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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1918)
DAILY ROOCB WTCl COWUra Tin iwiv. ai'iuk i, 101H. TWO EII1TOIIT BT - I C2J GIB HO Published Dally Except Saturday i i ! it 1 E. VOORH1ES, Pub. and Prop. Entered at ths Postofflee, Jrsnts Pass, Or., m second elaaa malt matter. ADVERTISING RATES Display space, per Inch .....15c Liooal or personal column, par Una 1 OoJ Km dan, par Una..... c DAILY COURIER Br mall or carrlar, par jear....$.09 By mall or carrier, par month.. .SO WEEKLY COURIER By mall, par yaar... -I HO MEMBER Slate Editorial Association Oregon tally Newspaper Pub. Assn. MEMBER Or ASSOCIATED PREiS Tha Associated Trf sa la exclusively entitled to the u e for repuUloatton of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise cretil'ed In this paper and also tha cal newt pub lished herein. All rl'bti of republication of sne clal dispatches herein are also reserved. THVltSDAV, APRIL 4, 1918. OREGOX YYKATIlUt Fair, hearv frost la the east- f ant portion and probably light frost In southwest early In the morning-. Moderate westerly winds. . , TOWER OP BABElr. The tower of Babel was only 140 feet high, but aa It was built upon an elevated foundation It was the loftiest object In Babylon, a city of low buildings, spread over a flat plain. This description of the most famous atructure of ancient times has been obtained from recent trans lations of old Assyrian records, some Inscribed on UbleU of burnt clay. The tower was a temple and the architectural pride of Babylon. The lowest of Its seven stories was 272 feet square, and It was constructed of the only available material, sun- dried brick, faced with burned brick. It was probably topped with an as tronomical observatory, or rather one for the use of astrologlsts, a calling followed by many priests of Babylonia. . Babylon, with a population of 1,000,000 was then the metropolis of the world, and its great area, twice that of London, was encircled by a wall 65 miles In length. The Tower of Babel was a temple, containing wonderful golden statues and other treasures, and It was In attempting to describe these that the tongues of men were confused. CATHOLIC .WOMEN SEND KNIT TED OUTFITS The Catholic women's war relief association has been sending knitted ' outfits to chaplains in the various cantonments. - The women . of this organization have also been making Identification rases for the Roman Catholic boys "over there." These cases are made of waterproof khaki 4 by 2 Inches, bonnd with khaki tape. . Each case contains two pock ets, one for a rosary with scapular medal attached, the other for a pamphlet, on the cover of which is , tbe name and address of owner and -nearest relative! The pamphlet con tains "brief religious instruction for use In emergency when no priest can be obtained. . In response to an appeal sent out last fall by the ladies auxiliary of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, Mrs.' Mary T. WcWhorter, of Chlca go, has reported that $5,000 has , been subscribed. This appeal was ' for funds to buy chaplains' mass out fits for use In war relief.. Each out fit costs at least $100. The need for ' outfits was intense, since no Roman Catholic priest can conduct mass ' without proper equipment. Ma Freeh Creamery Butter 95c Oleomargarine . . . 65c PURE EXTRACTED HONEY KfNNEY & TRUAX GROCERY VI AUTY FIRST The customs revenue In "Free Trade" England for the nlue months ending December, 117, waa 247. SS5.000; for the nine months end ing December, 117, I35S.1 15,000. In the United States the .customs revenues for the two periods respec tively, were' fU3.000.000 and 1B1. 000.000, a commentary on our law as a rerenue producer. Tanewell (Va.) Republican. AUDITOR IS III CITY Charlea F. Elgin, traveling audi tor of the Industrial Accident com mission, la In Grant Pasa district doing work for the commission. Mr. Elgin can be found at tha Josephine hotel where he will be pjeased to give information regarding workmen's compensation law to an inquiring parties. Thla law automatically covers tne so-called hazardous Industries which do not definitely reject the provi sions of the 'act before 'or within three days of commencing opera tions. Other Industries, classed as non-haxardous. Including farming, are brought under by elec tion and a great many of these are taking ad vantage of the act. Mr. Elgin states that 1J.000 em ployes In the state of Oregon are no,w operating under the compensa tion law, the commission doing a business of nearly a. quarter of a million dollars monthly. The num ber of accidents reported each month is now over 2,000. GAS CO. APPRECIATES One behalf of the Oregon Gas & Electric Co., we wish to thank the mavor and councilmen, aa well as other witnesses who appeared for Grants Pass at the hearing held by the Public Service commission for the Oregon Gaa & Electric Co., on their application for an Increase In rates, for their very fair, reasonable and kindly attitude toward tbe gas company. The gas company Is the future will undertake to reciprocate as much as Ilea In Its power. OREGON GAS & ELECTRIC CO., 26 Geo. H. Erkert, Tress. J London, Apr. 4. Erzerum, the principal city of Turkish Armenia, is reported as re-captured from the Turks by an Armenian corps, aided by a detachment of Armenian vol unteer. ful people make it a habit toy read our clas sified ads Do you ? . These ads. are mon ey savers and money makers. Keep your eyes on them. PAGE THEATER (INK MtJHT OV JOY Monday, April 8th x KKTt UN Or' TIIK PAVOIUTKM America's Ftmnhvt Ihm 1. reel from nn all winter ma In (1ilc(jr with their torrent of LAVUHTElC ' "The High Ccstcfbvkg" Sunt ' (IMInicuiMhed rivn -(liarmlntf tVmlulae Kiiftettihle nml tho note Kolb 1HII . Jazz Orchestra Phone and Mull Orders ItavlvVil Now Bent HiiIa AI'HIL 3Ui, 54k to $tJW HUMORIST HAD LAST LAUGH Hew Mark Twain Turned Joke en Vl enna Authorities Will Be New 8tory to Many. Tlie letter of Mark Twain record but little concerning the years he spent In the Austrian capital, the Christian Science Monitor observes. The humorist did. some special writing (or American papers during those "Wanderjabre." Indeed, tbe Vienna Average G.P.II.S. STUDENT BODY The student body of the llranls I'asa )llh school are giving an en tertainment Friday. April &, at 8 o'clock. In I lie high school auditor lam. The purpose of this eulerutn ment Is to raise funds for the -bslors who have a chance at the state championship contest at Ku-gen. The high school sluiliyil body have not asked the public to support them at any time previous. Now the need Is urgent and we ask that the pub lic conxltler thla matter carefully anil plan to be t the hlith st-honl Friday evening. The entertnlnment ronsUls chief ly of high school talent and every one bo Is to take part have work ed hard to make this a surcena. The nialu feature, Mr. Nellson, of Frultilnle. who Impersonates Harry Lander, both In vocal musts ana speaking, will be unquestioned as to quality and will be a pleasure and opportunity that no one should miss. The program will consist of the following numbers: Frultdale orchestra. detection -Uklele girls. Vocal solo MUs Gladys Co. Vtulln duet Glen Hamilton and Robert Nellson Jr. Reading Estella Feldmalr. Selection -Senior girls quartette. Violin solo Robert Nellson Jr, Vocal solo Tfelene Fills. Selections Iloy's quartette. Impersonations of Harry fonder Mr. Nellson. Piano solo Carlotta Wiseman. Reading Dora Herman. Vocal solo Anna Nellson. , Selection Frultdale orchestra. II 101 1 SCHOOL STUDENT TtODT. journalists took biiu to their hearts as a colleague of a particularly genial type and often Invited him lo friendly "Hprcuil," at which the guest were meinttera of the Austrlun fourth estate. The story of how he go Into trouble with the authorities, through the Indiscretions of a Vicuna Jmirnal Wt, bus prububly never been published. As the tale goes, a certuln reporter, either In a fucctlousor a vindictive moment, gave out tlmt Mark Twain-had been seen susplclouxly loitering about the' bridge which spans the Danube canal near the Ring strasse, and not far from the llotvl Motropole, at which the Cleinensea lived. Mark could not let this reflection upon ihls character go unchallenged. lie hoVtened to ex plain to apuenvise, to fact for having given the authorities the slightest anxiety about blm. The explanation was thoroughly Twnlnlike. lie hnd found by, tbe bridge the longest German -word be had ever seen and, In order to compre hend It In all it longitude and lati tude, he bail pinned one end of It to the bridge with the idea of unfolding HI llcnrliif hU Dieclous burden With Send for Swift & Compans 1918 Year Book It shows that Swift & Company selb tha meat from a steer for less money then the live steer cost i Proceeds from the sale of the hide, fat, and other by-products covered all expense of dressing, refrigeration, freight, selling expense and the profit of $1.29 per steer as shown by Swift & Company's 1917 figures as follows: . price paid for live cattle per Average price received for meat' . . Average price received for by-products Total received ' . ... . . . . . This leave for expenses and profit Of which the profit per steer was . ' There are many other interesting and instructive facts and figures in the Year Bool We want to ttnd our 1918 Year Book, to anyone, anywhere free for the asking. Address Swift & Company, Union Stock Yards, Chicago. Swift & Fifh fctthbzctcnd fxosfcconcmcc ccnbuijs Everything Mi C. L, HOBART CO. ','7 blm, be came to the opposite end of the bridge, only, alas, to And that he stM i. ... . i no.. .-..I....- -.. accepted with ninny a broad grin. Worms That Thrive en Ice. r. K. Miitlhe of the United State geological survey described some mm line v ornui that bImiuiiu on the low er part of the Mount Itultiler glaciers. Theyw""' In' brown,' wleiider nnd about an Inch In length. On fuvoruMe ilnys In July mid AiiKUxt uillllon and millions of them may b found writh ing on the Htirfare of the toe, evidently breeding there nnd feeding on orgmilc iiintter blown UMin the gtucler In the form of tlust. "Ho eiwcntlal to their cllstlle., suys Mr. Mattlies, "is the chill of lli Ice (lint they enter icvernl Inches, iiihI soiuetiiiies ninny feel, be low the surface on duys when tit sun I piirtlciilnrly I. of, reniienrliiE- lata la (lie rfterni or.." All kinds of Commercial Printing at the Courier Office. Our classified ads bring rosults. $84.45 C Company, U. S. A 68.97 93.06 8.61 1.29 Ml AMI - J for the Auto ; 1 .... April COMING EVKMt 4, Thursday Special drill of Imine guanlH, 7: JO. A.irll &, Friday Musical efitiruln '..'cut at the high chunl audi torium at o'clock. it ,ill 9 and 10, Tuesday and Wed nesday Naalmova In "Itevela t Ion" at the Joy. May 17, Friday Primary nominal Ing election. Old Christmas Day. Old Chrlstinn dny Is, according to Ih" Julian mleiiilnr, observed by Itnfr) r'n and the Greek etnirrh. and differ from the Oreuorlnn eulendnr f IS days and 1 celebrated on January ind New Year's day on January 13. Where Courage 1 Valuable. It t liken courage to do Hint which! It unpopular, but which one feels Is right Courage I a great asset In cltlsenahlt heratiM It Impel us to do right foi right' sake and not because It plcasei sorao one else. 1 a IS) IVK 1 A