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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1918)
run twm oih Boai'K lavta. coiuiiat ttr.KVrMHAV, MAI14 H S. 191. TONIGHT . Jdha Elfcge it The Countess Channing Th (ire lit Woouut lrapnauktor Bjr 4irdnr Hunting As "nuts lo lo woman" Sir. Kiting will ap peal to yon Immensely In this brilliant story of fan, thrills, and high oo4y. Unnt mlaa him. Added ttrctn Th of th (ifraum I th Rattle of Arraa" XO KAI8K IX PR14TC 10c aad Me PER52Nf1L LOCAL : J. E. Turubull and M. Dunn went to Roscburg 'thla morning. Try th Oxford Cafe tor your noonday lunch Sic. 01 .Miss Millie Orak returned laal night front a two iffki' stay at Ashland. Get ticket for "Hob White." Seat on sale Thursday-morning at Horn lag' 8hark. 91 C. W. Holland and family and John Souder left last night tor Tou- penlsh, Wash. Miss tlenevleve Pattlllo departed this morning for Salem, where the will visit frlenda. A superior I o'clock dinner at the Oxford Cafe S5e. OS Mr. 8. A. Douglas arrived last night from Corvallta "and will spend few day visiting with friends here. 8. 8. Schell left this morning for Myrtle Creek and from there he will go by automobile to Comatock, where he I engaged on contract work. "Bob White" at opera house Pri day and Saturday evenings. For the benefit of the Red Cross. 01 Mrs. C. P. Spencer, who visited her son, A. C. Spencer and family, re turned to Roaeburg today. She was accompantod'by Mrs. A. C. Spencer and two children, who wilt visit In Roeeburg. The Oxford Cafe will have some thing very special I to 8 Sunday. OS Red Ooa benefit at opera house Friday and Saturday evening. "Bob White" by local talent under the di rection of Laura Thomas Onnnell. 01 TAKTLMA i-i Win. Roaa Is going up to look af ter Camp Chicago during the rest of the snowy season. ' The new dance ball will be com pleted this week. A dance will be given Saturday March t. and want to see everybody there. Maaonk) Meetings Special Blue lodge. 8:30 tonight: M. M. degree, after Star meeting. 01 Helping: Win the W Mrs. U A. Kldridge. of Pruttdale, who has twovona In the service and whose husband is In the wood saw- wlng business, says that she has help ed her husband win the war bv tak- Three Inches of snow fell In ourj,nf J00 of. woo4 froll, ,he MW. elty. Sunday night. I tng m,cnme .., keep ,he home r Cornell Koheery made a trip to Durang Grants Pase the first of the week on .. business. Entertained. Nelma Friends Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johnson spent Rnhpt .,, v,r. Saturday and Sunday In Kerby vls-jWt Bihop Mrf t.,arem.e Kr0llt Ring relatives. Clifford Hogue,- of Kerby, spent Saturday and Sunday with bis dad. B. F. Hogue, of Takllma. Chas. Long is visiting friends In our city. . . ...... - " Roy Clark returned home from Crescent City Sunday after spending several days there on business. The Ideal Fancy Work club met at the home of Mrs. '. E. Smith Thursday afternoon. and Mrs. Frank Sargeant of Selma, motored to Frnltdale Sunday and were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Eldridge. Mrs. Kldridge is a sister of Mrs. Front and Mrs. Bishop and an sunt of Robert Frost. ' . 1 C0MI50 EVENTS March 5, Tuesday Hobo social by women of Betbsny church at the Bobzien home. March 8 and 9, Friday and Saturday 'High school opera "Bob White" opera house, benefit Red Cross. Mar. 15, Friday Sapper given by -the ladles of the Baptist church. March It, Saturday Red Cross Sale. ". : 4S GKHMAX DEAD PICKED CP BT AMERICAS TROOPS To llefomit Star Ciult-h Plans for the reforestation of 100 acres In Star Gulch near Applegate that has been barren for a number of years as a result of forest fires that swept it, are being formed by District Forest Supervisor Erlckson, and the actual planting of young trees will start within a week. The denuded land will be reforested with yellow pine taken from government nurseries at Page creek in Josephine county, snd Wind River. NEW TOD 41 (CLASSIFIED AD RATES. 28 words, two Issues, S6c; Hi Issue, 50c; one month, f 1.50. when paid In advance. When not paid In advsnce. Se per line per Issue.) With the American Army In France, Mar. 6. More than 45 Ger man dead-i-all of whom had been killed In the German attack against the American salient . northwest of Tool on Friday morning were counted In the American entangle ments and In "No Man's Land" to day. ! The Germans had been shot down while returning to their own lines, after being routed by the Ameriran soldier. German parties tried to approach to carry off the corpses but were driven off by machine gun fire. One German had been bayonetted i to death, but the American who i killed him evidently was killed him self as none of the men alive claim i Aa finve rinne It. 1 Another German had been killed "by a hand grenade. The balance had been slain with rifle or auto matic pistols. DRY WOOD Carson-Fowler Lum ber company, phone 173-J. 03 MY COWS have been given the tu berculin test and were all found to be in a healthy condition. Peter OUon. 02 FARM LAND FOR KENT 13 acres bn river, Inside the city, good soil. rent for one-fifth the crop. L. A, Launer. 03 FOR SALE Alfalfa and stock ranch on creek and highway, close In, house worth $1,200, two good barns, running water In hotine and barn, $3,000 worth of wood, good outrange, 30 acres cultivated bot tom land tinder irrigation ditch, stocked and equipped, a fine clean place. Price, $4,500. L. A. Laun er. real estate. 03 Joy Tonight "SIRENS OF THE SEA" 13c and 23c I LOST Automobile glove, gBimtlet, black leather, finder please leave at Courier office. 02 ALL THOSE INDEBTED to me may address me at Dunsmulr, Cal from now on Jitney Luke. 02 FOR SALE 35 head Rto'k cattle principally steers; also T0 sacks Early Surprise seed potatoes. O. M. Knox, phone Provolt central. 06 WANTED Several men.' prefer mar rled. Orchard and farm work "' good pay and accommodations. Ap- ply to Elsmann Orchard, ' Rogue River, Ore. 05 FOR SALE Yoiin Barred Kck rooster, fine stock, lnqtilte at Courier office. til Wreck Near CumMtc The southbound train, No. 1 1 and IS. due at 1:01 a. m. and 8:10 n. tu today, were delayed by a freight wreck near Comatock. It Is reoorted that six freight car were derailed. Harvey In Kron Mr. and Mr. O. P. Harvey of 101 North Fifth street, on Tuesday re ceived a. card from Washington, an nouncing the safe arrival of their son, R. R. Harvey, In Frame. Wheeler tMMim "Over There'1 Mr. Oeborn of Murphy, on Mon day received word from Wheeler Oe born, her son, announcing his safe arrival In Franco. Mr. Oeborn Is a member of Co. B, 10th Engineers. Short Kwainewa Meeting The meeting of the Kaatern Star tonight will be confined to a short business meeting, beginning promni ly on time and adlonrnlng as soon a possible In order to allow the Mason to use the ball. tYm Holm Your ITemlum ''. All members of the Knights and Ladles of Security are requested to be present Friday night and make laim for their cash and emblematic prises. The degree staff will put on the Initiatory work for a elssa of 30 candidates. Mian McCormlck At Wllitovllle Miss Anne McCormlck, district home demonstration agent, will speak at Wlldervlll In the rhurch building Saturday afternoon at S o'clock. All women are requested to attend this meeting. Saturday even ing Miss McCormlck will meet with the Provolt Community club. Many Knjoy Handout , There was a full house at the II. C. Bobxien home Tuesday night at the hobo social and there was not a dull moment during the slay of the guests. -All were expected to apiiear in appropriate costume but there were number who neglected to ob serve that formality. These were taken In charge by a decorating com mittee and when the committee com pleted their work the subject had bee transformed into the Weary Willie class. There were games and mualo and handout for each couple, and i besides, the Women's Associa tion's treasury was enriched. IS it The fact that the C. A O. C. rail road situation Is not a back num ber and relegated to the chamber of past dreams la evidenced by the fol lowing telegram whirl) was received today by Mayor Demaray. "Washington. D. C, Mar. 6. C. H. Demaray, Grants Pass, Oregon- Thanks for your message. Have con ferred with Mr. Lea as suggested. The railroad situation generally Is actively Before u and having prefer red attention at the hands of Judge Twohy and myself. (Signed) R. B. Miller." VALUE 10 HOIK Mis Ann McCormlck, emeigenvy home demonstration agent, has pre pared the following list of bulletins; which are of Interest to houtewtvea. These bulletins can be obtained free by wrlllug to the superintendent of documents, department of agricul ture, Washington, D. C: No. Farmers Bulletin NUT lliead and Bread Maklug in the Home. 808 How to Select Foods. 811 How to Select Foods. 817 How to Select Food. 3(S I'm of milk as Foods. 100 Homemade Fruit Butters. 871 Fruit and Vegetable as Con server of Staple. SSI Canning Vegetable In the Home. TIT Food for Young Children. . rJ Honey and Its (se In the Home. Jt1 Corn Meat and Ways of t'stng It. 14 Ceresl Breakfast Foods. 311 Economics! I'se of Meat In the Home. 841 Drying Fruits and Vegetables In the Home, IIS Curing Pork on the Farm. . 35 tiarden Diseases and Insect Control. 185 Beautifying the Home (Irbunds. v S10 Modern Conveniences for the Farm Home. (07 The Farm Kitchen As a Workshop. 301 Removal of 8taln From Clothing and Other Textile. Bulletins which may be obtained from the Oregon Agricultural col lage. Write to th college exchange. Corvalll. for these bulletins. 15T Feeding Chickens for Eggs. l&H Trapping Moles. 10 Farm Butter' Making. . 2 Housing of Chicken. it Incubating and Brooding Chicken. tl Insect Pest of Harden Crops. 18 Boa Keeping for th Oregon Farmer. lid How to Conduct a Fly Cam paign. 387 The Home Vegetable Garden. 10 Food for th Family. 310 Method of Cleaning. 183 Th Kitchen. lit Household Accounts. Extension Bulletin ('so of Dried Fruits and Vegetables.' Extension Bulletin War Hi. -ads and Cakes. Extension Bulletin Sulmtltutes for Meat. Wc Don't Sell Misery We Sell SHOES KVMIV I'Alll HAH . UH I'KH CENT Of H4tl.Il tOMKOHT Mitt I'KH 4 KNT OK Jl AMTY !) I'KH CENT OK AI'CK Alt AM K Tre Florsheim TIih is only oae way lit wltkli you ran realise the tpct value of this shiM, and thai I lit Mfnr a pair ynurnrlf, nm tmk. max who i auks" GRANTS GkgOON Secoi d-Hand Ford Cars Bought and Sold C. L. HOBART CO. GERMAN PEACE TERMS Amsterdam, Mar. 8. A prelimin ary peace treaty has been signed be tween Rumania and the central pow er. Rumania cedes Dorbrud'a s far as the Danube, and undertakes to further transport of Teutonic troops to Odessa. . MEDFORD TO VOTE ON BONDING PLAN Medford, Mar. 6. In answer to initiative petitions presented at last night's council meeting, signed by the required percentage of legal vo ters, a resolution was passed calling for a special city election April 3, when the socalled deferred payment plan will be voted upon. This new plan is one which has been drawn up in conformity with the recent supreme court declnlon, which knocked out the Hanson plan, and has been approved by John C. Thompson, a New York attorney rec bgnized as an expert In such matters. The new plan requires only interest payments the first three years, and is generally designed to put the mini mum burden upon the property own ers of the city at the present time. OLE HANSEN IS TO BE SEATTLE MAYOR Seattle, Mar. 6. Ole Hansen has won the mayoralty contest by a' ma jority of 4,198, according to nesrly complete returns today. DR. SPARK ; ' . .... : I ' ' ' . ' , Ha Trertlm-iil nr UtnSNKIt WlltrX . NOIHKLKMH HOltNH HIMKKI.KMH IIATTKIIIKH LAZY HTAHTKIIH , And all iuM of oiic elect rl ylem KltKK HATTKItY lrt'KtTIV Office, lit lloiiart's Garage C. A. LINCH Itioiui ITS . , , ! An Atlantic Port, Mar. . The American steamship Armenia, for merly a Herman merrhsntinan, lies badly damaged on the British const, after being torpedoed.' Tlia crew ar rived today. NATIONAL MAZDA LAMPS at Rogue River Hardware : TIIK 111(1 RBD rnoNT I i.XKW KIIIKHIAX IlKI't rtLIC OIHJAMZKH AT IUKITHK You can nip cold in the bud Clear your Natural Fsmlnln Thought. Rescuer (to drowning woman) "Now, madam, don't struggle and we nre safe; the Inke Is aa clear as a mir ror, and" Drowning Woman "Oh. let me look In It 1 I think my hnck hnlr Is coming down 1" an nip head instantly TryKondorfs) tor the Cold-in-head (at no coot to you) 90.1100.000 ban na4 till -rMMl remedy. For chrnnla tuUrrS, aor ftM. coach, fnlda, riMlnc. bom hlAd, io. Writ im for eoupllmen Urr can. or bnjr tnha at drnavlat'a. It will benaflt TOO roUB llmaa awn than It coat, or par nour bask. Kor trial oaa Ira writ to-., HMumn,MiM. Canton a City of Canal. At Canton, the oldest city In south ern Chinu, the liver Is, In effect, canal laed, and the shipping Is heavy and varied. The water la deep enough for ships of 1,000 tons burden a far as the city, but foreign boats come np only as far a Whampoa, nine miles to the southeast,' where there are extensive docks. Here the InMIng and unload ing la done by native boats. Yeiwela of deep draft lie outside the bar. For ty miles below la the Boca Tigris (Mouth of the Tiger), and the water widens into a wide estuary. Water di vide the old from the new town and surrounds the Island and the suburbs, where the European live, so that Can' ton has an nhundnnce of picturesque water life. Including a big houseboat population. ' Vologda, Ilussla. Sunday, Mar. 3, A new Siberian council of the workmen's and soldiers' republic at I Irkutsk, which has determined not 'to leuuguUe any Imperialistic tier J man peace, has organised a council lor national Hllmrian commissioners coniponod of 11 members of the llol- ihevlkl and four left Hoclal revolu tionaries. The president of the conn iill Is M. Hhosktxy and the' minister 'of foreign affairs, M. Weliibauni. , A j SHutIhii central executive committee ,to act us an Independent legislative body also has been formed. XOItTIIWKHT TIUMPM WILL H4JHT TIKtKTHKIt IN HIANCK Cnlltns cards at the Courier. ar , Useful Tr. An Amerlciin tree, known as the shea, or butter tree, la beginning to at tract commercial tittenllon. It sup plies not imly niltx, but iiInii butter thot in ii y become an article of commer cial Imtioi'liiiK'e. It Is nlri'iidv exported to Knrnpe, where makers of artificial butter And use for It, AlimiMt two-thirds of the nut I veg ctnbln butter. The tree heglna to bear when It Is fifteen yenra old and reachea Ha prime In twenty-flve year. Choco late manufacturer could easily util ize the product. It might also be of use In making candle and aoap. , Washington, .Mai. 6. --Troops from the northwest at American Lake will go to the front aa a divi sion. J' uHHiiiHiice to thin ef fi:t was lc;i Senator McNary .today by Ad jiit.tnt (ieneral McCain. A re port hud reached Henutor Mr Nary thai i.iu 1 u .flu cuunt nidi would be ' used for replacement to fill gaps 'caused by losses and so become wide ly scattered and time their state Iden tity. Thla plan, It Is believed, was under consideration, hut General Mc (Caln agreed this would be unfortun ate In view of all the circumstances, the American Lake troops being con- sldnred amon the best units any where In ramp. . Neatly printed stationery at the Courier offlo. . Letterheads that will picas you, at lie Courier.