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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1916)
DAILY ROGUE RIVER COURIKR Moxn.w, Ariuii ai, una. page pour Hike sure with an Actcgraphic Kcdak at the Urn yoa "dick" the hatter yoa know Who Whenf Why! or HowT ot a picture, hut later Make Sure. The Autograph Kodak enables you to wTlte It on the film at the time yon are In possession ot all the facts. We hare a complete line ot Autographic . Kodaks, from 16.00 up. Music and Pbcto Hcase STANTON ROWKLL, Prop. Just a Week At the Bijou "Trilby" Clara Kimball Young Wilton Lackaye "Cross Cnrrents,, Helen Ware "The W orst of Friends'1 Weber A Fields "The Man Who Found Himself Robert Warwick "The Ne'er Do Well" Reels Entire "Spoilers" Cast CAN YOU BEAT IT? GREAT BRITAIN REPLIES TO AMERICA'S PROTEST Washington, April 24. Ambassa dor Sir Cecil Spring-Rice of Great Britain today delivered his govern ment's reply to the American pro test against an illegal British block ade of the central powers. It is un derstood 'the. reply refuses to ack nowledge the justice of the American demands and cites civil war prece dents for the blockade. MILITIA QUIETS NEBRASKA RIOTS -Beatrice, Neb., April 24. A com pany of militia Is in control of the riot situation here today. The Greek railroad laborers' Quarters is being patrolled by sentries, following the "shooting up" of the town last night by liquor-maddened men. No casual ties hare been reported. REDUCED FARES TO CRESCENT CITY The Crescent City and Grants Pass Auto Stage line have reduced fares to Crescent City to $7,50; Wsldo, $2.50; Kerby. $1.75, and Selma, $1.50. 23tf NEW TODAY CLASSIFIED AD RATES. 25 words, two Issues, 25c; six issues, 50c; one month, $1.50, when paid in advance. When not paid In ad vance, 5c per line per Issue. FOR RENT Five-room house, with fireplace, electric lights, bath and kitchen range. Address No. 751, care Courier. 730 WANTED Experienced lady as housekeeper and cook. Phone 320 for appointment. 730 Pauline Frederick, supreme emotional artist and the stage and screen's most beaatlr ul woman, in a thrilling, wonderful production of Robert HIchens' lancinating story "Bella Donna," STAR thea ter tonight All the characters yon know are there and faithfully por trayed Ruby Clip ps tow, Nigel, Dr. Igaacson, HaroudL Hamza, ot al. Also the Paramount Plcto graph, showing "Better liable," edited by Woman's Home Companion; "Prepared nnw," by 1'Yederlck Palmer; "Mind Teste," by Prof. Mun sterberg; the Bray cartoon, and the Star's now feature, The Clou-lie Chaplin car. toons, with Charley as an ani mal trainer tonight. Tomorrow and Wednesday nlgliU, Madame Potrova, In the Metro feature, "What Will People Say?" and the eighth chapter of "The Girl and the Game," t PER52NdL iS LOCAL : J. C. Fort left yesterday on a trip to Spartlnburg, N. C j Wm. Scoggln went to West Fork . this morning for the day. ! H. C Banks, ot Napa, Cal, la la the city tor a few days. I F. E. Hall vent to Ashland this morning to spend the day. Mrs. John Malone and family came in from Merlin this afternoon and ' will make their home here. j Mrs. C D. Williams returned to her home at Portland today, after visiting Grants Pass relatives. Home grown seed corn, Minnesota 13 and Pride of the North, at Pardee's. 739 A. B. Shtlllday. ot 'Alliance, Ohio, is spending a day or two in the city, arriving here this morning from Los Angeles. Mrs. J. V. Halo and little son, Clark, left last night for St Louis, where the lad will be placed under care of specialists. Special prices on all suits. It will pay you to see them before buying. Mrs. E. Rehkopf. 728tf Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Black and two children, who spent a few days here with relatives, left this morning for Joseph, Ore., on a business trip. Will Lempke and family arrived in Grants Pass Sunday and wHl again 'be residents ot the city, Mr. Lempke working out from here on the Southern Pacific. ( C. D. Reese, of Los Angeles, ar rived here Saturday and will Inves tigate some mining propositions. Mr. Reese was a prospector In Josephine county, hut left this section twenty years ago. Home grown seed corn, Minnesota 13 and Pride of the North, at Pardee's. 729 . Lester Calhoun went to Roseburg this morning, representing Bethany Presbyterian Sunday school at the district convention held at Roseburg Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of this week. N. F. Macduff left last night for Powers, on the Coquille river, going by way of Eugene and over to the coast. He will also visit Port Or ford and Agnes, returning home by the Rogue river trail. Musle Club Tuesday The Muslo club chorus Is requested to be in full attendance tomorrow evening, In the Presbyterian church, promptly at 7:30. Following chorus practice, the study section will meet and take up the study ot soma ot the modern composers. Clark & Holman, UnderUk Licensed euKbalmers. Phone 50 tt Wedded In Eastern State Announcements were lately re ceived In this city ot the marriage at Portsmouth, Ohio, ot Dr. Jacob L. Hansetb. a former resident ot Jose phine county, to Miss Emma Elaine Nelson. Dr. and Mrs. Hanseth will make their home In Oklahoma City, Okla. v Rogue River Camp Is St Rogue River Camp, No. 55, W. O. W., today celebrates the 21st anniversary ot lt organisation In this city and the members will sit down to a banquet at6:30 In honor ot the occasion. Lodge meeting and initiation will follow. District Man ager D. J. Beakey will be one ot the guests. EASTER CITY WERE SERVICES III NOTABLE Englewood Dairy, Phone 22a The pure milk dairy. 692tf. Told of Oregon Flowers- Prof. Sweetser, of the extension de partment of the University of Oregon, spoke to the students at the high school this morning on "The Wild Flowers of Oregon," giving a most Interesting talk on a subject with low, which he is thoroughly In love. AntotsU See Valley Hundreds of automobile parties were gliding over the fine roads ot the Rogue valley Sunday, the day be ing unexcelled for outings of the character. Many parties hunted pic nic grounds along neighboring creeks and rivers, while numerous others autoed to Ashland, Medford or other of the valley towns. There were many Grants Pass people In the throng that visited the Llthla park at Ashland. DiUy Gorbntt's Birthday Saturday afternoon about 20 guests gathered at the home of Aunt Belle Stephenson, 249 West I street, the occasion being the seventh birth day, of Billy Gorbutt. A real merry making time was bad. Those pre sent were;,- Blanche Glazier, Glen Pearson, Alvln Erlckson, Evelyn Holms, Willard Glazier, Ellis Holms, Earl Lehman, Annie Hannah, Ruth Hannah, Teddy Marlow, Vlda Moore, Marie Marlow, Audrey Mock, Jimmy Marlow, Sara Marlow, Donna Love, With perfect weather conditions, Easter Sunday was notable In Grants Pass, and new bonnets and gowns were on parade from morning to night The story ot the Easter time, ot the resurrection ot the Christ, was told In song and In sermon at all the churches ot the city, and there was a great outpouring ot the people to attend the services at the various houses ot worship. The cantata, "Easter Praise," given at Newman Methodist Episco pal church under the direction ot Prof. MacMurray, was pronounced one of the most delightful, both as regards the manner of Its telling the story ot the rising of Jesus from the grave and of the artistic merit ot (those who assisted in the produof tlon, . ever 'seen ' In the city? . ,Tht church was crowded, at both morning and 'evening services. The service at St. Luke's Episcopal church was marked by the attendance ot Mellta Commandery, Knights Tem plar, In a body, the members appear ing In full regalia. A neat program of the morning service had been pre pared for the use of those attending. At the Christian church the pastor preached a sermon from a topic of the Easter time, and In the evening the program was given over to the children of the Bible class. The story of the day was the sub ject ot the discourses at all the other churches, the Sunday school hour at the Baptist church being given over to an Easter program. At the Beth any Presbyterian church the Sunday school was followed by an Easter ser vice and a reception to new members. P.'C. Baughman, of Portland, ar rived here this afternoon and will be engaged for a week or more In the construction of a powder house at the granite pit for the Southern Pa cific company. COMING EVENTS April 25, Tuesday Music club chorus practice at 7:30 p. m.; study sec tion at 8:15 p. m. Presbyterian church. , Aprrf 26, 27, 28, Wednesday to Fri day Third annual meeting of the first southern Oregon district Fed eration ot Womens' Clubs, at Ash land, Oregon. Billy Gorbutt. Ethel Marlow, ElmalAprll 27, ThursdayEagle Point Glazier, Aunt Kate Smith, Dora Mar- . i Organize Construction Co. Newspaper Men in Valley j The gouthern Oregon Construction E. E. Brodie, publisher of the Ore- comDanv j the name of a new or- gon City Enterprise, and Phil Bates, sanlzation that has been formed to publisher or tbe pacific northwest, oi Portland, the president and secretary of the Oregon State Editorial associa tion, were in Grants Pass yesterday and were met by A. S. Coutant of the Observer and A. E. Voorhles of the Courier, and these gentlemen made a trip to Medford by automobile, call ing on the newspaper men en route. Holcotnb's New Auto A. C. Holcomb and party arrived this afternoon from Portland, driv ing their new Chalmers Six, having experienced no difficulty except In the Cow Creek canyon, where mud was encountered. The party con sisted of Mr. and Mrs. Holcomb and baby daughter, Mrs. Holcomb's mother, Mrs. E. M. Pound, ot Salem, and her sister, Mrs. O. H. Gilbert, and husband, of Portland. Mr. Gil bert will return to Portland tonight, but Mrs. Gilbert and Mrs. Pound wilt remain for a visit. I TOMORROW handle the various construction pro positions of the . Oregon-Utah Sugar company, the Public Service corporation, and other affiliated con cerns. The new company will have charge ot all building operations of the companies, including the ditcb digging and construction at the Golden Drift dam for the Public Ser vice Irrigation systems, of all the work for the sugar company other than the contract work being done by the Dyer Construction company, of the construction of the contem plated power plant, and other build ing operations to be carried forward here. . Job printing of every description at the Courier office. community day and school field meet. April 28, Friday Chicken pie sup per, Presbyterian church. April 29, Saurday Annual ball and double-header basketball at Kerby. May 1, Monday Inter-class field and track meet, with crowning of May Queen, High School campus. Ma 1, Monday Spring festival and may pole dance at the Riverside school. May 4 and 5, Thursday and Friday Eighth grade examinations will be held In Josephine county, May 9, Tuesday Opening day of State Grange at Grants Pass. May 17, Wednesday Final concert by Music club. May 12, Friday Senior play at Opera House. 740 May 18, Thursday Valley Pride an nual picnic and field meet, Valley Pride creamery, Applegate. May 19, Friday Primary election. Envelopes printed at the Courier office. V CLARA KIMBALL , YOUNG LACKAYE TRILBY "The inoftt popular actress In America." In the remit popularity con tent recently conducted In Mutte and critical New York, Clara Kimball Young waft the winner by over a million votes, W BI JOU W " Tribute to Triangle Leadership " U there remained a doubt In the minds of any of the 800 people who last night packed The BIJou theatre to capacity as to the abnolute superiority of TRIANGLE PROGRAMS, we believe that doubt wm banished after last night's showing of 'The Edge of the Abyss"-5 Acts with MA KV BOLAND, WILLARD MACK and FRANK MILLS 'The Submarine Pirate"-4 Acts With Syd Chaplin It Is not our dcalre to attempt to convey to you nu overdrawn cut I mute of this program through the uho of a multiplicity of Inane and polnllc superlative. However, we are wife In saying that there are not ten out of the three hundred who anw lnnt nllif uliow that will not say that this Is THE GREATEST PHOTOPLAY PROGRAM EVER SHOWN LV THIS CITY Remember TOMGHT IS THE LAST NIGHT' Pleane Come Early Seats Are Limited Put Oil Damonds Then note how freely your car respond to power how much easier It takes the hills now much more smoothly, with how much lees vibration, It rides over rough roads. Yon Will Travel Farther for Each Dollar titan you ever did on Urea, when you equip with the 1914 "VELVET-RUBBER" Diamond tires. Never sold "by the pound" Never told by "the layer" or thickness,' Always sold on Its True Pneumatlo Tire performance, Grants Pass Hardware Co. At Your Service Money Invested in Oregon TheVoodmen of the World Money Invested in Oregon Has One Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars invested In Oregon Bonds, as per the following list: DESCRIPTION Par Value Ashland. Water I 15.000 Ashland, Elect rlo Light 25.000 Ashland, Refunding SO, 000 Astoria. Funding ........ 95,000 Ashland. Electric Light . 30,000 Baker. Water 5,000 Baker, Sewer 19,000 Baker, City Hall 97.000 Baker, Water 17,500 Corvtllls, Main Sewer 20,000 13,600 Clstsop Co.. Road 25.000 Clackamas Co., School Dtst. 62 5,500 Columbia Co., Road 20,00ft Coos Co., 8chool Diet. 9 10,000 Columbia Co.. School Dist. 2 14,000 Dallas, Improvement 11.000 Douglas Co., School Dlst. 19 10,000 Douglas Co., School Dlst. 32 30,000 Douglas Co., School Dlst. 1 90,000 Eugene, Wster 56,000 Eugene, Refunding 60,000 Eugene, Armory 15,000 Gllllsm Co., School Dlst. 25 10,000 Grants Pans, Sewer 18,000 Hood River, Water 15,000 Hood River Co., School Dlst. 4 20,000 Humboldt Co., School Dlst. 1 , 20,000 Harney Co., School Dlst. 1 14,800 Josephine Co., School Dlst. 7 10,000 Jackson Co., School Dint. 22 27.500 Jackson Co., Per. Road 20,000 Klamath Falls, Bewer 5,000 Klamath Falls. City Hall 35,000 Klamath Co.. School Dlst. 1 14,000 LaQrande, Sewer 10,000 I.aGrande, Pipe Line 20,000 LaGrande, Sewer 40,000 Iane Co., School Dlst. 43 18,950 Lane Co., School Tlst. 19 20,000 Linn Co., School Dint. 16 18,000 Medford, Wster 70,000 Multnomah, School Dlst. 2 18,600 Multnomah Co., School Dist. 45 12,500 Medford, Ore.. Improvement 25,000 Malheur Co., School Dlst. 3 10,000 McMlnnvllle. Water and Light 30,000 Malheur Co., School Dlst. 12 9,000 Marlon Co., School Dlst. 77 6,000 McMlnnvllle, Water and Light 10,000 Milton City, Water and Light 18,000 Marlon Co., School Dist. 4 14,000 Marshfield, Funding 25,000 Malheur Co., School Diet. 15 25,000 Oregon City, Water 55,000 Pendleton, Water 10,000 Polk Co., School Dlst. 26.., 7,000 Polk CO.,' School Dlst. 11...7. 10,000 Pendleton, Levee 9,000 Polk Co., 8chool Dlst. 2 40,000 Springfield, Impr t 20,000 fillverton, Water and Sewer 20,000 Sllverton, Improvement 14,000 Umatilla Co., School Dist. 5 21.000 Umatilla Co., School Dlst. 16 60,000 Umatilla Co., 8i:hool Diet. 14 6,000 Union Co., 8chool Dlst. 6 . 45,000 Umstllla Co., School Dist. 56.. , ,11,600 Umatilla Co., School Dlst. 29 ; 16.000 Wood burn, City Hall 12,000 Wallowa Co., School Dlst. 12 , 10.000 wasnington CO., school Dlst. 15 10,000 Washington Co., School Dlst. 7 10,000 Yamhill Co., School Dlst. 29 22,000 Yamhill Co., 8chool Dlst. 48 10,000 Total , 11,812,450 D. J. BEAKEY, District Manager. Josephine Hotel BRITISH EVACUATE EGYPTIAN VILLAGE London, April 24. Throe thous and hostile troops forced the British to evacuate Quatla, Egypt, yeBterday, it was officially admitted today. The British, repulsed a simultane ous attack on Duolilar, "hold the war office. Both the placos mentioned are villages. COMMENCE SECOND TRIAL OP REV. SLAUGHTER Oroville, Cal., April 24. Iter. Madison Slaughter goes on trial here tomorrow, for the second time, on a charge of attacking Gortrude Lam son, 16 years old. The lndiotment prefers the same complaint that he was tried on previously, when the Jury disagreed. The offonso Is allogod to havebeon committed Novembor 14. The trial probably will be much shorter than the first ono, as the ovldenco Is the same and all logal questions' regarding tho testimony have hoen disposed of. Flfty-flvo talesmen have been summoned for the first Jury vonlre. No prosocutlon subpoenas will be Issued until the Jury Is obtained. Slaughter preached List night on "Justice versus the Press,"