 dallv; leaves I,.... Grants Pass 9:30 and 1 dally; through and way passengers Ever si etl lloiaue and, Pete Heauh* * A w* J YOUR battery ) 4 No matter »lint make tMttery you Imvç WE lutvo the parts. r\|H'rleiu e. and facilities to re laie or rolmlltl it—and. a bat tery repaired or rebuilt HFIIE is one t|ial is OEPEN l»A RLE. If you want HEItVIVK that is' -on Ice for the OWNEIt-*-<oinr to Ila. Adams Electric & Battery Shop By the Secretary « » ♦ for general ♦ WANTED Two men I ♦ farm work. Apply Dixie ranch. Berlin. June 2!» The mister» sur 1 I ♦ 11. F. D. 2. Once upon a time there was a Cer rounding the robbery of 60.000.000 ♦ tain City tn a Certain County in a Rumanian lei (formerly worth about FOR SALE One small house an <1 ♦ Certain State that was reclining 19 cents each) which look place a lot, also outbuildings, water for weakly waiting for Certain Slow year ago, has now been cleared up See Irrigation, cheap for cash. ♦ Music. ♦ I-by the arrest of four soldiers, who Jos«Uh Hill. 923 South D>th St.. Tonight and Wednesday fair, ♦ ♦ ------- Ad«l-A-Meniber------- wgre assigned to the task of guanh 15 Grants Paas. Ore - ♦ except probably showers in the ♦ Certain City had been in Last ing paper money and treasure which FOR SALE \ No I yearling colt. I extreme east portion. Warmer ♦ ' Stages waiting for Slow Music so was stored in the Spandau capital, large for age J. II X.»I.!«», ltd. 2. ! ♦ Wednesday in the southwest ♦ long that it did not hear the Beauti The tuen. who were drafted* for phono 609-F-2. 11 ♦ ful Music that was whispering all army service and ♦♦ portion. subsequently as- ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ around it. Certaiu City would not signed to garrison duty. jointly plot FOR SALE Two mares, weight •bout 2300 IUs Good pullers and listen. ted the robbery eventually carried it ------- Add-A-Member------- gentle Price $125. harness In- MORE INDEPENDENCE out and then disappeared. ALL GARAGES AND MACHINE SHOPS IN eluded if taken at once. C. Goetx. Beautiful Music was playing many The farmers of Josephine county They were recently discovered liv Josephine Hotel. 15 Sweet Tunes such as "It's the Cli ing comfortable lives as small truck THIS CITY WILL BE CLOSED SUNDAY AND are not going to pass up the anni t mate.” "Abundant Irrigation.” gardeners or extravagant gambler*. FOR SALE Two h p motors, versary of our national indepen “Good Roads.” "Fertile Fields.” MONDAY, JULY 1TH AND 5TH. almost new. Address No I lìti On being questioned the men ad dence. but are incorporating an ob "Untold Wealth in Minerals,” "Un care Courier. lOtf mitted that the Rumanian currency • » servance of the occasion Saturday limited Timber.” "Scenic Wonders,” had been disposed of through Rus PGR SALE 4 milk goats, one to etc., etc. picnic and get-to- with an annual sians and Rumanians, who infest the freshen the last of July, the oth- ■ Add-A-Member------- gether meet at Riverside park in cafes and speculators' haunts in the era In August. Write to Mrs S Within Certain City and Certain this city. There is something in har County there were Certain Aten to vicinity of the railway stations of F. Overton. R. F. D. 3, Grants mony between the happening of whom Beautiful Music played Sweet Berlin • 13 Pass. Ore. The men experienced lieaTyTosses 1776 when the independence of the Tunes until Public Spirit was arous CtHICKEN RANCH 12 acres, house, in disposing of the 1,000-lel notes fences, chicken yards, etc., to sell United States was guaranteed and ed within them. By C. L. Hobart, President. for s|>eculators would only pay 250 ------- Add- A-Mentber------- or trade by owner, no agent. 41 the present-day movement of the til E. Knox, Secy. Certain Men awakened, struggled, marks for them and they also claim miles out. good roads loss* IhiRt i lers of the soil as typified in the strove and overcame Civic Disinter that they are no longer in possession half value at $900 now. Address Farm Bureau and kindred organiza est. Other Men were roused by the of any of the 60.000.000 fund notes. No. I 4 SO, care Courier. I 5 , The origin of the Rumanian money tions. therefore the day selected for Activities of Certain Men and also 2 1 5 H WANTED- A baby's bed * — the picnic of the farmers is a proper listened to Beautiful Music and her is not yet explained, but at the time 11 street. of the robbery it was stated it com Sweet Tunes. one. The new farm movement is a prised the German army ------- Add- A - M rm be r------- treasure getting away from the antiquated Man Who Commands Success Then Public Spirit which was which was transported back from A mnn w lio Is not eiimn >r, <1 •' bl methods of the ages, and bespeaks a aroused In All These Men said “Let's Rumania. lob. wli<> Nicks that resolute A Berlin afternoon paper states real independence of the man who follow the Stars of 'Opportunity’ and mined purpose wlilcli ki. u, no <|v that the money "was printed in Ger makes the soil produce. The Farm . •Prosperity.’ ” So All These Men recognizes no fullure. 1« iro-l it Mir dug in their toes and put their shoul many and destined for the use of <-e«s The man who 1» victor* ‘•r Hit Bureau approaches the problem of ders to the Chamber of Commerce Maskensen in his Rumanian cam z. d will get up more deter i ' ii '- i I I'Hi emancipation of the producer from and pushed it up the Hill to Three paign.” • ever lifter tie Is knocked <|i»»l< 'lite Cleaning — Pressing — Repairing two angles, First, it seeks a more Hundred Members. The robbery took place at the fa linrtlw tin- full the greater "lie re ------- Add-A-Memlx-r—— mous Julius tower at Spandau where '■ oiiik I Yoi- inti't keep • sk -I i n man balanced and a more economical pro- '•> < ti >......... -.m t discourage I i I iii liny I Then Three Hundred Members the German war treasure was stored PHONE 147 315 N. 6TH ST. duction, getting the most from the .. .. • • -i rnqhl bate dlsr-ouriiged looked down on Certain City and The names of the four men who have soil and the effort needed to produce x i|» ' c '. ii foi tils |., rsonnlltv bl« Certain County and Io! it was trans been arrested in connection with the Im - t,-r will remain nltloui-. It h'« WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER a crop. and. secondly, it seeks to formed and indeed wonderful. Sweet affair are Kuhn, Wenta, Elssner and I, « f,rof>e-'* if-,1 ever* nmier'itl bring order out of marketing condi- Tunes were playing long and loud. Pascfcges. The first named is said swept sway.— to be the leading spirit of the quar- tions and prevent the economic Everybody was happy. waste in getting the produce of the NATIONAL FORFJsT farm and the orchard to the pro- TIMBER FOR St LE ducer. There has been too much Sealed blds will be received by the lost motion hetween the two ends of the game, and the.consumer has paid Forest Sui»ervisor. Grants Pass. Ore gon. up to and including July 29. too much for what the producer was 1920. for all the merchantable dead getting too little for. That is the timber standing or down, and all business end of the work of the the live timber marked or designated I Bureau. Not less important is its for cutting on an area embracing work toward bettering the life upon about 4 acres within approximately ttnsurveyed Sec. 19, T. 40 S., R. 6 W. the farm. The dollars received from ■ W. M.. Sucker Creek watershed. Sis effort are not the only aim in life, kiyou National Forest. Oregon, esti and while seeking to produce the mated to be 250.000 feet B. M , dollar to better advantage these more or less, of Douglas fir timber. farm organizations are al«o seeking No bid of less than $0.75 pt-r M. feet for Douglas fir will be considered. to put more of sunshine Into work, $100.00 must be deposited with each The picnic Saturday will he one of bid to be applied on the purchase the sunshiny days in this co’intv. No pri e, refunded, or retained in part farmer in Josephine county should as liquidated dama ps. according to the conditions of sale. The right to miss It. reject, any and all bids Is reserved Before bids are submitted, full Infor FOUR KILLED UHI N WILLS OF mation concerning the timber, the BI FFAI/» HOTEL COLL IPSE ondftions of sale, and the submis sion of bids should be obtained from Buffalo, June 29.- — Four persons the Forest Supervisor, Grants Pass, were killed and an undetermined Oregon. ' number were injureil today by the • Hammermill Bond IxMter Heads collapse of the walls of the Snther- And help make things happen. Don’t sit back anti wait lor (¡corq'e and Envelopes at the Courier office land hotel, a lodging houso ♦ ♦ ♦ OREGON WEATHER ♦ ♦ Weather for the Week ♦ Pacific Coast States: Gener ♦ normal tempera ♦ ally fair; ♦ ture. NOTICE! Grants Pass Automobile Dealers Association The Wardrobe Cleaners THE AWAKENING Why Don’t You Join the Chamber of Commerce? to do it. Get in now and serve the general welfare tilings are accomplished you can honestly say my share and am truly grateful.’’ White Wash Shirts • Right now the demand is big for white wash Skirts. Don’t miss the opportunity to see the big line we are showing at $1.48, $2.95, $3.25, $3.75, $4.50, $5.95 and $6.85. Golden Rule Store HELP MAKE IT 300! ■ • ( 'ontribiilcd “FOR A GREATER JOSEPHINE COUNTY by the C. L. HOBART COMPANY Slumber of the Grants Pass Chamber of Commerce I *