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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1918)
PAGE FOUR DAILY ROOVH KIVEIt OOUtlKH II MOW, M1V T, ItflM. Lawn, lose S ply rul'ber hoe. 13c per ft. 4-lnch mi eMttm how 15c per ft. GoudjMtr Wlngfuot rubber Bom. Tbo Wt kink kind." 18c per ft. tnnt forget to buy war uv Ings fttani - Rcgce River Hdwe. - IJeo. It. Khhllr, Manaicvr ' .444444iV : PER52Nf1L U LOCAL court house this evenlmr. (Tuesday) at 7:30 for lntrutloM. SKI 111 Mou lt. K. Koa. of R. P. 0. No. 5. has snipped to Portland hog welirhlnK 550 pounds. At today' market quo tatlons the animal will bring a rns Mr. Loi Maltl left thla mornlug for Phoenix. Aris., to visit her iater. "Pane" talcum powder -Sabln haa It 54 ; J. Swam went to Portland last night oo a business trip. A. V. Scarbury left last night for Spokane. Wash. Mrs. Nauey Andrew, who visited relative her, left thli morning for ' Rrownsx 111 to visit her son. ' Win. Fallln went to Rosebnrf thls!prlee of about $97. morning to resume work In th clas- 'aiOcatton of O. C. land. C. E. Woodly and H. V. Wilkin, of Gallce, wer In the city Monday and left that night for Portland. Charle Dunger returned yesler- ;day from Klamath Falls, where he ha been working. Grant Peterson, of Shasta county, , Cal., who apent several days her, .went to Ashland thts morning. I Father J. G. Vlen. of the Catholic church, went to Medford this morn , Ing to spend the day. , Mine Utile Wlllco. returned last night from Klamath Falls, where she snent tha na.t tarn mnnth itk ner nrotner. Mrs. r. 0. Toungblood .left this morning for Ran Francisco to vlelt her daughter. Miss Mary Toung blood. bow a student nurse. Mrs. W. H. Andes and daughter. , Nettle, left this morning for U. S. IRRIGATION MAN SPENOSDAY HERE R. li. Teale, of llerkeley. Cal.. rtrrt Al.l Work Tonight Class No. 1. first aid work l meet at Mr. Ilacon'a office In the unfit the day yesterday with John DubuU, engineer for th Grants I'bk Irrigation district. M. Toole I an Irrigation engineer with the 1'. S. department of agriculture and ha recently oeen transferred from Washington, I), C to the coast where he Is vngaxod In Investigating proposed Irrigation project for the capital Issue committee of the fed eral reserve board. . , Mr. Teele had been at Talent mak ing an Investigation or that proposed project to make a report to the com mittee. He atopped off here for a visit with Mr. Dubuti and was taken for a drive over the Gold Hill and Grant Pass district. He wa very much Impressed with tha country and with the possibilities for Irri gation here, VMtlng Schools County School Superintendent Raeon 1 spending- large proportion of her time at this season In visiting the ai hoola of the county. Today she Is in the Gallce section. Attending Rod Onus Institute Mls Alice Horning I at Seattle sttendlng the Northwest Red Cross Institute as representative of Jose phine chapter. Miss Horning, who Is superintendent of the local work rooms, wltl be at Seattle during the week. Knrolllng In Firs AM Class No. 2, Drst aid work of the ' Francisco to Join Mr. Andes, now a j member of the T. S. guards, station jed at the bay city. Jim Llum. who resigned his post Inn In .- r... i. t.i ..... - "i i lie I'ai- j M. K,. , , ... to enter the government service, ana persons wishing to enter this . . ... .. class, can do so by handing thelri. , .. . . , . .... .. nvm i - I ,n relatives and fr ends. ame to Mrs. Philln Helmiie Tnnn ... .k. a..,. ... ., Mr- J- w- Walton left this after- euested to enroll. I aoon 7lnrnln Troy. Kan., to ar- I range for moving to Grants Pass. Mr. and Mrs. Walton expect to come to ! Grants Pas In a few weeks to re- Af ! permanently. j ) Mrs. C. B. Hertton. of Fort Col- i ) j Una. Colo., who spent the past two y ' rL. C . i months with her father. Rer. J FliTtrto Wiring Paul's Electric Store. Medford. Ore. Order msy be placed through power company olTlce. fft TTiMie I Ttnrncd The residence of John Larson, one San n one-half miles west of the city 1 Scarbro. left this morning for Sa: I Francisco, where she will visit he' C', I (on- member of the marines for knaMJ . , seven years past, serving now as as- Red-blooded men of courage are on l,,e,'Bt lurmaster. flrinir line and there are minr weak, di0ooareced men ana women left at home. . V. lawpeHor Here .1 Hmiffhtnn. In.niu.tnr IrAm r... "m!Lr!!,,Pi5l .Ltrict plant headquarters of th. Spring Fever. They feel tired, worn . Western Union Telegraph Company ever- " P?cled that It will ar, oat, before the day is half thro. They at Seattle. Is In the city attending to.rtv ,n "me ,0 hown tomorrow on route I. was burned to the ground Friday. Mr. Larson was working for a neighbor at the time. His daughter went out to the barn for a few minutes and when ahe re turned to the house about 10 mln ntea later the building was In flames. The entire house and contents were a total loss. Including the plsno. fur niture, etc. Engraved Calling Cards 1 Script tyne. $1.75 per 100: If you furnish plate, $1.5 per hundred. Printed cards ROc for SO; 0c for 100. Courier office. 4tf AT THE MOYIKS TOXKillT The anticipated appearance of Mae Marsh In "Sunshine Alley" will not take place at the Joy theatre to night owing to the fact that the ship ping clerk at Seattle got mixed and sent It to another address. How- ilost Economical coffee yon can buy H goes further ..v.tVA'" Vacuum packed by special proceM Claude Ainaworth, dellveryman fur the River Hank creamery, wa painfully, although perhap not ser iously Injured today, when the mo torcycle on which he wa riding re fused to respond to hi regulation and threw him onto a lamp post In front of the Kinney k Truax atore. Ainaworth was riding north on Sixth street, and when he weut to release the clutch on his machine to slow down to turn the corner It stuck, making It Impossible for him to turn at the speed he waa making and he was carried to the sidewalk, where he was wrapped around the post. He was cared for by Dr. I.oiuh- ridge, who found an Injury on the knee and severe bruises about the chest. It Is not though that the wounds will be serious and Aina worth Is expected to be out In a day or two. matters In connection with the In- ay have frequent headaches and , ! i .stalling of the new repeat ng station. Bloodless people, thin, anemic people, ) those with psle cheeks and lips, who I . have a poor appetite and feel that j New Newspaper bred, worn or feveruh condition in I The Powers Patriot Is the name of the springtime of tlie year, should try' . ,..... D the refreshing tonic power, of a good Bew p,per PUDl"'h, Powr alterative and blood purifier. Snch a Coo "nty. by Wilfrid Robert one is extracted from Itlood root, Golden Smith. The paper Is "devoted to the 8eaJ snfl Stone Queen's root interests of Powers and southern and Oregon Grape root, made np with . , . . . . , ehemicafly pure glycerine and without !Coos eonntr," and seems to be doing the nte of alcohol. This can be . the Job. It has excellent advertising obtained In ready-to-use tablet form In support from the merchants of the Golden Medical Discovery. It is a , Patriot should push the progress of atandsrd remedy that can be obtained i Powers. About the only objection to la tablet or liquid form. be found Is the fact that the Amerl- A good purge should be taken once can flsg R uged In the border of a week even by persons who have a I . . . . aaorement daily, in order to eliminate I r of tne ''rtlsements. The matter which may remain and cause a , Ha? should never be used In any ad ondition of auto-intoxication, poison- 'rertlsement except by the govern- system at least once a week is to prac- face health measures. There is nothing ; so good for this purpose as tiny pill i IfFW TOD AT si made np of the aloe and uuap -apple, leaves of h Mnv.ann all dniKBisu in this cmiiitr u Doctor ! CLASSIFIED AD RATES.-rJ5 i word, two issue. 26c: six Issues, easy to take. 50e- one month, fl.69. when paid In 1 advance. When not paid In advance. 6c per line per Issue.) WANTED Girl or woman at Man- umental at once. Phone or write Mrs. E. A. McPherson, Monumen tal, Cal. 60 Keep your money at home If you are building use Beaver'Portland Cement Whirh is manufactured at Gold Hill, Oregon, and la gnaraa teed by the manufacturer to be strktly high grade in ererr restert. You can buy this from your local dealer The Oregon Cement Sower Pipe & Tile Co. Beaver3 Portland Cement Co. WANTED To board and care for during the summer, three or four young children by experienced mother. For further particulars inquire 72S South Seventh street. Phone ail-L. 65 COMIXO EVENTS May g, Wednesday Baby welfare ' meeting . under auspices of Par ent-Teacher association at Cham ber of Commerce. May 12, Sunday Baccalaureate ser- tnon by Rev. Charles R. Drake at M. E. church. May 1 , Thursday Class Day exer- ' Ises of high school. May -17, Friday Commencement exercises. May 27-Jnne 1, Monday-Saturday Chautauqua at Grant Pass. May 10, Friday Baptist ladies will give a supper. Soldiers overseas have a sweet tooth. The T. M. C. A. has contract ed for the entire output of a lemon drop factory to supply the demand of the men In khaki. and the theatre-going public will en joy the treat Just the same. But the management haa secured from Medford for this evening a new release from the William Fox studios. "The Bride of Fesr." In which Jewel Carmen Is the featured star. Anna Carter (Jewel Carmen 1 comes to the end of her rope In the city, and deciding to end It all, turns on the gas. She Is rescued by Mas ters (Charles Gorman), a gentleman of uncertain reputation who haa the adjoining room'. Later they are mar ried, Ann accepting his proposal more through fesr of being alone than because she loves him. On their wedding eve he Is arrested for burg lary and sent to Jail. In time Ann secures employment as resident sec retary to Martin Sterling (Charles Bennett). She meets his son Don ald (L. C. Shumway), and it Is through her that he breaks away from the riotous life he has been leading. He proposes and she dare not answer him with the truth. Boon afterwards, however, she hears that Masters has beeji killed In an at tempted escape from prison. But her happiness Is short-lived, for one night he appears In her room, hav ing traced her to the Sterling man sion. Donald hear the no! and enters and a light ensue. When Ana sees Donald getting the worst of It aha seizes Master' gun, fires and kills him. The verdict Is Justl liable homicide and the shadow In Ann's life Is removed. ana cnaruc cuapiin is with ui.l which will make np In a measure for any mishap that may have occurred to the bill. It Is a fine program and one that will be enjoyed AN AX ON BICYCLE You can make more nips of Rood coffee with less M.J.U. than with any other coffee. Compare M.J.R. Coffee spoon by spoon, cup by cup, with any other coffee and you will he convinced that M.J. B. Cof fee is the best and most economical coffee you can buy. M.J.U. is scientifically blended from the finest flavored coffees grown in the world. It is never roasted until thor oughly mellow and is vacuum packed to retain its strength and flavor. It Reaches You Fresh M.J.B. CofleoWhy? Frank Bufflngton, of I In no, waa badly cut on the thigh yesterday when an ax. which wa strapped to a bicycle which he was riding, came down on him when he was thrown from the wheel. nufllnxton was coasting down hill near Hugo, Hie double-bitted ax tied to the cross bar of hla bicycle. In trying to clack up the roaster brake caught, causing the wheel to stop suddenly and threw the rider over the hnn- dlebars. ' The bicycle ram on overl and the sharp ax struck him In the thigh, cutting a gash four Inches long and one-half Inch deep. He was brought to this city and the wound was sewed up by Dr. S. Lnnghridve. FLAG HAS 21 STARS A community service flag with 21 star was todlrt.-l at the Mothortliil Bplnroiml chili-' h si W llilervllle Bun- dav Willi am roiirlnto 'evrclrei snd was l.troly attend d. were lihhly patriot1? sacrifice, to win a rnmplrle tictury for the cn"se of lllirrDv A fen lure uf the service as an orlKiual poem written for the oca slon liy John It. Ito'ulnson." praise Is due the flng drill by several loiiiu Indies. The rervl flag was made and "resented hv the laillr aid society of the rhcrrli, of whl'h MrsLove luce la president, WlldervllN: rommunltv Is enlh.l- T!ih ml r.i simile fur the war and the comimtn li thel" ni- y siilrll whl'-h Is helued by ir-e ture, ronslrtlng of pi lilullc hymn church. under the pastorate and anthems, readings and a very , of Rev. Morris, Is branching out a able, patriotic address by the pastor! a complete community church, help er the church, the Rev. C. Q. Morris, j Ing to solve the community prob- Mr. Morris, who I an eloquent Jems. The thnnks of the community Is certainly due the church for Sun day service. and able speaker sbowsd the Justice of our entran-e Into the war and our duty as a people to be 100 per rent Americana ami to unueniy as s peo-i All kinds of Commercial I'llntlm pie stand , by with every effort and nt , rollrlpr omra JOY THEATER- SEDITIOlf BILL PASSES ' Washington, May 7. Ths sedition bill haa been passed by both bosses and Is now ready for the president's signature. " i BUY War Savings Stazps KOGTK RIVER WATER COMPANY ' Mofee to Patrons Through a mistake of the film exchange in Seattle, the films of Mae Marshe's play "Sunshine Alley", failed to arrive and this engagement ha3 been postponed. However this will be shown later , and we have secured for TONIGHT ONLY "The-Biride W Fear' . . un unusual (William 'Fox-feature ' , starring the beautiful Jewel Caifmen The story of how an unhappy life was brought back to the paths of joy . through the love of the right kind of a man And remember-CHARLIE CHAPLI.N-You'll laugh yourself ' sick at his antics in "THE FLOORWALKER" It's a Bill de Luxe 16c and 25c Try to Get In ,