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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1919)
UBANO) PASH DAILY COURIER I tUDAY, NOVI MKEIt 21, RELATIVE VALUE OF LAND AND PRODUCT Classified Advertising I £5 THE FlKITChEN H cabinet TAXI FOR HALE Vdch. gray oats. » heat, SOONER TAXI Phone 262-R for rye. baled hay, rolled barley, grass Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an seed. Ralph Waldo Wldi’U Med swered anywhere, anytime. 86tf ford. Ore. 55tf PALACE TAXI Phon«» 22-J. Geo. FOR SALE Black team with buggy \ lly<l.« sad hurnnes Sound and kind, 900 pounds. P 8. Woodln, Box MUI ION Ml» TBÄWSM0» «40. Grunts Pass, phone 600-F 3. »«If THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. Hunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone FOR «ALE 1 now touring car at a I 397-R. bargain If taken at once, I Dodge In fine shape, new top and just r, O. ISHAM. drayage and transfer. Bafea. pianos and furniture overhauled. 1 Chevrolet In fine moved, packed, shipped and stor condition. 314 North Sixth St. l»fltf ed Office ghone 124-Y. Resi FOR HABE "White and Brown laut- dence phone 124-R. horn cockerela from Petaluma CIVIL ENOINKER Irred-to-lay stock, , •> months and 5 inonthn old. Get them now, price Con DANlHL McFARDAND, civil engi will l«e higher later <>n neer and surveyor. Residence 42 Fchaof<*rs. R. F. D. No. 2. 740 Tenth street, phone 211-Y. FOR RAI JE Four lota, one havlng HLHÍTIUCAL WORK good Hiilartuntlal house, all furnl- ture, cow and chickens Al) to be «old for 11200. Inquire K. H. Mc- ELECTRIC WIRING and general electrical work, repairing, house 29 Kee, 900 Foundry St. wiring. C. C. Harper. 105 South | hau : on excbianoe —12 acres Sixth street, phone 47. Jiiat outside the city, 1600 mort- DENTISTS gage Will take team or used car for equity. See Heath A Her- '27 E C. MACY. D. M. D. Flrst-clasa man. dentistry. 109 South Sixth street. Grants Tass. Oregon FOR HALE lirtiiiugtoii No a type writer ut a bargain 618 North VETERINARY HI RGBON Sinh street 27 Recent Investigation Made by Bureau of Crop Estimates. 624 Medical Bldg., Portland. Ore. Hours. 2 to 5 p. m.. morning and evening by appointment. There Has Been Much Disparity, First on Ono Side and Then on Othar, Between Two Movement*— Farm Labor a Factor. STOCK W ANTED Beef cattle find aheop. G. W. King. Montague. 37 DR. W. T TOMPKINS, 3. T.— Cal. Rooms 1 and 2 Schmidt Bldg. WANTED Stock to feed. Write or Treats all diseases. Hours 9-12 phone W'. W. Wooldridge, Provolt. a. tn.; 1-5 p. m. Phone 304-R . 43 E. J. BILL1CK, M. D.. Physician WANTED Girl to cook and do gen- and surgeon; office Schallhorn eral housework. Mrs. W. R. residence, block, phone 5 4-J; Swoape. 30 Olive Street, phone 1004 laiwnridge. phone 54-1* 29 “ r» { Granta Paas WANTED Good waitres“ or second ATTORNEYS helper in kitchen. Address Geo. Bickel, Glendale Hotel. Glendale. - II. D. NORTON. Attorney-at-law. Oregon 29 Practices in all State and Federal WANTED Two waitresses. Inquire! Courts. First National Bank Bldg. at Oxford Hotel «lining room. 27 Q. W, COLVIO, Attorney-at-law. Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg. V»» WRW’Î Pass. Oregon. Granta ■FOR RENT Seven room house with bath at 96 per month; 5-room K. 'S. VAN DYKE. Attorney. Prac house and small burn, |5 per tices in all courts. First National month Good well at both places. Bank Bldg. Inquire except Saturdays of Mrs. W H. Qualf. «23 North Seventh O. 8. BLANCHARD. Attorney-at-law. Golden Rule Bldg. Phone Street. 31 Granta Pass, Oregon. C. A. SIDLER, Attorney-at-law. Ma any sonic Temple, Grants Pass, Ore. and 609 GEO. H. DURHAM, Attorney-at-law. referee in bankruptcy. Masonic 84tf Temple, Grants Paas, Oregon. HEMSTITCHING, Plcotlng. Satisfac Phone 13Û-J. tion guaranteed. Write to us for suggestions fur Christmas gifts. JAMES T. CHINNOCK, Lawyer, The Vanity Shop, Medford, Ore First National Bank Bldg., Grants Pass. Oregon. gon. 145 E L. GALBRAITH—insurance, kind. Rentals. Building Ixian. Plate Glass Liability G street. Phone 28. I AM NOW MAKING a specialty of holiday evening gowns. Early or ders, better service. The best of references. Mrs. W. R. Swoape, 30 Olive -Street, phone 253. 29 The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company DUDS8M IKING Effective Nov. 19, 1918. MILS. W. R. SWOAP, ladles' tailor, droHamuker and furrist; suits made up to the minute In style lund workmanship; terma renson- able and satisfaction guaranteed 30 Olive street, phone 253. 06tf IDA M. HOWELL, professional dressmaker, alterations, make overs. First class work guaran teed. Now located at Dean Apts., Room .1. 515 North Sixth St. 47 I FOOD Tint DIAMOND BRAND, Ask your Druogfat f«>r IM.ckna.ior • Olumonil TlrantL IMIIa It. Hod and <»old nirtalllc boies, tealed with Blue Ribbon. Ti»Le no other, lluy of your who are about to start Into the ptire- bred hog business and who hnve not lind enough experience In Judging to select animals of good standard type. Buyers should not be contented simply with purebred animals, but should see in addition that the animals they are about to purchase have good quality, any the department hog specialists. TOWER'S FISH BRAND REFLEX SLICKER Is the best wot weather protection ^ever ; made LooK forth? EDGE a v AAkfnr< |il-< lA H-TFH f hlAMOND KHA ND yenia k nown a« Best. Safest. AlwaysKellaHc SOID BV DRLGOISTS LVERYWNERf QUESTS. A most wholesome and dainty des sert wlil<9» Is within the reach of all Is: Red Raspberry Lacto. — Take one quart of sour milk or buttermilk, add to It one egg white beaten stiff and a well-beaten yolk, one and one-half ctipfuln of sugar and one-fourth of a cupful of raspberry sirup. Freeze as usual, and «hre half frozen add the Julre of a lemon. This may be made with cherries, pineapple, strawberry or orange sirup. Fruit Coupe.—Scald a cupful of milk, add an egg. two tablespoonfuls of sugar and a pinch of salt, and cook tn a double boiler until thick, Set aside In a cool place. When cool, freeze ; Just before the cream Is froz- en add half a cupful of chopped plne- apple, half a cupful of heavy cream whipped, the white of an egg beaten stiff. At serving time, fill the coupe glasses half full of the ice cream, cov er with a spoonful of raspberry sirup and u *|MMuiful of whipped cream and gnrtilsh with maraschino cherries and pieces of pineapple. Raspberry sirup may lie made from canned fruit, boil ing the «trained Juice with sugar. Sardine Biscuits.—Make and bake «tiuill linking (Herder biscuits. Spilt while hot, spread with skinned sar dine* 'rum which the bones have been removinl. then finked and moistened with the sardine oil. Return the top« to the biscuits, pile on a plate serve hot for tea or luncheon. Corn Oytters.—Place a pint of corn on the stove an«) let It «burner twenty minutes; If too dry. udii u little «valer. Thon «etison with «me teioqioonfnl of rail one lea«poonful of butter, two tablesfHionful« <>f milk nnd |iep’M-r to taste. Cool and «tir In two well-beat en egg.« and a cupful of fresh <r1«p cracker crumbs, rolled. Put a table spoonful of bacon fnt In a frying pan. ariti when h«d drop in «;xM«nftil» the hatter. Coo* until brown and brown on the other side DON’T LET YOUR BATTERY FREEZE Cold weather h tough on Batteries, and regular laapectlon durtag the Winter months is a necessity. Let me Inspect it for yon— my service is free and 1t may save you the price of a new one. If you have decided not to use your Gar thh Winter let me store your Battery for you and should you want It DRY-STORED, I will guarantee Its operation tor Nine Months from date of delivery next Spring or make an adjustment. Come In and have a little Battery talk with mo. E. A. ADAMS, Auto Electrician licensed Auto Elec’ridaa and Battery Repairman Phone M .Wfl South Sixth Street A l XX ax . - t'ailing < anl I’ric I f&es to Hartat “VZOU can purchase goods made elsewhere and send a part of your money to other sections to be distri buted in payrolls for the benefit of those communities. Or you can insist on Oregon Made Products and your money all of it—will remain in Oregon to increase the output of Oregon factories; to make bigger pay rolls for Oregon; to build more homes and better schools in Oregon. Hoge Kept Under Clean Conditions, as on Good Pasture, Are Better Able to Resist Cholera and Other Dis eases. REFLEX v FOR OUR With Grants Pass Hardware Co. WHEN YOU BUY Stay on the Job While it Rains Train« will run Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Leave Grants Pass ........ Arrive Waters Creek ..... Leave Waters Creek____ Arrive Grants Pass ........ For Information regarding freight and ixtssonger rates call at the office of the company, Lundburg building, nr ’«lenhnne 1.11 Harness and Saddlery Auto Top and Canvas Work Printed calling cards 75c for 50; Thousands of purebred scrubs are $1 25 per lnn at the Couriertofflee scattered through this country, accord 'Engraved cards ,er 100, $3 and up; ing to hog extension men of tlie United States department of agriculture, who |wh<xr»‘ plate Is furnished, 61.So per are devoting their efforts to eliminat ing inferior pedigreed animals. This, they say. upplles to all kinds of live stock, but is perhaps more general In the hog industry. Pedigrees are neces sary and valuable to the hog breeder, yet the pedigree la the means of fool ing a lot of farmers, particularly those TIME CARD CHICHESTER S PILLS E. T McKINSTRY 603 G street. phone 13-R. General real estate buslnewi. The beat of all kinds of soils for fruit, hay or general farming. ;itr (Prepared by the t’nlted States Depart ment of Agriculture 1 G. B. BERRY And cnabby while you’re wonderin' who You'va tool Ilk* lent your umbrell* to. And want It—out 'll pop the nun, And you’ll b* glad you haln’t got none' Illi«,. (Prrparsd by the t’nlted Htaiee Depart ment of Agrlrulture.) Good Quality. t 3 In this sxlstence, dry and wat Will overtake I ha brat of man— Homa IltUa «Sift o' cloud« ’ll abet Th* aun off now and than, Farm land value has not advanced In the same degree as the com|*oslte price of crops and live stock has front the beginning of the wsr In 1918. Results of a recent Investigation by the bureau of crop estimates, United States department of agriculture, revealed thut. although farm lund value alone gained In 1915 and led in the relative advance In llllfl, It lost Ita lend tn 11417 nnd. moreover, felt far behind tlie relative gain In the price of crops and live stock in that year and In 1918. From 1914 to 1915 farm land value, not Including that of buildings, In creased 11 per cent, while tlw price «f crof* and live stock lost 3 per cent. In the following year land value went up 23 |>er cent above 1914 and price of crops mid live stock also advanced, but only by 12 per cent. A reversal of the relativity of these movements appeared In 1917, when Innd value gained only 3K per real on 1914 mid crops and live stock gullied 74 l»er cent. The divergence Increased In 1918. since the gain above 1914 was 50 pet cent for land value and 97 per cent for crops and live stock. Farm lund value Is supposed to tie DR. R. J. BEfFTl L, Veterinarian. related, at any rate largely related, to Residence 838 Washington boule the net profit of farming, and in fact It Is often somewhat affected even by vard, phone 398-R. single years of high or scant profit, yet the value of farm land advanced in l*N VMM TANK FOR 8AIJC Good cream separator’ 1915. nlthuugh the price of crops and in good condition and ready for j live Mock ilerlioed. Ill comparison With use Ch«vip. Cal) nt 735 Merlin ( DR. RAIaFH W. STEARNS physician 1914. and gained relatively much nacre and surgeon, offices formerly oc Road 39 than price did in 1918; hut. on the cupied by Dr. Stricker. Masonic other timid, its relative gain In 1917 Temple. Phone, office 21-J. resi and HUS *1« fur from equaling that FOR HALE Five Jersey milk cows, 1 now fresh with calf, 4 due to dence, 21-L. Hours: 10-12, 2-4. of price. There has been much dis farrow within the next 60 days, I O. CLEMENT. M. O., Practice j parity, first on one side and then cm Aho 7 or 8 heifers. F M. Rath- limited to diseases of the eye. ear. the other, between the two movements 30 bun. Murphy, Ore nose and throat Glasses fitted. of land value and produce price. Perhaps a scarcity of farm labor 1414’YCl.E for sale -"Madison" man's Office hours 9-12. 2-5, or on ap-‘ weakened the ih-nuuid for farms in the [«ointment. Phone«, office 62; resi last two years, and perhaps, also, the wheel. In good condition. Inquire at Temple Market. 27 dence 359-J. net profit of farming, because of ex HAY FOR HALE «First cutting al S. 1DUOHR1DGE, M. D. Physician traordinary high cost of production, was not as great as the high price of falfa at (20 |>er ton, l«aled, at the and surgeon. City or oountry calls products would Indicate superficially. barn Jess York, Murphy. 31 attended day or sight Phones, residence, 369; office. 182. Sixth SWAT PEDIGREED-SCRUB HOG 1X»R HVIJ-: Äecond hand Chevrolet and H str<-ets. car In ko < m ! condition, good tire«, cheap for cash If taken at oace. A. A. WITHAM, M. D.—Interna) Buyers Should See That Animals They Are About to Purchase Have Oeo. S. Barton, phone M5. 27 medicine and nervous diseases, WANTED r'AGH THUMB '»»I MX*® - J TOWER CO V Esubllvhod 1036 Boston Mass. Which are you buying? Associated .Û □ Industries of Oregon oREcct^n ¿UALITV^j