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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1920)
* Llb»»ry " IT’S THE CLIMATE TOI* X„ No. lol. WE’RE TELLING THE WORLD ♦ • » • • GRANTS PAHS. JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON. AND ENJOY IT” ♦ WHOLE NUMBER 2*7:4. PASSENGERS WILL Strike on Plantation» in the Hawai iati I •"land» May Involve tlaiut UA.tMNt*orrr» N.Y.ASSEMBLY Honolulu, Jan. 20.- -Fifteen hun »IE AH I RE WH.L NOW GO ON THE dred Filipino sugar plantation work RALIX9T FOR ACTION BY THE ers here have struck for higher PEOPLE AT ELECTION Hill Slgutxl Mukiug I uiawful employ im-nt of Aliena Wlm Dodged Ser vice I »uring the War vaj ME TIENDA Y, JANUARY SO, H»2O. Oil PENALTY PARTY BALLOT BILL IS VETOED • • Powhatan in No Immoliate Hanger of Sinkiag, Though Engine Room» Are Flooded I ; GERMANY RELIEVED OF CONDI TION OF HOSTILITIES BY l*EA< E TREATY wages. 'It Is reported that strike orders have been went to all workers I on the Island, affecting over 11,000 Filipinos. Tile federation ot Jap anese Ulmrers Is reported consider- j Ing a strike also, if • general walk out occurs, nearly 25,000 laborers Hughes Mate» Seats Hhonld He Tem- Negotiations bald Near Completion will bo affected. porarily Restored Bacuusc lliarge« not Properly Formulât«! BÏ THE WEST Halifax, Jan. 20.—The disabled <X»NGRE8S HEARS PLANS FOB transport Powhatan, about 350 m'les MAKING FARM HOMES FOR from here, reported by wireless to FORMER SERVICE MEN il ay that her 271 passengers would be taken off by destroyers when the 'sea moderates. The message indi t cated that the steamer was not in any particular danger of sinking, though both firerooms were full to I the- waterline. Amount T« Ask«! to Further Pro ject- in the Eleven State« of the Weak by Re|>re«entatlvea Wherdby Berlin Government Will Obtain Big Sum of Money MAYO S STATEMENT IS NOI A PROTEST Washington. Jan. 20.-—From thir Berlin, Jan. 20.—‘Negotiations for Albany, N. Y„ Jan. 20.—The as ty to fifty thousand former Xervieo sembly committee trying the five a loan to Germany of 200,000,000 J men deeirious of estabiishiag fart» suspended socialist refus guilders, normally »80,000,000, will homes can obtain 50-acre tracts on ed to |M*rmlt the apixvarance of tbe be concluded shortly, according to Ixmdon, Jan. 20.—British? French i ecl-v mation projects if congress New York City Bar association, head Washington, Jan. 20. Hear Ad ed by Charles Evans Hughes, which Zeitung Am Mittag. and Japanese diplomatic staffs have grants the proposed »250,000,bod miral Henry Mayo, commander in asked to be received In the interest arrived at Harbin, Manchuria, from r<. tarnation appropriations, western chief of the fleet during the war, of the public. Chairman Martin read Chita, Siberia, according to the Daily states' representatives told the house WANT HOSPITAL told the senate Investigating commit a statement assorting that the as Mail's correspondent at Karbin, they committee today. The state repre- tee that hia letter to Secretary Dan sembly learned that the defendants are unanimous in statements to the sei ted were Oregon, Washington, iels saying the Knight board did not were members of a party of which ' correspondent that it will he impos Idaho, Utah, Colorado, Nebraska, Washington. Jan. 20.—Appropria give enough consideration to records the platform demanded "complete sible to reconstitute the government Texas. Wyoming, Montana, Nevada of officers serving at sea. was not to destruction of our form of govern tion of »«5.000,000 to be expended of the same character as that of Ad- and New Mexico. be considered a protest. ment by formation of industrial un the next four years for hospital and ' mirai Kolchak. W ASHINGTON ASSESSORS rest, and by bringing force and vto- other tacilities for discharged sol I lence Into action and direct action by dlsrs, sailors, marines and nurses, is HAVE FOUND NEW WORRIER 'the masses." Hugh«« said the mem proposed in a bill introduced today in 1 Olympia, Wash., Jan. 20.—The bers' seats should be restored tem- tli|_- senate. The medical aid contem I 1919 state legislature passed an ap- ( porarlly as the charges were not pro- plated would be under direction of i parentlv harmless little law during Salem, Ore., Jan. 20.- Governor . perly formulated the public health service 1 the closing hours of its session a year Olcott announced that he would veto ¡ago. And today the county assessors the ''straight party*' bill passed by who are gathered here for their con on the flnul day of ths legislature __ The following is from the tea Dalias, Tex.. Jan. 2#.—“Guard I vention are talking about it. Asses the extraordinary* session. The bill Francisco Bulletin of last Thursday: I closely your girl* during their 18th sors from the small counties frankly has bere •Ititerpreied by some demo- ” 'I've tried to die halt a dozen , year and your boys when they attain admit they are worried. crats as being In the Interest of the times before, but someone ■ always 14.” The law requires county assessors republican party The bill provides goes and ^saves me,’ complained C. ■' This is the message to paren's to adopt 50 per cent of actual values for a form of ballot that enables the E Biuvrks, 52, printer of Roseburg. ' from Ed. S. Imuderdale, chief pro as a basis for assessed value of pro voter to cast his ballot for an entire Ore., after he had been removed to, bation officer ot Dallas, in his annual party ticket by a single mark,“though the Central Emergency hospital to-1 Eugene. Ore., Jan. 20.—Two fatal One of the snappiest and swiftest report to the juvenile court. The I perty. Heretofore in many small counties the valuation for taxation it also is possible to scratch the • day from the Hotel Stratton, 242 accidents and one death from an ac ¡.•flsketbail games to be played it* records disclose. Igtuderdale said, purposes has been as low as 25 per ticket, if desired. O'Farrell street, where be was found cident a few days ago occurred here Roseburg for some time took place in that 16 and 14 years are the danger cent. •by u room clerk unconscious from a today. Logan Neet, aged 35, was in the high school gymnasium Saturday- points for girls and boys, respec razor wound aero«.» his throat. stantly' killed in the Fail creek saw evening, when the first girls’ team of tively. "Sparks, who has a sou in Port- Out of 523 white boys «before the mill; Melvin Moore, aged 4 years, the local high school met the Grants juvenile court In the year just closed, lund. registered at the hotel two days ! ago Repairing to his room he alash- was drowned in the (Mill Race in Eu- Pass high school girls* team, with a the report shows. 120 were in their j ed his throat and lay tatek on tho bed gene and W. A. Skidmore, aged 5». final score of 23 to 21 in Roseburg's 1 4 year. The figure is considerably died at Mercy hospital here from In- favor. higher than delinquents listed at to await death. The game was hotly contested other ages. The percentage of de- "Shortly after noon today a clerk jtirieH received a few days ago at from start to finish, the score at the lingueEt girls in their 16th year Is noticing hfn alatence from the lobby, Cottage Grove. * American lantlou members and looked Into the room and found j Mr. Neel was sweeping sawdust end of the first half being 12 to 12, oven higher, being 4 2 out of 101- information has just been receiv other citizens ot the «immunity have Sparks lying unconscious and with | I from beneath a revolving saw at the and at the end of the last half, 21 to girls >"fore the court. ed by the local post of the American been hoping that the plans for the tho bed clothing saturated with blood mill when the stick he was using 21, necessitating the playing off of Legion, from the district officer of ■ caught in the saw and was Jerked out the tie. Miss Vernita Kohlhagen. MORE SEATTLE “REDS” the federal board for vocational aunthl«>und trip of General Pershing, from hl» wound. WILL RE DEPORTED training, in regard to ex-service men "■S|>arks will recover. He explained i of hia hands and thrown against bls captain and manager of the Rose- now in Seattle. could be so arranged head, one ot it , penetrating .. end -- ------ -------------„ his burg team, and playing forward, shot approved for such federal vocational that he would come through Granta his act by saying that he was 'Just • brain. He I.______ ___ ____ leaves __ a wife and _____ three the deciding basket. making the Seattle. Jan. 20.—Federal offt'dals training, but who have not received Paw by day. und give the people fagged ont and blue.' " score 23 to 21 In Roseburg’s favor. announced that 27 alleged radicals i notice for some reason. Sparks was formerly employed on j small children. here an opportunity for at leant n The little Moore boy had followed 'Miss Kahlhagen made many of the arrested in raids last night are to be According to the lists compiled, •brief greeting. The present announ<- the Courier and visited here a few j Henry l^bltte, aged 15. out on u points for the Roseburg team. The held for deportation. days ago while on hfs way south. there are some ll.OOo such cases ed plan of the general is that he will boom at the head of the race and 'Quinlan twins, playing forwards for throughout the United States, al- leave Portland at 11 o’do'-k Wed while the latter's back was turned Grants Pass, are said to be two of though three notices have been sent nesday forenoon, reaching Grants he heard a splash and the little fel- ¡the fastest girl players in the state each man, to his last address as re Pass at 10:19 in the evening. Ef low disappeared, The body had not and fully lived up to their reputa corded in the service. The local sec- forts are being made to get the gen- been recovered at a late hour tion. The two teams are evenly I retarv has a complete list ot all ex- vral and his party to leave Portland night. He was the son of Mr. matched and on which side the final service men in Oregon whose applica in the evening bringing him through Mrs. R. H. Moore. victory would lie was a question dur tion for vocational training has been the Rogue valley by day time, when Mr. Skidmore was injured one day ing the entire game. IA large crowd approved, but who have not replied he would lie given a rousing recep last week when a railroad locomo- was present, and scarcely standing to notices mailed. Nes. Ameland Island. Holland. i tion at each stop. Lieutenuiit Niel Mexico City, Jan. 20.—Mexico is tive struck him and broke several room could be secured. The Rose This list will be read at the next Allen, commander of the local post Jan. 20. The American steamer passing through a bitter commercial ribs, besides causing internal in- burg team will take a southern trip regular session of the local post of the American Legion, still has Liberty Gio, which «»» 'blown, up by Juries. He leaves a widow, two in the near future and play a re crisis as a result ot the shortage of which will occur at the new Ameri l opes that the announced plan will a mine In Ameland Island channel change, leading commercial houses daughters, Mrs. Mary Hunt of Athe turn game with Grants Pass on their I m changed, tn which event a dem while en route to Germany. Decem in the capital, instead of exiwrienc- can l.egion meeting place, the G. A. na, Ore., anil Miss Maude Skidmore home floor. Roseburg Review. onstration of some nature will be ber 5, was torn almost In two parts • ing the usual 33 per cent holiday R. room in the courthouse, on Tues of Tillamook, and two sons.* William I arranged. by the explosion. Eventually her | increase in business during Decem day evening. January- 27. Any ex- Skidmore of the University of Ore-i Genera) Pershing Is in Seattle to after i>art broke away and went on ber. reported sales 15 per cent less service man, or other iterson interest gon and Walter 8. Skidmore of Cur- ed in Birch a case is welcome to at day, hla program there Including a the beach while the forward |Mtrt was ton.. J than November tour of the city and talks to the , held at anchor. Captain J. Stoma- Vuhi'u* pupet currency, the conn tend the meeting, and any case de school children. • | land and two of the crew were left try depends • n gold and silver coin manding action will be immediately on the forward half and were saved. ¡and the high pri' e of silver has taken up by the local post and put The other members of the crew left • caused an acub- riiortaic of small through according to the instructions the wreck in the small boats and all chanii“, due t > Ji' t exportation ini from the district office. but four of them reached land. The ! o|>erations of speculators. Money Silt Lake City. Jan. 20 -S. W. four perished at sea. ■changers are now charging as high McClure, secretary of the Niition»! ias 7 per cent to change gold coin In- The 'Liberty Gio was the third Am Wool Growers convention here ad i to silver, and it is reported that gold erican steamer sunk by mines in these waters within a few weks, the vocated the establishment of selling also is growing scarce. Some business Salem, Ore., Jan. 20. Eugene others being the West Armada and agencies by the growers themselves houses who tried to use postal and Coburn, county clerk of Josephine in the principal wool centers of the documentary stamps for change Mexico City, Jan. 20.—The Amer the Kernwood. 'The mine cut the Liberty Gio county, while here Yesterday on bus country for the purpose of selling found themselves breaking the law. ican aviators Connely and Water house. who met death at lavs Animas, completely In two up to the water iness announced that he had decided direct to the manufacturer instead Thus far no method of facilitating Shanghai, Jan. 20.—-Huge quanti latwer California, wore not killed by line,” said Captain Stomsland, tell- to enter the race for secretary of of the present system which makes small purchases has been discovered ties of opium and morphia are »muf Mr. brokerages and commission mer and,«according to semi-official state fled into China through this port, Mexicans, according to the report of Ing of the disaster. ''She was held state al the primary election. the Judge of the primary court of together by the deck and upper Coburn Is a republican. and has serv chants the middlemen. He said that I ments. the country will be forced to say authorities of the international claims at Ensenada, L. C., Just re- •'Inti's. After I had anchored, the ed four terms as county clerk of his this would remove control from the wait the issuance of lower coinage settlement who urge that some form speculators, McClure resigned hie that 'has been out once during the of customs barrier be provided at reived In the capitol. The Indite as- after half twisted Itself free, the iron home county. There are now four avowed candi office today and will enter a wool last six months but even the new the water front. It is charged that serts they died from thirst and httn- 'lock plates, beams and girders ger. that no wounds were found on breaking like sticks of wood. I and dates for the secretary of state's of- business of hia own at Pendleton, coins are being hoarded for specula large quantities of narcotic drugs their bodies and that messages two others were left on bonhl the flee, including Sam A. Kozer in Ore. F. R. Marshall, sheep Investi- tion or exported. While the mint has are being brought to Shanghai in B-rawled on the wings of their plane forward half. IA few hours later we charge of tht^department; B. F. gator for the federal department ot been working overtime for months, European and Japanese steamers. Tn told of their slow deaths from ex were taken off by a 'Dutch motor Jones of Newport. C. D. 'Butler of animal husbandry, is the new secre it has been found impossible to keep one raid »10.000 worth of morphia The Dalles, and Mr. Coburn. tary. up with demands. but t.” waa seized from the Japanese. posure. Salein, Ore.. Jun. 20. Governor Olcott today announced the list ot bills he approved. Including those making possible enforcement ot the death penalty in event the people amend the constitution restoring cap ital punishment; also, the Junes bill for extending the act appropriating money for the Hooaeveit highway, contingent on the government ap propriation; also, Eberhard bill mak ing It unlawful for contractors to em ploy on public works aliens who evaded army service by ndn-cltlzen- shlp claim. II* has not ye< acted on local bills, and it Is unknown wheth er he will veto these or not. FORMER LOCAL PRINTER WATCH GIRLS AND BOYS NEW SECRETARY FOR BY EUGENE LCOBORN