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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1917)
VAGE TWO DAILT ROGVK R1VKR OOL1UKR si ov, m ioiii:i; T. out. t'll ROGUE M COURIER Iillhd Daily Eiept Saturday A. m. VOORH1ES. Pab. Hd Propr. KXNJ. a SHELDON, Wltor BsUsrwd at th Powtoflfc, OraU , Or., m second elM mall attr. ADVERTtBINO RATES ' DUtey apao. Pr tech. le Ul rprjlcolun,rUMl madr. par Um. By 7 mil. DAILY COURIER or carrier, per yar. or errir, pr moat WBEKLT COURIER per in II MOO .10 J MEMBER j But MltorUl Aoeitloa. Otmom Daily Newspaper Pah. Am. Aan Bareaa of ureaiauoa. RrXDAV, OCTOBKH 7, 1MT. OREGON WSATHMS Weather tomorrow: Fair. MAKING MEN JUmj of th advocate ot univer sal military training haro coupled with that aafgosUoB an aarnest plea that army training campt ahould af ford every young man put through them the mean of obtaining a good education and learning a seLf-eup-porting trade. If such a plan were carried out, practically every male citizen of the country would be made to become a useful unH In oclety. The Idea is being adopted, in principal only, to a small extent in the new national army cantonments. For example, In each of these can tonments schools for teaching both English and French are being con ducted. . The classes are over crowded. There's another Incidental by product of military training that 'Is wholly good. There Is deplorable waste in warfare,' and waste In the mere preparation of armies. But there is much to set against the waste. What ever we may spend In ways that may appear at the time unproductive, let ns not forget that In the process we are making Intel ligent, patriotic unified Americans of a great mass of people who were formerly a dull, dead weight in our national life. And these Immigrants are not the only gainers. 'All our soldiers and ' sailors are learning Invaluable les sons of discipline, loyalty and de mocracy. The millionaire's son is getting as much benefit out of K as the man whom in the past we have called a "wop." A Very Few People Are Not Using Number 18 Coftee They Have Not Tried It. Don't Wait. KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY QUALITY FIRST average was paid to these 547 per sons Is 1800 per year. The remaining 51? workers are either serving without compensation and at their own expense, or are paid by their former employers, who hare loaned thviu to the Red Cmi-s for war service, or are paid from private subscriptions. The expense ot the iufmt welfare unit, for Instance, are met ty a spe cial gift made for this express pur pose by Mrs. William Lowell Put nam of Boston. Major Murphy al so obtained by private subscription, before he sailed for France, a fund or 1100,000. which Is applied to ward the expenses of the commis sion. The staff of over 800 persons is handling the entire relief work of the American Red Cross in France, which has developed to huge pro portions as one need after another has been noted hy the commission's expert InvertlRstors. Already plans calling for the expenditure of more than f 10,000,000 In behalf or the American army In France and French troops and the French clvtlr ian population hare been outlined. HEFIIN IS CRITICISED FOR MAKING COURT HOUSE NEWS Furnished by W. E. Haaaoa of Gnats Pane Abstract On. October 4. 191?. Transfer R. S. Morgan, et ux to Oust A Coorln, W. D., SWU of 8V4. Sec. J4-3H-6, 110. Geo. W. Lewis, sherif, to Grants Pass Banking Co., deed; lot 3, Blk.. 58, Original Townslte of Grants Pass, $1,248. United States to Harry George Siskron. patent. Vi of XE4. Sec. 12-40-7. Mining IM-ailon I). D. Barr on Pard's Copper lode In Pickett Creek district. Eugene Andrews on Jim Jackson No. 9 lode. IS TO BLUE LEDGE MINE A movement Is on foot which, If It materialises as Ha promoter ex peel, will result In the building ot a railroad from thta city to the Blue ledg mine, situated Just across the stato Hue. In California near the head of the Applegata river. Parties are on the ground who slate that they will build the rail road If the Towne Interests who ron trol the mine, will give them a con tract for the hauling ot ore In suf ficient quantities to Justify the ex pense. A the mine Is developed extensively and Immense quantities of good grade or have been blocked out, there ahould be no trouble on that score. October 5. 1917. Transfers E. I. Churchill to Harvey T. Hal corn. Q. CI. IX, lot 6, blk. 1. Bunga low addition, fl. Petit kin To probate will of Joseph A. Brlcker, deceased. Washington. Oct. 6. The Investi gation committee appointed to probe into the charges made by Represen tative Heflln In connection with the use of money by the German am bassador to Influence congress, has i reported that the charges are 'sub ject to criticism." The Alabama member told the committee In answer to questions, that he never knew of any member obtaining German money, denied that he ever said he ever had heard rumors that they had gotten it and said that his suspicions a3aint members were aroused by the char acter 'of the proposals they Intro duced in congress. RED CROSS IN ERANCE . IS WELL ORGANIZED Washington, Oct. 6. The first complete report on the organization which the American Red Cross has built up In France was made pub lic today. A staff of 864 persons has been gathered together under the direc tion of Major Grayson M.-P. Murphy head of the Red Cross com mission to France. Of these, 617 are serv ing without salary or living allow ance from the Red Cross. Among these valunteers are prominent Am erican business men, technical ex perts and women experienced In the , handling of relief supplies. All have put their time freely at the com mand of the Red Cross. Owing to the large number who have respond ed to the Red Cross call for vol unteers It has been possible to or ganize the present efficient staff In Paris at an average cost to the Red Cross of about $300 per year for each worker. There are 347 employes on the Red Cross pay roll, "Including) 95 day laborers used In handling sup plies and In construction. The OF THE LADIES' MUM At the regular meeting of the executive board of the Ladies Aux iliary, Mrs. Jeanle Burke was elect ed president to fill the vacancy caus ed by the removal of Mrs. Mollie Beldlng from the state. The presi dent, .Mrs. Burke, Mrs. LoughridKe and Mrs. L. O. Clement were ap pointed delegates to the meeting of the state federation, which will be held at Prineville, October 22 to 25. The delegates for the southern Ore gon federation, which meets In Grants Pass October 27, are Mrs. Burke, Mrs. Coburn, Mrs. Smith, Mr. Browne, Mrs. Gunnell, Mrs. Cleven ger and Mrs. Presley. XOTK'K OF IIOXH tt:IKMITIO Notice Is hereby given to owners and holders of municipal city Im provement bonds that at the semi annual Interest payment period on the 1st day of November, 1917, the city of Grants Pass. Josephine coun ty, Oregon, will redeem the follow ing outstanding city Improvement bonds, vis: Bonds numbered 51, 52, 53. 54. 55, 56 and 57 of Sixth street Im provement, said bonds were Issued and dated the 1st day or May, 1910. Said bonds will be redeemed at the office of the city treasurer of the city of Grants Pass, Josephine county, Oregon, on the 1st day of November, 1917, which Is the time fixed for such redemption, and the time at which Interest shall be taken up and cancelled by virtue of the laws and acts providing for the Issuing of such bonds. Dated at Grants Pass, Oregon, this 6th day of October, 1917. G. P. JESTER, City Treasurer. On Inning, Six Hits, N Run. Can six bits be mad In a bait In sing without the aid making th hits coring a runt Tbl question was put to th Chicago News, who expert say "Yes" and explains: The first man up triQje and la thrown out at lb plat Tb second man triples and Is also ualled at th bom pan. Th third, fourth and fifth batsmen single. Ailing th sacks. Th sixth man drives the ball between sec ond and third, and the leather bit the runner coming from secoud. Tb man hit Is out. retiring tb side, and tb man who hit him gets a b rap. Tbl make six consecutlv saf rap without one run being scored. W Labsl everything as Purs. . The word pure Is curious example of the striving of people after perfec tion. We bav pure oil re oil, pur audy and pur reading matter. Ev erything that w kuow la likely to b adulterated w take palm to label "pure." We never rail pur th thing we kuow to be pure, but only those things about wblcb titer Is an clement of doubt. Only In mi particular do ne viiry from this rule. If some kind friend tells us the truth about our selves w sre very likely to refer to ttiut as pure nonsense. - Woman's Home Companion. Long Distance Lecturing. , A prrtentlous persou said to th bur gess of a country rlllag: "How would a lecture by m oa Mount Vesuvius suit th Inhabitants of your vlllnger "Very well, sir; very well Indeed. answered the burgess. "A lectur by you on Mount Vesuvius would suit them a great deal better than a lectur by you In this village, sir." Pitta- burgh Chronicle-Telegraph Lives of Doctors. In keeping other alive physicians appear to lose their own live, of all professional men tlielr live lire the shortest. Between the uvea of forty five ninl slxt.vlivo l!v doctor Vie on mi atcrngp ; one i'wni:iu. I The lid tross auxil'a y c.i Pro-J volt gave a shadow social at Pro-j volt Friday evening, which was a success socially and financially, ! about 70 persons being present to enjoy the games In the yards, which was lighted by camp fire and Jap anese lanterns until 10:30. They then retired to the school room and a Jovial time was had as the auc tioneer sold to the highest bidder the ladies' shadows. x Proceeds were $4 2.90. All enjoyed a basket lunch before going home. Provolt people jnow how to entertain. A classified sd will give results. V.MA, Oil WIXTKlt THK II1KAL GAR MENT Ft) It OCT OF IHK)R.S PKOPLB IS THK J. N T K X I fx the garment flint always fit anil wears forever. Vou'll like It very much. . . HKST DKAI.UHS CAItKV JA.VTZKX Save Soma Monty. Every one should try to II v within UH Income and alo to put away a lit tle of bis snlury for us on a stormy day. Don't n atch the other fellow and learn how much be Is seiiillag: watch yourself and a-certaln where you can benefit. It is time enough to Increase your living cxicnses when your salary Is advanced, wbvu It la also time to add to your bank account Good Advic. "Tb man I marry." she said, "must think I am the only girl In the world." "Don't worry about that." ber mar ried friend replied. "He will think It. all right, -lust put Iti your time try. Ing to Qnd out how to make him keep on thinking It." Chicago Herald. Gottin Through th Shall. "A man may have n rouch exterior, but a kindly heart." "Yes." commented Seuutor Sorghum, "but thut kind of tnaii is usually like an oyster. Ho hus to be hamllcd very rouijli to get any good nut of him." Washington War. Debt Is the prolific mother of folly and crime. Reni'ijimMrM. A classified ad brings results. .-a TV .. Photo by American l'rea AmotUilloa. Rtar Admiral Themas 8. Rodger. The Men's Clothes Shop . Gratifies Your Preferences We'll (Jhhv you luuulit'tls of lcautiful new and exclusive woolens in the haiulsoniest army of colors, shinies, novelties 'jiwl tic- liyhtftil mixtures from ' ED, V, PRICE & CO. We'll deliver von n jrnole a workmanship Hint will lense you so well that you will Im a life mcmlM'r of our iiierensiny: following. i We invite you to join ttwlay. , GEO. S. CALHOUN Exclusive l.iM'iil iVnliT MtKKIlH men lisve ..truck here for higher Il.tVK JiH.Hi.STHIKFIWjUSM , ,h? few days. Moth aides to the controversy ar Vancouver. 11. (T, O t. H.--AII th. bollermaker In Vunco.n e: are i. i rvMu; t'liie unit in overtut hav glrlga, , , je u piuih' iiy euiier men or employ It Is stilted thut at least l.iiunlers. Automatic Electric Washer $ 70 Free Demonstration and liberal terms Western Electric Sewing Machine Complete for $37 (See pngt.1 o7 October Dolinentor) Westinghouse Mazda Lamps 27c and up Weed out your old lamps, replace them with new ones that save light bills BUSH ELECTRIC STORE liuv Klt'ctric (.rood it the Electric Store.