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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1919)
UKA NTH PAJM 1>AILY UOL'KIKK WHDNENDAY, DE< EMBER Kl, IV1W Classified Advertising FOR NAIJC WANTED FOR SALE Vetch, gray out», cheat, WANTED Stock to feed. Write or phone W. W. Wooldridge, Provolt. | rye, baled hay, rolled barley, grus 43 ssed. Ralph Waldo Eld* u Med ford, Or». 6ltf piano. WANTED TO RENT A 30tf Phone 346-H. FOR SALE White i and Brown l«*<- horn cockerel» from Petaluma 5 WANTED Two young calve», »l»o i bred-to-Uy »lock, , 6 month» and acme weaned calve». I*hi»ne «01- , price ; them now, month« old. (let F-J3 Mr». Jo»le'Messenger. 44 Gon will be higher 1 later on. 42 Schaefer», R. F. D No. 3. FfMR HAI j E Hydraulic »nd irriga tion pip»», all s I mis . Will »«II WANTED To contract for Pine and* cheap. H W. Webber, Phon* Fir Jog» f. o. b. cani Southern Ps- ’ 246J. elfte track Bi* linea Lumber' SLAB WOOD at Edgerton mill, 12 50 Company, Medford, Oregon. 4ltf per tier or delivered for 13.25. Has been cut 2 Mt months. Phono 149-J or see W. C. Harmon. 68 58 WANTED On« second hand bicycle In good repair. Phone 398-R. 4 2 FOR SAW lavender coat hangar», ■tick» and sachets for Christmas VETERINARY HVKGMON present» at 838 North Sixth street. Mr». M. F. Graham 4 2 DR. R. J. BBWTUL. Veterinarian. Residence 888 Washington boule FOR HALE One horse 10 years old. vard. phone IVS-R. weigh» about 1400. Good« work horse, gentle, sound and true. PtlYHIC’UNN •Tice 1100. Haye* Aro»., Mur asti L. O. O1BCMBNT, M D. Practice phy, Ore. limited to dl»«aeee of the aye, ear, Columbia graphs- FOR SALE A now and throat. Glssaoa fitted. phone. Good as new. Cabinet and Office hours 9-12, 2-5, or on ap 6. J,. Harding. 704 28 record. pointment. Phones, office 62; resi 46 D "treet. dence 9&9-J. .<«» <-o* . Kivin ' in ilk FOR MALE six Angora goal» and three sheep, 8. LUUGHHLDGE. M. D. Pbyaioian and surgeon. City or country call» chi'-ksn». gee»» and ducks. Inquire attended day or night. Phone», Jack Ca«ridy. Merlin road. Just raeid'sse. 369; office. 182. Sixth north of city limits. 45 and H «treats. 5. FOR SULLE OR TRADE -160 auree of old growth pine, cruising about A. A. WTI’HAM. M. D.—internal «,000.000 fast. In Josephine coun- medicine and nervous diseases. ty. We wish to purchase a ranch 624 Medical lUdg.. Portland, Ore for a horn» and will give a bargain Hours, 2 lol p. m., morning sad lo do so. P. O. Box 732, Grant» evening by appointment. Paas. Ore. 41tf DR. W. T TOMPKINS. 3. T FOR HALE ioidi*« wheel Fall 40« Rooms 1 and 2 Schmidt Bl North Third street, or phone Treats all diseaaea. Hours 9 158-J. 42 a. m.; 1-5 p. m. Phone 304-R. FOR MILK phone 149-J. MIWCTJ J4MHO E L GALBRAITH—Insurance, any Building and kind. Rental«. !xj»n Plate Glass liability. 609% 84tf G «treat. Phone 28. HEMSTITCHING. PRoting. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Write to ua for suggestions for Chrietmas gifts. The Vanity Shop, Medford. Ore gon . 145 Moat OXD-ACETYMONE welding Also experienced hand In town all kind« of lathe and auto work. Phone 19, or call at 1239 M St. «5 TO KXCHANUE t-AOk TH HE* COMING G. B. BERRY Harnes* and Saddlery Auto Top and Canvas Work e With Grant* PawHardware Co. AT THK » Is It Wired For Opera House Electricity? 9 FRUITDALE I Let a greeting card carry your message of Christmas cheer Com« in and are our fine »elec lion of appropriate cards and other things editable for gift». Demaray’s Drug & «Stationery Store Anna Xeilson is tspi-odinn a few days in town the guest of Carlotta WUeman. * Mr. and Mrs. Cartoon are living on the iHeffley ranch. Th« work of digging the Irrigation ditch is progressing rapidly. The ta/bles at the annual com munity Thanksgiving dinner at the Grange hall loked a» though Hoover was forgotten, their appearance was very much changed after they were attacked by about 50 people. | ■ 'Mrs. Neilson received a box of oranges from her mother who is liv- i ing in central California. Grace Redding is staying in town this week with her sister, Mrs. I. I Hagen. She Intends leaving for .Marshfield next week to be with her parents. The Franks family motored down from Medford and attended the din ner at the hall the guests of ¡Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bates. Mr. luguetine and *Mr. Droulette were dinner guests at rhe Neilson home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. W Bates were dinner guests of J. H. Harris and A. Baiter Sunday. The Xeilson and Hamilton families attended the W. O. W. banquet Mon day night. The Neilson orchestra furnished the music. E. J BÜJJCK. M. D., Physician HIGH COST OF «GGS and surgeon; office Scballhorn residence. block, phone 5 4-J; 10<H luiwnrldge. phone 54-L. Don't say "high cost of eggs” to I Grant» l’as» ua. We know they are from 70 to 80 cent» a dozen, but we told you DR. RALPH W. STEARNS phy»lclan that thty would be high and advised and surgeon, offices formerly oc you to put them down In waiter glass cupied by Dr. Stricker, Muonic when they were 35 cents. It costs I Temple. Phone, office 21-J. res! about two cents a dozen to put them denee, 21-1». Hours: 10-12, 2-4. down. But we do feel sorry for the chil- * dren who ar« not having eggs to eat now, because their parents did not take our advhe, for we know how essential eggs are In making a strong for a 50-pound »ack of flour. BETTER DEAD TO EXCIHANG« 120 acres timber, sugar pine and fir, on Ella, creek, to ex* hange for Grant» Paas city I Life is a burden when the body property. Add reo» 404 E St. 44 i is racked with pain. Everything worries and the victim becomes despondent and downhearted, To What a Heap of HiqqtincMK it Wouhl DREHBMAK1NC Bring tn Grants Pass Honte-. bring back the sunshine take professional IDA M. X HOWKLI Hard to do housework with an alterations, make- dressmaker, aching back. overs. Flret class work guaran- Brings you hour» of misery at lei it sad. N<” located at Dean Apt»., sure or at work. ” North Sixth St 47 Room r If women only knew the cause— [A.AP$ui is that Th» national remedy of Holland for over LMtE.'TVM. u.Mi and alterations. Backache pains often come from Mrs A. L. Harding. 704 D St. 45 200 years; it is an enemy of ell pain» re weak kidneys, sulting from kidney, liver and uric acid ’Twould save much needles« woe. troubles. All druggists, three Mae«. Doan’s Kidney Pills are for weak REAL EST ITE Leek 1er the name GoUt Modal kidneys. Ask . you neighbor! : Read what a Grants Pass citizen E. T. MCKINSTRY «03 G street, say»: phone 13-R. General ristl estate Mrs. T E. Wallace, 709 S Fifth buHlneM. The beat of all kinds of St., «ays: "Mv kidneys acted very ir wills for fruit, hay or genera) regularly. My back felt so weak and sore 1 could hardly get about my farming. 21tf EARLY work. When I bent over to pick up IRE DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER something I got a sharp pain across my kidneys like a knife sticking me THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. When 1 had these attacks 1 couldn't Bunch Bros. Transfer Qo. Phone keep from screaming. I never had anything cause me so much misery. 397-R. I finally began taking Doan’s Kidney F. G. ISHAM, drayage and transfer. PHI» and the first box helped me Safes. pianos and furniture wonderfully. My kidneys acted more regularly and" the «misery In my back moved, packed, shipped and stor let up. 1 took three boxes of Doan’s ed. Office phone 124-Y. Resi Buy Red Cross H»*«!«. 1n «til and they permanently cured I dence phone 124-R. me.” Price (50c. at all dealers. Don’t Buy died Cross Seals ELECTRICAL WORK simply ask for a kidney remedy— j.get Doan's Kidney Pilis—-the same MIJDCTRIC WIRING and general I that Mrs. Wallace had. Foster-Mil- elq<trl<al work, repairing, house ' burn Co., Mfgs . iBuftalo. N. Y. wiring. C. C. Harper, 105 South IxralMe Sixth street, phone 47. Ie4 and Excels the Nightingale. The hermit tliru>h is declared to be the iihi M talented um) brilliant singer In the world, not even excepting the ulglitfngule. says tlie American Forest ry nssochitlon. The tail of this little hind Is of a reddish brown, much bright er tlmn the back and head, while the breast Is quite heavily spotted with black. It winters In the Gulf states. ' 7 Before renting or buying a home be sure to ask this question: "1« It wired for electric service?” The home without electric service is comparable to thé old horse- drawn street car; it la far behind the times—sadly lack ing In modern conveniences and comfort. i * Electricity for Cooking, Hot Water Heating and Lighting ! « Electricity does all these necessary things, does them economically and well, without trouble, dirt or delay. Think of the score of times during every 24-hour period when you actually need fuel for cooking, for hot water, for bringing light into your home. Then decide If you can afford to be without it—if the house equipped with electric service isn’t worth more than the home without it. » * i •tf California-OregonPower Co. «2» (i Street Grants Pass, Oregon Phone 108-J ANNOUNCEMENT! After December 10th. I will again take in general overhauling work for the winter, but will discontinu? It after March 30th, 1920. If you wish to have me do your -work bring it In early. Batteries, Generators and Magnetoes overhauled and repaired. I Handle the RAtTNE TIKES E. A. ADAMS, Auto Electrician t j 1 Licenced Auto Electrician and Battery Repairman Phone fid S<M South Sixth Street IFWONEN ONLY KNEW COLD MEDAL QHICH ESTER SPILLS For That Cough After the “Flu Lingering colds and coughs that follow the grip or influenza are difficult to overcome, but many such sufferers have found relief in Foley’s Honey and Tar. Say* It 1» Worth »50.00 » Bottle Wm Barnet. San Antonio. Tex., write*: ”Foley » Honey end Tar is undoubtedly <ho best cough remedy in the world. I know this i* so because I found it to be so. Actual experience taught me. It ha* been worth $50 00 ab ottle to me Early in thv season Lhad the ’flu.' which left mo weak and with a persistent cough The cough bung on and I became much worried about it. Someone adviaed me to try Foley** Honey and Tar and I began taking it that night. I have naw completely recovered a nd do not cough at a 11." Foley’« Honey and Tar COMPOUND AN OLD RELIABLE FAMILY REMEDY, recommended lor cough», colda, tickling oi the throat, spaimodic croup, whooping cough, la grippe, and bronchial cough», hoarseoeM, etc. A ll users firatse its prompt and efficient action. Absolutely safe Contains no opiates. SOLI» EVERYWHERE ♦d with CIVIL ENGINEER DANIEL McFARLAND. civil engi neer and surveyor. Residence 740 Tenth street, phone 211-Y. TAXI •4h*r. 1 • MAL___________ ________ year» known •» Peat. S afeit. Alwnya RellaM* THE KEWPIES SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company TIME CARD SOONER TAXI Phone 2S2-R for Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an Effective Nov. 24, 1919. swered anywhere, anytime s«tf PALACE TAXI- Phone 22-J, Geo. Tralns will run Mondays, Wednes- x. Hyds days and Fridays. i P.M. TAXI at Owl llllli.ird I’arb'rs. 1 7. I. Granta Pa««..... 9 I* M. Waters Creek ... or 243-L for night calls. Day and 2:30 P.M. Waters Creek night service. 55 P.M. 4 Grants Pa«« .... DENTISTS information regarding freight It. C MACY. D. M. I) First-class and passenger rates call at th« office dentistry. 109% South Sixth of the company, Lundburg building, gtri-rt, Granta Pass. Oregon. or tele: hpne 131. I XMAS TREE O’ dear me I am so happy 'Cause Santa has found the way He has lit right here amongst us I know he has come to stay. Me, being Queen of the Kewples I must stand close by his side The rest of you must act pretty, ’Cause in you we take great pride. 1 hope that all little children Every little girl and boy. Will walk right up here and see us. Fog*I am just full of joy. "Merry Xmas." "Happy New Year." We must each sing out, with glee. When children come up to see us, And look at our Xmas tree. —-O. N. G. 11 I South sixth Street f 1 A 1 /XREÄM KJ rSE BA 1 5-' ■ r' ERE’S the separator that has the world beaten for H close-skimming records! Abso lutely guaranteed to skim down to a mere trace. A Viking user said the other day: "We have taken several tests of the milk after it has been separated in our Viking and let stand 24 hours and could not see a trace of cream!’* Get All the Cream With Less Work The Viking is easiest to operate because it is the simplest and most scientifically constructed. It has less working parts. That makes it run easier —without vibration or jar to disturb the natural separation or waste cream. Guaranteed For a Lifetime —and positively guaranteed to have a larger capacity per hour than other separators of equal rating. Come in and let us demonstrate a Viking to you.