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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1918)
It I.MIItV, M 7. IUIM. DAILY It'XilK IUVKU COURIER PAOR THBZ3 ItlTATOhH (M OMMMMiKK ah ijinm) itni.niv m in It-HVly Mltrd Willi Mill Vt llir Irwl'ilreri Tulxr Mkew II lull. I'iItI Kkk llullilrr t'orvallla. Or,, May I.--I'outoe limy be llbi-rally frit tn la) Inc. !" I 'a profit ni present prlir. myt Prof, Jame Dryrien, head of, the O. A. C. parlmnt station ' poultry work. On dolUr will buy lit round of potato, or mora, Tb Political Cards. Paid advertisements EUOENE L. COBURN Ifcpiihliraii ('iiixliiliilc Cor Nominee for COUNTY CLERK Preterit Inruiulirnl GEORGE LEWIS ('luididjitc Cor Kcpulilicnn Nominee for i SHERIFF I'm-miiI tnriiiiilirtil Cnmlitlate for KejuilmViii Nominee for COUNTY CLERK I'rlmtirlp. Jliiv IT SEED CORN BUY THRIFT STAMPS SEED CORN J. PARDEE Everything for the Auto C. L. HOBART CO. 0. & C. Grant Land Blue Print Maps Josephine und Curry Counties ...,..1......L..:.,...........$1.50,, Jackson County .J.-..-.........-..........,..- $1.50 Roth maps for $2.50 . Printed from tracings made by M. J. 'Anderson Jr. Mailed prepaid on receipt of price A. E. Voorhies (Jrants Pass. Oregon i- . j, '"rx i "-( ? ,. f"1 DOINGS OF HITS VAN , I ,1 -CAMOOSLAr,E" ts-f . I ... s. 't'y I . . I - r, I uniiihMi . . M J"w?j. I V t- w , T ...... . . I L BOX. Tf:.M I " ' - m iiv r wwm i r-v n. g - r- i - r wwaaw aw r j m.. I" ... ' . ,. , . .... . ,. .. , , , , " . .,.w-.M lm-- I am dollar mill liny b unit 30 pound n f corn. The h-n will help lit ve loss In piitaton und the po I. Ion will he'.t til oult ry -kettpnr t) pet a profit from the hen. A hundiml. poll mil of potato ron lain II pound of dry muttir, nd n li inilri'rtj ciiiihln or roiii k9 pound. U J'i mil a liiiiiiliHil a doljnr will 'my ?H pound of potatoc. mld.i (hp I'KilKiuro; mid at fl a hundred for corn. dollar will buy Zi'A xiiikU of corn. Tho chemical rompgVltlon of o Ut do not vary greatly oil a dry matter bl. from corn or wheat. Tli potato! ahould ! boiled and then mined with bran and ahorta. th whole fed aa a umnh urn a day. After boiling, pour off moat of the water and nil aa murh brun and hurt aa th mnlntur will take up. Thl maih ahnuld ba fed preferably in the evening about two hour be fore dark. Th hen ahould bav all they will al. In tb morning nlv t ham a light feed of coart grain- corn, out or barley, juit wbat they j win clean up in an nour or two when It la thrown In a Utter of atraw a or 10 Inch deep. About three time aa much mash by weight aa of dry grain ahould be fed after the fola become aeruatomed to tbe ra tion. Kven In dry Oregon, a "total ab talnir" club can do good work avlnji wheat. Swear off on wheat flour until after harveat. lie a "patriot." Help eat up the LOONS SOLDIER LETTERS (Jut Jimpililiie Newton Amerl an K. F.. A. 8. 8. ('., Via New York. March 31. 1 1 H. Dear Aunt: Vtm will nn rimihi li aurprlMid to liear t!tat aa I write lhlsjh'v """d BU' n1 ' " I bite Into a nice Newtown l i .!n!w Mr not orr'nK think apple that wa packed In (Irani lM.,ht e wl" ba bttk ",ott- w ' Oregon. The V, M. C. A. ha a blJ,h,nk ,h,t 1 h uk'n. u n"Kh bog alttlng out with a big "Free-i0' yo,,r ,lm 40 1 ooi bX- Ign on It and believe me I ure did'?"0 ,nn,n ' fr the pa dig Into that box. The box wa labeled with tbe miil tete troaa and bore the name'of La throp Bro, Do you know them? Every thing I going nicely over here. Have completed my work at the aerial gunnery tchool and to morrow I leave here for a bombing iliool. have enjoyed my work here a great deal. Mont fun I have had for long time. It wa rather bard work and long hour, but very Interesting. Well auntie, there I really very little of Interest to write. I am well getting excellent food and have veryl?re,n Urnu" ",d 1,01,1 irym'n iur' g.Hd quartert. And above all, I en-:' Joy my work. 01 ve my very beat regard to all the folk and for you a alwaya, love. ARTHl'R E. NEW EM t'luwidy ApprecUlre Courier Somewhere In France, April 8, ltlK. Publieher Courier: A few line to thank you for tend ing me your paper, for It brlnx me back to the Paia and tho good time thut 1 had there, not raying that we are not having uood tlmee now foi we are. But then a letter or paper, once In awhile, aure puts j e; In a! fellow. You uuijht to aee the way the bunch gang around the las'! .run When he ha any mall, they leave Township Maps Showing Oregon and Callfor. n In llmneKtrad lan(la, often to filing April SO. IUIM, l per township. I'Kuse give township and rmiRe). ' '.. ' ' ; ;" ' '. t J , ' i ' ' . " - norcii.Afr ABSTRACT CO., ' f ! j rioseburg, OrcKon 9 ' eWXXLji 1: ..:..,BW I ,i(Wiis v I - 11 f t - v- 1 v W everything ele go, even eat, and that I going aome. I would like to be able to tefl 3 on ! i where we are and w hat we are do ing but the renaor la on the job and we can't aay anything. The K. of C. give u a ahow twice a week and we have a ball game on Sunday. Ho you v that we do not fare o bad. The weather here la fine and we per, I remain, J. J. CAB81DY. Co. n, lth Engi neer, Ry A. K. F. VAS NI'IU'M'H tYM'KKIIKlii IS XBW Itll LTKV HMKiAN Aim I to HUp Annual lnm of $15,- 0M.O From the Prod union ' - of' Fertile Kkr Corvallia, , May (."Can turplua cockerel" will be the alogan for " ,H" -"" "' n'n ning Monday, June 3. The purpose of It I to aave the big annual toll of $15,000,000 a year taken by the fertile egg. "Thl I an annual loaa on each farm or 12. SO," aaya IT. L. I'paon, federal and O. A. C. extendon poul try apedallat. "Putting It another way," he continued, "mean that If only one apolled egg la produced on each farm of the entire country tbe npolled product would fill 200,000 car with had eg." The first thing I to eparate all dealrabl breeding malea from the female. On most farm tbe beet cockerel" each year should be at least aa good a their aire. Tbe aeparation of malea and female will relt , bett fertiity next year. On general farma with ordinary stock It la usually better to klU or sell all adult in alee aa soon aa the breeding season la over. Canning the surplus cockerel Is advocated not alone by the poultry areclnllsts but also by the federal food administration and the college home eonomlce specialist U Ml KIM TI1KIU JAWS American sold'.eo overncar. are .'onxiiniln the last of 300,000 pack- 70 of ihrwlnjt g'tm sent over v the Y. !. C. A. It January. v (1?99isN v-iiT 'A - ::'Mm:M$ mm. mm tity n. . ii .u - V,. !. Classified KOII SALE 0. ft C. ORANT LANDS Blue print plate abowlag land la Joeephln county, 11.10.. Addree A. E. Voorble. Oraatt paaa. U FOR 8AL.E Good reodi'rn bouie, cloie In, oortb aide. Inquire No. Z131, ear Courier. Iltf HEMUTITCH1N3 and pecol edge, 10 centa per yrd. Mall ordera will receive prompt and careful atten tion. Tb Vanity Bbop, Medford Oregon. 114 Wet Mala. 07tf EOR SALE CHEAP Three-quarter ton truck, In good condition. New ' tire. Churchill and Maxwell. f FOR SALE Beed core, audan graas. Michigan pea bean, alfalfa, clo ver and grisie. Legume bac teria culture for alfalfa, clover, and bean, enough for 60 to 100 lb., fl.25. Ralph Waldo Elden, Central Point, Oregon. Mtf TOWNSHIP ownership map ahow Ing O. k C.and deeded landa In Jocephlne county for aale by tb Joaephln County Abatract Com pany, SO centa each. (5 FOR SALE liuby buggy and baby aulky. Inquire TOO North Fourth or phone No. 26S-R. 54 FOR SALE One Studebaker back at bargain price. Phone 117 or Call at 511 H street, city. 55 FOR SALE One team bay gelding and harness; one i and one i years old. True In all harness. Weight, 2,550 pound. Inquire Collin Auto Co. 61 FOR SALE One man folding saw ing machine, hay cutter, . camp stove and other articles. Ad dress No. 757 Courier office. 64 FOR SALE Team, wagon and har ness, $250; fresh cow, $75; Max well touring car. 1916 ' model, $400; 40 laying hens, wire fenc ing, farming tools, etc. Apply to E. C. Roger. 914 North Ninth street, Granta Paaa. 68 FOR SALE One Ford truck. Call evening 1-Y. 64 FOR SALE CHEAP Cray team, weight about 2,300 nounds. .and good wagon. Inquire 272 North Ninth. Phone 247-R. 58 FOR SALE Transplanted tomato plants. C. R. Flfleld. 894 North Tenth street, phone 182-R.. 53 FURNISHED ROOMS Large, com fortable and (onvlontly located 41 1 C street. 8tf PARTLY FURNISHED cottage for rent, 50 feet from pavement, also 1 unfurnished coiuxe on pavement, IS per month. Inqulie A. V. Voor- hie.v 92tf .UYK1LS V.V NAllVli 1'LATI.NtA. OTlkTTX A S "BROS. 8raeltlng ' S: Reflulna Co., 217 West Sixth street, Loa Angeles, Cel., ar - lc . the market for clean native Irldo platinum. , - 6C MISCELLANEOUS 'Q. A. BRYAN, 411 Bridge street power ')d steam engineer am onla and cold storage refrlgerat lng engineer. Installation O' plant. Pipe fittings. Lltberage tight joint If wanted. 7 LOST LOST On Sunday between North Fifth Btreet and the Joy theatre, , a $5 bill. Finder please -leave with No. 760. car Courier.. 58 WANTED WANTED TO BUY Fairly good cow. Gentle. C. W. ' Johnson. Merlin road, Rd. 1. 54 There re many aubBtltutes for flour, but no substitutes for peace. Eat the substitutes and enve, the wheat for tbe fighting forces. ' The new Art AND NOW t-ETV f mb SHOvy vet -ro4 j nl ,i4t .:. Advertising ATTORNEYS H. D. Norton, Attorney-at-law. Practice la all luu and Fedtral Court. Pint National Baak Bldg. COLV10 WILLIAMS Attoray at-Law Oraou Pta BaahJaf Co. ; Bldg. Oraata Pa, Oregon. j E. 8. VAN DYKE, Attoraey. Practice la all court, first National Baak Building. O. I. BLANCHARD.Attoraey-at-Law Ooldea Rule Building. Pboa 170. Oranu Pa, Orgoa. BLANCHARU ft BLANCHABD, At toraeya, Albert block. Pboa 1K-J. Practle In all court; land board attorney. VETERISABY Bl'BAEOfl DR. R. J. BE8TCL, Vatertaarlaa. Offlc la Wlnetrout ImpUmeat Bldg. Phone 111-J. ReeidenM Phone 105-R. PHYSICIANS U O. CLE ME NT, M. D. PraeUee limited to diaeaae of tb y, ear, bom and throat. Ola fitted. Offlc hour -ll, 1-5, or oa p polntmeht. Offlc phene, ft; real dene phone 15-i. 8. U)lt;ilR!DCK, II. D.. I'hyklclen and surgeon. City or country catl atteaded day or rJcht Bldae phone ''; offlc phoc 1(1. Sitib ae.l II. Triff lluilding. . A. A. WITIiAM, M. D.. Pbyalclao and urgeoa. Office: Hall Bldg., corner Sixth and 1 street. Pboa: Of. Bee, lit; residence, 2II-J. Hoar. I a. m. to 4 p. m. DR. J. o. NIBLEY Pbyslelaa aa surgeon. . Lundbur Building. Surgeon Utah-Idaho Sugar Co. Health Officer. Offloer boor. I to 12 a m. 1 to 5 p. m. Phoa 110-J. 95U PHOTO STUDIO THE PICTURE MILL opea daUy It a. m. to 5 p. ra. For Sunday alt tinrfa call Mill 283-R ar realdene 140-J. 7ltt DENTISTS E. C. MACY. D. M. D. rirt-eaa : dentiatry. H09H Booth Sixth ' aireet. Grants Paaa, Oregon. 1 MUSICAL INSTRUCTION 1. S. MACMURRAY. teacher of Tola culture and singing. Lessoni glrea at home of pupil it requested. Ad ilre.s 7 IS Lee St. , 861U IHt.VYAtiK AND TIU.VSfKH COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. All , kinds of drayaje and tranafer work carefully and promptly dona. Pbono 1S1-J. Stamd at, freight depot. A. Shade, Prop. F. O. ISHAM, drayage and traaater. Safes, pianos and furniture moved packed, shipped and stored. Pboa Clark and ilolman, No. SO. Resi dence phone 124-R. : ( 1 1 THE WORLD MOVIES; so do .w. Bunch Bro. Tranafer C. Pboa I97-R. t The California and Oreoa - Coast Railroad Company TIMK CARD Dally except Sunday Effective May 1, 1918 Train 11 v. Qranu Pass.." 1:00 p. m. Train It It. Water Creek 1:00 p.m. All tralna leave Grants Pass from I ha rnrnrr nf O and Eighth Street. opposite the Southern Pacific depot For all Information regarding frwtiht and nncsenr'er service eall at the office of the company, Lundburg building, or pnone 13 1 tor cam. ; - i Butter Wrappers printed to com ply with the law at the Courier. can be made very handy