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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1918)
r ''AIM1) 1 ' DAILY EDITION 4 F 7 .Vol VIII.. Nu. III. i r; , .. oiuim rAra. jokzpkink dotm, oreoon, .tiii iwdw, apuil 4. ium. TO CESEIITEfiCEO TO OUTBID mm u. s. ti ii w Hffl TO IFSG0; 1' m nr It WW m OKA NTH I' ASM TO HAVE II1U PAHAHH TO COMMEMORATE OMK YEAR OH WAR E3MSS BOUSES tlllkttK2Si! lUail, IWIotlc ftx-loti) ami All I'a trtotle IXttaona Ara Expected To llo On Hand at I Saturday Saturday, April t, will b tha firtt anmverasry or tna sntranc oi in.; I'nltad Stales Into tha world war, nd tha anniversary will be relehrat d all ovr tha country. It la alio tha data for tha opening of the third I0"5' 0"1"" I'"' br tha voters Liberty loan campaign. Ursula Pass!0' In Xesterday' special alee will not be behind In thla clobm-j ,,on wwjorltjr of lit votee. lion. It la propoaad to have a bn'Kv,rr wrd registered a vota la fa parade Saturday afternoon. Store; vor of m ara asked to rloaa at 11 o'clock.! which will give avaryona ampla tlma to prepare for tha parada, whl to ttart at 1 o'clock. f u7 purwiif win ud iimurii vj ftuwj band and followed by tha Hoy! Sooiit, 0. A. R.. W. R. C, Ulrlj Vft. .. 1 - .Ill i.. ft. . . .J .. I ft.. ft. . "com. Honor Guard, Ked i ro ; Junior Red Croaa. elilxena, automn-j bllra bearing flana and approprlnio; lannera. It la hoped that at least l.fl00 people from all parts of tha county will be In Una. It la naked that store remain closed from II to t o'clock and that as far aa ponsllile everyone will be erovMed with - a fla. Other feature will be announced j later, i AM EXAM 11 JC Or III'! UWiHKH With the Urltlsh 'Army In Prance, Apr. 4. An Interesting document relating to l!io ticrmun rasiinltle kaa been found. Th docuiuvnt re cords that on thn second day of the offensive there were (hen In line only thre oillcnrs. 15 uon-commlsslom-d officers and 94 men out of tha 140th regiment. One of the most strlkl tributes to the bravery of the Hrlt-i Ish was the complltiiont tendered byj i the enemy to the fnmoiia 51st divi sion, which was holding section of j the line nesr IHmlcourt, near the liii-j pauno-llrel rond, on the first day of the buttle, when the Germane aurgad : , Circuit Court for Josephlna eotin forward. The enemy attacked In a'ty convenes In (Iranta Paae on Mon- sontheasterly direction under cover Of the mints and outflanked the 1st I in tta Initial ruah. V ' ' ' llt'MH l'.l TltOOPM O.V (X)AHT OK KIM.AXI, ! Amsterdam, Apr. 4.--A Merlin of-j clal communication reporta the : landing or troopa In Finland. The statement says; "Part of our naval force thlaj morning, aMer a dllTlcult passage: through th Ice and mine fields,' landed troops, destined to give heJij lo Fln' ii ci, at llnngo. killed in mm Wuli:iiKto:i, Apr. 4. James Klvtf Knight, wntchmaii at the o.H c of the commute on nuhlln !nfrr-i--tlon.' woe rounJloud W ivot.I:i' with a bullet hole In hit-, head. 1 la thoiuiht he whs iuh rdr rod . '.!'' pistol showed thnt he tried ,n ffr" :t but It failed to exnlodn. Yi v.!-- able papers wrro.kept mere, roneo do not bnlleve that King killed Mm- soir. but thnt the net v,-i c ted. by some one iwWh-s - ' noners. Tn h .' rr-"""''4 - ,"- . with Hom -he had oji'melrrl. mm Wltnn Capitis ir Simmer )Uuil lln Ai4l In Trnnl.r r foul to Merutuii rulwr U'iiJa ' Hun Krnclr(i, Apr. 4. Federal oinrUlt hsv recommended to Wash ington lh Imnixdlat removal of Cgpalu K. J. Vuulwn. as deputy t'nited States inspector of hulli and I ... 1 1 .... . U .. 1 1 . . , UIIN M Willi ft .,Bll l,l IIHH MrltUa ruU In India. I'oulsen was rspleln of the slesmar Mstatlaa, which It la alleged transferred coal to th Geriusn cruiser IJelpsle at a In IIH. MKOKOItll VOTERS AHOIT EXTEXIKI PAYMENT rLAN Medford. Apr. 4. Tha extended pay want' plan aa presented by tha time " "All KETISHIPS ARE INCREASED in SIZE i - , . t t ' Wtihlngton, Apr. 4. A lanaral Increase In tha alia or all sblpa built hereafter was ordered today by lb shipping board. Tha tonnage of ex perimental concrete ahlpa wat In' rreased to 7,(00 ton and construe tlon of tbre mora at Ban Francisco waa amaoriieu. , ; Wooden ship hereafter will be S.OOO tons, Instead of l.t.00 ton. j Steel ahlpa, built on tha Great Ukea, j will be B.SOO tona. and construction lnke.1 whlrh would ; e brought (tnrollgh elland canal to the ae I by cutting her In two and turning her orer on her side Is tinder con sideration. Th mora economical operation of large ahlpa was the deciding factor In making tha change. ;N0 CASES UP FOR API mi era day, and for the first time In many years there are no canoe on tha docket, and unless something de- 'velops before Monday thore will be !a very ahort eesHlon. ' ' The Jury list as drawn la as foT ' A. E. Voorhlos, Uranta Pans, Ore, 8am C. Ncae, Grant Pasa, Ore. E. Badger, I'rovolt, Ore. , J. W. (Illmore, Murphy, Ore. W. D. John, Williams. Ore. Jaiuoa Itogue, Kerhy, Ore. Qulncy Woodcock, Keiby, Ore. O. L. Moore, Waldo, Or. Ucorg Mauer, Kerby, Ore. John W. tlalrd, Selma, Ore. P, O. Harmon, tlryden, Or. W. A. Horuo, Selma, Ore. - It. P. George, Kerby, Ore. ' Clyde E. Niles, Grants Pass, Ore., R. F. D. No. 2. C. A. Hervey, Kerby, Ore. H. M. Oorham, Grants Pass". Ore. John DenlHon, Grants Paas, Ore. H. A. Dillingham, Grant Pass, Ore. J. R. Peterson, Grants Pass, Ore. C. C, Presley, Grants Puss,, Ore, ; R, IT. Randolph, Granta Pass, Ore'. D. M. Langworthy, Grants Pass Ore. v V. C. lllldorurnndt. Kcr'jy. Or. Orover Grlmmett. Holland, Ore. Walter Evonson, Granta Pass. Ore (Venn MoKy, Grants Ptisn, Ore. ,lMv. Esse-s, ' Waldo: Ore. ' ! rsrd'c, MnitM ' PTna. Ore 'M. M. AtDSWorth, Murphy, Ore. r, l Wrolfolki G"nts Puss. Ore, A .'.. IKrtow, f'r?ats Pna, Ore. G:rn Pc:;!s Are tf:n::J C:a C:::2 liondon, Apr. 4. Germany's "peace" drive through Plcardy ra ter the third week with both forces preparing for the rnaumptlon of heavy fighting. German newspaper lorlare the drive was halted by bad weather and not by the Franco Brltlah defense. It I admitted, the Oermana have a bard time, bringing up gun nd supplies, over, the mud ly 8omm area. Amiens la free fnro danger for tha moment. , American trap In th Toul region have been aubjected to a heavy gas II tf III EtIET Di'JIRTOOII llehlnd th Urltlsh Lines In France, Mar. 13. (Correspon dence I. --One of the Germans' fa vorite devices for opposing Urltlsh airmen on night raids or reconnala sncn. a a barrage of the so-called "rhalo-rockets." Theae consist of long chains of brilliantly luminous balls, bright green In1 color, which are aent upward Ilka skyrockets In string of 10 or 40, and vfhlcb bang' siuiended in th aky for n consider able tlma, apparently for the purpose of catching the airplane and setting fire to It. Tna roeketa must be driven up wlib tremendous force, probably from a gun, nor the rise to a height of 10,000 feet, and ean be placed with great arcuracy. The fireballs appear to be about a foot In diame ter. As they lis they are often caught by wind, and assume beau tiful curves. Sometimes the whole line topple and turn before It van lahee, floating for a few . momenta Ilka a row of atrange green Japanese lanterna. It Is aupposed that the balla are aupported In the air by small parachutes. ' Thousands of these chain-rockets are fired by the Oermana on every occasion when the entente airmen attack a town or camp. They are part of the regular shrapnel barrage which I used to hamper the attack era, but, they give a much more spec tacular effect than the bursting shrapnel, which only gives a mo mentary flash In the sky and then Is gone., ' v If a machine Is caught by a search light,' hundreda of the chatn-rocketn are strajlghtway sent up towards It. They make a , remarkable spectacle a tbey are seen climbing up th sky and passing on by one.teroe the beams of light, and finally . ap pearing In their appointed station In the upper darkness, , . ', British airmen declare that the sensation of having theae 'chain rockets fired at them Is rather pluasant thau otherwise. It la dif ficult to believe that anyttyng so r.i.., iil. lairy-iiKe, fantastic, beautiful and can be. really dangerous. On. a Mmiiiv til ir tit. II la mlri not hitler la nl...n(-e il.. t fin-i nvr th rolling clouds and to watch the green chain-rockets pierce the mist here and there, casting a weird ra-J dlance over the mountains and vsl leys of cloud-lnnd. , In the midst of a really'vlgornus barrage, the chain rockets thread the skies In sc.oreH of . fiery chains, floating past the Invading machine on every, side, leaving behind thorn thin trains of scented smbko. I.IIIKRTY LOAN CAMPAIGN WILL X)NTINVK TO MAY 4 Washington, Apr. Th- Liber ty loan citip-Mi-n ni 'net'-uie fcr To'T wreek.3. brsnn!nT F:itr.rl-j n xt r.3.1 f-vKn.'j nltl) May 4. , ' Tt:l Grtil Drir Vjj C- Ab lb bombardment, but there was no great damage. Germany' tea offensive, Ilk that on land, fell flat last week. Only It ships of tha entente were sunk. There were 17 the week before. French and British took' a few rlsoner and guns In raid last light. Part, Apr. 4. On thousand franca civilian, 400 of thorn wom an, havo been sent to Russia by Oermaaa, for bard labor,' according to Information Just received. LI CEHTY LO.TOl'3 ra t;i Washington, April 4. Third Lib erty loan bonda will mature In 10 yeara and boar Interest from May , payable semi-annually, Washington, Apr. 4 Tremendous subscriptions to the third Liberty bond on Saturday, the opening day of the campaign, were forecast by all loan organisation reports reach ing headquarters tonight. Although officially th campaign will not open until I o'clock Saturday local rime, actually It already Is under way, with workers soliciting pledge for subscriptions to be recorded ' when th book open. The first hour thus may be the record hour of the whole campaign: ' i, The first completed 4ond will be turned out by the government bu reau of engraving within a half day after tb bond bill I finally enact ed, and a limited supply- will be available nest week. They will be finished at the rateif 500,000 a day and distributed to all parte Of the country for outright sale by stores and loan workers. Already 19.- 000,000 bonds have been engraved, with omission of only the text bear ing the rate of Interest and matur Ity terms. ' Th length of th campaign, the date for Installment payments and the bonds' maturity, will be an nounced by Secretary McAdoo as soon as the bond legislation Is com pleted. ; raEII ARRESTED FOR DYNAr.rJTi;,G DAM Carl I). Shoemaker, stat game warden, who was in southern Ore gon on business, was called to ap pear In the federal court Monday be tore Judge Wolverton to show cause why he should not be considered In !ontempt of court for blowing m. tut, Aiuvm unui irevarui w?cks ago. On Sunday, March 3d, the state ' 1me nccompanled by Dei.u ty Game Warden Walker, Jack Ait ken and others secured a. powder man from GrantB Pass and blew up the' coffer dam with dynamite. The receiver Tor the Rogue River Public Service corporation filed a complaint against this action, and Mr. Shoemaker's arrest was the re sult." Mr. Shoemaker: will base his defense upon the ground that su te rnary action was Imperative to con serve the rood supply -In southern Oregon during the war. ' Moscow, Apr. " 4. Antl-Jewlsh riot have occurred in Turkestan. Three hundred were killed and much property destroyed In Koland. The anti-Semitic agitation-n Kiev Is becoming acute. - lt0 fur Hia Execution Expired Wblln A pi mill Wua 1'f.ailiog, Ho Ha Will lie IU--riiUHicl 8an Kraaclaoo, Apr. 4. Tbomax J. Mooney will be re-onUnc4 to death April It on a cbarg of mur der growing out of th preparedness parade bomb explosion, it ha been decided .by Superior Judg Vranklla A. Oriffla, who presided at Mooney' trial, ' , Tb dat for Mooney' execution expired while his appeal was pond ing before tb stat supreme court. OHITIHH WAR OFFICE ' mMI'UMEJlT AMERICANS London, Apr. 4. The British war office- pay a compliment to th Am erican airmen in the official state ment, Issued tonight, on aerial oper ation. "During the last fortnight or In tense fighting In the air," say th statement, "the assistance rendered by the personnel of th American air service, attached to tb Royal Air service, has been Invaluable.". R. A. BOOTH HAS BE EX APPOINTED COMMISSIONER Salem, Apr. 4. Governor Withy- combe today announced the appoint ment of R. A. Booth of Eugene to bo a member of the stat highway commission, succeeding E, J. Adams, also of Eugene, whose term expire! last week. WEMTERN VKIOS CASHIER ARRESTED AS KMlUiTLl Ban Jose, Cal., Apr. . 4. F. h. Crosa, formerly cashier of th West ern Union at Portland, ha been ar rested with a woman, and It la al leged ha confessed, to taking com pany funds. Gzni:::rs "ur is Eiitll 10 DliSEL Amsterdam, 'Apr. 4. Count Cier nin, the' Austro-Hungarlan foreign minister, addressing a delegation from the Vienna city council, which waited on hlin Tuesday in connec tion with' what, the burgomaster termed) "the aggravated distress of the population," which is closely con nected with the general peace situa tion, said:' ' "God Is my witness that we have tried everything possible to avoid a fresh offensive, but ' the entente would not have It thus. Some time before the 'western offensive began, M. ' Clemenceau addressed to me an Inquiry whether and upon what ba sis I was prepared to negotiate. In agreement 'with Berlin, I Immediate ly replied that I was prepared to ne gotiate and that, as far as France was concerned, the only obstacle I could see In the way of peace waa the French desire for Alsace and Lorraine. ' "i "The reply from Paris was that It was Impossible to negotiate on this basis. Thereupon there was no 1 ... ... 'Cnoice leu. SIAIEGODS DETslAIiD LOYALTY .Washington. Apr. 4. State gover nors, meeting with the council of national defense, have urged drax tic action to stamp out disloyalty and curb the German Innjuinge press which advornted preaching In Ger man and teaching It In schools. Waahlngton, Apr. 4. Congress hBB agreed on a bill provldlp? Bevere penalties for the destruction of .war materials and tor sabotage. Penal- tl0,000 fine are provided. - a iVwvfUUt I tk:s well ts nr-sT trvy t ward Aima mrous r.v- CIA.1 SfATTO o in le:::::e a ITtrsaUa Il&J, of Kiev, a Rost-EO. aherOU OruiixsOosi, Procwca rmt to Rca! Moscow. A Dr. 4. Russia will form aa army of 1.500.000 men, ni will not be Inferior ta power aal equipment to German and Jap anese, according to M. Pod votary, assistant secretary of war, at a con ference of military head. Tils would be the first step In arming tl whole Russian nation. He hope to enlist the services of all old oncers, giving citizen the right to object to sny of them. He also said that en listment were coming In fairly w'.l. Moscow, Apr. 4. Peso has been proposed to the Bolshevik! govern ment by the Ckranlan rada of K.'er. a noa-Bolshevikl organisation. It Is rumored here. Chance of p-) are considered greater alnee C r- many'a reply regarding the UrriUry of Ukraine, and offers grouai for negotiations. . London, Ap. 4. The Ear-let ct ernment Is ae-i'.rsg a tf :i t Crl C:icj. t t" r . sin' order with Amer.a i i and arrange for future tras tlon. ' . - i WHEAT BIUi IT Etrcr.3 Washington. Apr. 4. Senate ant house conferees today began wori on the agricultural appropriation b:.l with little prospect of aa agTc;it to the senste amendment Incrcialaj the government price of wheat to $2.50 a bushel. It was tentative' agreed to have the house mana . report a disagreement on the ....nj- ment and if the house again r;U It, senate leader thought the senste would recede, avoiding a deadlock on the measure. KB?I IE) -B3 TiaisifMn Baltimore,' Apr. 4. Asserting I that the present conflict Is "not the last great war," and asserting that "unless America speeds" the next may be fought In this country. Ma jor General Leonard Wood in an ad dress here declared: "If we want principle and freedom we must be ready at all times to fight for them. - Inefficiency at this time is treason. Do not talk of this aa the last great war.' God will have to change human nature before we can discuss such a thing. There wtll be other wars and America, to keep them from her shores, must build up her strength, remaining . tolerable bnt firm In her purpose. We must have forces to prevent' war as well as to wage It. Indeed, if we do not spted this next great war may be fought here. We must be ready, but not Intolerable." . mm aEVEii -v Sli.rt Foil .,i.u... Seattle, Apr. 4. Japanese ateam 'hlo companies have been notified that the Japanese government has -.f'td 11 ve?sels. to be turned over to the r:;'t-d States. . "'