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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1918)
t1 milt Rosn sutra ooctna nimU Ariui. r, tali. Of BE KB tO Patched DeJly Except Saturday A. , T0CZZ1Z3. Pb. tad Fropr. tnteredatthsPostoaV!, Ornate fw Or., m second eleae mall matter. ADVXXTCINQ IUTE3 Ct-Uy sane. pr lmoh H LmJ or personal euluma, par naa 1 c Header. ar Ha. l DA&.Y COURIER E att or carrier, par yar....M.M Bv mail or earner, per monia.. .aa USXBCR Stata Editorial AaaocUttoa Oragaa telly Nawapapat Pub. Aaaa tMBSR Or ASSOCIATED The Associated Prcaa la eielusrvely tld to the for repcttlcatlo of all aw dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited la ttl paper and alao tb . ea'. nawa pub- Ufced herein. All rlrtta of republication ot apa- elal dlapatchea htrala ar alao SVNDAL, APRIL T, 1911k ' OREGON WKATHKR fair, gentle winds, mostly 4 easterly. 4" WAR FOR HUMANITY War, in a good cans, la not the greatest evil which a nation can suf fer. War la an ugly thing, but not tie aglreat of things; the decayed and degraded state of moral and pa triotic feeling which thinks nothing worth a war la worn. When a peo . ' pie are used aa mere human Instru ments for firing cannon or thrusting bayonets, In the service for the sel fish purposes of a master, such war degrade a people. war to pro tect other human beings against ty rannical Injustice; a war tb give vic tory to their own Ideas of right and good, and which is their own war, carried on for an honest purpose by their free choice. Is often the means of their regeneration. A man who baa nothing which be .is willing to light for, nothing which he cares more about than ha doea about his personal safety, Is a miserable crea ture, ''who baa no chance of being free, unless made and kept so by ' the exertions of better men than himself. As long as justice and In justice have not terminated their ever-renewing fight for ascendency In the affairs of mankind, human be ings must be willing, when need is. to do battle for the one against the other. John Stuart Mill. ' This was written a half century and more 'ago, buC It might 'have been written yesterday It applies so well to today's ' conditions. The truth Is the same yesterday, today, . and tomorrow. ' ' 1 "I fear, said Lloyd George, Brit ain's 'famous statesman, In, a recent speech, "I fear the disciplined peo ple behind the German army. I fear the rationed German family, and the determination of the German wife and sister and daughter and mother to stand and starve so tbat their fighting men may be fed I fear It more than the imperial German army Itself." : '" . , After making a campaign of two months duration, during hicn he has covered much of the state out side of Multnomah county, 8. B. Huston, candidate for United States senator. Is very much pleased with his prospects.. Up to the present time he has not held a public meet ing nor spent any active time In his home county, Multnomah, where the heavy vote is, but from this time on Y 1 he will devote himself largely to rounding up hia home county vote. 8enator Huston began hia work In Oregon In Washington county, and his friends living at Hlllsbaro and Forest Grove say that ha will carry Washington county with not less than TS per cent of the republican vote. And speaking about politics. Senator Huston ts making his ram palxn first as an American cltlsen and second aa a republican who far. ors supporting the administration during the war, and otherwise stands for republican policies. 9 ,1E Mill m ARE DM) The local board for Josephine county haa Just received nolle from the adjutant general that call No. 4143 la now In effect. This Is for lift per cent of tha second draft quota. The board la ordered dur ing the Bv day period beginning April 16, to complete the entrap ment of nlna men for Camp Lewis, Wash. The nine men to be called In the sequence of their order numbers are: Clifford Johnson, Grsnta Pass, Oregon. 1 Jamea Donald Woodbury, Kerby. Oregon.' i '!'' John Henry Bandera, Blooming-j dale, . i Harry Eugene Mitchell, Merlin, i thought to be In the service. Perrle Eron Onnnlng, Grants Passi Oregon. Robert McPbee Allen, , Kerby, Oregon. Kenneth R. Williams.; St. Louis, Missouri. ' Roy E. Dtttus, Qallre, Oregon. Albert Henry j Schmidt, Grants Pass. Oregon. Victor Evert Vlnyard. Williams, wVr7," f i' ...... , i. r ritJ 1 f MA m HI Much More Than Money Your money would be of little use to you if the Germans should win the wcr abroad and come over here to complete. I their work of world subjugation. Invest ' your money in Liberty Bonds one Bond arms a soldier and "It's civilization against devilization" THIS SPACE PAID FOR M. CLEMENS, The Reiall Stcre Tb tel. At KLulEYG TRUAX Calitt ruwr PACE THEATER ONK NIUIIT Ok JOY Ihzhj, Ajril th UKTl'ltM OK TIIK FAVORITES America' Funniest Duo IH. rect from an all winter's rwa In Chicago with their torrent of LAKJHTEIU eEi;bCcstcfLc?b2w Hemo dietinguMied cat Charming Feminine EiiNetnhle ad the Bote Kolb A DU1 Jazz Orchestra. Phone and Mail Orders Received Now (tout Hale APRIL 5th, ftoe to 11.50 Oregon, alternate. : Robert Melvln Gilliam, Imperial, California, alternate. NAZIMOVA IN "REVELATION" JOY THEATRE APRIL 9 ASO-10. If you have anything to sell try a classified ad. w. . . .u . -fVV. Vi I helping ro ni-HT THE Cmt OF Ri(T These Bonds Mean So may save his life. AND CONTRJBUTIO BY : Mai I ' . -Ill i IDA TFIailS SFEOIWDUCII The great Nailmovt, star of Me tro's irrat aueiial nroductlon da Us. "Revelation," has captured Ih admiration of two continents. In "Revelation' aa the little Latin Qusrtar grlsrtte, she does Ih great est work she has vr dott on lb stag or screen. Mm, herself, be- llva that the production la on of th finest she baa appeared In abroad or la America. la "War nrldet" Mm. Naslmova discovered that ah could act before the camera. "Rvelntlon,n the first of a series of great speclsl produc tions produced by Metro, starring th great Russian, has been written In such a way as to lv full away to her superb motional ability and tha broadest scops to her new-found power. Alia Naslmova was bora In Ih Kusalaa Crimea. In a little town on tb shor of th Black Boa. It early became vldent tbat she had talent ot an unusual ordur, but at flrat she studied the violin, even going to Oeneva, Bwltierland, to continue her studies, preparing lor a career aa a child prodigy. It waa at Odessa, Russia, that ah discovered bar strongest talent to be dramatic rath er than musical. Bh became lead ing woman of a Russian stock com pany and had played mors than 100 part at tb time when most girls ar thinking of nothing but amuse ment. But Natlmova'a art Is her life, and that constitute bar great eat Joy. Butter Wrappers printed to com ply with th law at tb Conrlar. NEW TODAY (CLASSIFIED AD RATES. IS words,, two issues, lie; Hi laeoea, 50c; one month. $!.&, when paid in advance. When not paid In advance, le per Una per lasu.) JUS. MOSS AOENCY Fire Inaur ance, plat glass liability Insur ance. 104) Sixth street. U INSURANCEw-Any kind, best of eompaolea. L. A. Launr. real . aula. tt IIORSIfl FOR BALE All purpose I horse. May be seen at Geo. Morris' ' pasture, north of city. Mrs, A. J. Klocker. . ' FOR SALE 40 acrea wheat land In Klamath county one mile from en 1 of Strain. railroad, all c ear el rml under feme, will sell thp Phone H9-J. 19 FOR RENT Partly furnished 5 room bungalow. Good garden spot already plowed, extra good well, at ton West C street. Phone 186-Y. 2 KURN1BHKD house, 8 rooms, bath, piano, and garage, for rent. Ad dress No. 557, care Courier. 21 KOR SALE RIGHT Splendid tract of land partly cropped, suitable , for alfalfa, half mile from city, on river. Terms to snlt your pocket book. Address No. 560. care Courier. ' ' 63 Oxford Cafe Special Sunday Dinner April 75 t H ..Vlixk 'r MENU (Vram of Hngar dim, cruiiUmN Head trttuce with V-ttH RIW Ollvce Sweet Pickle i 1AkUv Hiilad In MiijonmilHe f HtulTwl Young Turkey I'amlled apples HkMl Milk-fed lilckca, 1 walnut dreeing ( Prime Kllxt of llwf, drip (iravy. AsMklle Huckling Pig, drml glare; ItlHWtle l'l(H4HH New Cauliflower in creein ' French flimadine Ire Cream from , "Horning' Hhnck" ' , ; '' .- Oake Ooffee ' Tea Milk ' , Cafe Noir The price Fifty Centa 0 THE UNIVERSAL CAT We have several Second-Hand Fords at bargain prices C. L Hobart Co. QUOTA OF NBV MEN AT cat,:p lews exceeded Camp Lewis, Tacoma, Apr. (. Th number of drafted men received at Camp Lewis during the past week exceeds by more than 200 tha Camp Lawla quota of the special draft of 5,000 men to fill up units of the national army In all cantonments. This afternoon 4,177 had been re ceived and there waa one contingent of tt from California yet to come. The original quota for Camp lewls waa 3,173. Tb fact that the number of new man exceeded tb quota Is accounted for by the arrival of a number of specially Inducted men and othera who hav been sent to tak th places of men discharged for physical disability, because they were enemy aliens, or for other reasons. Th number ot such arrivals aver age 30 a day, It waa said at the re ceiving station of the casual office. where the men are taken upon tbelr arrival her. . . : . NAZIMOVA IJf "RKVKLATIOV JOT THRATRR APRIL O AU 10. DO NOT DELAY1 BUY A Government Liberty Bond NOW , , It will be a blessing to you , ( to your community to ypur government and to all mankind The Josephine County Bank ! will assist you Used Car Bargains 1918 CHEVROLET, with extra equipment 1016 CHALMERS SIX, extra equipment, cord tires 1016 DODGE TOURING, a bargain. 1917 REGAL TOURING, extra equipment. These cars are bargains. Investigate Terms to re . : ponsible parties J. ,JL Denispn Dodge Brothers Motor Cars, OldsmobUe Six-Eight it JUNIOR 11 CONDUCT W Saturday, April 13, th Junior lied cross auxiliaries of Riverside school, Kant school, Junior lllfb school and Hugo school will sell food, war randy and clothing, This clothing his been given to the Jun ior Red Ctom for us In tbelr work during Ihe last all months. It wss too good to be torn up and th com mittee decided to offer It for sal, th proceeds to go Into Ih Junior Red Cross fund. Th children hive repaired every article that needed a ' stitch and every garment has been freshly laundered. There Is a quan tity of women's underwear, men' shirts and coal, and th Junior Red Cross hopes to dispose of every sr ti les on Saturday April IS. HORN COLE To Mr. and Mr. R. (I. Cola at Boise, Ida., Wednesday, April 3, a son. Mr. Cola waa a former Grants Pass hoy, leaving here It years ago. All kinds of Commercial Printing nt the Courier Office. 7 C