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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1920)
GRAN TN PANA DAILY IX) UHI Kit PAGE TM O GRAHTS PASS OAiLÏ COURIER I Published Daily Except Sunday Pub. and Propr. » ta red at postoffbe, Granta Pana. Ore., aa eecond claas mail matter. ADVERTISING rates Display apace, per inch........2. 20c Loeal-peroonal column, per line. lOc Readers, per line............... 5c A. E. VOORHIE8. DAILY COURIER By mail or carrier, per year.. .$«.00 By mail or carrier, per month .50 TI ) «DAV, .11X1 VIH 20. I *>—<». Trimming Our Stock of Jiffy Jell 2 6 1 Doz. for $1.25 WEEKLY COURIER By mall, per year........ .............. ..$2.00 KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY AT YOUR SERVICE -FOR— Denver, Colo., Jan. 20. With po- tuto grower« and ahippvrs from Seven Rocky mountain elates In attendance, the Western Potato show opened a three-day exhibition at the city au ditorium 'here today. Official state exhibits are on dis play from Colorado, Nebraska, Wyo ming and Idaho. Ollier elates rep resented at the exhibition are Mon tana. 1’tah and New .Mexico. The show ia held under the aus pices of the Colorado potato growers association and the agricultural «nd livestock bureau of the lienver Civic and Commercial asaoeiation. cooper ating with the United Rtatee depart ment of agriculture. A feature of the exhibition Is the pathological display which shows the nature of insect and disease and gives practical Illustrations how to control and eradicate potato ene- m les The Colorado State Xgricultiiral college Is taking a leading hand In the show, students and members of the faculty demonstrating in a prac tical way. manner of seed selection, soil selection, cultivation and disease control. Certified potatoes were on display I to demonstrate standards Perfect types of various varieties of pota- toes were shown, each display em bracing all the leading varieties grown tn that state. The Denver bureau of markets, de partment of agriculture, demonstrat ed proper methods of digging, hous ing and shipping potatoes The crowd at Oie first day’s events was augmented by |>ersons In attend ance upon the sessions of the Colo rado 'IJvestock association, which concluded a two-day session yester day. and the National Western Stock show which opened Its doors Mon day for an exhibition which lasts the entire week. BARNES, The Jeweler Meet door First National Ilan« IX ORDER TO MAXI: IK HIM MHMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Aaeociated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication Qua/i(ji onJ Service of all news dispatches credited to it or all otherwise credited tn thia t>\ 11(1. V Nil »I4MI paper and Also the local news pub- ------------------------------- :—. A ---- : El »HD .’. ... •■»|Mi Uehevl herein FORD I-TON TRI < Ix M373 All rights of republication of spe will no doubt have a determining in Incomes below $5,000 are exempt cial dispatches herein are also re FORD < OMMIIU TAI, DI I.. Wtlg.X fluence in Holland’s announced de from surtax The slugle mail with eerred. FORD lll'G «nui no dependents and an income for sire for admittance into the league 1919 of $2,000 will pay a tax of $40 of nations. The desire to act with instead of $60 as for I $16, and a TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, IBM. the league, and any disposition not married man with an income of $2.- to meet the demand of the allied ■*>i)0, and no dependents except hia e ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ OREGON WEATHER powers in giving over the ex-kaiser, wife will pay $20 Instead of $30. ♦ The surtax rate is 1 per cent on ♦ do not particularly harmonise. The ♦ Tonight and Wednesday fair ♦ treaty which Germany herself has the net Income In excess of $5,000 ♦ and not over '$6,000, and increases L and continued cold with north ♦ signed provides for the surrender of by steps of 1 per cent for each $2,- ♦ erly winds. Wilhelm and his trial before the bar 000 of net income up to and includ a Recharge» and lt«qmlrs Stornier Batteri««. If Holland should ing 48 i>er cent on net income in of civilization And remember wheuever you want your battery or electrical «/•- now attempt to defeat the trial of excess of $98,000 and not over $100,- COURAGE AND CURRENCY 000. From this point the rates run tern tested he does It free of charge, Wa have the bent equipped the arch-criminal for the great auto electrical shop in the city and every Job we turn out tuoann as follows: 52 per cent on net income The dollar has gone down in pur wron^ he has done humanity and over $100,000 and not over $150,- a new cualotuer for us WHO'» NEXT. chasing power. That is a bromide, civilization, she will have shown Yoii|-s for Her, Ice OttO. 56 per cent on net income over a platitude, "old stufT.” Everyone that she is not of the proper temper $150,000 *uid not over $200.000, 60 ADAMS’ ELECTRIC & BATTERY SHOP j>er cent on net income over $200.- knows it from actual experience. But to become part of such a body .Idiinix A JohnMwi, l‘ro|>". per 000 and not ever $3oO.OOH. Phone «0 no<1 .«-Mlth Sixth street should that fact take all the wind out proposes to be. cent on net income over $30>). ihi 0 or more The Dutch were always of everybody’s sails? Is it going to and net oxer $500,000, 64 pe>’ - »• i are pro- on net ia* ome over $500,000 an., nil deprive us of the courage and initia less pro-German. but they tive which have made the country fa Holland before al! else, and they will over $1.060,000. and 65. per cent on no deubt look to their own interests l et income over $1,000,000. mous? The following illustrations will "Here we are a million homes rather than to tie to the lost cause show the average taxpayer whose net short of what we need, and short a of the defeated kaiser. income was more than $5,000 how to compute tax: million men to build them,” says WE DELIVER A single man had a net In ’mo Abram I. Elkus. chairman of the re i HELPING WITH THE ITASI • for 1919 of J ,000. First he ded tic's The taking of the census is on construction commission of the state the last half of its course in the h*s personal exemption of $’.000. of New Y'ork. “There are two things ’earing a balance of $5,000 • 'i- the to do: Take the bull by the horns country districts, and is supposed to first $4>>0l ho jays at the normal and build your own home in spite of have been finished in the city dis »ate of 4 per <’int. $160. tin the re- NAVY LIBRARY WORTH VISIT ‘Corner Third and G Streets high prices, and have something to tricts. But it is far from finished naming $1 0< •) he pays at the nor Apartment in Statea, War and Navy mal rate of 8 per cent, $80. In a<l- show for it your whole life long and in many of the cities, including Building at Washington Should dition he pays a surtax of $10. 1 per during the lives of your children and «rants Pass, and as a corre: t cen- Appeal to Tourists. cent on the amount of his net 1n- yonr children’s children—or hesitate 9US *8 t»le demand of the government, come between $5,000 and $6.000. The navy library, In tiie state, war for the next ten years, spend the SOIue extension of time, and some His total tax is $250, as compared orni navy building. Is u lovely place to same money on rent and have noth-1 further work upon the part of both with $370 for 1918. souk up atmosphere. Like the build A married man with two depend- Ing itself. It Is thirty-three years old fng to show for it when you are ¡the officials and the community will ents had a net income for 1 $ 19 for When it was built England. France. necessary to make the count a through, The rent you are paying $7,500. From this tie deducts his Spain and Italy present'**! the marbles now would build your home, And complete one. A patch work census personal exemption of $2,000, plus of pirphyry. sienna and inula* bite with we are hoping that soon the govern-'is worse than none at all. Every cit- $200 for each dependent. On the which the walls are paneled. Mexico ■ izen knows whether or not his name first $4.000 of the balance of $5,100 sent the pieces of onyx which encrust ment will help you do it.” , the gallery. The round stone over the The Canadian government is al- 1 has been properly recorded, and it he pays, at the normal rate of 4 tier door came from the ruins of Pompeii. cent. $160. On the remaining $1,- I lie connoisseur in marble who visits ready helping Its people to finance I is as much his own obligation to 100 he will pay at the normal rate the construction of modest homes. 1 rectify an error as it is that of the I of 8 per cent, $88. On the amount Washington will enjoy a call here. In tin- center of the large room, lined* The building of one’s own home, : enumerator. If you have doubt as of his income between $5,000 and with shelves of «'eighty tomes on mi- however small and inexpensive, gives to 'our enumeration, or that of a $6,000 he pays a surtax of 1 per vai matters, there Is a large and Im- a joy of creation comparable to noth member of your family, clip out the cent, or $10. On the amount of his IMirtiint green-topped table. Around this table silt the strut*-ic board of ing else. Moreover, it puts one on a blank published elsewhere in the, income between $6.000 and $7,500 the Spanish Anierlcuii war. livre nl-*> It will pay you to come t> us for anything in th*' line of j he pays a surtax of 2 per cent. The solid basis with the world. It means* Courier and forward it to the super-1 suppl es or repair work. the naval advisory board for the great ' total, normal and surtax, is $288 as «nr made their secret plans «nd >x added respect from one’s fellow visor of the census for this district' compared with $412 for 1918. We want your big Jobs and we will make the big on*' I '*-r'iii«‘ni-. Edison. Maxim? .Miller.unb small when omputing the cost to you. men. It means better credit, better at Salem. Errors will then be cor-1 Husband and wife whose combin ninny others confi ned over It. with There Isn't an aiitoinobil* need we can’t supply '.I..;, ■ chance for growth in business. rected. Ask your neighbor about it. ed net income for 1919 equalled or the windows carefully darkened mid u shop your auto hendquarlers. • Of course it takes courage to build You can help to make this a com- I exceeded $2.000 must file a return, •.mini before the door. There Is a quaint side to the library, in the face of existing conditions. But ; plete and accurate census, or by either separate or joint as desired. A widow, a woman living apart from too. A little white-haired lady can be AGENTS FOR. the rewards of courage were never : keeping quiet, you can permit ft to her husband, or a maid must file a evil nny time, flitting alsiut the H udson maxwell small. shelves of dark, heavy hooks, or cut- become a comedy of errors. return if her net Income equaled or ’ CHALMERS AND ESSEX CARS exceeded $1,000. A minor whose In •ting and pasting busily in her corner i'come for 1919 was $1,000 or more by the window, 't his Is Jli-s Mn- o. HOLLAND AND'THE K USER daughter of n former secretary of the must make a return. If the minor's navy. She 1ms liven In the library I, The allied nations have made a ||Ur income was less than $1,000, It must 20 years, if you hap|H’ii In near noon | demand upon Holland for the sur-'”’U . I>e included in the return of the par •lie limy give you a cup of ten on one -A:ct5i( wii6 xhc ^fPAiHlMC render of the former kaiser. The ent. I corner of her d* si,. 'd E55E.X PHONE 317 . defeated war-lord sought refuge in1 And of all charming places to luive ROTORS mi unexpected cup of tea, with a Holland when his cause was lost, SENATORS IX TILT OYER H STREET, GRANTS PASS, ORE and has been somewhat of an embar-1 RESULT OF LEAGUE “VOTE” sweet little Indy, this quiet li*>->k among the books Is recoiiiiiivndtsl. making out his income-tax re-j rassment to that country ever since.: I But there is, nevertheless, a strong’1"™ the taxpayer is required to ’I Washington, Jan. 20. Another ¡ ___ . , . .show both gross and net income. brief but spirited tilt occurred in the 1 TWO TRAVELERS CAME BACK sentiment in Holland against the sur- ,, , , Grost income includes practically senate when Senator Hitchcock, Ne render of Wilhelm, and it is report-. eVerv dollar the taxpayer received According to Army Captain, Mule« Re braska, administration leader, pre-1 turned From That Dim and ed that effort will be made to get him during the year 1919 In arriving at ented final figure« in the recent co'.- Undiscovered Shore. to give himself over to the allies Inet income, upon which the tax is I lege vote on the peace treaty and ex ! : • ■ • t ‘ I without the necessity of drastic ac ¡assessed, he is allowed certain de pressed satisfaction that a large ma-1 Tiie reglniMitnl morning report Is a eductions, which will be explained | jority was against what he called i fearsome document, tin it appear all tion upon the part of Holland The ¡later, plus the amount of his nxemp- "the destructive Lodge reservations.” J the changes In status of men and ani Harness and Saddlery attitude of Holland in this matter tlon He also commented on the size of’ mals for each preceding 21 l«>urs. It Auto Top and Canvas Work I the vote for unqualified ratification' happened In an Ohio regiment once I for which, the Nebraska senator said.? that two mtlles fell ill one night. The I ‘the democrats are ready to stand."; veterinarian gave Ills verdict of hope j Senator Edge, republican. New! less, and the captain of the supply company t/ccordlngly made the proper i With Grants Pass Hardware Co ¡Jersey, replied ilia’ the colli’<e vote; entry on the morning report: “Two | was 2 to I against unqualified rati-¡ mules, from duty to dead.” ifi atlon. while Senator McCormick, i But under the care of the grizzled I republican, Illinois, said the league' old stable sergeant the mules recov jto enforce pence intervened In thel ered and next morning the captain Temperature of Ground Water. Before and Behind. ¡college referendum by furnishing I found tlmm alive and kicking. Now, Just received shipment of mens’ milts OriHiinrv ground unter ni u ilvptl’ "t'lm Ilf my pupil*.’’ snys n Buffalo entries made on the morning report peakers and material fof speeches. | iH.uxht about one year ago. Brown nf frolli W) lo *'<> l. i t I« idxuil 50 de 1 i" '1 1 could not nnderstiind why | can never he erased, which made the l'rr's nnd fs iiii.rlv imlfurm rhrottgh mix worsted, sizes 35 to IO, an extra I 'b'm ill iluif tlm following piirngriiph sltiintioii enibnrnmslng for the cap mit ili*’ yeiir. At lev •>• ili'ptlis ilm rem NOTH f good value at Hunting tain. However, he was n mini of re permuri’ Is Ifkcfy to Ile mfi eted liy ili* frmu hl« < oniposition on source, and the next day’s report car itt!H<>s|>4i<*rfeiil and «'.'sonni ehnlige* Advi ntnri’' lacked nnlnmtlon unti effect- persons knowing themselves to ried Urn sfnrlJIng entry: "Two mules, wfil di Inki’ pinci*. hi ep gi’imnd wii - IV. ," «s ■|•,|rs|ll.,| |,y ||„. n.|nnt|,,M limi er. the punting gazelle sprang from ! be Indebted to the Grants Pass Lum-! from deoil to duty." ter- me geperidl« pmgrmeilvi’li wurm- cliff to cliff. At last she could go ne I ber Co. will please call and make' ir tlic deeper ubili ''ned firn Irr ', use I'tirt Before her yawned the dinaro payment of accounts before Feitruary ' 'The Olympic games were to have brdtlg getl'TIlll.» line deplee fui ,■ ,-n mid ' Iler the hunter."*--Mon- so that we may close our Jiooks been held fri 1916 In Berlin. Irut • or ' lei : uf de.ul*. tn,| |-. , ,p,. »r. it hiliind Oidlv Smr. that time. were ailed off on account of the war. Vf'*' M __________ GRANT« PASS LUMBER CO. I C. L. Hobart Company. PHONE 123 F°* Prices °n FLOUR and FEED Josephine County Flour Mill COLLINS AUTO COMPANY G B. BERRY Men’s Suits $20.00 I! Old Newspapers, 5c and 10c Bundles