Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1919)
l ini» V" MllEMBEK ItN. l»lf». GRAMM PAMH DAILY (XM 1UKK PAGE TIIRKM CONTRIVANCE ON AUTOMOBILE Classified Advertising INGENIOUS IS HANDY FOR “CRANKING UP” AIRPLANES KUH HAL*. C. MACY, D M. D First-clans dentistry. 1 of H South Sixth street, Grants I’aiut. Oregon. E FOR SALE II and harness. SOO pounds. 440, Grunts I We have put our shoulder to the wheel, as it were, and, there la no turning back. It Is »imply up to you girls to be a little '‘snappy” and tnanitywt a little interest in The Popu larity Contest. Just to make some of these stingy old boys wake up. We are going to give a vote for each 5c spent in Arcade Amusement Parlor In any way, whether on game or straight, purchase. DR. R J. HESTUL, Veterinarian Residence H34 Washington boule vard, phone 39I II. Step lively If you want that M.5O.0O Wrist Watch on dlnplay at Ja*vher Af Son's Jewelry store. FOR SALE White i and Uro» n Ix'g- horn cockerels troni Petuluma bred-to-lay stock, , U moni ha and 5 DR RALPH W. 8TRARN8 physician and surgeon, offices formerly oc months old. Get . thein now, prie« cupied by Dr. Htricknr, Masonic luter on. Con will be higher later Temple. Phone, office 21-J, rosl 4 2 Schaefers. R. F. D. No. 2. dence, a21-L. Hours: 10-12, BIG REDUCTION on huts ut Mrs. H. E. Burton, 407 North Sixth, op L. O. CLEMkLNT, M D, Pra<tlce posite courthouse. 33 limited to disease* of the eye, ear, FOR SALE Hydraulic und irrlgti- Wlll sell 3. LDUGHRlDGJi, M D. Physician ll' ii pipes, all nixes. and suggeon. City or country calls cheap. H. W. Webber. Phone attended day or night Phones, 54 246-J. residence, 349; office, 182. Sixth FOR SKI.E 1 <» fine pure bred Du- and H at roots. roc-JertM>y gilts; also 20 two months old pig* and one young A. A. WITHAM. M. D.—Internal male hog. We are making wale medicine and nervous diseases, prices on these irtgs for one week 424 Medical Bldg.. Portland. Ore. Ed 'L. Schmidt, phone 6I2-F-23 Hours, 2 to 5 p. in., morning and 34 evening by appointment. G. W King. Montague, 3 7 WANTED Stock to feed. Write or phone W. W. Wooldridge, Provolt. 43 WANTED TO Photic 346-lt. RENT A piano. 30tr MWKIASMMH'H A ATTORNEY« H, The Battery Shop D. NORTON, Attorney-at-law. Practicea In ail State and Federal. Courts First National Bank Bldg.. Gruduiilly the aviator la getting away from the old-fashioned method of starting ills engine. The usual way wax to have a mechanic grasp the propeller, and give it a yank downward«. cuu«ing the engine to start. This I* a very hasardou* method, as the «nddcntly starting propeller has cauMvd many serious accidents, especially If the mechanic wax not alert In Jumping out of range of the whirling blades. Our photo, taken at the Hendon flying field. London. shows un Inter eating mechanical device for “cranking up” the plane*, without nny dan- ger to the mechunic, or pilot. Mounted, an<1 on an auto, the device can be quickly carried to any part of the field, and the plane started. You're In mighty good com pai.y when you belong to the Red Cross So long as there's sickness, suffering, disaster, the lied Cross must stand by! The II. C. of 1. hasn't hit Red They re < 'roas inemberstiipa. still a dollar. If nine million youngsters be Ifeve In the Red Cross. It must have the right Illes a. w. COLVIG, Attorney-at-law Granta Paas Banking Co. Bldg. Granta Pass, Oregon. % Godet Fullness In Frocks. Godet fullness is being introduced into new frocks by Paris dressmakers. The bodice extends far down into the skirt in long godet points Hnd the skirt flare* out between these flat godets in the new bouffant manner. The under skirt is very narrow and slim. Such a frock is <*f turquoise blue faille, in bodice and godets, the (luring skirt of gold tisanes nnd the narrow underskirt of lm-e floimcin Trains will run Mondays, Wednes- days and Fridays. I«eave Grants Dass ... Arrive Waters Creek.. I ¿eave Waters Creek Arrive Grants Pass ........... 4 P.M. ELECTRICAL WORK For information regarding freight and passenger rntes call at the office ELECTRIC WIRING and general of the company. Lttndburg building, electrical work, repairing, house or telephone 131. wiring. C. C. Harper, 105 Routh Sixth street, phone 47. year« known as Best, Safest, Safest, Always RellabM Reliable PALA CE TAXI A. Hyde. Phono 22-, 1. Do You Know? CHICHESTER S PILLS m A MOND BBAND. A Till lit DIAMOND BRAND. A nSüzrttt LaUI?«! A all y««sr fc < hie hea-(«r • * metalUcX^^F IHIU >». Me4 •n<! Mold ___________ b>t<«, aealct with Blue Hine Ribbon. Geo. 25tf TAXI at Owl Billiard Parlors, 172-J, or 243-L for night calls. Day and night service. 55 IX >HT JJ»HT Pair of gold bowed spec tacles. Finder pleaae leave at the Courier office. 32 CIVIL ENGINEER DANIEL McFARLAND, civil engi neer and surveyor. Residence 740 Tenth street, phone 211-Y. DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER TH® WORLD MOVES; so do we. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone 397-R. F. G. ISHAM, drayage and transfer. Safes, pianos and furniture moved, packed, shipped and stor RA ed. Office phone «124-T. deuce phone 12g-R. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE ypOTECTIOJi C omfort S ervice are the things that couni when it rains , iii'lvV-n. i lOWERÿ fe g REFLEX 1 Vi’ ’SLICKERS II II have made good Il since 1636 v V E’ l Z m « X1»z Mr Mfia iftf U A T TOWLR CO Boston Mail Mining blanks—Courier office. n 1> b H unsi TIME CARD W # Remember always to relax when no activity Is required of you. When yon sit down, rest all over — do not choose a rocker and waste your energy pro pelllng It to an invisible destruction ; nor tup your fingers on the chairartn. nor Anger the buckle nt your waist or the chain about your throat; nor tie yottr feet up In bow-knots, when they should rest easily on the door. If you think about It you will be amazed to find how much real rest time you have always wasted. Value of Uncocked Food. K. T. McKINSTRY 603 G sire«, phone 13-R. Genera) real estate business. The beet of all kinds of eolia for fryit, hay or general farming. 21 tf SOONER TAXI Phone 262-R for Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an swered anywhere, anytime. 8Stf Successor to C. A. Linch Man cannot digest and assimilate the mineral elements In rock; hence It i« necessary for him to get the ele ments for structural work from fruits snd vegetables, In their fre.«h. uncook- e<t «tnte: for cooklng destroys the chemistry—tlie chemical synthesis with albumin Is lost.—J. H. Tilden. M. Effective Nov. TAXI A. V- Hazelton, Prop Centipede a Fly Killer. The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company «KAL KHTATK Get All the Reat Possible. Phone 127 Tlie centipede Is found pretty much all over the world. The species com mon in tlie United States Scutl- gwo foreeeps. was reported over twenty years ago as devoting the nights to killing house flies. Later an observer detected one In the act of capturing a butterfly much larger than itself. The Insect remains concealed during the day der doorsteps or window frames. In any crevice sufficiently large hide its numerous appendages. B. 8. VAN DYKE. Attorney. Prac E L. GALBRAITH—Insurance, any Ucea In all courts First National kind. Rentala. Building and Bank Bldg. Loon. Plate Gloea Inability. 401 G street. Phono 23. 84tf O. 3. BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-law. Golden Rule Bldg. Phone 270. Crania Pase, Oregon. HEMSTITCHING. PicoUng. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Write to us for suggestions for Christmas gifts. C A. SIDLER, Attorney-at-law. The Vanity Shop, Medford, Ore i aonlc Temple, Granta Pass, Ore. gon. Hb I | GEO. H. DURHAM. Attorney-at-law, DIUMHMAKING referee in bankruptcy. Masonic Temple. Grants Pass. Oregon. MIlH W. R. SWOAP. ladles' tailor, Phone 135-J. drewsiiiaker nnd furrist; suits made up to the minute in style JAMES T. CHINNOCK, Lawyer, and workmanship; terms reason First National Bank Bldg., Granta able and satisfaction guaranteed. Paas. Oregon 30 Olive Street, phone 253. 06tf IDA M. HOW El J.. professional dreoHtnaker, alterations, make overs. First clime work guaran I teed. Now located at Doan Apts., Room 6, 515 North Sixth St. 47 314 North 6th Street, across from the Court House, is the WILLARD SERVICE STATION. Service Batteries for all cars. Attachment on Automobile for Cranking Airplane. FOR KALE Gig type J'oland Chinn DR. W. T TOMPKINS, 8. T.— 4 male pigs, 3 months old. Phone Rooms 1 and 2 Schmidt Bldg. Wlldervllle C F Daws 32 Treats al) diseases. Hours 9-12 a. tn.; 1-5 p. m. Phone 304-R FOR SALE One Klrwtln stump pul ler and full equipment In perfect order. Only used on 2 scree <’ K. J. BILLICK. M. D., Physician . and surgeon; office Rchallhorn 1 P. Kuhnhardt. Merlin. Ore 3 2 residence, block,, phone 54-J; A'ANTitD -.4-L, 1004 1 Awnrldge, phone Grants Paas BTfX'K WANTED Beef cattle and sheep. Cal. Arcade Amusement Parlor nose ami throat. Glanae* fitted. Office hours 9-12, 2-6, or on ap pointment. Phones, office 62; resi dence 359-J. FOR HALE Mitchell wagon, 4-lnch tire; set of heavy double harness, inquire Grants Pass Hardware or 34 Red Front flam Girls, It’s Up to You Dr. Livingston Farrand, the great • st n uli on public health in Amer <a. served in France as the head of the fight against tuberculosis, He now succeeds Henry P. Davison as head if the American Red Cross, Dr. Far rand recently visited Seattle, Spo- Kane and Portland and conferred with representatives of Red Cross Chap- tors of Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington. “The Red Cross faces problems in the post-war period more serious, if possible, than the problems of the war Itself. Not a great amount of money, but the membership and hearty co-operation of every American citizen is what is needed to help the Red Cross to solve these problems, which threaten o • national vitality, and which, unless solved, will rob us of the fruits of victory,” said I)r. Ear rand. d Cross is the Gospel in Laying a Carpet In laying a carpet in n room where there Is a fireplace, the section cover ing the fireplace or hearth should be cut down its center by the shears, nnd then the carpet should be cut toward the sides, so its to form two flaps, which should he turned under. HAT Oregon wools and woolens are sold thronyhout the world? T 41, That New York’s largest hotel makes a specialty ot Oregon fruit beverages? Wear-Ever ALUMINUM ROASTER helps you save money Every day in the year you can use the “Wear-Ever” Roaster — on top of stove over one burner, or in oven. The “Wear-Ever” Roaster serves so many purposes that it saves the cost of other utensils —end 1» will outlast several ordinary roasters. It saves fuel because it absorbs heat so readily and retains it so long. "Wear-Ever" utensils give en during satisfaction. Cannot chip, scale or rust—are made in one piece, from thick, hard sheet aluminum. Replace ateatil* list wear out wi'k "'Mióla that "Wear-Ever” 41.1 hat Oregon has a rubber mill which sells its product all over the Pacific Coast, South America and the Orient? 4[That Oregon candies are nationally advertised and sold? <T hat Oregon lumber products are among the finest produced anywhere? then why not Buy Home Products and Boost Home Industries Associated Industries