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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1920)
PAGE EIGHT GRANTS PASS GAILY COI KILK SHAMROCK IV IS AFLOAT ONCE CLUB MEMBERS RAISE SWINE Indiana Breeders Sall Gilts to Boys and Girls in Order to Get Them Started R ght. «Plwpsred by ,e Unttevi State* l>ep.irt- mon I jf Agrtcutture i If gissi III, il and good Individual* villi give the ight start in the pure- bred hog business the t»o> slid girl club member* In the vicinity of Ox- ford, Benton county. Ind., are on the road to success, for the pigs owned by them are of famous Poland China strains. , The people of this community have already had an opportunity to -ve what some of the breeder* of gttutt ¡logs have beeu doing, for several well known hog br county. These Investing mi Indtvhlur SAIT HDAY, FEHRL'AIIY 21» im». Legal Blank* at the Courts*. .Mining blanks at Courier office.' e*t I ma I a* from lurlous sources.' The unuuul reports of forest ser London Cat** Victim* of Ptagu*. vice officials show about 4 A .Soft deer The outbreak of * disease, which haa many symptom* to Infiuensa, I* in the federal forests of th» state, rattling tho death of rats by th* hun ami there are many thousand* more (ln the Mtate forisi* fired In lamdon. The elk ptob- Tho disease t* riot thought to be ably number 40.000, It I* ratl mat oil communicable to human being*. hut Wotv»* and coyote*, i>e<ir. liuti, mlns dl*tlngiiis4icd surgeon* nr* imald* to and mountain cat «till are almost a* confirm lhe exact nature. It spread* corninoti as tn pioneer days. with amusing rapidity, and tho symp tom* uro said to resemble closely that of poisoning, except that death usu ally take* plaeo within two day*. Plan Mtmorlal for Po*. Taking a* It* Inspiration a sugges tlon of Blasco Ibanez, the Spanish novelist, the Bronx Society of Art ami Science ha* decided to erect a memo rial In honor of Edgar Allan Poe whose cottage In Poe pink, the Bronx. Senor Ibane* visited the other <l*y The Spanish writer »tarted the fund with n contribution of $100.—New York T,u:;.imta»o Thotfftht. Revenge I* auro though sometime* I «lowly paced, HOTIIEK t WK BY liltKANEILS—M\Y IIE MATED Shamrock IV. Sir lhiuiias Lipton's . vliiillelm Sheeran yards in Bnxvklyn. N. Y., Just before she l io water Tlie yacht was put In drydock five years ago, when the war broke out. lu h dingy courtroom a murder trial came to a sudden luilt. Judge, counsel, witnesses uud the prisoner stood, aud Heir to British Throne Fond of Min for two minutes, with I kiw «I head, did gling With the Fighters, When silent reverence to those |s>pp.v- He Was Permitted. wreathed graves of France. Before the prisoner flickered vision* of that same In the front lines a Canadian soldier France only oue year before. He agnlu was building a tire one cold night of saw the faces of comrades he had loved late autumu. Out of the bight behind and whom be had v. a in the three - him came a footstep. He turned, and of death. Incidents of that last des became doubly alert when be saw that perate sprint across No Mun'* I-hnd. the man was not an officer of his regl- with death on every side, ctinte back to ment. The visitor approached the him. Again he heard the shout with blaze, held his hands out over It ami which the trenches had greeted the said: armistice. He had com* safely through, | •This Are certainly looks good’ to and now— me." The two minute* ended. The city The tone was pleasant enough, and came out of It* trance. The somber suspicion was almost unarmed when voice of the Judge resumed—"and shall the voice went on: hang by the neck until dead. “Have you wood enough? If you haven't Hl get you some more.” Poison Gas to Fight Squlrral*. The fire builder felt some regret that Experiments In the use of poison gas ■nv suspicion whatever remained, but in exterminating grain-eating ground there had been a special warning squirrel* are under way, uncording to a against strangers not of one's own re|s>rt of the county horticultural com regiment. In response to it he was mission to the L< .< Angeles board of about to que'tlon tlie newcomer close supervisors. ly. when an otiicer whom he did know At the same time it wa* announced came within the firelit circle and ad that Los Angele* county has sold It* I dressed the stranger: surplus stock <>f SHccharlnc and strych ‘Tour royal highness, it is best that nine to Orange county in order that you return to the automobile at once.” the neigbi orlng county can join In tit* And the prlnch of Wale* reluctantly campaign being waged ngninst the de left the tire and returned to the place structive ground squirrels. where he officially belong« d. It was According to Horticultural Commis not the first time he had left that place sioner Ryan, the use of |><>i«m gas is of his own accord and gone forward necessary ut this time because the among the men. The Canadian who squirrels, which have been practically tells the story learned afterward that eliminated from the worst affected re the prince’s staff had It* hand- full to gions In the county by the use of |»d keep him from breaking away from sons rjurlng the past few months, fail the official circle prescribed for him to eat the poison at this time, and mingling with the men on their ferrlng the new vegetable growth. own ground. Washington. Fob, 31. .Mexican federal authorities have located the bandits who kidnapped Joseph K. Askew, an American citUen. In the state of Durango, on February 2nd. and troops are in pursuit In hope of affecting his release Th» coming of civilisation, it Is »nid In Ium« quart nr*, lias caiiasd thorn to grow In tiuinbnrs, bocauso th« whits man docs not hunt thorn as relrntloMly or a* auccnsafully as tho Indian did The huff nlo paid Ht» penalty of white »ettlonieut but many other game Imsats bsnaflttad by th» pa**lng of the predatory red rare. Dependable Tire Repairs When you have the work done here it will be done right, using the finest fabric and rubber that can be bought. 44 OLE’S” TIRE SHOP “VULCANIZING THAT PAYS” GATES SOU TIRES COSTS ONE HALF AS MUCH SOLDIERS LIKED THE PRINCE Members of a Boys' Club Receiving Information on Good Points of a Brood Sow. the best, cooperated with the bankers and the county agent in inducing a number of Indiana breeders to sell some’good gilts to the Benton county boys and girls iu order that they might get started right In the hog business, consequently the members in the pig club at Oxford have received pigs sired by well-known Poland «’bina f boars, and the responsibility of devel oping them into breeding animals now rests with the boys and girls. Twenty-six members are enrolled in the club, which is organized on the basis of a breeders’ association. The i club will elect its own officers, and the assistance of the county 4 with agent, the bankers, the breeders, and i their parents will proWed to do busi ness for themselves. AVOID HOG CHOLERA GERMS • Houses and Lots Should Be Arranged So That They May Be Cleaned and Disinfected Easily. . ^Prepared by lhe United State* Deport meat of Agriculture.) Among tlie suggestion.* made by the United States department of agricul ture to minimize the danger of in- i traducing hog cholera germs are the t following: Hog houses, lots, and pastures should be located away from streams and public highways, and the houses and lots should be arranged so that they may lie cleaned and disinfected readily. They should be exposed as far as possible to sunlight, which is the cheapest and one of the beet disin fectants. Hog lots should not be used for yarding wagon* and farm imple ment* and should not be entered with team and wagon, particularly when loading stock for shipment to market. As further precaution no one slioud be allowed to enter hog I there is ««surer ce that h< their carry infection. I'armen* hel|' should disinfect their fore entering hog lots after retiirniu from public yards, sides, i nd neigh boring farms. MUST HAVE ENVIED COMRADES Pathetic Happening in English Ciur* That Marked the Observance of Armistice Day. Bird Preserve Planned. The pro|M>sal to establish an exten sive wild bird preserve on tho north ern shore of Lake Erie is gaining wide fiivor in Canada. Something must lie done al once, it I* urged by bird lov ers. to preserve the wild fowl and In sectivorous birds, or they will .be come as extinct a- the wild piges». There are strict game regulations In the province but tile establishment of n large preserve would assist the leg islation There is already n nucleus of the pro|>oKed area In Rondeau park, and ft is planned to extend this along 'he lake» shore weet for .'!<> miles The great clocks of London boomed out eleven strokes. The city been me as silent a* though it were a second Pom|>ell miraculously swept clean of its ashes. Motor ears and tram cars creaked to sudden stops. Policemen stood like graven blue Images at their postfc. Pedestrians doffed their lints and stood as though they had not known motion for centuries. It was Quartz blanks at Crurler office, Armistice day an«l tlie city was doing Placer location notices at Courier honor to those youth* who had expe office rienced the Gr< it Adventure Helena, Mont., Feb. 21,. Settle meat of increasingly large area* o this state has not served to extermiu ate th* wild life of the region Wild animals still number «everal hundre * thousand, according to report* »nd. i 5 Carrying a Ton a Mile for less than a Cent Freight rates have played a very small part in the rising cost of living. Other causes—the waste of war, under-produc tion, credit inflation—have added dollars to the cost of the necessities of life, while freight charges have added only cents. % A suit of clothing that sold for $.. . the war was carried 2,265 miles by rail from Chicago to Los Angeles for 1656 cents. Now the freight charge is 22 cents and the suit sells for $50. z The coot of the suit hen increased 20 dollars. The freight on It ha* increased only 51 cent* BEEF CALVES ARE FAVCRED Profit Assured to Farmer With Small Permanent Pasture and Plenty of Feed. The farmer who Ims a »mull perma nent pasture and plenty of feed might find the raising of ii few calves if the beef type or 'he dual purpose type profitable, Much will, of course. ,|e- pend upon the "ul.e. and tie methods of raising the extra feed. There are men making fair profit on beef cuttie. Some of these are small farmers. Chinese Widows Suicide. Chinese widows rarely remarry, a rule customs of society do rot g<. i.k.tsHM* « iuraaawr «croar «av» further. But In some parts of Ftthlen -4- the self-destruction of widows in their devotion to their husbands has as sumed almost barbarous forms. For TI LEGR II IIED l-KTI Ill: SHOWS BABY BORN WITH TWO TEETH I his cctire by wire" /how* Mis* Florence Barbara Haase exhlbit- example, when a man passes away his wife will generally declare her Inten . ing the two l etrlv white teeth with which she was born. While she tlon to kill herself to demonstrate her lid not r ;lster delight for the camera man, she nevertheless exposed fsirhftilness toward him. Then the eld her dental outfit to full view. Little Frances Barbara wan born Fal>- ers of the family will cause a high | ruary 2 anil lie doctor claims for her the distinction of being the only stage to be erected and Invite their | -hild In 1400 that has arrived under hi* observation that has had teeth relatives. i so developed. The average Charge for hauling a ton of freight a mile is less than a cent. A given unit of any commodity will buy more transportation now than it ever did before in the history ofthe country. A ton of steel or a bushel of wheat will buy more transportation now than ever before. Walker D. Hines f)4r. (rdfi ‘Iif ttailfdi Other transportation charge* enter into the coal of the ftniahed article—carrying the wool to the mill* and the cloth to the tailor* — but these other chargee amount to but a few cent* more. The $10 pair of shoes that used to sell for $5 goes from the New England factory to the Florida dealer for a freight charge of 5& cents -only one cent more than the pre-war rate. Beef pays only two-thirds of a cent a pound freight from Chicago to New York. American freight rates are the lowest in the world. advertisement is published by the Association of ¿Railway executives Thmr iletiring information concerning Ihr railroad litnulion man obtain literature by writing to The .heociahoii n) lluiltcay Executive», tH ¡¡roadway, New York