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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1917)
mm DAILY EDITION VOU VIII., . ax OIUNTt Tim, JOMCTI COVWTt, OIUOQOX, ' WtllMY, XOVKMRKH I, ItlT- U'HOIiK M'MBKR 8SI. M PEACE DESIRE 13 CAUSE OF RUSSIAN COUP HMtKVHKV'N rKtl'llAltlTY IN IM'M KXTIHM.V TO I'MH'I.ICH IM-'JilltK HU I'KACK HwUirvlkl Hmui to Mill CimUid IV. mgiwd With Krraky'a Where about and Strength I itknimji Communlcatlnna lll Ilia city of Patrograd hv been resumed but no direct word ha been received from the capital aa to. the allunllon ther. Ont report Mate thai the bolihevlkl Mill control th rlty while Kerenaky and hla troop ate retir ing. Another report nay a that they are. marching upon Petrogrnd. Kfforla of the socialists to effci - ft arltlement with the boUhcvlkl and form new coalition government, haa fulled. Hull another report aar that tnln and Trotsky are losing tbelr popularity. ' The bolshevlkl are reported lo have Irtiea defeated In the Miwrnw atreet fighting, v Stockholm. Nov, It. A Hnsslsn who arrived at Haparandu from Pt- rograd Wednesday aaya Krenky'i troopa had not entered I'etrograd Monday and hf did not txilleve tlievi would enter, a th garrlaon. nutn- Bering 50.000. remained faithful to'tha Inter-ally war coucll which the Mtlmllt. jTheraus of Kerensky' unpopu larity, aocordlng to 1Mb Hnsslsn, waa hla opposition to peace, and he further declared Ihnt If Hie Mull mallst could have made peace they would be inaMlera everywhere. All hope waa In the proposed coalition cabinet and he added: "If auch government cannot he formed, we will have civil war." DON'T KILL TURKEYS : THAT ARE TOO SMALL Portland, Nov. 16. The following Instruction have been Issued by Act ing Federal Food Admlnlatralor W. K. Newell here, to turkey grower of Oregon: "Ship no bird weighing lea thmi 10 pound dresMcd weight for loin and liiiiH pound for hen, There is absolutely no cnll for light, thin bird. Ship all bird dressed and thoroughly chilled overnight before packing. Pack carefully In barrel or boxes,' washing blood rrom head nd wrapping heads In paper. The Important point Is to ship only ful, mature slock. The cost of addi tional feed for carrying Ihlu birds r.r rhrUtimis trade I will lie addition..) more than met hy the ffrice paid for good stock.' COUNTIES WILL HAVE FUEL Portland, Nov. 16,-To assist the federal fuel BdmlnlHtratlon, liruco Dennis, director of work of the state ouncll of defense Is asking rounty halrnmn of the council of defense to appoint local ruol Inapnilors. Onej man will be numed In each c-tty orj town and he will report direct ' to I Fred O. Holmes, federal fuel admin iHtrntor, on the fuel need of hi section. ' The locul fuel liiRpnctor must not im'a In the fuel business even In--dlrnrtly. ' Thoy represent the people, and their duty will bo o bcc llial t,ho amount of fuel In the hands ol local dealers and tho probable de mands for fuel, are reported en"h week to the fuel administrator. XMAS DRIVE FOR R. C. MEMBERSHIP Ureal aiiipnlgii to Treble Member 4ili In Organic! Ion Will I'rwed ('OMllllg Holiday Washington, Nov. lb -- A great membership drive for Ilia American tied Crosa mill It launched th lust bitlf of )c n lii-r. It will commence December 17 and continue unrea Irmly until Christmas ve. - Theo. N. Vail, president of the American Telegraph ami Telephone company ha lun appointed by the war council (ns rlialrmun of the n llnnal Chrlslma nicmbcmhlp drive committee, with such mm aa Dr. II. N. McCmcken. rinldtnt of Vr college. Cardinal Gibbons, Dr. Henry Van Dyko, Hx-Mayor John Puron Mitchell of New York and John W. Hrilton of Han Francisco, aa irifm bar of tha am. fiv thl. drive the organization hope to Increase the membership from fi.000,000 to 1 5.006,000. IIAVAL LEADERS RX ON ALLIED PSOGRAM Wlilnfclon, Nocv. !. Aa a re ault of preliminary oonferem-e be tween Admiral llenaoa and allied naval leader In Umdon, agreementa have been rearlmd on certain fea- tnrea of the allied naval policy. Seo- retary Ihtnlol said today. He would give no detalla of the agreementa. Admiral Henson -t the naval mem- ber of the American delegation to la J about to meet In Pari. MAIIHlattKI.H IS ArTKU XATIONAI, ta'Alllt AllMOltY . I I Maraliflnld. Nov. 16. The .MarHb-J fluid Chamber of Commerce will en tertain Adjutant (ienerul William and hi Rtaff Thnrwluy night with ft! amoker at the Mllllcoiua club. The nartv are her for .the purion of paimlnK on the armory lte offered to the Male by the city of Matuhfleld. FIIIHT IXKTAUAIK.NT on MHKHTV HON!) KKCttlYUU Washington, Nov. 1 6 Installment buyer of Mherty bond paid In about (ISu, 000,000 today, the first IK pe cent required. Of this l30rt. 000,000 will Immediately be turned over by the treasury to take up recent certificate. Issue. ENGLAND THINKS SHE London, Nov, 18 It house of "ceiiuln waa an - common I noun-ed In the eminent this week thut American geologists, who have conieiuU that probably an electric alarm :rrom the United State, to advise the!s.vstem rrom tne city nau to ...r I government, hold that It Is well, homes or the- several firemen will I .mi. in .nund a ennsldcrahlft be Installnd In the near future. Iium of money In exploring the pos - Hlble petroleum deposits In Creatine tank will proouoiy oe nurcna. iBrltain." lnA the chemical tank of the truck i The speaker, a .pokesman for' the' now In use placed on the new one board of trade, added: "It Is Inrpos-1 Riving a double tank for the new ;lble to exaggerate the Importance I machine, as well a making room for or finding oil In tht country. We the pump before mentioned. A. a cannot yet say that It I here, lmtiiuajoniy o " ....u.n... r (g,ny worUl ,ooU,nt fnr. oiljlhe chemical engine this Idea seem- Is almost more Important at this mo- d to meet wun tavor. u i ei.w ment than anything else. You mayed that another paid fireman will be hnve men, munitions, and money. added to the force. hut If you hnve no oil yon are with out the greatest motive power we are nsing, and the rest will he of little value." AMKMCAY NTKAMHII IS HKMKVKU TO UK f.OST VVashlngton,' Nov. 16. The Amer ican stenmer Kansas City I believed to have been lost at sen as ' It has not been heard from since It wa separated from Its convoy during a storm on September t, CANAL GATES OPENED TO PROTECT VENICE Testesic Fcrccs Are Osly Scvestcca Miles Frea Venice. Chril Pcpslatisa Has Fled Mi:g AH Pcrte Art Treasures Italian LceY Still Held Home, Nov. 1 . A 1 1 along the iimunlaln froul from Aalago to the I'lave river, the Auslro-Oerman at lacki, seeklug to crush th Italian lluu, have been repulsed. All the poHlllon attacked have remained In the Italian' handa. The grealett portion of I be pop ulatlort of Venice haa left the city. from which all portable art treasures have been removed. The city la now a ecant 17 mile from the battle line. It may not be defended In cane of an attack, ao aa to apare the mon umenta of art and treaaurea illll re maining. , Kome, Nov. 16. iirrat enthul aaroj and patriotic feeling marked thla afternooua alttlng of the Italian chamber of dnpullea. !rofeor Vlt torlo Orlando, in hi flmt ieech ai premier, Mtrurk the keynote of hi policy, namely, that the nit nut Ion called for act rather than for word. Tbe premier poke feelingly of the awilNlance being rendered by the en tente allies to Italy, and xpreedi the cordial gratitude of Italy to the "great American republic, for her willing and powerful aid." Alluding to the creation of an Inter-allied auprein council and a military council, Vrofemor Orlando announced they would Include rep-' reiientatlvea of the Vnltetl State. .. . A vote of confidence, in the. gov ernment calling for nittlonul concord wa moved by former I'remlnr lloae III and waa rurrled without dirllon amid great enthusiasm. IICIL STUDYING CITY FIRE SYSTEM The city council held their regu lar Reml-monthly meeting last even ing with all member present except Councilman Hunch. ... , An ordlnunce was passed amend ing See, 5 ot Ordinance No..., 18 K. relative to the seizure of stock run ning at large within the corporute limits of the city and fixing the cost of seuture ut 2.l0 for ft single nl iiinl and $1 for each other animal should more than one tie seized be longing to one iterson, also fixing the price of B0 cent a day for feed ing each animal. I The mutter of better fire protec tion for the city wa brought up and discussed and while nothing official ly was passed in regard to this, step were taken to got prices on ft pump to be installed on the fire truck to 1 Rive greitter water pressure, ; The mattor of a better fire alarm iystem waa brought up with the re 1 ' A new chemical engine containing Hl'OAK niSTinm'TKH TO CKI.KIIRATK M.KtTION New York, Nov. 16 Jimmy Kelly Tammany captain, distributed three pound .sacks of sugar to hi consti tuents today to colehrale Hyland's election as mayor. A JAI'ANKHK STKAMKIt IS WHKCKKI) IN HOMK WATKBS; Ran Francisco, Nov. 1 6. The Jap - anese steamer Baikal Maru I ashore off the Japanese coast. Waahlngton. Nov. K. General Kayolle will command the French mile now being aent to Italy, ac cording to an announcement made here today. General Focb. the chief of the French alaff, la only tempor arily In command of the French forcea. From Nice cornea ft report that train loada of French and British I troopa are rolling through that place j on their way from France into Italy land are greeted with great popular enthusiasm. f- Italian Headquarter, Nov. 16. The flood galea of the Flare and Sile rivers, northeant of Venice have been oitened by Italian engtneera. Thla probably- la an effort to drown out tbe enemy force which crossed the Piave at Orlnolera, 17 mile northeat of Venice. The flooding of thin triangle by the water of the liave, Sile and the Adriatic would iprobably render Ineffective any Ger man attempt to debouch In force against the right flank of the Ital ian along the IMave. The galea where opened were coa structed a protection to the Ven ice, lagoon. . " ' Berlin, Nov. 16. The town of CUmon on the northern. Italian front was captured yesterday. Near the Adriatic on the western, bank of the Onlave, the Hungarian troops ad vanced, capturing thousand of the Italian. NAVY WANTS ME . The local re - ' Cortland, Nov. 16 cruitlug station has received tele graphic instructions that navv re cruiting stations of Pacific division shall recruit 2,000 firemen by De cember 15th. and raising the aseofi apprentice seamen from 25 to 10 years, making age limits IS to 20. These firemen are for manuliitt those vessel of the 73? ship mer chant and ', naval recently taken over and contracted tht? navy department. x Congress provide by law that all men entering the navy for engineer work aboard hlp must enter a fire men, but commanding , officers of ships have authority during , war time of raising rating of such men, and all firemen first class, wator ten ders, chief water tenders, machin ist's mates, etc., must come from these men recruited. This offer an unusual opportunity for advance ment for all men wishing to enter tho engineering : force of the navy and all men who have mechanical experience In civil Ufa, a all the .h(th(ir r8tlnK8 are nMlded at once, FEDERAL OFFICERS TAKE LURID BOOKS Chicago. - Nov. 16. "HcV Hell." "Shanghaied Into the- European War," "Shankhaled Into an Ameri can Prison" and quantities of other literature said to constitute anti-war propaganda of the. league of Hu manity, Is In the hands of the fed eral authorities here today after a raid on the league' headquarters. KXPHNSH (OMPANIKS ASK TKN CKXT 1NCHF-ASK ' Washington, Nov. 16. Express companies today applied to the In- ; terstate commerce commission for an Increase of 10 per cent In their rate. SEND DELEGATES ... MEET Hnmlay HrliooU jtnd llojr rk-outa Will Hnl Youth to Older liwra' Con ference ai Kugene Kuril of the four Sunday schools and tbe Hoy Scout of thla city will send delegate to the older boy's con ference of the Y. M. C. A. to be held at Kugene November 10 tnfi Decem ber 1 and 2. The Boy Scouts at their meeting last evening, elected Stanley Summers. Geo. -Riddle and Harold tsham as their representative, each of the boy agreeing to go. It I understood that there will " be at least two boy from each of the four churches. The older boy' conference to be held at Eugene Just , following Thanksgiving I one of. three inch fonference under the direction of the Interstate T. M. C. A. committee which are to be held before the mid dle of December. The other two are scheduled for I.a0.rnde. Ore.;' and Twin Falls. Ida. The conference last year at Cor- allla registered over three hundred traders feel that with the important Issue to come up thl year, and the aplendid co-operation being given by other state organization the regis tration at Eugene will not fall below four hundred and may go to five hundred. leaders from southern Oregon and some central 1 Oregon counties are expected to play Urge part In swelling the enrollment thla year , " OYIIAOTE FOSE IS Seattle, Wasj.. Nov. J 6. Kfderal officials today are endeavoring .to as TOY certain tne ownersnip or a.uuw ieeilnie Trlllo. Villa's personal aecr) of gutta percha dynamite fuse thatjtary wno talked to the Associated was found late yesterday In a raldjpregg correspondent at noon today conducted on a branch headquarters Bt tne maiB ojlnaga ford. He said of the 1. W. W. In the Alaska hotel vuia was making a trip of Inspection I building. Besides the fuse nesrly wagon load of I. w w. literature.! j record book" and documents, were j ) ltcA h' the ralders nd th'8 ' b- tng examtnea by government agenrs oday- - ' Pete Densmore, roprietor of the hotel, said the fuse wa left In the room by "ft rancher who planned wjcapital of the new movement head use It In clearing some land he own - ed In the lower pan of the county. POLISH PEOPLE HELD Copenhagen, Nov. 16. The con ditions of semf-8alvery In which Po lish laborers In Germany are living 1 illustrated by. an advertisement appearing in a recent issue of the Deutsche Tage Zeitung offering to exchange 50 Polish laborers, 20 men and 30 girls, for the same number of other hand.. HKMlY FOKO WHX HKI.P SPK.KO l'l SHIV HVIMMNO Washington. Nov. , 16. Henry Ford will become assistant to Gen eral .Manager Plei of the Emergency Fleet corporation, without pay, In an effort to speed up ship production. T TO TALK PEACE London, Nov. IS. The Indepen dent socialist vote In the German relchstag has requested that that body be convened at once to dlsciiBS the peace offer of Nikolai Ijenine, leader of the bolshevik!, according to a dispatch to Amsterdam. No definite word has reached here of n peace offer by l.enlne. VILLA PLANS ATTACK UPON IE NEXT XOTOKIOI H IIA.MMT l,KAIKK KX' PMTKJI TO ATTACK KK CITY TO XOItTH UXITED STATES SOLDIERS EUST American Towa kef Tunaoil of fa citrine, ut Throughout Might by Maraader'e Threat Presidio, Tea.. Nov. 16. Presidio 1 prepared for another Col urn hue N. M., raid. All day rumor that Villa' force would crow the river and raid American atore were cir culated here until the residents were almost panic-stricken. Even the na tive Mexican element, which rarely becomes frightened at uch report huddled In their home during th night. The 1'nlted States army 'force ' here had complete control of tbe alt-"' uation throughout the day and all night. After the OJiaaga battle started, two Mexican federal officer appear ed at the military headquarter with the report that 1,000 Villa soldier .' had announced they would cross lo the American aide to get ammuni tion and provision after they took . Ojlnaga. . No one from the (American (Ma lta been permitted to enter the Mex ican town proper, heavily ' armed guard being stationed along tha : winding: road from the ford to the mesa. Francisco Villa 1 In command of. Villa troops now occupying the Olia- aga port, according to voionei hi- alof the colmtry in the vicinity of Ojln- a(?a Rnd wollld return tonight. juarel , Francisco Villa' next border objective, after which a gea- y aUaek on Cnln,iaha City, the (state capital, la planned, according to plan revealed today by Villa Headers In the Ojlnaga garrison. Th :ea by Villa Is to be established there. according to this plan. The Villa movement is a new one, having no connection with the Felix Dla or other revolutionary move mentsaccording to General Porflrlo Ornelas. permanent commander of the On jtaga garrison. It is called the Conventionalist party, and I a revival of the former movejnent hf Villa called the conventlonlst more luent. SEATTLE BLOCKS A E SETTLEOIir Seattle, Nov. J6.r It i stated her today that the prospects of a rever sal of the decision of the striking telephone unions here not' to send representative to San Francisco, made yesterday, will be reversed. This comes a a reult of a confer ence today between Governor U ter's representative, H. U. Hughe, and representative of the anion. San FTanclsco. Nov. 1 16. Com plete adjustment of the telephone controversy hinges on the action taken at Seattle. ( HOM11 CALAIS IMPOHTAXT XAVAt. BASK Paris, Nov. 16. Many civilian were killed In Calais when German aircraft bombed the city on Tuesday, It waa announced here today. ' Calais Is one 'of the chief allied military and hospital buses on thd English channel.