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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1918)
BIXMAL, ANUL Ti lil. 3- 1 ttj fcrrra tzm cr: EH A- Upon America Js vclves the sacrcdduty cf keeping alight ths , torch cf Liberty tnd upholding jusdee and dcnxcracy through , out th world. Let us not falter cr count the cost, for b th freedom of ths world tzs our only safety, tnd the preservation cf our American lib erty and bsttuticVu. Let Do Icvccl To (ho Uzil in Liberty Dczcb This Space Paid For and ,U Contributed By J.H. DENISON 0:iccbC end Dod-e Cert , v ::::::stek s fills IaMat Am Dru far r-m. la laj raiww V y j ..-we., ?.7'Vi inn i hu,Sjji.aitrhh SBYCTJCSSSTSEVLRS BRITISH BIRDMEX KILL 8 IJI OOMKJNK RAII i r Geneva, Apr. t. Tbe recent Brit ish aerial raids on Cologne caured 14S deaths, half of whom were sol diers, according to the latest re- porta received at Basle. The sol diers were In a railway train bound for the Picsrfiy front and standing at the Cologne station. Panic reigned In the city for 12 hoars, the streets were deserted and the population hid In cellars. One reports sari that a major waa killed. The bodies of two Swiss who were killed daring the bombardment ar rived here yesterday and will be bur led with honors. IlltlTISH ARE OOXFIPKVT . OX AMERICAN ANKITESSABr Belfast, Ireland. Apr. 6. Inspira tion and confidence arising from America's entrance ' into tbe world war and from the effort to exert her whole power in the entente rattse were expressed by noted Britons and Irishmen today In a series of mes sages to the people of the United States on tbe flrat anniversary of American participation. HAVR VOl' REGI8TKRKD? All electors who were registered bat did not vote at the primary or general election in ltlf, and those who have changed their residence must re-reglster. Electors not registered mast do so on or before April IT, 191 S, at 6 o'clock p. m. E. L. COBURX, ' . '-k County Clerk. Batter Wrappers printed to cess ply with the law at tbe Cearter. Car TirdDTOfe? Tell them to the i Fashion Garage Expert Repairing Vulcanizing Acetylene Welding Dealer Overland Cars J).' Bethany I'lvebytertna fhurrli j Morning service at 11 a. m., serJ mon, "America's First Tear on the Road to Berlin." Evening service.; a union .of all congregatlona in the Bap.tlat church in the Interest of the; third Liberty loan. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Christian Endeavor at T a. m. Everv American citizen should 'be In some service of wor ship thla 8unday to (thank Qod for i the past year and pray for our na tion in this great struggle. Let every church of the city be filled with pa triots. L Myron Booter, minister. Tutus I'atrhKlc Horvioe. At the Baptist church at 8 p. m. there will be a union patrlollo ser vice. A. C, Bevan of Mud ford, for merly of the, Trlnreaa Patricia re si- ' meat of Canadian Ught Inrantry will make the address; recounting hla war experiences. All are Invit ed. Thla service is held la eelebia Hon of the third Liberty loan bond Issue, Provision has been made for an. overflow meeting to he held In the Methodist church If necessary, ftirtstUa (liurch The efforts of our Rtble school superintendent. Dr. E. C. Macy, to develop tbe efficiency of the, ehool are being appreciated aa Is evldea ed by the steady Increase In attendance., Bible school convenes at 10. t'omv" nmnlon at 11, followed by sermon on "The Yolk of ChrUt." We ate planning on taking the every mem ber canvass April II. The evening, hour will be spent In a union er- vice at tbe Baptist church. j Chu. R. Drak'e minister. ' Baptist Ctrnrch At the 'Baptist church today, Bun- day school for Bible study meets at 10 o'clock. At 11 o'clock, Rev. W. C. Driver will preach on "The Wav ing Harvest." At 1 p. m. the young people of the congregation and church will have their regular meet ing at- the cnapel ear. At 8 p. mj a onion mass meeting of the entireties and cltlsens of Granta Pass win meet In this church. A soldier, Vrho served In the Canadian army In! France) will he the principal speak-1 er. Good music and other features. will be provided. Everybody come. M. Lake's Episcopal Sunday school at 1:80 a. m., even ing prayer and sermon at ft p. m.. Rev. J. K. Hammond of Ashland In charge. Strangers and visitors cor dially welcomed. Xewmnn M. R. fhnrrh Morning service at II a. m., ser mon by the pastor. Anthem by the choir, in charge or Mrs. uuy nnapp, "Jesus Calling Me." Sunday school at 10 a. m. Intermediate and Ep- worth League at J p. m. Evening service dismissed on account of union Liberty loan aervlcve at the Baptist church. , Melville T. Wire, pastor. Flrat (tinrrh of Christ Scientist' Christian Science services are held every Sunday, In the W. 0. W. hall, at 1 1 a. m. Wednesday evening meet ings at 8 o'clock. The subject for today Is "Unreality.'.' The reading room is open from 1 to 4 p. m. ex cept Sundays and holidays. The public is cordially tarrttsd to attend the services snd to visit the reading room. KJ w -.-m...'. Kj$&t J 1 11C U114UOJL Ui O A r... t i! 1 ! I S 4 1 1 r ill ill 1 1 1 I ill J I I i i r" wU, TAlT.T.rnnniieeeraof TTie KOea ,'7,. .CiJil il H HaU tho tire that triumphed In ' :'r3nijJ" ; ' ;(iAft!' HA the bitterest .trvje.".. tver ttoged ' ALluilsU.f, 4j!it.yl'j? A between road ami tires, a con- Cl l't-'Hi VC I Cict of 4,178,744 tire milei. Hall W C". ' li j ,U Goodrich TesttHl Tlrea. . A jLfu XV V I 4 ? ! ' M1 Hear the atory of a good fight wall won. 'tf '-ViX J .V I 1! t One year ago QoodrkA, ChuUenlng the 4 .,M1!Xi Hi H' P roada of America to a teat of strength, tent forth aigTeat Car Fleet! to battlaAmtrica'e Iji'-I ' , roada in every region of the country. Cvv5P' ? Y ft I II " . .i. . i i I I il f ye Fl -v ' I 1,1 1 I Ml! The roada did their worst. East, west, north and south, aa the Test Car Fleets whirled from state to state, the teeth of the road gnawed at Goodrich Tires. But the tires conquered with phenom enal mileage that doubled Goodrich's pride. From that teat covering millions of miles, the Test Car Fleets cams bach with a new tire standard, the TESTED of Goodrich Teated Tires, Tested Tires mean certainty of service, proved service, and that means s lot to a tint user. It means long life in a tire, snd dependability on the road, for no hidden weak ness could conceal hself in thst yesr long test of Goodrich's Test Car Fleets. from ' Liberty "W, 8. S." sLksJ THE a F. GOODRICH RUBBER COMPANY U Portland Eraacb: Broadway tnd Bnrnside St, Portland, Or. 5t7ieIMrwAiwiitrM,irii.-ii 1 't?ii'l THE CITV nr OOOpr?lCH Ar'.RO. OMIp. IK., i I iAUVakaatsZMasctK. - ', .. . .-. hhIiiWIiWw , , J eiLVERTOWN CORDS, and BLACK SAFETY TREADS, proved themselves masters of tha road. Tbe spiral-wrapped, cable-cord tire body, and the tough, dose -dutch, cross-barred black safety tread defied tha rough going. Under light and heavy cars they proved themselves not for one car or one driver, or one road, but all cars, all drivers, all roads. Reap tha benefits of this nation-wide victory of Goodrich Tires, tha sure mileage and dependability of a proven tirs service, by demanding tires that won the title, "America's Tested tires." t it! llwfi.4.IS,W M UnMlwiitM J ;! t GOODRICH TIRES OLDING'S GARAGE ' PHONE 45-R SOLDIER LETTERS COXKKKKN't-K OS HAIIOTAUR HILL IH AfillKKII ICOX Catlmllc CtMireh Masses on Sunday at i and If a. m Hev. rather J.' 0 Vleu. BTOT, l;OOK, LI8TKX COMES FKOM WASHINQTOX Washington, Apr. 6. Unless Ger many la beaten, America can hope for no freedom this Is the note run ning through statements hy cabinet members, given oat In support of the third Liberty loan. All kinds of legal blanks at tha Courier. EZr!3 C!i D. D. D., the gnatait ef skm rtnsdUa, 01 renove thM onilpitlT aod troam soom) skin afflictions that bsv sMde year U a burden. Tbst Intolerable Iteblns, bamlng sad discomfort will disappear sn eer Um Biaaic Influence ef tbls remedy. It i bas eared nany esaee proaonaetd Ineoe- ; mvtw pin, wu. icot;h u. v k,. . , w 111 i lost a few moments to step m and ask as that oar experience has been In the way of satisfied enstomera. Ws want yoe tav riva D. D. D. a trial. :U oar money back nnless the flrst Bottle relieves yon, D. D. D. Soap keeps year aUsbiafthy. Ask as about It IVUTsan B). ED. ED, Somewhere In France. Dear Mother: ' Well I arrived In France all safe , and sound. 1 sure had some trip across the ocean. 1 didn't get sea sick until tbe second day out, snd thea I was not very sick at that. I didn't have much of an appetite on the way over and didn't eat anything for five days after I got sick. After we left port they put me on lookout and I was on that duty all the way across. . k This is ysure a strange country here. I am just getting so I can count their money and I have been studying every day since we came. I don't know whether I will learn enough French so 1 can talk It or not. I hope so. There are sure lotsof Interesting things that I could tell you. I think that I could Just about fill up a tab let. But the censorship Is so strict that It would never get to you. So after thlstny letters will be 'pretty short. Just a line to let you know I am well and that's about all. I will sure have a long story to tell when 1 get home and t hope thst won't be long, not that t - want to gel away from here but there Is no plnce like' home to me. Well I guesa 1 will have to ring off here as I can't think of anything to tell you and still stsy within my regulations. With lots of love to all, Your loving son, ELMER C. WHIPPLE, Co. B, 7 Bat. 20 Engineers. Washington, 'Apr. 6.'A confet ence agreement on tile bill to purlsh sabotage was presented to thn houi today by Chairman Webb of the Ju diciary committee. The measure pre. scribes a maximum penalty of 30 years imprisonment for conviction or damaging any war materials or any buildings, grounds, mines or other places where war materials are pro duced, manufactured, repaired, stor ed and distributed, or any forts, ar senals, navy yarda, camps, orisons. or other military or naval establish ments, or any railroads, canals, wharves, vehicles, sqeuducts, water and gas mains snd telephone and telegraph lines. . dren under five years of age- will be tha first feature of children's rears "hlrn opena today under tba-dlrae-llos of the children's bureau of the I'nlted Slates department of labor, Thla will be the first of a year of ac tivities designed to protect ohlldraa from tbe special dangers of war time and aave the Uvea of 100,001 little children before April f, llt. AI NTIIAJJA IJIVMI UIIKAT imiTAijf hkk Hiurpirra Melbourne. Australia, Apr, f, Twenty-seven overseas and 14 coast wise ships have been placed at the disposal of the British govsrnmaat' ALL AMKRICAN CHILDRKN UWDKB FIVH TO MS WKIOHETt Washington, Apr, e.Welghlng and measuring ef all American chll- .The coastal ships mentioned prob ably Include those plying betwsea Adelaide and Brisbane, moat of which range in tondage from Mtf to MOO. Many of the overseas ahlpa are considerably larger, Everylliing for tfca Acto C. L. HOBART CO.