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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1919)
GRANTS PAM DAILY COURIER PAGE FOI Ä PERSÎNflL iS? LOCAL I Early suggestions lor i i l _L■" ■ ?—■gy7¡ag -£2__ . ■■ ■' " 1 1 ? """"""Tor^SBSB^BwiiTTr Mta Benton Bower», of Ashland, ihmctng Party— Waldorf hall Saturday night. 28 is visiting her slater. Mrs. W. W DnnE. The Baptist ladle« will hold a W. It. C. MeeQuff— General l-ogan W. K C. will hold cooked food sale Saturday afternoon their regular semi-monthly business »1 2, next door to the I S7 meeting Saturday afternoon. A full ket. , Mrs. M. R.van returned to her attendance la desired. home at Riddle today after visiting To Banker», Broker*, Jeweler’*— Mrs. B. Everton. l»o you know your safe can be THE PRICE of one good present <>l>ened without your knowledge? will buy you twelve at the Picture Mill Wrange for your sitting NOW "The Miracle Man” is coming and avoid possible delay in delivery. Phone 283-« as Get Them Early Your tickets to the Thanksgiving Mrs. R. Patrick and children ar rived this afternoon from Roseburg day football Kame, at Roan’s Horning's Shack. * to visit relatives. 1 What is the difference between sheep Those new wool Velours for coat in pasture and in our shop? ings at 10 per cent discount from Prices on Wood— Dry slab wood *3 i>er tier, greet» regular price which is leas than they slab wood. |2.50 per tier, delivered. can be bought for at the mill today O2tf Kinney A Truax. 28 A. L Edgerton’s mill Let the young folks dance at Mrs George Maurer, of Kerby, re home this Christmas with a turned this morning from Portland, Two Enlistments— where she visited her children. Ray Brown, an auto mechanic of Columbia Grafonola How about that family group that I a Grande and Frank Ihtrley, a you have been planning on for the ranch hand of Medford enllHted yee- Jazzy fox-trots and one-steps, last five years? Phone The Picture terday at the local army recruiting Mill, 283-R. and arrange for a sit station for the motor transport train dreamy waltzes, all the latest ting. Delay may cause life long re- ing schools and departed on No. 1« the and best dance music of gret. -s last night for Portland. world played by the most cele- Mrs. Theresa laiyton returned this brated dance orchestras is re morning from Seattle, where she To Physician* and Auntron produced in your home for your spent some months with her daugh Have you a case you cannot cure? ter. She also visited in Portland. amusement and pleasure on a "The Ali racle 'Man” is coming Willard storage battery service Just the name Columbia Grafonola. station. 314 North Sixth St. 17tf Victory Button for lieVaril Grafonolas and Records Mrs George L. Drummond left Mrs Clara DeVarlla. mother this morning for Klamath Falls to Osborn _____ W. ________ DeVarila. ____________ was a caller On easy terms if desired ••SHEEP” ON THE RANGE join her husband, former editor army recruiting office on AND ON THE HII.I. TOPS. the Courier, who is now with the Thursday and was issued a Silver "SHEEP” IN THE PASTURE Klamath Falls Herald Victory Button for her son. who was' BUT HERE YOUR PHOTOGRAPH is one of wounded in action in the world war ' STANTON ROWELL IT'S “MUTTON < HOI’S" the most appreciated Christmas As yet Osborn Is not considered well Music and Photo Hoose gifts you can send your friends. Bet enough to be out on the street. IE’ YOU’D CALL FOR ter hurry if you want them for ••SHEEP chops ” Christmas. Phone The Picture Mill. Only Ten Cent*— WE’D BE AIT TO SMII.E! NEW TODAY 283-R for date. 28 Fresh Home Made bread at all the Harry Curtis arrived from Whit groceries 25tf STRAYED-4agtit colored cow past 3 ASK FOR Ml TTON CHOI’S tier. Cal., to be with his wife here years old, some Jersey blood. Was wearing bell when she left pasture YOU'LL FIND THEM NICE FOR A Mrs. Curtis spent some ifionths with Don’t F’oru- r— CHAXGE! her sister, the late Mrs. Dorothy The da-. • at Sper Hall. Satur several weeks ago. Finder notify Ranzau. at Newburg. day. Novo !"»r 22. The Neilsons A. (Bartlett, Grants Pass. 28 Gee Whizz! Boys, don't blame will furnish the The rooks WANTED Young team, 1.00» me if you don’t land solid with Her ar»- arranc » for a good supper. I pounds, and harness. G. A. Pike, at Murphy dance for I will be there Don't miss ft. 27 No. 2116. care Courier. 29 strong with my whole large family CORNER FILTH AND G STREETS to give you luck. You may as wiel It Will Pay— 2« Crescent City for $5— get Her one. Kewpie Gamble. To in»pro » your property with Owing to the present excellent trees, vine-«, etc. The best is the COMING EVENTS condition of the roads the Grants cheapest. The Oregon Numen Co.. I Phone Your Order— Pass & Crescent City Stage Co. will For Home Made bread. We de- Ix>cal Sale lan. Box 17«. Grants take you to Creacent City or return Nov. 22, Saturday—Pomona Grange liver. Moore Bakery. 30 25tf Pass. Ore ron. for |5. 75tf meets with Hugo Grange Will Ship Car of Swine— Moore Ba- A. F. Knox will ship another car- 25tf load of hogs from here to the Port land market Saturday night. Xmas Gifts New Velvet Bags and New Leather Purses -------- JUST A SUGGESTION ------- ‘ ’ 'J I 1 In justice to yourself, account of our present limited seating capacity, attend tonight or tomorrow’s matinee if possible. OUTofLUCK” Dorothy TONIGHT AND TOMORRt >W (Pep> Gish in a picture Sparkling and heavy as foam; Love mixed with burglars and planets, Dancers and cracks on the dome. Hats off you, chic Disturber; Uli eay you're THERE, like a duck Folks who miss you at the movies Are crippled or plain “Out of Luck.” MATINEE T< »MORROW 2:30 I-'lft«>rn jmr* local agent ■ !£S Î5fie Place Where You Live is Worth/ oj Adornment* Str ■ ' • : The furnishing of your home is the most important thing you do. You live with your furniture. It means the difference between a mere place of existence and a charming, delightful abode of pleasure and ease. IKc can help you in many ivtij» with the beautifying of v»u> home. " WE TURK A HOUSE INTO A HOME w RuCS, llNOlfUMS R ahû IS. W ah P ap /A. SfW/HG MiCHINft & H oo SHAS H olmans F urniture S tore OPPOSITE THE BAND STAND P h ONF 50 605 G STREET, GRANTS PASS, OfteCOH Overcoats, Suits Shoes, Furnishings FOR MEN—AT The Grants Paas Iaulies— Home Made Bread— .Mine«* Plzen Coffee— * 10c and 15c a loaf at Moore Ba- And other good stummick' stuffln. 25tf besides an all night chan«'« to tell • kery. the other fellows girl how ornery he A nt os Are Needed— is. Don't wait for somebody to tell It is stated that a number of autos you about It next d. y, but be one of will lie needed to meet the incoming the gloom eliminator* at Murphy train No. 53 Saturday afternoon to Thanksgiving night. accommodate Shrine visitors who will arrive at that time. CARD OF i ll INKS Peerless Clothing Co. Cash Clothiers HOME OF H VltT St HAFFNER IND MARA <1X»IHI> BETHANY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Corner 3rd and E street« HENRY G. HANSON, Minider SUNDAY NotrmlMt 23. IMI» 10:00 Sunday School. I I :00—" I he Stewardship of Pos session." 7:30—"What Is Spirituality?" ’ MUSIC Mixed Chorus in the morn ing. Male Quartet in the evening. Come and Enioy the Sunday With Us Mrs. Goettsche Ir.vltes You— To a Kewpie dancing party, W’ed- nesday evening. November 26. l>anc- ing from 9 till 1. Dance tickets 21 plus war tax. Spectators and extra ladies 25c. 25tf We want to thank Individually and collectively the friends and or ganization for the beautiful flowers, the words and letters of sympathy, in the Io- of our beloved wife, moth er. daugliter^md sister, Mrs 'Dorothy V ■Ranzau. We f an Again Say— JOHN RANZAU. Otir Shoe stock is almost com ARTHUR RANZAU. plete in all fine« and we will fur MRS. ALICE MIAJJXJRY. nish you with ALL LEATHER MRS JULIA CURTIS. SHOES at very low prices compared with their present value. Kinney & 27 , Truax ADDED ATTRACTIONS MACK BENNETT'S <N>MEDY •‘TRY I Nti TO GET ALONG WITH CHAS. MURRAY” COMING SUNDAY Replacement Troops— Chas. Ray ta “Hay Foot, Straw Foot GEO. S. CALHOUN »03 G SIrrel To (irnrrt»— We can solve the high cost of liv Will serve a buffet lunch at the ing? ‘The Miracle Man” Is rom I nit Kewpie dancing party, all proceeds to go to the park fund. Come hun- Send Copy Early— 25tf Tomorro .’s Daily Courier will go ! zry. to press earlier than usual, If you have an item for the paper or any- Licensed to Wed— „ _______ A license to wed was issued today thing to be published send it in be to Frank Mayfield, of Beagle. Jack- fore 10 a. »a. Anything sent in af Ison county, and Margaret Johanna ter that time will probably be left over until Monday I Olsen, of this city. IHrs. Hellie neas Nuccewtor to Mr«. E. Itrhkopf Everybody Dance ! The City Market ♦ », The Oregon Are urgently needed for service In | Alaska, Germany, Hawaii. Siberia, Panama. Phillipplnes and the United States including the Mexican bordpr. Enlistment periods are for one and three years. Recruiting offices in Grants Pass and 'Medford. 27 Former Grant* I’a** Girl Marri«*s— Miss Helen flx>ve of Eugene and Daniel Webster, of Vancouver, were married recently at Portland and will make their home 1n Vancouver. The bride Is a daughter of Dr. and Mrs. D. P. Love, former residents of Grafts Pass. Rhe attended the High school here and was a member of the debating team. The family moved from Grants Pass to Junction I City about eight years ago. Be the early bird • , and select your Christinas Cards while the stocks are fresh and the choice is wide, Our Greeting Cards are espe- clally attractive. CLEMENS Sell» I>ru0ft-Books and HtaMonery Rochdale Co. Is pleased to announce the arrival of a S I RAIGH I car of PRIDE OF WALLA WALLA FLOUR at the old price. This enables us to continue to sell at $3.25 per sack. Made of Bluestem and Dakota Guaranteed equal of any. Wheat. Hard I I S GOING FAS I . Are you trading at the ROCHDALE? Remem ber we handle large quantities of goods and that the larger volume of business correspondingly the smaller margin ol profit. BETTER JOIN US We want POTATOES, EGGS, Stock carrots and some GOOD APPLES. ONIONS. CORN, SOLID CABBAGE and RED BEETS. À