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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1917)
V :v DAILY EDITION 4 YOU VIII.. No. IT. v tttt: rr CHICAGO WN. S III! IV F WORLD as nnnTK rimiM whitk mx TO HAHII KOI OUT VHTOHY OVKH til A NTH FEISCH'S HOME RUN FEATURE J A, Ticket Hoalpers Heap llwvest SMO.OHO Waulrd AiIiiiImIiiii Wlirrf aWJng Capacity Was Itti.tNMl FIRST GAME 0 (1ilagi, tM. a- Before crowd ed a Spanish steamer, of H0,MM mmiiIo here today the Uil-j i ) U Mtld to have a Spanish safe cago White Hx won the Drat game condui t which, according to dlplo of th world M-rim, ilclenllng New j mats, la sufficient to protect hi per YorV two to one. jsnn, hut not his papers, from cap- (Um pitched iinlNWlalile (mi 1 1 fixture. The steamer sailed later for the American kwgu rlMiiiliiii. The home run of KvIm'Iis' and Jackson's! hiimirltig catch were the faituim of the giime, lUtlerlo New York, Saline ami Mofnrthy. niltsgn Clrotie and Hchalk. It Is doubtful If III Hie tons, his tory of world serins contests the pumnhourd necessary to galu ad in Is Nlun to the parks ever had been so For om e In their ti-iiiHt-1 n miis rsD'or the ticket speculators! were forced to see prospective pur-1 ih.ixrii with fl.ii full nf lillla aeek-i Ing vainly fur the curds which would separate the chosen and those who must remain outside the walls. !''' ,n X'vernment learns that Those fortunate speculators who Uermuns are coucenirailng naval weia able to secure tickets reaped ai,," 'ur Imposed operations, gulden harvest utmost the cqusl of j .vernnr Oeneral Nekrasoff of that Kathered by the ' Inrky and Mnltnd, In an o). lul lelenrain from shrewd Investors who picked npiHelslngfors. denied a recent report war bride" sto-ks In the early d.vs't (iorman fleet has entered the of the Kuropean war. Ilelween them '"' of Kllilund. and the fan who would sen the series, , " nl an' price, there Is little or no srmiluu. Once a vender Is found who holds the "open sesame" to f'nmlskoy field, the tninwi'llcin of, partlim him from his coupons Is a matter of but a moment In most esses for the fun was 'apparently willing to pay nny amount. Klve; iilluf uiati fur th thrie jimeii. ! with a face value of tin sold as high as $7S. Although confidence wss rampantly .,,.. ronlni,ce of New York among the followers of the I ,.., ,lv .., or S43 to 223. The teams there wss little evidence of heavv wagerlim. Most of the tiettlnx nrinn,l In aimm Punirllllf f mill ' $8 to $2R and those amounts were placed at or close to even money. PROTEST MADE ON TERM! Salem, Oct. . Chairman V. J. Miller of the Oregon public service commission left toduy for Washing ton to lake In person a protest be fore the Interstate commerce com mission against the termlniil charge on fruit shipments from OroKon. Washington. Idaho and California that hns been declared by the F.iio . railrnud for Its New York terminal. Mr. Miller loft today Tor Wushlngton to attend the convention nf the Na tional Association of Railroad Com- mlsslonors, and will make the pro-i test while there. TO READ J Salem, bet. 6. Tho public service onimlHslon today learned that there was a HhortaK of 1912 cms on the Southern Pacific lines and n surplus of 1 2087 pars on the Union Pacific linos In Oregon, and wired tho In torstuto commerce commission a.ik liig that steps 1jb taken o effect an exchango of cars to equalise the service.'' SPISH VESSEL Konnrr laiwiiwn AmlmwHulnr to Ar ICniiii I Hilrtll I hit of C'oiia try Through I'mmiM? Buenos Aire. (M. . Confirma tion was received hem tonight that Count von l.uxburg, former German mlnlnler to Argentine, who recently was given lii passports, for his con nection with dispatch sent through the Swedish legation to Germany, was spirited out of Argentine lodey la a poll- automobile In charge of iiiillra raiilaln. ami mailed lo Tl- gre, a suburb, where the former minister look s tug to Colonla, Uru guay. From there ha proceeded tor train to Montevideo, where he board- Spain. J GERMAN NAVAL FIGHT rrtrngrad. Oct. li.-- I'oHlllve In the are the iformstlon has limn revived by "VBrrim tit that the Hermans preparing for a nsvul blow In Minister of Marine Admiral Werdrraky, in an addreiis to the committees of the Russian fleet. E I F Li New York. Oct. a The candidacy of William M. Bennett, Tor mayor ion the republican ticket, was re ' mutinied Innl nluht bv the republl- ',,,,,,, ,,, llo( ,onmllly irtK, Its Rlf to any rnndldate, slthough Job K. Iledxes and other speakers Inrueil Hiiiiiiort of Mnvnr Mltchel, . riM3lm.tloD , fu. I,,!,,,, rHni,ite without the formal noiiilniitlon of any party. ' AKKKIt KXKSIPTIOX Poll llKINt! A NI.KKP WAI.KKK i New York, Oct. 6. -Aliram S. Sromwasser made a novel plea for exemption from the national army Thursday. Ho claimed to be a som nambulist iind expressed a drend of walking into a German trench In his pajamas some night. His plea was denied by the board. STRIKE SITUATION E Huenos Aires, Oct. 6. A direct demand for government Interven tion in the national strike was made upon President lrlgoyen by repre HentHtlves of tho biggest agricul tural mid Indiistrlul intercuts In the. republic, . ' ' These representatives had tried vainly for three dny to get an In terview wfth the president hut It-was not until the threat of closing the business houses lit this dry was mnde that the executive consented to receive them. It hns begun to look as though the Argentine strlko will establish a world's record In the matter of duration unless the government takes drastic and speedy steps. taunt, pam, joflEPiiisi cooirnr, oiikuon, stxday, octoiiku t, 1017. SENATE TALK IS CHARGES OF NKMATOIl M POMJiTTN MAKES lOVU HI'IKI II IX K.XPI.AXA TIOX OF I1W4ITIO.V COMMITTEE WILL INVESTIGATE No Action Will lift Taken I'nUI Vim ureaa Convene In IM'wiiImt If ' Nerdml Then Washington, Oct. Benslor La Pollette today In a long speech be fore the senate, replied to his critics He declsred that the "war party." besides carrying on a campaign of libel and ' character-assassination against the members who voted against the war, was attempting to prevent discussion of war issues and to Intimidate the people by Invading homes and throwing Individuals in to jsll. Senator Robinson of Arkansas re plied to UPollotte, saylnx: "H Is unfortunate for the country that Senator l.a Kollette has lent himself and his services to the promotion of the desires of the kaiser." In executive session late yesterday the senate adopted without debate i a formal resolution empowering a prlvllcKes and elections sub-committee to proceed with Investigation of the LaPolletta speech at St. Paul. Thl inquiry is limited solely to the accuracy of the speech and to sub stantiation or Senator l.aFollette's statements of fset therein. The l ex port will be made when congress convenes In December. I'pon receipt of an accurate ropy promised today by Senator 1-aKol- lette of his St. Paul speech, the In vestigating committee of five mem- hers, headed by Senator Pomerene, plans to lumlu Its work next week, The Inquiry Into the speech prom- ses to be brief and probably with out mVcssltjr for the sub-committee's going to St. Paul. A.MKUK'AN PATKOIj SHIP KINKS Washington, Oct. 6. An Ameri can patrol ship floundered In Eu ro puen waters October 4, while on duty. The navy department has no word as to the cause. 'An Investiga tion has been ordered at once. SEDITION WILL THE PRODIGAL RETURN? W. - WLrJl m RELCOM IF H6 6Vs MORE PROOF OF E MTATK DKI'AUTMKXT ivm lKHM (MIIMrM (P TKUXilLOIH VlUtM IIKIlNHTOItrK I0UID BRIBE FRENCH LEADER Ciermaay Plotted to Help Krewcli Hi cUIMa Overthrow (Jovenimeiit and I'unf Xatlwn to I'rare Washington, Oct. 6. Followlng- the testimony In New York yester day of Hugo Schmidt before State Attorney General Lewis as to how there was deposited with him, as representative of the Deutsche bank, the sum of $1,700,000, with Instruc tions from former Ambassador Bern storff that It was to be held subject to the disposal of Adolph Paven- stedt, the state department here made public a series of telegrams between Bernstorff and former For eign Minister Jsgow respeotlnj this sum of money. The messages, signed by voU Bernstorff and by von Jagow, then foreign minister, show that Jl.TOO, 000 was sought as a loan to a "leading political personality" In Prance, and waa counted upon to bring peace. They were exchanged In February, 1916, when the French socialists threatened to overthrow the government and there was talk of France being tired of war and dissatisfied with the part played by the allies. The wily Bernstorff ' cautioned against expressions In the German press concerning Internal French changes, suggesting that German ap proval might upset all his plana. He also was careful not tfl put down the name of the political personality, gaynR a verbal reoort would be made as soon as a trustworthy mes senger could be sent. , Tahlegram No. 879, Bernstorff to Jagow, asks for the 11.700.000 be sent to New York to loan to a "lead ing political personality In an ene my country" to bring about peace. - Jagow's reply (No. 150) agreed to the proposal, but tells Bernstorff to drop the matter If It applies eith er to Russia or Italy. In the third message Bernstorff (Continued on page 6.) VVEu. HeU Aways BE WELCCMS ir US 6VER tlMtB OftCK BUT Therb's. No isk Op HIM 6T, fa FAR At I tA SEC Seibel in Albany Knickerbocker Press. MY MAD FOG-COLLISIOII-STEAT.1ER LOST MlranwT Tlo Wnka Tea Minute Af ter IVeing lUmmed by Tag la I'ugrt Hound. Tliree lwt Seattle, Oct. The steamer Tolo wss sunk off Restoration Point last night when It collided with the tog Magic during a dense fog. The steamer H. B. Kennedy, also bound for Bremerton, picked up the Tolo's pasaengers and crew. A man named Panchot,' not yet otherwise Identified, lost hla life and two women. Mr. Marshall, and her mother, of Fletcher Bay, are reported missing. The Tolo sank 10 tnlnutee after the crash. The Kennedy took the survivors Into Bremerton. The Ma gic was not seriously damaged. The Tolo carried a crew of eight and SO passengera. IT THROUGH U. S. MAIL Portlund, Oct. 6. Mrs. Edna Gregory of Pendleton waa found guilty by a Jury In the federal court here today of having sent poisoned candy through the mall to Mrs. May Carter. Mrs. Gregory was said by federal officers to have confessed the act, but subsequently repudiated the al leged confession. ' ' SKATTI.K CTriZK.Vt HINT POK WOMAS 8I.VGUKK Seattle. Oct. . Organized bands of cltixena are today co-operating with the police, deputy sheriffs .and special policemen In combing Seat tle for the "woman sluggers" who have carried on a reign of terror In this city during the past few weeks unequalled In local police history. stmifsiyefflB s Seattle, Oct. 6. Mrs. T. McDon ald was attacked by Seattle's woman slugger early last evening and brut ally beaten. She was walking on Second avenue with a friend when a man stepped In front of ber and struck her a blow In the face with a blunt instrument, after which he turned and (led. Co-operating with the police and citizens. Sheriff Stringaf late today detailed deputies on the case and ordered out the county bloodhounds. Rewards amounting to $1,000 will be offered for the arrest of the slna iter. WII-SOX SKiNS Hl'GK ' APPROPHIATIOX MKASIKK Washington, Oct. 6. President Wilson today signed the urgent de ficiency appropriation bill, the larg est revenue measure in history, car rying appropriations' for $7,758.- 12,000. THREE ARE KILLED IN FIRE ACCIDENT San Francisco,' Oct. 6. The col-l lapsing of the wall of a frame room j ing house during a fire here late yesterday, killed three members of. the fire department and seriously j injured seven others. i First Assistant Fire Chief Stephen! D. Russcl was dead when he was dragged from under the debris. Wil liam Allen died on the way to a hos pital. Seven others were taken to hospitals for treatment. It was said (hut none of them were in Immedi ate danger. Thirty roomers were taken from the building 'by the police, soldiers and sailors before the collapse, WHOLK NLMBER SITS. ALOB BROAD BATTLE HIT AKTI1XKKY 1HKL CXTIME AIX IAY i-OIXOWISO HA ICS LAST AJ)VAACK britons co:iscli:ije im Poor Moral la Gwaaaa Baaka U Shown at Several Jlaoes. BarUa Admits A Die Made Gaiaa j i , I Ix.adin, rt. diapacca) General lUig reporta toalght that aa artillery duel baa continued throw!. out the day along the entire front. Aa additional S.HOO Oermaa prU. oners have bcea takea. - " .Jr British Headquarters, Oct. t. Today the British were holding strongly to all the positions secured yesterday, with the exception of a few posts In very small area of the Rental region, where they drew back slightly after a third Oernua counter-thrust. The Germans massed for several other attacks, out all these were nl piied In the bud by artillery and machine gun fire. The entire British line was well dug In by morning. Lte details eon firmed earlier reports that the Ger mans did not fight well In most sec tions. In many places they ran. The total prisoners who surrendered la great. On one sector of the Ansae front alone they amounted to more tbon 2,000. At a point not far from. -the Ypres-Roulers railway sa Australian officer, single-handed, took 3 1 Germans from a blockhouse. The scarcity of towns. In the cone of yesterday's offensive robbed the fighting of those spectacular features attendant upon) hand-to-hand work among shattered buildings.' In the Battle around Poelcapelle, however, there was considerable sharp work. Six enemy battalions here all were killed with the rifle and machine gun fire, or made pris oner. Berlin, Oct. 6r The gain of the British In yesterday's attack east of Ypres, the war office stated.' was re stricted to a strip of land one to one and a half kilometers deep, running from Poelcapelle via Eastern, spur of Zonnebeke and along the road to Becelaere. , Home, Oct. 6. Repeated attacks by the Austrians on Monte San Ga briel have been repulsed by the Ital ians, according to official communi cations. Issued tonight The 'Aus trian naval base at Catarro has been bombed by an 'Italian aerial squad ron. Hits were observed. MARINE IS SUNK BY AMERICAN BOAT Washington, Oct. 6. Details of a fight between an American des troyer and a German submarine in which the submarine was sunk by bombs, were made public by the navy department today. The locality and time of the bat tle were not given. San Francisco. Oct. 6. John Perrls, chairman of the board of di rectors of the federal reserve bank announces the appointment of the following directors of the Portland federal reserve bank: W. A. Day. acting manager, A. L. Mills, J. C. Ainsworth, T, p. Burk-j and -N'athiin Strauss. I i