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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1920)
GRANT» PAM* DAILY COI KJKM HATI ItllAl, FEBRUARY 21, lll'Ju PAGE SEVES ------------ ----— CLOSING OUT GATES HALF 80LES GIVE THE AMERICAN BLUEGRASS A SHOW WATCH THIS SPACE FOR ANNOUNCE MENT OF ARRIVAL OF MacK TrucK TIRE SHOP Ford Garage THEN CALL AND LET US SHOW YOU A REAL TRUCK Classified Advertising DENTIHTH HHI HALE CATTUC FDR SALE Carload Her B. C. MACY. D. M. D First-class ford or Durham, either sex, regis dentistry. 109% South Sixth Will single tered from Missouri ■treat, Granta Paas, Oregon Ad- If can get enough orders. A ETEItlNAICY HI 11GEON dress George W. King. Montague. 914 Cai. OK K. J. HEHTM., Veterinarian. WOOD roil HALE ni caí I.... I lots Residence 838 Washington boule line and fir. Two miles down vard, phone 398-R. the highway from Rogue KI ver. I'JIYHHIASH i’harlevox Wallace Galbreath, 902 Ranch. L. O. CLEMENT. M D. Practice FOR HALE ■Milk cow giving about limited to dtaeaaes of the eye, ear, 3 gallons per day, will be fresh In nose and throat. Glaaaea fitted. July. Peter Oleson, phone 500- Office houra 9-12. 2-5, or on ap R-2. 904 pointment. Phone», office 62; resi F or " SALE or trade for hog feed. dence 359-J. two pure bred Poland China boar pigs, six months old C. F. Daws. Î8 LOUGH RIDGE, M. D. Physician Wllderville, Ore 104 and surgeon City or country calls attended day or night Phones, 1X»R RALE Thoroughbred White residence, 369: office, 182. Sixth Leghorn rooster, thtll at 107 K and II atresia. or. street. Judd Pernoll. Foil SALE -Good fir wood, 13.50 DR. W T Rooms 1 a tier delivered Phone IMcklnson Treats all A Daws, Wllderville. 05 a. m.; 1-5 TOMPKINS, aud 2 Schmidt Bids. diseases Hours 9-12 p. m Phone 304-R I D. Physician WANTED Stock cattle, milk cows, E. J. bl LUCK. M ■nd surgeon, office Bchallhorn bulls, yearling steers, 2-yenr-old roildeuce, block. phone 5 4-J; steers. State price and number. IODI l^twnrldge, phone 54-L, Address George W. King. Monta tirants Pass gue. Cal. »14 WANTED A job in u butcher sb»» DR RALPH W. STEARNS physician In some small pay-roll town, with and surgeon, offices formerly oc a view of purchasing the same. Ad- cupied by Dr. Stricker. Masonic dre/.s ®. II Saxe. P. O. Box 223, Temple Phone, office 21-J, resi Nez Perce, Ida. 915 dence. 21-1. Hour«: 10-12, '2-4. WANTED Middle aged woman as comimnlon and to assist with light W. F. RUTHERFORD Manual the- raputlca. It tets your ailment. housework In ainall family. Good Office over Barnes* Jewelry store. home. Phone 19. 05 'A A x Ay T z w~9 WoZ S-W am» Ä A W C L.L» s ■W CHALMERS AND ESSEX CARS COLLINS AUTO COMPANY RIES AHO REPAIRING PHONE 317 GRANTS PASS, ORE G. B. BERRY Harness and Saddlery Auto Top and Canvas Work ««produced by pviio<Miou New iurR Tribune, Copyright, lvlU. “OVERTHROW WORLD ORDER!" CRY COMML’^TS With Grants Pass Hardware Co Manifesto of Communist International, Seized in U. S. De partment of Justice Raids, Tel’s “Reds” Own Story of Tbeir i’ ’ ■ *'- r r World Wide Plunder. Extracts fron “Manifeste of t o Ccmmuniit International—Ado^.: d by th» Co"'** 6» of the Comrnu st International at Moscow. March 2 0. 1#10. a'-J r -r-ri by Cmeraf C Rakovsky. N. Lenlne, M Ztnov ¡tv, L. Trotsky ar.d Fritz Platten" Alongside the dethroned ,1»nsMfr.« of the Romanoffs. Hobenzollern« nnd ILip-hurgs. mid the «•apt’ellsilv <-lope -> of these muds, the rulers of France, i:»i;lmid, Itnl.v mid the riilied States land revenled in tlu ll; ht of unfolding events mid illplomntie dlwIoMirrs In 'lielr Inimeasurnhle vllem*»« Spurning rl »• Imlf-tenrlethies«. tyjavrlcy nnd corruption of tlie de»i»<fent VÏTORNEYM DltESHMAKING otn. :|I soi-iatlsl pnrties n>; tie Communists n«*:cmliled tn Hie Third Inter, ACCORDION PLAITING, dressmak II. D. NORTON. Attorney-at-law. nm'oral, feel out eh, » to !>•■ H e direct sii.-cessora of the hero c < Torts mid Practice« In all State aud Federal mart,» rdont of n let:-; Hereof •» olullounri generations from I’.nt“-mf to Karl ing, and ladies tailoring, ham Courts. Flrat National Bank Bldg. Lit I bi echt and R<»u l.u . .1 trg. As the First International foresaw the stitchlug, dyeing and alterations future development and pointed the way; as the Second International tri'b- promptly done. All work scientif G, W. COLVIO, Attorney-at-law. •■red t• selber and orgnulzed millions of the proletariats, so the Third Imor- ically done both In style and Uranta Paas Banking Co. Bldg. iiHtto'..,l Is the Internnilonnl of open mass-action of the revolutionary realiza workmanship. Spring suits a spe Uranta Pass, Oregon tion, G e International of deed«. Socialist criticism Ims sufll. tently <i geiatized cialty, estimates cheerfully given, th»- bourgeois world order Tlie task of the International Commutnsl Party la prices reasonable. Mrs. W. R. E. S. VAN DYKE. Attorney. Prac now to overthrow this order and to erect In Ils place the structure of the Bwoape, 30 Olive Street, phone tices In all courts. First National Mictallst world order. We urge tlie working men ond women of all countries 253. 110 to untie under the Communist banner, the emblem under which th»- first great Bank Bldg. victories ha»e already been »von. O. 8. BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-law < H IL ENGINEER Pruletarlana of all lands I In the »var against Imperialistic barlmrity, Golden Rule Bldg. Phone 270. ..gains: monarchy, ngalnst the prlvl'egt-d classes, against the boiirgisi1» stnte DÂNÎBL M c F arland Öhrti m - Grants Pass. Oregon und Imttrgeola property against all forms nnd varieties of social nnd national gl neer und surveyor. Registered professional engineer. Ros. 740 C. A. 8IDLDR, Attorney-at-law. Ma oppression—-UNITE I Under the Standard of the Workingmen’s Councils, under the banner of North Tenth street, phone 211-Y. sonic Temple, Grants Paas. Ore. .he Third International, In the revolutionary struggle for power mid the Dic I REAL 5J4TATE GEO. H. DURHAM, Attorney-at-law. tatorship of the Proletariat, proletarians of all countries UNITE* Tlie revolutionary era compels the proletariat to makfe use of the means j. t . M c K instry 603 o streot,j referee In bankruptcy, Masonic phone 13-R. General real estate' Temple. Grants Paas. Oregon. of battle which will iximenirute Its entire energies, namely, ma-s action, with im log cal resultant, direct conflict with the governmental machinery In open bualness The beet of all kinds of I Phone 135-J. eonihat. All other methods, such as revolutionary use of bourgeois parlia aolls for frult, hay or general! JAMES T. CHINNOCK, lawyer. mentarism, will be of only secondary significance. farmlng. 21tf, The Indispensable condition for successful struggle Is separation not only First National Bank Bldg.. Granta I from the direct servitors of Capitalism and enemies of the communist revolu Paas. Oregon. FOR RENT tion. tn which role the Social ¡»einocrata of the R ghl appear, but also from - TO RENT Light Tiotisakeeplnìr the Party of the Center (Kautskinns), who desert the proletariat at the rooms; reasonable rent, at 823 J critical moment la order to come to terms with Its open nntngontsts. The growth of the revolutionary movement In all lands, the dangers of street. 902 suppression of this revolution through the coalition of capitalistic States, the attempts of the Socialist betrayers to unite with one another (the formation of tlie Yellow “International** at Berne), and to give their services to the WB- i. i.AL BRAITH inaurane«, any aonlnn League, finally, the absolute necessity for co-ordination of proletarian Building and kind. Rentala. actions all these demand the formation of a real revolutionary and real 1-oan. Plate Glass Liability. 609% proletarian Communist International. This International, which subordinates in New York City alone from kid 84tf G street. Phone 28. the so-called national Interests to the Interests of the International revolution, I will personify the mutual help of the proletariat of the different countries, BURNS The Sign man. 515 E ney trouble last year. Don't allow tor without economic and other mutual helpfulness the proletariat will not be Street. I 10 yourself to become a victim by neglecting pains and aches. Guard able to organize the new society WE IM> HEMRT i T c HIN g , It».- per against this trouble by taking Incalculable are the sacrifices of the working class, Their best—Lieb- yd., slllc or cotton, thread furnish j knecht. Rosu Luxemburg—they have lost, Against this the proletariat must ed. .Wall orders solicited. Singer I defend llaelf. def.'* nt, any price Tlit* Communiât International calla the Bowing'Machine Co., 115 W. Main | •nitre world proletariat to this final struggle. Ht., Medford. Ore. 8«tf D own with rm; IMPERIAL CONSPlhACY OF CAPITAL! long live the INTERNATIONAL REPUBLIC OF THE PROL.8- WE SELL AND RENT new Slngtir PARIAN COUNCILS I Sewing Machines, Granta Pass Moscow, Murcii 2-tj, 1919. Hardware Co. 86tt I The world's standard remady for kidnay, livar, bladder and uric acid troubles. WE WILL PAY 114 per thousand I Holland's national remedy sine» 1696. for No. 1 pine logs and $13 for' All druggists, three sizes. Guaranteed. Vanadiun- in Steel. AID TO PERMANENT PASTURE Gold Medal on every boa No. 1 t^ir logs delivered to our mill. Look for the and name The Influence of the addition of accept no imitation small proportions of vuimdluiii to steel Ohio Station Officials Recommend Use Borlnlid-Thninas Lu in her Co., suc la twofold: It nets is a scavenger, re cessor Io Eiigerton Adams. 9titf i of Alsike and Blue Grass- 1 moving oxides, nitrides, etc.. In a form Manure Is Big Help. TAXI The California and Oregos easily carried away to the slag, mid It Coast Railroad Company Hl-.ii lotiglii ns the steel dlri-i ll.v, b.v Its Grass seed applied early In Febru POONEH TAXI Phone 262-R for I TIME CARD solid sului on, under nufnuil condi ary or March helps t<> establish a per- Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an tions. tn the carlmiiless portion. known nmnent pasture, and Ohio station olli- swered anywhere anytime '»Otf ns ferrite. In nddttlon It forms com clids reconttnend the use of td«lke mid Geo PALACE TAXI Phom» 22-J. plex enrhldes of such ii nature ns blue grass, as red clover do. s not A. Hyde Al Henry L. Sargeant. 25tf Trains will run Mondays, \V (Mint's- greatly to siren'--then the steel stati thrive well where tap-rooled cally. The result Is n product so vast will heave out In the winter. TAXI nt O» I IMIIIurd Piirlors. I 7 - .1 days and Fridays. Tlie application of mmiure 1« of holo or 2 4 3 L for night calls. Day and Leave Granls Ptyts. .......... 1 P.M. ly superior to the ordinary carbon steel ¡is to render it pmctlenlly a new In every instance tn producing a goiwl nicht, service. 56tf Arrive Waters Creek.......... 2 P.M. nmterhil of construe!Ion. especially for growth of pasture. Leave Waters Creek . 2:30 P.M. situations In which shocks must he met D k ÄYÄGH imi TRANSFER Arrive Granta Pans .... 1 P.M. and resisted. The eoniblnntlon of high do we. For Information regarding freight strength and great toughness innlu’- It Phone ami passenger rates rail at the office the material above all others for unto V tiik diamond rranik a of the company, Lnndhurg building, mobile parts, as well ns for railway -Z d ik Ladles! Ask your l>ru«<<st for Chl-chrs-ter • Dlamonannind//y\ id transfer i or téléphoné 131 axles and engine frames, for springs Pille it. lied anti (¿old met illlc\V/' boxes, s«al«d with Blue Ribbon. for the Important purls of vessels mid furniture. Take no «.ilirr Huy of yonr “ rl«t. r< lll-CIfFH-TI KS and stored ' Placer location notices nt Courier for bridges mid similar structures. i »\ i » i < k \\ i > m.i.A. r. r •* i'iwnM lV*«t. S-.Afcat> Aiwa vs Rrllabte office. imOISTSTOMtRf 16799 DIED Buy at Home PATRONIZE THE HOME DEALER WHO HANDLES THE SAME LINE OF CARS AND ACCESSORIES Studebakers Overlands SOLI» AT THE SAME PRICE EVERYWHERE J. F. BURKE FASHION GARAGE Make Us Prove It! X * Would you have those tires repaired if you knew that repair would last ns long as any part of the tire? That is our guarantee absolutely We are prepared to handle anything in the way of retreading Bagley’s Square Deal Vulcanizing. Works 211 NORTH SIXTH STREET, GRANTS PASS, OREGON GOLD MEDAL CHICHESTER S PILLS What Do You Pay for Flour Now? Our price has not changed since last harvest. Josephine County Flour Mill Phone 123 Corner Third and G Streets Recharges and Repairs Storage Batterie« And remember—Jvhenever you want your battery or electrical sys tem tested he does ft free of charge. We have the beet equipped auto electrical shop in the city and every Job we tarn out means 1 new customer for us—WHO’S NEXT. Yours for Service ADAMS’ ELECTRIC & B ay T i ERY SHOP Adams A J<dn>sten, Prop*. I-hone Ofl IMX1 South Slvth Street