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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1916)
MONDAY, A rillL ill, 1010. imv immii'k kivkh courier t'AQE THIIE8 T SEET. R. ON STUMP Oyster Hay, N. Y., April 24 Colonel Hoosevult may reconsider bit plaus not to Mump the nilcldlo wont before the national convention, It was hinted today. He has not yet 'accepted the Invitation to deliver the Memorial address t Kansas City, but It It likely lie will do lo. ' Should whirlwind tour of Iowa, Nebraska and other state revive the old Roosevelt demonstrstlons, the colonel might enter Chicago at a dramatic moment when the stage li let for the choli'o of a republican progreaslve lender, hla frlenda said. They would then expect a stam pede of delegates from former Rooso velt strongholds. Kooeovelt would not comment on Henry Ford's show ing Id Nebraska, which Is Interpreted aa proof that tba middle west Is against war and preparedness. Some friends said that Roosevolt might accept the challenge and to carry on a preparedness campaign In a whirlwind tour. Mere Suptt, Most of Us. AH the world'a a singe, but only a few putfuruiera get the sMt light Ilostou Transcript. Look Luck has an uuplciinant habit of fa voring those who dim't deix-nd on it t'blladolpbla Itoeord. Quito Natural. "How did you get that stitch In your aider" "Ob, 1 got heiumed In a crowd." Harvard Ijiiii-h). Eldsrdown. Eiderdown Is olio of the poorest con ductors of beat, bence Km uoe as a tied covering A Hoptlsts Case. WltikH-Jhtks nivr imh-s the Milnt of a Joke. Illlukn No; Uo Is usually tlie butt of li.-Now Yrk Herald. i in li, , ' , J.,..1' !l Political Cards (Paid Advertisements) EUGENE L. COBURN Hcpublicau Candidate for Nominee for County Clerk I'reaeut Incumbent ECLUS POLLOCK Republican Candidate for Nominee for Assessor Present Incumbent DR. J. 0. SMITH Republican Candidate for Nominee for State Senator A. E. VOORHIES Republican Candidate for Nominee for Representative J. A. WHARTON .Republican Candidate for Nominee for County Clerk WILL 0. SMITH Republican Candidate for Nominee for 1 Sheriff Present Incumbent GEO E. LXJNDBURQ Republican Candidate for Nominee for State Senator , Isomer white Republican Candidate for Nominee for Sheriff ', Primaries, May 10, 1010 FRED MERRILL Democratic Candidate for. Nominee for . Sheriff J.F.BURKE . Republican Candidate! for Nominee for , Commissioner MIDDLE m MAY AMERICANS WILL GO TO HOLLAND The Hague, April 24,Many Am ericana are preparing to qlose their affairs and leave Germany on two days' notice if diplomatic relations with the United States are severed, It Is known today. A number bas ar ranged to come to Holland and leave their affairs In neutral banda In Her lln. Others, however, Intend to re main In Germany, even though rela tions be severed, feeling confident tbst war will not result. There has been no exodus of Am ericans since the latest submarine crisis developed. Several Americans have postponed going to eDrlln pend ing the outcome of the recent events. About 700 Americans are In Ger many. Those leaving would probably concentrate In Merlin and go to Hol land on a special train. (Jerman-Amerlcan excitement Is ap parently subsiding. The feeling Is growing that Germany will either yield Immediately, or manouver to prevent an early rupture In diplo matic relations. A SPRING RENEWAL How te Utilise a Coff Feathar Bd by Making Pillows of It A few women lire fortunute.ln tmv In; Inherited a ImiiiiImT of old lied pll lows n nd tmlMtcra, n nd there Is imthlim like old fashioned fruitier for dividing i Into firing for sofa pillows while they Inst. Thee feathers can always be put together siiulu for lied ue If nee-lixl. ami mi'.inwlilletlii'y uilitht Just as well Ik ii-mM fur aifii pillow as to be laid away In (lie storeroom. However, uot every one I ho fortu nut j tii to 'save iKviiiniilnteil the froth ereil nX eoverlngs of her ancestors, tho.i It N found tluit to Imy new rentier W eyeindve. The cheniier pil lows ltii;;lit reiidy made are filled with cot I Mti or with soft clippings from llu en end -hhi rues, and u good Iioiiic ujiule III! in it rar n pillow may Ik mnde by t iitiltig a roll of cotton Into small i I tin res nud lientliiK Iht'iu In a pan In die oven for li ilf an hour, taking care ii"t n let the cotton scorch. Every snuiiiv will, aeeordlng to best author ity, swell to twite Its ordinal lr.o and iHiume ns Hylit ami fluffy for tilling as fcatlieis. SCRAP THE TABLECLOTH 1 How to Mast Attractive Lunohtsn 6sts to Replace a Burden. ' Many of the new lunctieou seta are sitiiire Instend of round. Whether It Is merely a imssliiK fad or u fashion here to stay remains lo k seen. These square sets have n wide hem and a drawnwurk border three-quarters of an Inch wide, and a feature of this uew drtiwuwork U the Introduction of colored threads. Swedish weaving Is another form of needlework being revived and Is ap plied to household Uncus. It la really tuiMcd on druwuwnrk, but Is slightly different, worked In color and quite simple. The delightful part Is that after one has acquired a working knowledge of the few stitches used cue can create one's own design. More Appropriate. Sir George Alexander's original name was Samaon before be went on the stage, and apropos of this fact a good story Is told. A well known theatrical managor was once discussing Sir George with a friend. "By the way, Alexander Isn't bis right name. Is it? Inquired tbe friend. . "No," said tbe manager. "It need to be Samson. It was a pity to change tbe name of Batnson to Alexander." "Oh, but Alexander conquered tbe world, you know!" laughed the other. "Tea," answered the1 manager, "but Samson Is a mora appropriate theatri cal man. Have you forgotten that damson was the first man who brought lown the bouse?" London Mnll. Wsish FUtf Indian. Eight or nine hundred .Veurs ujjo a bun I of adventurous VVlnhiijeii landed on the Auicileuii eoni and planted a enlony. They never went back.' mid. sccoidliitf to Mr, .lames Mcl-uunhlln In "My Friend' the ludluu." "became In some sort the ancestors or a tribe of Indians, for the Maudlins nte thought by aoine writers to bo the descendants of the lost Welshmen. Some philolo gists have endeavored to prove this to tbelr own satisfaction, and It la aald that the Mandans to this day retain In their vocabulary a great many distinct ly Welsh words. And for hundreds of years they maintained physical and mental characteristics that have raised them above their follows." How te Test an Oven Before You Burn Yeur Caks. Test your oven beforo putting in the cake by throwing on tho bottom a spoonful of dry flour. If the flour takes fire or quickly turns Onrk brown color the oven's temperature Is too high, and you should allow the oven to cool a little. If tho flour remains white after It bus been there a few moments tho temperature. Is too low. If tho -oven Is of tho proper heat tbe flour will slightly brown and look a Utile scorched, 1 Letterheads at the Courier. We Soil and Guarantee iwiumm TOOLS and CUTLERY ItOCU IC ItlVEH HAItDWAIlK Tbe Wif lted Front ' Portland, April 24. Today's mar ket quotations were: WheatClub, &0f9fl; bluestcm, 1.02 V4. Oats No. 1 whlto feed, 25.75 26.50. Hogs Best live, 8 9.15. Prime steers, 8. 76; fancy cows, 7. CO; best calves, 8. Spring lambs, 1011. Butter City creamery, 30; coun try, 30ff21. Kgga Selected local extras, 22 0 23. Hens, 18: broilers, 3(K(35; geese, 10CM0H. Copper, 28 H. TKOOI'KIt IMK8 FHOM MK.WCAX HARDSHIPS Columbus. N. M., April 24. -Albert llnrtman, Troon K 13tb cavalry died while en route back from the front to Columbus In a motor truck It was learned today when his body arrived. He suffered from dementia Induced by terrible hardships In Mexico. Mutio of the 8phrs. Tbe rising end tho setting of the sun clearly prove that this globe Is carried round In the spm-e of twenty-four hours In an cterniil ami never eudfug circuit and with Incredible awlftneas. I am not able to say whether the sound caused by tbe wblrllug about of so great a mass be excessive "nd there fore far beyond what our ears can per ceive, nor. Indeed, whether the re sounding of so many stars, all carried on ut the same time mid revolving In tbelr orbits, may not produce a de lightful harmony of Incredible aweet uess. To us. who am In tbe Interior, the world nppcurs to glide silently along both by day nml by nli'bt. Pliny. , envelopes printed at tho Courier office. '- 1 4?ats t i . . l 1 ' ! 'H'Kjr Vfc?.';.Ba I -f-y rt -a ' .:".v.':.::-'.3 fiAsaisMaie)iaaa Mii-'PsmiMiTTi SIIIIBl.taAISiSlilBIBA' SS S5f sp rwsi ' "The Machine f ii witn a Persnnnlifv" r gjf 1110 matter what your f S vi touch this new tZ mm iv u v m I masicr 5 g- Model 1U will fat iL "Just turn the set-screw J and regulate the touch J a of this new Royal to fit YOURSELF Make ;3 it light and smooth as velvet or firm and J snappy as you like. Built for "Big t i Business" and its I S Great Armv of ------ r ; 1 1 Expert Operators g' Every keen wilted ten I I otfrspher every office msn gerevery expert operator on V tbe bring line oi V Big Bull- neu will graip tbe enormous ! wtri'HviMt value of tbe new S KOtsIs AJtuslatl I tuck KOJSI 8 AdJHSlaOlt ItUC f tbst Ukes the "grind " out a of typewriting I I I But tbe new Model 1U Dss a msny other blfl, vitsl new features. Jnvtstigatt thm I ' Get the Facts I Sand for tho Royal man and ask for a DEMONSTRA TION. Or write us direct for our ntwbrochurtu, ' 'BE TTER SERVICE," and On Pro bUm SolvJti poatal brings them free of charge. Price$100 4 t t ROYAL TYPEWRITER CO, lac WMiUN ItlVEH 1 1 (X)UUIUlt, Agent PORTLAND MARKETS ' W Ja.,x,tH 1 "f Ml tr, I 2 . If 4. Jfl ii FOrt 8AUL 40 ACHES -4 V miles from Grants Pass, no improvements, lor sale at 140 per acre. Under ditch sur vey. Address No. 2416, care Courier. 667 tf FOR 8 A LB 8ix-room plastered house, close In, lot 100x100, good shade. Addreas No. 2413, car Courier. 667tf ANUEL, CAKES supplied for any oc casion, SOo each. Phone 190-J. 83 REGISTERED BERKSIURES, Hoi steins and Pereberons. High class young stuff for sale at all times. Individuality, breeding, produc tion. P. R. Steel, Winona Ranch, Ronte 1. 692U FOR SALE Very high-class regis tered Guernsey bulls, nearly ready for service. Prices right. Leonard Orchards Company, River Banks Farm. 96tf MURPHY farm for sale, 73 acres 10 miles from Grants Pass, on banks of Applegate river, some bottom land, much upland under dltcb, with water right Address No. 615, care Courier. 707tf. FOUR ACRE3 set to grapes, peaches and apples, five-room bungalow, on Pacific highway, two miles from city, no Incumbrance, for sale. A snap If taken before June 1. Ad dress John Ross, Grants Pass. 762 HOUSE for sale or trade for Medford property at 322 West J street. Write or phone to C. F. Relcbsteln, Medford. Ore. 739 FOR SALE Five-stamp quartx mill, including engine, boilers, air com pressor, pressure tank, concen trating tables,' rock crusher, ore cars, T rails, etc. Address 686 Courier. 742 IRRIGATED farm and two timber claims, also five houses in Grants Pass and one nearly new two- seated hack for sale cheap. Joseph Fetzner, 755 North Eighth street, Grants Pass, Oregon. 742 FOR SALE Team heavy work horses, 3 Vi -inch wagon, and heavy harness. John B. Hair, Rogue River, Ore. , 744 FOR SALE Field selected and test ed Minnesota No. 13 seed corn at 7c per pound, shelled and screened Leonard Orchards Company, River Banks Farm. 734 FOR SALE There is 160 acres of land in Illinois valley In my hands for sale, good bouse and outbuild ings, several acres of good agricul tural land under cultivation, fruit trees, 800,000 feet of sugar pine, fir and yellow pine cruised by county, thousands of cords of wood. $1,600 cash, or $600 cash, bal ance long time 6 per cent. Be longs to non-resident and Is anxi ous to sell, getting old and unable to handle It. John B. Griffin. 726tf BLUB PRINT plats of Grants Pass for sale at Courier office, f 1.60. 93 FOR SALE On easy terms, stock ranch, 865 acres, Linn county, 20 per acre. $2,000 cash down, bal- , ance long; time, or will exchange for unincumbered income proper ty. Address Geo. W. Wright, Albany, Oregon. 731 TWO ACRES near Holland cheap for a quick sale. Address J. G. Bunch, Kerby, Ore. 732 FOR SALE Cheap, one good work horse, perfectly gentle, work single or double. Apply 811 North Ninth Btreet. '.. 732 FOR SALE Gents bicycle good re pair, Inquire at 210 South 5th etreet. 729 TO RENT FOR RENT Partly furnished cot tage and unfurnished cottage, both close In. Inquire A. E. Voorhles. TO RENT Six Room furnished house with sleeping porch, modern, three blocks from Post office, reas onable rent. Phone 215-Y, or ad dress 112 C Street. , 729. FOR RENT Furnished room close to good boarding house, or would rent whole house It preferred, Two blocks from post office, near PreB byterlan church, 315 E Streot. Grants Pass. 732 FOR RENT FurniBhed five room cottage, Mrs. J. P. Jester, 214 C Street,' phono 168-R. 728tf FOR RENT Seven-room modern house, partly furnished or other- , wise. Good location. $10 per month. Inquire 801 North Sixth street,-or phone 179-L. ,729 Classified Advertising TO EXCHANGE EXCHANGE Wanted cook stove for hot water, small dining table, mat tress, sanitary cot, a screen. Have for exchange typewriter, a child's go cart, or and other articles. Telephone 215-T. 729 WILL EXCHANGE my 40-acre ranch, good buildings, fence, fruit, grain planted, for desirable Grants Pass or close In property. Address No. 782, care Courier. 729 WANTED WANTED By capable woman, posi tion as cook at a mine. Address 700 West C street. Grants Pass, " Ore., or phone 337-R. 730 WANTED Woman or girl for gen eral house work. Woman pre ferred. Write Mrs. Chas. Cham plln, Gold Hill, Ore. 729 WANTED to buy a rowboat or canoe. Must be in good condition and price reasonable. Will trade Kodak. Address No. 781, care Courier. 733 AUTO SERVICE PRIVATE AUTO SERVICE Before arranging for trip to Selma, Kerby, Holland, Waldo and Crescent City or Brookings, call Phone 228-J or 243-R. Rates reasonable.. Hiller & Randall. 706tf MISCELLANEOUS CRYSTAL SPRINGS water .put up in 5-gallon glass jars and delivered at your door, treah, pure, sanitary. Telephone 293-R and water wagon will call. ' "IRE MOUNTAIN WATER Clear and refreshing. Bacterial tests as- sure that this water is pure. De livered In five-gallon bottles. '.V. E. Beckwltb. Order by phone, 602-F-3. ' 459tf FAMOUS STALLION Tbe well- known David Harum, trotting stal lion, will stand on Mondays each week during season at Parker's Livery, diagonally across from Ox ford hotel. Terms $15 to Insure; $10 by season; $5 single service. J. J. McMahon, owner, Rogue River, Ore. - 745 BASKETBALL double-header, Kerby vs. Selma, Saturday, April 29, 8 p. m. Grand annual ball at 9:15 p. m. Come one and all. Good music. 733 HOTELS NEW MANAGEMENT Palace hotel invites all old and new customers to make the Palace their home while in the city. Courteous treat ment. Prices reasonable. Geo. A. Hyde, manager. 736 VETERINARY SURGEON DR. R. J. BESTUL, Veterinarian, Office In Winetrout Implement Building. Phone 113-J. Resi dence phone 305-R. TIME CARD Calif ornia and Oregon Coast Railroad Company (The Oregon Caves Ronte) Effective Monday, Jan. 20, 1916. Train 1 lv. Grants Pass .7:00 a.m. Arrives Waters Creek 8:00 a.m. Train S It. Granta Paea 8:00 p.m. Arrivea Waters Creeks 4:00 p.m. Train 4 lv. Waters Creek....5:00 p.m. Arrives Grants Fass....:...6:oo p.m. On Sundaya train No, 1 is canceled. All trains leare Grants Pass from the corner of G and Eighth streets, opposite the Southern Pacific depot For all information regarding freight and passenger service call at tho nfnpA nf the enmnanr. Public Ser vice building, or phone 138-R for same. . Train will stop on flag at any point between Granta Pass and Waters Creek. Passenger service every day In the week. , His Incoma. "How much Ih bo uiukliiK" Betweeu n inoiorvyi'le and a c-ar.H-rhUmti'lplila Bulletin . V ' Fated. ' '.Ir, Outline WUiit became of the cmiviKi c!oc? . Outlute-TUe cut ato It. .-w York Sun. . ' ( Hard Hoaclod. AilvortlKCUiiml.-,-Lost-Walking stick ifiitkuuii Ivory licud ftusiiiii Trniisi -rip I. ',' ' " . Miaiindoratood. "Throw1 up your' bunds!", "Whin s tins, sotiu'Mii'w a.VKtem of pli.vsli-itl t-iiltiii'eV" -New York Pns Natural Ability. "How I Ills juitlout does kiH'ii Up!" "Of course lie docs. He's au avi ator ''Baltimore American. Could Count Thm. Mr. ' Rlnkpute-l'art my balr In the middle, pleose. The Barber But there la au odd number, alr.-Excbango. . PHYSICIANS L. O. CLEMENT, Jfi. D. Practice llmlwd to diseases of tba eye, ear. nose and throat Glasses fitted. Office hours 9-11, 2-5, and on ap pointment' .Office phone 62; real dence phone 35 9-J.. 8. LOUGHRIDOE, M. D., Physician and surgeon, city or country eau attended day or sight Rag. phone ' 369; office phone ltl Sixth and H. Tuffs Building. . P. TRUAX, If. D., Physician and Surgeon. Phones: Office, 121; residence, ,824. CaEa answered at all boars. Country calla at tended to. Londebirg Bldg. DR. ED BT WATER Specialist oa diseases of aye, ear, nose and throat; glasses fitted. Office hours: to 13 a. m., 3 to 5 p. m- Phones: Res. 234-J; Office, 257-J. Schmidt Building, Grants Pass. Oregon. DR. F. D. STR1CKER Diseases of children and general practice. Tele phone 174-J. Office: Masonic build ing, tl A. A. WITHAU. IL D., Physician and Surgeon. Office: Hall Building, corner Sixth and I streets. Phones: Office, 116; residence, 282-J. Hours: 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. DR. H. WARREN NICE. Osteopathic Physician.' Chronic and nervous diseases specialty. Rooms 1 and 2, Lundburg building, opposite poet office; phone 149-R. Residence:' Colonial hotel; phone 167-J. 738 DENTISTS E. C. MACY, D. M. D., Flrst-claaa dentistry. 109 South Sixth street. Grants Pass,' Oregon. ...".;. BERT R. EUJOTT, D. M. D. Mod ern dental work. Marguerite H. Elliott, dental assistant Rooma 4 and 5, Golden Rule building, Grants Pass, Ore. Phone 265-J. ATTORNEYS H. D. NORTON, Attornvy-at-Uw. Practice In all State and Federal Courts. First National Bank Big. COLVIO ft WILLIAMS Attorneys ' at-Law, Granta Pass Banking Co. : Building, Grants Pass, Oregon. E. S. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practice . In all court. First National Bank Building. EDWARD H.' RICHARD. Attorney- at-Law. Offlo Masonic Temple, Granta Pass, -Oregon. W. T. MILLER, Attorney-at-Law County attorney for Josephine County. Office: Schallhorn Bldg. O. 8. B LAN CHARD, Attorney-at-Law. Granta Pass Banking Co. building. Phone 270. Granta Pass, Oregon. V. A. CLEMENTS Attorney-atriaw, practice . In (state and federal courts.. Rooms 2 and S, oyer Golden Rule store. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION VIOLIN INSTRUCTION Franc. Belgian school of violin playing. E. R. Lwrenee, 215 I street D RAVAGE AND TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. All kin da of drayage and transfer work carefully and promptly done. Phona "138-R. Stand at frieght depot A. 8hade, Propr. ; F. G. Isham, drayage and tranafer. Safes, pianos and furniture moved packed, ahlpped and stored. Phone Clark & Holman, No. 50. Residence phone 124-R. THE WORLD MOVES; ao do we. Bunch . Bros. Transfer Co. Phon 16-R. V JLODG1QS GRANTS PASS Lodge No. 84, A F. A la. Stated Commanl ca tions 1st and 3d Tuesdays. Visiting brethren cordially Invited. A. K. Cass, W. M. Ed. G. Harris, secretary. GOLDEN RULE LODGE, NO. 78, 1.O. ' O. F., meets syery Wed nesday eve' In I.O.O.F. Nrw hall, cor. 6th and H. Sts. Vlaltlng Odd Fellows cordially Invit ed to be present. I. V. Howell, N. G Clyde Martin, Secretary. ASSAYEIta E. R. CROUCH, Asaayer, ohemist metallurgist Roma 201-203 Pad dock Building. Grants Pass. DECORATORS AND PAINTERS PAPERHANGING, graining, paint ing. For the best work at lowest prices phone 2 9 5-J. C. G. Plant, South Park street.