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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1918)
WKDNEBI'AY, MAIM It , IUIM. lOUA HOUIK WVUI COCKIER PAGE THKT3 Meeting Spring Halfway. ; i iii l---,-"-w , ' . t. . . 4 : , It ha com to b th fashion to bo gin wearing In January millinery that take not of the coming of spring and Ignores the bitter fact that th ther mometer stick around th aero mark with a crui'l persistence. Bom wom en even wear a at raw hat to defiance of weather that compel them to forti fy tbrmaolvra aKnlnnt It with heaty fur coats. Other chooao cheerful, deml-oaon hat that eem to be de a1(tiid for any climate, Ihry do not b ttuig definitely to any season. In thla new spring annx of mllllniry that nuikre Itnelf heard everywhere In Jan uary, they are the Important and sus talnlng theme. A group of three of then flrat hata of spring la pictured above. Women who are going aouth may chooe any on of the three with the aimuranct It will bear cfiinpartunn with any of the hata It will meet. Women who are not going, or who atay wilt he brief, may Meet two out of tb three, and wear them anywhere. The hnt lit the top la mnde of dark purpt violets, over-a frame that la covered with purple aatln. It la Juat tons i if flowers crowded together, with a mth and how of purple vet lined with cerle aatln tied about It. It Imika no more out of place In .the midst of Northern anowa than tbc rli let In thn florist's window, and la Juxt n refreshing to look at. The hut lit th right la of varnished ONLY HUMAN BEINGS CRUEL Proud Man th Sul Living Crtur Capable ef Deliberately Inflicting s Buffering on Other. A cruel person I one who exult In th palu, incnlul or bodily, suffered by another. Cruelty Im It hail In miner (and thua la related to th combative Instinct), though there la a cold-blooded form of cruelty which may be en joyed without any obtrusive feeling of anger, Henry Campbell writes In th Lancet, London. . Cruelty, Implying as It doea self conacloukne th ability to rrullse tb feelings of other la essentially n human attribute. Children who Im pale frogs and eviscerate flic cannot be said to be cruel, for they know not what they do. Nor are the lower ani mal cruel, aeelng that they are wholly unconscious of th Buffering of oth er. Thus the charge of cruelty agiilnst tb carnlvora la unjust These animals generally destroy their victim out right and In th rare case (. g., cat and mouse) where they prolong the . Buffering they have no knowledge of the pain they are causing. When, therefor, w stigmatise tb conduct of CHICHESTER S PILLS "Ir.l ".' "."" hi r-trr irtutnnn lirMj Ilia la Id ! U'lt aiMlli? m, M.U.I tia Din Ritl)aa, .L. Ha ikw. III. mt wmm ilAUONU IlRANn 1-lLl., ft sa irMniiimiiMlim,iuiiI.AIitriRiii4 SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE D0INQ3 OF TICS VAN !veu wis. p,th ipev.'toV; I ''thi iw ts a. Gmt-m? ,. . - A vou"osn takb. THirS How am" I - U THT WBU al-T AWAVTSI eAACHINB.'' TW KHOWtS. jj MR. OUT MN'IT f:o J I -&OIN..-rO G'ttT 1 .SV CAIR OP Abjlrr AMD (B.-T pJAr'A' ' V sPARK-IU;,yL '7. KAV& ANN ATTEST ION J 0S v - , . x Mack mllao braid, faced with black taf fata ailk. It baa crushed aaah and generona bow of many loopa mad of taffeta ribbon. -. Tor style and all round usefulness the (tnuthern toorlat will And thla llttl black bat equal to almoet any demand. At th left la on of thoa weather proof noveltlea which may b worn anywhere. It la made of atrip of patent leather that la, millinery pat ent leather which la light and pllnhle, brnlded In nurrow strand. The shape la covered with the atranda and tb hat la faced with black taffeta. An ornament which look Ilk pair of narrow wing la mad of rain-proof mellne braid with the patent leather. There are other lovely hata of thla fab ric put on plain over th frame and faced with colored "Ilk. They are wio ally trimmed with lint embroidered mo tif tacked to th crown. Italnproof hata and gnrmenta theae days hnv to be more thnn rainproof tht-y muat alo be ' attractive a beauty-loving world demnnd thla. ft5? Short Jacket Stylish. ' Bolero and Eton effect are noticed on iminy of th allk and wool frock for spring. . . ' ' t the cruel nuin a "brutnr w wrong the brutes, . The animal which at tucks another, and In ao doing cnuxca pain, merely resniiln to' a blind, umliluklug In Mlncl ; but mnn, prnud mnn, who looks ticforo and after, I able to rvullse and take pIciiHiir In the pntn he dcllhcr- uti ly, nnd by subtle means maybe, seta nut to nuise. It Is clearly absurd to apeak of his conduct as "brutal" Ituther should w call It devilish, the devil usually being credited with a goodly share of Intelligence. W muat cease to libel the brutes by designat ing the basest acts of man aa brutaL A a matter of fact, they cannot be charged with nonmoral conduct, see ing that they are devoid of aelf-con-actooineaa. C0REFORUTTLE ' AILMENTS Real Trouble Can Usually Be Depend ed On to Mak On Forgst th Smaller Ones. , Man 'aud nuluuils alike, It's wonder ful whnt a shock will do to beal our error and our weaknesses. The only thing that ever atopped Uncle Bill In un argument wns a dlslipnn, or some heavy, bluut Instrument clouted over hi brow, and In hi younger , day he wus some arguQcr, aa bla scars attest . Here 1 the case of the .blind mnn In Snn Rafael, CnU who fell 40 feet off the roof of his house, and found hi eyesight restored; .Aunt Ellen, who wns bedridden for years, waa the first person to reach safety when the house cuught flreK and her bad hip has been 100N3 practically H right ever sfnc yon remember that, crippled aegro who be I vea tb dog bom when tb bear charged out of th brush. A lot of e hav trouble that are only Id our minds; when w are fed a llttl real troutil w forget th araallar one. There la, per hap, an opening for a tanltsrloin thst will tsk n crip-1 pi or an Invalid and throw hltn oft a cliff, or crack blra over the bead with I abrltkoracrowbar-anythlngtowak niro up, maa mm rorget ma amau i worrle, and beal hi dleed mind. "cause Jelly baa been boay with riddle. Now lH ah cried, and held op for pub lic Inspection th legend, "Why did th orang Ice cream T printed Id larg letter. "Defau It aaw tb aaunag roll under th table." aald Elfrlda. My own la much better," announced Jelly, evidently bunting to declare It Bh wi cordially urged to do o. "Be- cau It aaw th lemon apong on tb dumb waiter." ah proclaimed tri umphantly. . "Quit nlc and cool," aald Jinet approvingly, Th vlata of poMlhllltlea yon open upl" murmured Peter. "For Imtanre, It might hv aeen the banana trill with the malda of honor. Or the gooseberry fool with th nut from Ursxll. All very pain ful to an orange of really nlc feeling. Hut I like your dumb waiter." "All tb Joneses," by Beatrice Kelston. Mk Ptt of Hornhlll. Th yellow hnrnhlll, on of th moat Intrreaflng of the ieclea, la a com paratively fearleea bird and la easily killed. The mnl I fond of perching on th tiptop of , tropical tree and making noise Ilk a yonng puppy. The native In Africa And yonng hornhlll easily tnmiil. They dig the bird out of the tn-e neat when quit young and rnlse them on milk and berrlea In their hut. When grown th hornhlll remain attached to Ita foster parenta and will eat out of the Mine dishes. Left free, the hornlilll cornea ind goe much a a dfea iet crow and remain about the but un til the flrt muting cenaon. when It goe away with on of Ita kind, rare ly to return. Oriental Statecraft , . Th part which gexture pluya In Ori ental drama la act forth In a recent Hindu volume, which aaya that there la a fitting gesture to represent every emotion. The gesture, In fact. la de scribed a ilenf-and-duinh alphabet of the imiiiI. There are nine movement of the head, corresponding to nine emo tions, mentioned by one authority, 24 by another; 28 movements of the tin gle hand, and 24 or 20 of the double bands, etc.; also "bands" denoting an imals, trees, ocean, and other thing1. For example, a certain position of the hand denotes, a certain emperor," caste, or planet The trnnxlator v rather naively tliat only a cultivated Audience can appreciate Indian "ac tor's art.1 Reporter Hav Limitation. The average police reporter knowa hlil limitations iind never attempt to write up a swell wedding. t If you ore going to commit snlcldo or murder send for the police reporter, hut If yon nre going lo get married plense cull up the society reporter. Atchison Qlobo. Weak, Weary Women Learn the t'aaae of bally Woe and End Them. . When the back aches and throb, When housework la torture, When night brlnga no rest nor leep, Wllen kidney And 'bladder disorder set In, Woman's lot la a weary one. Doan'a kidney Pill are for weak kidneys. .- A Have proved their worth In Granta Pns. . Thla Is on of Grant Pas woman's testimony. !';.,;. Mrs. J. R. Gunning, 408 South .Fourth street, says: "My back I causes me a great deal of misery at ( times. It IS one of those dull, bear-,lng-down palna acroas the kidneys. 'During these attacks my kidneys sometimes act too freely, and then 'again they are congested. I find Doan'a Kidney Pill, always relieve 'me and stop that misery In my back after I have taken a box or two." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. -Gunning had. Foster-Mllbnrn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. T. f i - t ' i ' ' 111 people make It 8 . l i , , u ' ii I hflDlt tO read OUf CaS- , . sihed ads Do you I hese ads. are mon ey savers arid money makers. Keep your eyes on them. The California and Orero Coast Railroad Company TIMK CARD Effect1vDecember 1, 1117. Tuday, Thursday, Saturday Train 1 I v. Oranta Pau.. 1:00 p. m Train I I v. WaUr Creek 1:00 p. m All train leav Oranta Paae fron. tb corner of O and Eighth itrt. opposite th Southern Pacific depot. Cor all . information regarding freight and passenger service call at the office of the company, Lundutirg building, or phone 111 for same. LOST LOST In Granta Pass. February 25, land abstract with names S. Provolt and Cbas. Fields. Finder please leave at Josephine County bank. Reward. 05 FUl'M). FOUND Puree with coin and ar th U s. Owner can recure purse at county clerk'a office. 1 NOTKU NOTICE Having transferred my tax I business to W. G. White, who la operating the White Line Taxi, I recommend him to my customers for future- service. Your truly. Jitney Luke. . ' ' . : 04 WHITE , , LINE s TAXI Having bought the business of Jitney Luke, have transferred headquar ters to The Spa where colls will be promptly attended to. Phone 262-R. Residence, 32S-J. 04 DRAYAGK AND TKANSFEH COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. Al kinds of drayage and transtc: work carefully and promptly done Phone 181-J. Stand at frelgb depot. A. 8bade, Prop. ' F. O. ISHAM, drayage and, trdnsfe. Bafes, pianos and furniture move' packed, shipped and stored. Phon Clark, and. llolman, No. 50. Reil dence phone 124-R." TUB WORLD MOVES; so do w Bunch Bros. Tranafer Co. Phon 197-R. r ' . - i I I iSrnrtn-t , i i 5 1, pnoTo STUDIO . THE PICTURE MILL open dally 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. for Sunday sit ' tin; call 'Mill 283-R or realdocc-140-J. 1 78f DENTISTS E. C. MACY. D. M., D.-iFlrst-cl dentistry. .. 109H South Slit! street,. ,Cmnti Pass, Oregon,,, ... Anything to sell? Try a classified. But Father should have no dilllculty in FOIt BALK O. A C. GRANT .LNtifB)u print Plata showing land In Jopbla county, f 1.50. ,, Addr A- B. , Voorbl, Oraota Pas, tf DEALERS In bora, mole,. UI. wagoni. hack, baggie, harness and saddle. W hav a variety of nil klnda at all Urn. If you bav anything to Mil or axebange, or If you want to buy, com and s as. W will treat you right. AU our livestock la put out under guarantee. Red Front Feed and Sal SiabI. Corner Sixth and K streets. Tlmmoos, Prop. Phone 132-J. Ifcll FOR SALE flood modern hou'.e close In, north side, Inquire No. . 2131, car Courier. ' FOR SALE Recleaned ad wheat; Llttl Club. $2.15; Jenkluj Club. 12.25;, Washington. Ilyhrl.l So Hi, $2. SO; Marquis., 120; also Beardless, barley,, WblU Oaf. Al falfa Seed aud all Grasses and C!o vsrs. .Ralph Waldo Elden, Cen tral Point . . -. , 8tf FOR RENT OR BALE Irrigated farm plenty of water during tb whole season. '' Inquire Jo. Fets ner, 7S5 North Eighth street, tf PL ItK BRED Rhode Island Red set ting eggs. 11 for IS, on sal at Th Rocbdal. .. .. . 0C QUALITY WHITE - LEGHORNS Hatching -egg and baby thick th kind that lay and pay book yoHr order early now. Kj Ham merbacber, Phon (OC-F-21. R. F. D. No. 2. 07 FOR 8ALE OR EXCHANGE for hay or grain, one 4-seated hand-made aurrey, leather 'top and rubber tlrea. In good condition; 1 4-seat ed trap, new rubber tlrea In good condition; one set of donble car riage harness; one set of single carriage harness. A. Wylberg, Rd No. 4, Grant Pane, Ore. 03 FOR SALE Three ton Velle truck and three-quarter ton Bulck truck. Leonard Eatate Co. 04 FOR SALE OR WILL TRADE Five-room house and three lots In Glendale for cows, calves, goats or automobile. Roy Kelley. Wolf Creek, Ore. 10 HOUSE FOR SALE cheap, or will .trade for auto. .Apply or address ., 244 West I street. -' OS FOR SALE Rebuilt Ford. 506 South.Sljth street. 1250. t 101 TO RF.NT TREMONT ROOMS Now under managment of Mrs. L. C. Arm strong; 28 clesn rooms at S5c and 50c; special rates by week or month; slso light housekeep ing rooms. Would ilk your pat ronage. - 40tf FURNISHED ROOMS Large, com fortable and convinntly located 411 C street 86tt HOTEL OXFORD ROOMS for rent Large, well furnished, steam heat,' hot water, bath, and all ho tel privilege. Very moderate weekly and monthly rates. 37tf FOR RENT Furnished five-room ' cottage. Mrs. G. P. Jester, 2J5 C street, phone 168-R. !9tf PARTLY FURNISHED cottage for rent. 50 feet from pavement, also unfurnished cottage on pavement. IS per month. Inquire A. E Voo hies. 92tf FOR RENT Four-room house, elec tric lights, good well, one acre garden ground, fruit and berries, gasoline engine to pump water for irrigation. Located at . 301, West Rogue River avenue... Rent I per month. See Mrs. Roy Bush. 00 FOR RENT 5-room modern house. Gas, electric light, etc. 203 West C street. " See N E. Townsend, 621 A street. 05 ' L WAHTKIT . j WANTEIMa for saw sullla nni Jogging camp. If Ills aad casanf will oprt throughout th win tar. Steady worki Qood eondt tlons. For tnlt particular wrisn , Weed Lumber Company, Wn4. Cal. Ill WANTE1 Junk,, old Iron, rubwat. sacks, rags, auto Urea, old ut moblles, copper, bra, sine, lend, bldea, pelt, tura. Th beat prion In town (or vrythlnc In ' r III. Union Jnnk Co. Phone 1L 14 STENOGRAPHER First da. d alrea employment. Can glv bt of reference. Addr P, O, Bos iu, or tall Court Houa til to ten hour 9 a. m. and I p. a. II WANTED A couple pf men wood chopping. Inquire at for 411 101 Wast L stiet. WANTED Hons and bridg penters for shipyard work. Writ Coos ' Bay Shipbuilding, Co.. Marshfleld, Oregon, for partic ulars. . 101 WANTED A-young man II . to II years old to. learn the hardware business. Cramer Bro. IS SHOEMAKER WANTED Address No. Ill, ear Courier. , IS IRONER WANTED at Pasa Steam laundry. the Grants WANTED -A light spring wagon or back, also buggy In good rondl- . Hon. Rogue River Hardware Co Grants Pasa. 14 MVSICAL INSTRUCTION - J. S. MACMURRAY, teacher of vote culture and singing. Leesonj given t home of pupil If requested. Ad drew Til Lee St II Hi , .PHYSICIANS L.7 a CLKMENT," S M.Hi PrMlle limited to disss of th r. er, no and throat Qlssse fitted. bom snd throat. ' Olaasss fitted. ODc hours 1-12, 1-5. or on ap pointment Office phone, II; resi dence phone ISI-J. 3. LOUCHRIDGE. M. D... Physlcisa and surgeon. City or. country calls attended day or tight Reeldenor phone '69; office phone 112. Sixth and H. Tuffa Building. A. A. WITHAM. M. D., Physician and . aurgeon. Office: Hall Bldg.. corner ' Sixth and I streets. Phones: Of fice, 116; residence, 288-J. Honrs. a. m. to 4 p. m. . DR. J. .0. NIBLET Physician and surgeon. .. Lundbur; Building. Surgeon Utah-Idaho Sugar Co. Health Officer. Officer hours, I t Han. 110-J. 1 to 5 p. m. Phons 6U ATTORNEYS H. D. Norton, Attorney-at-lnw. Practice In all State and Federal .. Court. First National Bank Bldg. COLVIO WILLIAMS Attorneya . at-Law Grant Ptaa Banking Co. Bldg. Granta Pasa, Oregon. E. S. VAN DYKE. Attorney. Praette In all courts. First National Bank Building. DURHAM RICHAADJ Attorneys-at-Law. - Office Masonic Temple, -. Grants Pass Oregon.: O. S. BLANCHARD.Attorney-at-Lnw Colden Rule Building.. Phone 270. Grants Pas. Oregon. BLANCHARD BLANCHARD. At ' torneys, Albert block. . Phon 23 6-J. Practice In all courts; land board attorneys. VETERINARY SURCEON DR. R. J. BESTUL,.. Veterinarian Office In Wlnetrout Implement Bldg. , Phone 111-J. Realdenoe Phone 105-R.- - - Cards at the Courier office. cettlng what he wants