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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1916)
PACK FOUR DAILY WXJUK 1UVKII COUltlKIt MONDAY, APIUL 10, 1010. few 1 M-V-i WHY YOU GKT THE 'WST RESULTS FROM OUU FIN. 1SHING DEPARTMENT Because we use only the fresh est and best chemicals and papers. Because we develop every film and print Individually. Because we discard all Imper fect prints. You pay for per fect prints only. Because we do every customer's work as carefully and con scientiously as we would our own. Others have learned this to their satisfaction and ours; whv not you? Give us a trial , Music and Photo House STANTVX ROWKLL, Prop. AMI SEMF.NTS TONIGHT . Bijou "Aloha Oe." Star "Still Waters." COMING EVENTS 4 April 11, Tuesday Music club re hearsal at 7:30 p. m., Presbyterian church parlors. April 12, Wednesday "Bringing 'Up Father," opera house. April 18, Tuesday Registration books close for primary election. April 14, Friday Silver medal con test at the Gaiety theater, 7:30 p. m. Given by the W. C. T. U. 721 April 19, Wednesdays-Last day for filing petitions of candidates for county and precinct offices. April 23, Sunday Easter Sunday. May 9, Tuesday Opening day of State Grange at Grants Pass. May 19, Friday Primary election. "FOUR GATEWAYS TO THE PACIFIC COAST' A beautifully Illustrated folder, "Foot Gateways to the Pacific Coast," has Just been Issued by the passenger department of the Southern Pacific. This folder gives a general descrip tion of the Southern Pacific routes to the Pacific coast through Portland, Ogden, El Paso, and New Orleans. A prominent feature of this folder is a two-color map, with Illustrated Inserts, which shows at a glance the many scenic attractions of the west ern states, and fittingly bears out the Southern Pacific's new slogan, "All the Pacific Coast Is a Show Place." Representation is given Oregon and Washington with eight pages of text and illustrations. Views of Seattle, Tacoma and Portland are shown, together with many of the scenic points of interest, such as Mount Rainier-Tacoma, Mount Hood, Rogue River, Crater Lake and the Siskiyou s. . NEW TODAY CLASSIFIED AD RATES. 25 words, two Issues, 25c; six Issues, 60c; one month, $1.50, when paid In advance. When not paid in ad vance, 5c per line per issue. IRRIGATED farm and two timber claims, also five houses In Grants Pass and one nearly new two seated hack for sale cheap. Joseph Fetzner, 755 North Eighth street, Grants Pass, Oregon. 742 FOR RENT Five acres first-class sugar 'beet land, under ditch. Good seven-room house and barn. Isaac Best. 717 WANTED For house work, experi enced girl. Call at 235 West J. 17tt FOR SALE Eight-horse-power gaso line engine, 3-inch centrifugal pump, light Maxwell touring car, all in fine condition and bargains. George A. Hamilton, phone C03-F-2. 722 LOST Gold wrist watch on high school grounds Saturday. Reward. Finder return to Courier office, care No. 703. 717 FOR SALE Five-passenger 1916 Ford car. Fine condition. En quire Joseph Moss. 718 HOME-MADE BREAD Phone Roch dale, No, 43. A specialty of salt rising bread.' 718 : PER52Nf1L W. II. Farrer, of Long Beach, la spendiug a few days In the city. A. M. Swift arrived this morniug from Chico, Cal., expecting to make his home here. Ladies' wash waists, prices 73c, $1.00, $1.23. $1.33, $1.50, up to $3. Mrs. Rehkopf. "16tf Mrs. Martha Jess returned this morning from a four months' stay with her daughter at Oakland, Cal. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and daugh ter, of Pomeroy, Wash., returnlug from spending the winter at . Sau Diego, stopped off Sunday uight tor a short slay with Mrs. E. C. Dixou. J. J. Hoagland and lamily left this afternoon for Rockford, III. The Hoaglands have been residents of Wilderville tor some time, having conducted the store and post office, but recently sold out. F. R. Steel, of the Winona ranch, came In this afternoon on business connected with the comiug Josephine County fair. ' B. A. Schallhorn is home from San Francisco to spend a few days with bis mother and brothers. Mr. Schall horn has been in San Francisco for tlje past two years and is salesman for the M. J. B. coffee. P. M .Warren and wtfe came In Saturday night from San Francisco to spend a few days with Mr. War ren's father, F. L. Warren. They are on their way to Alberta, Canada. Louis I'lrlch, postmaster of Jack sonville, with a family party motored to Grants Pass Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Conklin and two children, after spending the win ter at Mitchell. S. D., returned to Grants Pass this morning. They visited In Portland and Eugene on the way home and were accompanied by Miss Gladys Conklin, who will spend the Easter vacation here. CARD OF THANKS We extend our sincere thanks to our friends for their kindness to our beloved wife and mother. Jas. Eade. Mr. and Mrs. Hollce Nutt. Mr. and Mrs. Norman G. Nutt. Mr. and Mrs. George Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Munson. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Stephenson. A JAPANESE-GERMAN ALLIANCE FORECASTED Washington, April 10. Implying that the time Is coming when the United States will face a Japanese German alliance, Professor Morton Prince, of Tufts college, at a Navy league meeting today advocated thej building of a fleet as large as any two foreign navies combined, with the exception of that of Great Britain. Envelopes printed at the Courier office. 'Tours truly, "Always on the Level" Who said that? Epictet us, Thomas a'Kempls, Itacon, Curlyle, I-altocliefou-cauld, Demi Swift? Neither. This somewhat In elegantly expressed motto was the rule of conduct of John L. Sullivan, honest and dauntlesH old pugilist. In his professional dealings with the public he lived up to it. And the public trusted him. And the public trusts the STAR thcutor. It knows the STAR secures the greatest photoplays that money can buy, and exhibits them at one price always. Thus tonight it presents charming little Marguerite Clark, In a play of circus and canal-Mint life, entitled "Still Waters." This offering is as wholesome as the heather and ns natural as heaven's blue. Throughout this Paramount flve-reeler tears, laughter and thrills aro equitaldy lnter unerMcd. Wo also "have with us" Col onel Theodore Roosevelt, as reul as if in the flesh, In his Paramount Plctograph address on "Preparedness"; Professor Hugo Munsterherg of Harvard supplies some now "mind ' tosts"; and the Woman's Home Companlon chapter on "Better Ha hies" discourse on the mil Jeet of proper feeding of In fants, Tlie STAR Is welcoming a rlnss of atrons that heretofore never has attended motion pic ture theaters. There Is a reason. 55 LOQdL W. O, W. Member Attention Camp meets this evening. Elec tion of delegate to district conven tion and other business to com be fore the meeting. Each neighbor re quested to bo present. Closing Out K lux onei Stock of $4 horns lor $3. Tomor row's the last day. Bush Electric Shop. 717 Mrs, Shorta Pastes Away Mrs. Sarah Shorts, who died at her home In this city Sunday morn ing, was born n Arkansas August H. 1845. She leaves four children, Mrs, A. Adams North Bend Ore.; Mrs. B. Ridge, Beaver, Ore.; Mrs. A. J. Ridge, Gold Beach, Ore., and Mrs. B. F. Martin, Smith River, Cal. Mrs. Martin was with her mother at tho time death came. Burial was In Granite Hill cemetery, the funeral being held from Hall's undertaking lnrlors at 2: p. m. today. Rev. J. H. Harmon conducting the services. Dnnee Murphy, April 15 Nine till throe, with lunch, for $1.50. 716 Commercial Club Mooting Tonight The regular meeting of the Com mercial club will bo held tonight at the club rooms. There are a number of live Issues that will toe discussed at this meeting, among them being the arranging for the reception and entertainment of tho state grange, which meets In this city early In May. The club Is also bending Its energies toward the location of one of the federal mining experiment stations in this locality and is aiding Con gressman Hawley In this matter and In obtaining an appropriation for the road to the caves. Murk Holmnn. Undertakers Licensed euvbalmers. Phone 50 tt Hand In Business Session The members of the Moose band will hold a business session tonight and settle the business affairs result ing from the concert given Friday evening. The band treasury was put in a much more flourishing condition by the excellent patronage accorded by the citizens, and It is believed that the new uniforms can be purchased In the very near future. Through Its high class of music and the rapid Im provement which It has made, the band has won Its way to the hearts of the local public. Us Friday night concert having been pronounced the best yet given ,by a local band or ganization. The appearance of the boys In their new uniforms will te awaited with Interest Woman's Association The Woman's Association of Beth any Presbyterian Church will hold a regular business meeting on Thurs day afternoon at 4 o'clock (Note the change of hour). Several Important matters are to come up at this meet ing the election of a recording sec retary, an amendment to the const! tutlon to be voted up, election of delegates to the presbyterlal, and re ports of the treasurer and financial secretaries. There will ibe a family supper at 6 o'clock, followed by a congregational meeting. Each family or groups of families, if preferred, will bring their suppers except coffee. The food thus provided will be placed upon the tables by a committee and served. Arrangements are being made for the care of the younger children. Will you kindly make your plans so as to ho present? The Officers. Enulewood Dairy, Phone 223 The pure milk dairy. 692tf. New Court House Plan The county court has had present ed to it for consideration a plan for a new court house prepared by a local architect, E, E. McKlbben. The plan Is a novel and most distinctive one, leaving the old and more conven tional type of architecture that has been in vogue for years in public building construction. It proposes a structure of only a single story, but divided into three connected buildings, the central one bolng oc cupied by the circuit court rooms, with high ceilings and gallery, while the record vaults and ofllces of the county ofJlclals are In tho connected buildings, tho records ibolng easily accpRHlblo to all the offlclals. It is expected that tho court will proceed with tho construction of a new court house another season, tho special tax levy already having placed a por tion of the building fund In the trea sury . Remitting Otlleer Coining Sergeant It. S. Ilagcu, of tho United States army, now detailed as a re cruiting utllcer, will bo In Grants Pass Tuesday, April It, and will at tempt to Interest young men In this city In the life of tho soldier. Sergeant Hagon Is a Spanish Amciicnu war veteran, and hus been connected with tho general recruit ing service for a good many year. Wedded Ten Yews Mr. and Mrs. Grant Orme cele brated the tenth anniversary of their marriage last Saturday evening at their home on II street. Tho fol lowing quests were present: Mr. and Mrs. lfrrg, Mr. and Mrs. Chnllson and daughter, .Mr. ami Mrs. Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Maslker, Mrs. Polack man, Mrs. Rrtnkerhoff, Mr. and Mrs! Krlkson, Mrs. Julia Eukson and (laughter, Miss Miller. Feltou BrlRgs, Mr. and Mrs. Sweeney, Mrs. Alfred, Mrs. Woiland, Mrs. Stanard, Mr. and Mrs. Wnrtsbaugh. The guests were very pleasingly entertained by vocal and Instrumental music. A sump tuous luncheon was served and all pronounced It the best yet. The host irnd hortpss were presented with some very beautiful and valuable presents. STRIKE FLOWING WELLS AT NEW HOPE In his efforts to solve tho water problem upon his much in the New Hope district. 11. S. Wyuaut has de veloped a pair of (lowing wells. Tho Wilson drill outfit has been pounding a holo down into the earth for some time, tuo first well drlllud having been sunk to a depth of 120 feet and now flowing a continuous stream of crystal-clear water. The flow Is not heavy, now ibelug about a gallon a minute. After completing this woll tho drill was moved over 10 feet and a new well started. This waa down about 65 feet Saturday, and water was then standing to tho top of the well, and Mr. Wynant reports that it baa since commenced to flow. This one will bo continued till It Is down to the depth of tho first one. The first well was stopped in granite bed rock, through which it had been drilling for more than 20 feet. Flow ing water was struck In this one at a depth of 98 feet. Mr. Wynant ex pects to put a centrifugal 1ump upon the wells and develop water from them for Irrigation purposes. DIG STEAMER WILL HE CONSTRUCTED OX COAST Portland, April 10. The Willam ette Iron works and the Northwest Steel company will construct at least one, perhaps two, 8,500-ton steamers for Hannevlg and Johnson, New York ship brokers. The announcement was made through the United Press In New York today. Construction will .begin within sixty days. The price, though not announced, Is known to be more than $1,000,000 for each vessol. B. C. Balland and J. C. Boles, represent ing the builders, are now In New York city. AGED FIANCEE HAS YOUNGER IjOYKR ARRESTED Portland, April 10. Charged fcy his 81-year-old flanceo with stealing diamonds worth $500, Charles Gan non, 43 years old, was In the county Jail today. Canning had been living at the home of Mrs. Clara Ingalls, and says he was engaged to marry her. She gave him two diamond ear rings and an old fashioned diamond ring, purchased In St. Paul a quarter of a century ago. They were to bo made Into an engagement ring. When arrested in Oregon City yes terday, Gannon displayed Jewels which a local Jeweler said were Imi tations. The police believe ho sub stituted paste diamonds for the ori ginal ones. ' Gannon was divorced six months ago. OKLAHOMA NEGRO LYNCHED HY MOD Lnwton, Okla., April 10. Drag-! glng Carl Dudley, negro, Klayor of, Policeman James Hayes, from his ' cell In tho county Jail bsforo dawn today, a mob of 200 men shot him 1 to death In tho prison yard, thon tied a rope to bis bAdy and hauled It' through the streets. i Diplomats, "Old MQlyuni says that line fc made bis pilo of money ho feels Ilk neutral nation." "Why is that?" "Hecnuse bo has so many diplomatic relatlons."--Judce. 1 I am without question one of the funniest men In America, Yon may not believe this, but tomorrow I will meet you f acq to face. W . m sii(tiiitiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiitiiititaiitiiifln: A 4 '51 iAr,uuiiiii,ii.iiiiiiii.i!;;!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiii E3 ' J Uri S3 63 . ,- , : " ;n Watch for pio. Sincerely Letter Files n a : 4aA : Demaray's AUTO ACCIDENT O.V TIIK COLl'MIKA IIUillWAV Portland, April 10 With her skull fractured and her face terribly dis figured, Mrs. Henry Beckman, 2 years old, lay in the Good Samaritan hospital today as the result of an automobile accident on Columbia Bijou Tonight The Greatest of tho Trlanglo Programs Yet Shown TIIOS. II. INCE presents beautiful KNID MARKKY and WILLARD MACK In ALOHA OE' (Farewell to Thee) One of the nut brilliantly staged and art!, tlrally pniduced photoplays of the year. A five-net romantic tlrauut of the South He, containing some of the greatent storm, vol eanlc anil other sx-tmUr effects ever Mimed. ALSO very - -- Keystone comedy that Marts with a whoop and gallops through two thoiiHiiml fwt of tiprourioiiN nit nut Ions. They call It "THK YILLAUH SCANDAL," ami it's going to be the "village sensation." A hit wherever shown. We want you to see thl TIMANULH program fi and 13 Cents Why Do People Buy Dodge Bros. Cars ? llocnuso Dodge Bros, are mechanics themselves und build their cars right. Those who bought Dodge ears year do not Imvo to suffer a loss of from 24 to 40 per cent on account of change of model. llocnuso tho Dodgo service la uncxcclcd. MYKRS MOTOR CAR CO., Grants Pass, Ore. ' .Phono JMlil or 60 Cars on display at Grants Pass Oarage. California & Oregon Effective April IB, 1916, automobiles will bo operated betwoon Waters crook and Illinois valley points, connecting with the follow ing trains: . , No. 1. I,cnve Ornnts Pass 7 a. in. Arrlvo Waters Creek 8. n. m. No. 8. Ieave Waters Creek B p. m. Arrive Grants Pas 0 p. ni. Proston M. Dolano, Gen. Mgr. Grants Pass, Oregon n m t 3 " t . .t . yours, FRANK DANIELS. W'v nre still ablt to furn ish MONKOK LETTER EILES nt, i-noh . . . 35c 11 for $1.00 Drug and Stationery Store River highway yesterday. A. C. Warrlner, driver of an automobile which struck the Ihukman motor- (i cycle, Is held in the county Jail. Deputy sheriffs allege Warrlnor aped on after running down Mr. and Mr. Beckman. Empty whiskey bottles were found In tho Warrlnor automobile. Triangle I decidedly also t Raymond Hitchcock and KOSCOK AltltUCKLK, alius "Fatty," the fox lit,t luii-imtker In tho Ilium, In a two-reel Coast Railroad Co. s.