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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1919)
rt IT’S THE CLIMATE s : rants WE’RE TELLING THE WORLD COM I B »' b-er»»D ‘ ' " , > -JOY IT” Daily Courier V«»L. X., No. fi»». ONE PLKADH TWO Portland, Ore., Nov. James Ogle. one of the th rn« bandits charged with murder In connection with the holdup of Claremont Tavern, and the shooting to death of Burgess and Parringer, prominent East «rn Oregon men. last Friday night, pleaded guilty today to a murder charge, and was sen tcnc<<<! to life In the state peni tentiary. Walter Banister and David Smith, also Indicted for th« murder, pleaded not guilty and will stand trial. I|r<l>iit) Sheriff« Take up tlu< Trull of the Robbers nini Aro Now in Pursuit of Them interest kuns high in THE TURKEY DAY RATTLE For dull UM broken By eharpoat dole, For the dart that is driven Through fle«h to sou!; For wrath made sterner By right's eclipse, For brave songs breaking From pain-wrung lips— We praise Thee, O God! For faith that Is born From the burning nest. For the spirit's flight On its starward quest, For peace that dwells At the heart of strife, For death that scatters The seed of life— We praise Thee, O God! There is great Internet in the forthcoming game of football between the lo<al high school team and the eleven from Iieb- anon to be played tomorrow. Our boy« are in fine trim for the battle, but as the reports that come from the north are that the Lebanon team is a worthy competitor. It Is sure to be a hard contest. The Grants Pass team has to win to be in ♦ the finals as a contender for the ♦ state championship. The game ♦ will be called at 2:1«. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ i ♦ ■F ♦ SHOT TODAY BY ♦ : ♦ LEADER OF MEXICAN REBELS ♦ ♦ ♦ EXMT TED THIN MORNING \T CHIHUAHUA CITY % ! Joined I ilia iu Making War Against the Present Government and I'aid the Penalty With Hi* Ufe Port lu ltd. Ore . Nov. 26. Three Community I liiUlk-glOng Meeting to Chihuahua City, Mexico, Nov. 26. Order ->.«i<l to Have Been Prepared Armed men. two of them wearing lie Held nt 7:.Hl Tomorrow Sight, —General Felipe Angele«, Mexican for the Prohibition of Coke niuaks. held up the Interurlmn car llet. Ilniison to Preach revolutionary leader, was executed Manufacturing near Milwaukee at 9 30 o’clock this by a Carranza firing squad, at 6:35 morning, «nd secured 310.65. *>epu- o'clock this morning, inside the bar ties from th>- nh»rlff’n offlce are pur- The annual community Thanksgiv- Washington, Nov. 26.—The nation racks of the 21st regiment, cavalry. suing the bandits. ■ Ing service will lie held at the church I al coal situation has reached a crisis, Many spectators were present. An I of Christ thia year, the services to be- in the view of officials here, and gele« died without a visible sign of ! gin at 7 :30 tn. Rev. Henry G. drastic step* to curtail consumption emotion. He had been convicted with | Hanson, pastor of the Presbyterian are contemplated. It is said that, two companions on charge« of rebel ling against the Mexican government. church will deliver the sermon. The The Ford autopiobile driven by he had bargained for it from the among other steps an order prohibit jaubject will tie, “ When God la in! General Felipe Angele« was class San Francisco, Nov. 26. Storm ing the manufacture of coke has been G- "bite as a Jitney in this city, , Medford garage. Richey had agreed prepared. ed. before the great war. as one of aignals have been placed from here Pursuit.’’ lA chorus under the direc-1 "• O. , to pay 1350 tor the car, and made the worlds formost artillerists. He. to the Oregon line warning «mail ¡tlon of Mra. Chas R. Drake, coni- .md which was stolen from him in a payment of 350 down, the payment issu'd of singers from the several a holdup staged under most spectac- had attained considerable fame as cnaft that they venture along the being part of the proceeds of fraudu an artillery commander in the Mexi coast nt their i>erll in the face of ap choira of the city, will render the ula-r surroundings on Sr’iirday, Sep- lent checks which he had passed up anthem, “Hark, Hark, My Sfoui," by temhor 13th, has been f„ ”id in Med- can army under the long regime of proaching storm condition«. Shelly. ford. It was identifier by Mr. on Grants Pass merchants. In the President Diar. and cast his fortunh White in the Jackeon county metrop contract of sale Richey agreed to not with Francisco I Madero in the revo ASTOR M’lON CAN NOT olis this morning, and Is the same take the car out of Jackson county, lution by which Madero seized the let unm : OF TITLE car that was sold to Samfnie Richey but he did immediately drive it to Mexican presidency. Subsequently two weeks ago by Snider & Hine«, his home here when he surrendered General Angeles enlisted his skill In Mexico City. Nov, 26.. Two trains Medford garage men. after having hijnself to the authorities. Represen Ixvndon, Nov. 26. A bill Intro support of the cause of Francisco duced In the house of commons which bearing American-made farm ma been slriigted and rebuilt into a bug. tatives of Snider & Hines came here Villa against the Carranza govern Barrow in Furness. Eng.. Nov. 26. and at first only offered a refund of would enable Viscount Astor to sur chlnery are now touring ths republic The White car. which was taken 38 of the 350 which Richey had paid —The airship R-80, which is of a ment and was credited with plannhig render a title Inherited by him from demonstrating modern methods of from its owner after he had been en larger design than the R34 which many of the battle« Villa won. his father was defeated by a vote of agriculture. The t our la being ¡•on- gaged to drive a su.nge man and them, but later increased this amount recently visited the United States, is Both friends and enemies of Gen three to one. ducted under the supervision of the woman out into the country, was a to 320. On obtaining possesion of expected to be completed and hand- eral .Angeles have declared that he the car again they drove it back to government. ¡Ford touring model. As identified Medford where it had been tinder ed over to the admiralty here by was an unselfish patriot and that his by Mr. White it is now a “bug" of Christmas, Airship construction, un- hope was to bring about <peace In lain don. Nov. 26. -General Wil- rather crude build, having been made surveillance awaiting the return of der orders of the government, has Mexico. Ham Bramwell Booth. of the Sa! va.- over in the Snider & Hines garage. Mr. White, as suspicion had already been suspended here, but as the R-80 He was successive^ student, in- tlon Army is planning to leave Ix>n- The garage men. it is said, claim to pointed toward it. strnetor and director of the Mexican The finding of the car in the Med was 95 per cent finished, it was de military college. Chapultepec. and don next month to visit Salvationists have purchased the car of a party cided to complete her. ford garage where Evans had work In Holland, France and Switzerland, who lived In the Applegate valley. The airship embodies the latest an author of several textbooks not ed both before and after the holdttp after which he will go to New York. The Snider & Hines garage is the and robbery adds a most interesting improvements in British design. Her all of which dealt with military mat _____ ters. institution in which lairk Evans was angle to the case, and further de hull is of stream-line shape. She is Sisvkane, Wash., Nov. 26. -¡Ar-' employed during the time he worked velopments are expected hourly. 535 feet long. 70 feet ¡wide and has tangements have been completed for in Medford, and it was upon the tes White left here to go to Klamath an overall height of 85 feet. Her a footltall game, to be played at , timony ot these people that an alibi Falls after his stop at (Medford, and lifting power (total) is 38 tons and Portland, on Christmas WM established for Evans when he he should reach Klamath this'even four engines, each of’240 horse-pow the Oregon Aggies and was held U|»on suspicion of being the ing when he will see Evans, whose er, will give her a maximum speed it was announced here man who held up Mr. White and left picture he has already partially iden of 65 miles per hour. A crew of 15 general manager o( the him bound in the woods near Jack- tified as that of the man who robbed or 16 will be able to navigate the Who is in this city. PaMis. Nov. 26. The Jugo-Slav j son ville. Evans’ name was shown him. Evans was turned loose by the ship. plenipotentiaries will sign the Aus to have been upon the books of the Jackson county authorities after the Pari«. Nov. 26.—Any delay which trian pence treaty at 5 o'clock today. firm as having worked for them all owners of the garage had established may be eventually found necessary in They will attach their signatures si the day of the holdup, the same day what the officials there considered a multaneously for the protection of, that Grants Pass people say they good alibi for him. He has been the exchange of ratifications requir , ed to put the German peace treaty In under observation since, however, Izindbn. Nov. 26. One of the racial minorities: to arrangement of saw Evans In this city. profiteering “rings” alleged to lie reparations concerning Italy, and al-' The automobile which Mr. White and a detective has been working to effect will not change the plans of roeimnslble for soaring prices in so to the financial arrangement con-| now identifies as his was driven to upon the case and has unfolded evi the American i>eace delegation, it England Is a Dutch combine which cerning the sharing of expenses in Grants Pass by Sammie Richey after dence that will enter into it. was learned today. The American . — — ------ liberation of the former Austro-Hun Is said to have affective control of delegates will leave Paris December ENGLISH BOA OF 15 PADEREWSKI'S PICTURE the quinine market. Government garian monarchy 5th. County Clerk Coburn has received I IS I’OLISIIED I’ltEAt HER OS POLISH STAMPS I agents are seeking a means of break the paraidiernalia. which consists of ing its grip on the commodity. leather dog collars and license num Penzance. Eng.. Nov. 26 Pen Warsaw. Poland, Nov. 26. For zance boasts the distinction of pos what is said to tie the first time in bers. for the putting into effect of I Queensland, .Australia, Nov, 26 sessing a boy preacher, only 15 years history the likeness of a musician the new dog law which comes into ; Edward Granville Theodore, Queens old. lie is W. J. Harvey, who de- has ¡appeared on a postage stamp. It oi»eration January 1st. Under this land’s now premier ia one of the livered his first sermon at the ngej is that of Ignace il*aderewskl. pres- law every owner of a dog must I youngent, if not the youngest prime pay , minister in the world. He Is 31 years of 13. He is a polished speaker and ident of the Polish republic on a to the county clerk a license fee of uses no notes while talking. new issue of Polish stamps. I old. 31 for nudes and |2 for females, pay El Paso, Texas. Nov. 26.—(Mexico ment to 'be made during the month will emerge from hupger this year University of Oregon. Eugene, Conflicting Thoughts of January, or upon becoming the for the first time in two decades, ac 36. Thanksgiving menus thia owner of a dog. The clerk will there- cording to Ivan Ragaz. a Swiss min Will have no mysteries for the u'i>on issue a leather collar bearing ing engineer in charge of extensive verslty women In the household the license number, and all dogs properties in Sierra Mojada. Coahui tlnasew of the University under Miss la!. Lilian Tingle. The girls are receiv found by the sheriff, the chief of po “The crops this season are bounti ing practical training in preparing lice or a constable without this col ful in almost all parts of the repub the big Thanksgiving dinner with lar are to be summarily executed by lic," said Mr. Ragaz. during a re Tarnopol, Poland. ’Nov. 26. The turkey and all the "trlmmln’s” so tfie official. A fine of 310 is like cent visit to the border. “When the that they may be able to do •the work German monument erected in honor wise to be assessed against the own harvest is made, Mexico will be one Mil by themselves for the edification of the then German emperor’s visit er of the dog who failed to make pay of the cheapest place« on the globe in of I heir mothers when they go home to Tarnopol in 1917 has been turned ment of the necessary license fee. which to live." into an allied memorial. for the holidays. This general tax does not relieve the Mr. Ragaz report« considerable During the occupation by the Ger Here's a imrtlal list, of the things owner of a dog from having to pay railroad ‘building during the last the girls are learning to prepare: man troopH the huge mohument was whatever license a city may impose three years. One line from Cuatro Mince meat, pumpkin pies, fruit erected, bearing the inscription, for the keeping of a dog within the Cienegas to Sierra Mojada. Coahuila, cakes, pltitn puddings, Strict econo "William IT. Emperor of Germany city limits. 120 miles long, has already been my In cooking is insisted on, and ¡ id King of Prussia. stopped here ------------------- built: another from Canitas to Du the girls are making use of orsngejon July 28, 1917." | HOI SEWIVES’ STRIKE rango. 150 miles, has Just been com ft was a. division of Poli«h-Amert- peeling, among other things, for LOAVEItS PRICE OF MILK pleted; still another from Cuernava cans, members of the Trench army preserved fruits. — ca, Morelos, to Puerto Diamante, This term the classes are studying that took the town for the Poles, Chertsy, Eng.. iNov. 26.—Succes- Guerrero. 200 miles, is under con especially food appropriate for the and they simply added this inscrip ful was the housewives’ silent strike struction, and a’ fourth, about 500 younger children. They will pass tlon. “and July 4. 1919. the Sixth against 24 cents a quart for milk miles in length is being planned be next term to a study ot food for Division of American Chasseurs en here, that all the dairymen are now tween Pachuca, Hidalgo, and Tam children In the period of adolescence. tered the town. They stayed." retailing it at 20 cents a quart. pico, Tamaulipas. OREGON AGGIES TO PLAY NOTRE DAME XMAS SEES YEAR OF PLENTY