Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1919)
PAG« FOI'« GRAFTS P.U8 DAILY COV KI «R -r j— ______ I Il PER52WL To the Young Man ____ Are your “Boy Scout” 4*ys about over? Have you about com pleted your studies? Are yo i »bout ready for the real great bat tle« of life? Thea listen to your banker for just a moment. If you haven't an account at the bank, no matter how small, start one today. Don't put It off Your financial success depends upon IL Make the start. Add to your deposit. The habit will grow. Some day you will thank your banker for this advice— providing you follow it. Of course our bank extends you an invi tation to open an account. | 1 ■■■■■■■■■■■I II .. I—RWR1« Il --------- 1 ,111 "■ WEDXKNDAl. DECEMBER IO, 1UI» LOQdL I. N. S. Miller and family, of North Marooned In l*ortlnud— English. la., arrived this morning Editor Wllford Allen of the Courier and will vlaU the l»au Rlgei family. who went to Portland Saturday night Willard storage battery aervice to represent Josephine county fish station. 314 North Sixth 9t. 17tf ing Interests at the annual meeting J. J. Hagen and family left this of the state sportsmen's league to morning for Beaver HUI. Coos coun consider Important changes In game ty They were accompanied by Mrs. and fish legislation, expected to re Hagen's sister. Miss Grace Redding. turn home this morning, birt la ma It took six months to make "The' rooned In Portland on account of the Knickerbocker Buckaroo" featuring annulling of trains. Doug Fairbanks. Oregon. Thursday. | H. H. llevel and wife, of Michigan.! Royal Arch arrived here Saturday night and are Regular meeting Wednesday. De- visiting J. L. Green and family. They j comber 10. Flection of ofTJcera. F. will probably locate here. M. Huyler. H. P. The funniest and most exalting' Fairbanks picture ever attempt«! Seeklug Sinter's Adtlrvw»— will be shown Thursday at the Ore Postmaster Quinlan Is in receipt gon. <2 | of a letter from Orrle B. Johnston. Sil thousand seven hundred feet 295 East Second street, Mansfield. of thrills and laughter In Doug Fair Ohio, asking the whereabouts of her bank's latest picture. "The Knicker sister. Margaret Jane Poe. (nee P1- bocker Buckaroo" at the Oregon. ; selD. whose last letter was mailed Thursday. from Grants Pass July 7. 1911. Since — that time repeated letters have failed » to get a response. Mrs. Poe, who New Telegram Agent— Roy Spalding of 719 K street Is had been married three times, had now local agent for the Portland a' son. James Oscar Rich, another Telegram. He is doing all he can to son. John 11. Moore, a daughter. Mrs give good service and would apprec Myra E. leader and an unmarried iate your help, as he Is «corking his daughter "Tillie" or Matilda Jane 4 2 Moore, who lived In Grants Pass In way through high school. formation would be greatly appreci ■ - ------- * : Knights Templar Election— ated by Airs Johnston. The annual election of officers of • Melita Oommandery, Knights Temp Listen— | lar. will be held on Friday night, at Taiunspach's orchestra of Medford I the regular meeting. 'All members will give a dance at the Waldorf hall. 'expected to be present. Tuesday, December I. Dancing from I: SO till 9 free. We promise to give you your money's worth. Crescent City for f5— S«tf Owing to the present excellent Buy Red Croas Seals condition of the roads the Grants Paas & Crescent City Stage Co. will Officer* for HiHnh Shrine— take you to Crescent City or retura Hillah Temple of the order of the for IS. 75tf Mystic Shrine held their annual elec tion of officers al Ashland last Fri day night. The officers who will reign next year are! Stuart Saun- I ders, illustrious potentate: W. H. ! McNair, chief rabban: W. II. John son. of Jacksonville, assltant rabban: C. H. Vaupel. treasurer: G W. Ager, of Jacksonville, trustee for three |years: Geo. E. Lundhiirg. of Grants We will observe Christmas as Pass, first ceremonial master: Em 11 usual. There will lie basket dinners Britt of Jacksonville, second cere distributed among the needy fami- monial master: IF. K. Hammond. Il lies. The children will give a pro- lustrious high pries»: W. H. Dab. Il gram on Christmas day. There will lustrious recorder. also lie a Christmas tree and all the Announcement— trimmings. Mrs. Elizabeth Atkins Owing to no trains arriving from will appreciate coo|»eratlon of those the north todav. the Douglas Fair children who are taking i»art in banks picture "The Knickerbocker drills. Needy families should make Buckaroo" will not be shown at the application to'the Salvation Army Oregon tonight. Ethel Barrymore in this year as usual. Give in your I "The Divorcee" will ftp rhe attraction <2 name, address and numlier in your ¡instead. family. Ensign J. E. Strautin desires Buy Red Crown Seals. applications filed by December 15 to ■ Avoid rush. J. E. STRAITIN. Ensign. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SOUTHERN OREGON MEsran norm: msruM SISlfS “I PURITAN The Super Phonograph No other phonograph has so many points of merit—not mere “talking” points, but built in features. The Puritan is not an ‘■assembled” ;>'.:ono- Skeletonized view showing the great, deep acousticator used in all Puritan ma chines. graph, but is built complete in its own large factory. The completed Puritan is a thing of beauty. Exquisitely made, with a depth and sweetness of tone, and a clearness of expression which lights the music lover. $ CHRISTMAS Chocolates Buv Rod Cross Seals. Stanton Rowell 4'ARDS, EOLDEILs CALENDARS, T STICKERS TISSI'E PAPER irFAD Jerusalem’s Walls. Jenisnlem !.« Inclosed l>v a wall feet In height with 34 towers, forming an Irregular qumlt-ngle of shout two and n li lf miles in circumference. The old wall ns rebuilt by N'eliemlah about 415 B. C. is thought to have been something more than 150 feet high and at least 250 feet high at the corner towers. lit V 'EM EARLY XoUoua tlMU will suit jour notion for < Tiriatm»». >'ottona (liât will suit your notion to bee,». Successor Mrs. E. Retikopf A LIFETIME- / M of lì . .Urlili PLEASURE he important, the particular gift Is not made to last a day, but rattier to endure. For enduring qualities, for comfort, constant utility, for en dearing memories, furniture makes the best gift you can select. Go elsewhere for frlvllous gifts, but for the gift that repre sents your moat loving care, come to us. " VWE TURN A HOUSE INTO A HOME ” R u 6S. Il NOLI UMS R ah GIS, WAllPtrfK, SfW.'HG MACHINfS & HoOS/fAS H olmans F urniture S tore OPPOSITE THE BAND STAND P h ON£ 50 605 G S treet . G rants P ass , O regon ThisjJolly Little Tailor of Is the mark of correct tailoring and sensibl» economy. tnslrra for tlirlalma« should I m * pin,-ed now. GEO. S. CALHOUN Your Eastern Friends We pack and wrap them ready to mail. ■ Overcoats, Suits Shoes, Furnishings FOR MEN—AT Peerless Clothing Co. Cash Clothiers HOME Ol' H l.ItT Sf'IIAFF.XER VXD M IRA t'lXtTHI S « F or G ifts Heywood Rockers at — CLEMENS HELMER’S Sells Drugs-Books and Stationery “The Homo of Good Furniture" 3DU 213 and 215 South Hixtlu Street i OREGON LAST TIMES TONIGHT —all sizes. Quantity The Wardrobe Cleaners 315 N. Sixth Street Phone 147 Price Ethel Barrymore ■ væ the same per pound as other chocolates. « “The Divorcee f Cleaning Pressing Repairing We call and deliver TOMORROW Doug. Fairbanks in “The Knickerbocker Buckaroo” * Quality —the best. Owing to no trains arriving form the porth today, are unable to show "The Knickerbocker Buckaroo” instead we again present b Fifteen y » mu -» local agent In genuine California Redwood Boxes -Ideal for mailing to POST 4'ARDS Munie and Photo House 507 fi Street Notion Sale —JILLJBMa—. L. <). Reynold*, Prop. 4