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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1916)
MONDAY, APRIL . 10, ' 1016. DAILY ROGUE RIVER COURIER PAGS TRUES Automobile Stage and KENT BARGAINS Wt have Juki completed aovorel special ears (or stage work. Alio have ready for delivery largo and comfortable high grade can, thoroughly over bauled, now tiros, nowly paint ed and GUARANTEED Will arcopt small car as part payment, easy torma on balance The Wliton Co. Portlond, Ore. 33rd and Wellington Streets Main 4244 Social Distinction. "Wlint trttlii do you tutu- coming Into town In the morning T "I uaed to take the Pinochle expreiw at 7:41, but' since I became a member of the Arm I've been traveling n the Hrlttue Wblut limited, which leaves at"-8t l.oul l'm iHNplitt'h Sailing OHtra. "Whata Hint aheet there" asked the nick sailor. . "That" explained i lit- mime. "Inyuur chart." "Hoi Well, what's the licit port I a uiako rtir iilnlne I ibm't like that ' top."-Kainai City .Imirunl. Mud.lra. CoiitholoKlHta holil that the finding of certain land snail on the lnluud of Madeira. kuwn to cxbu or to have aflltillle lu in) other I'luct' lu ttu world sccpt Europe, la aulllelcnt proof that Madeira wm at uun time connected with the mainland Highly Rooommondsd. Replying to your of the 10th hist aaklim for Information about one John Mullen, beg tu state that 1 can say nothing to discredit of aamo, to his credit even lesa. New York Post Political Cards (lft!d AdvertUemonU) EUGENE L. COBURN .llcpublicnu Candidate for . Nominee for County Clerk Present Incumbent ECLUS POLLOCK Republican Candidate for Nominee for Assessor Present Incumbent DR. J. C. SMITH Republican Candidato for Nominee for State Senator A. E. VOORHIES Republican Candidate for Nominee for Representative J. A. WHARTON Republican Candidate for ,. Nominee for County Clerk WILL 0. SMITH ReftuDhcan Candidate for Nominee for - - Sheriff Present Incnmbent GEO E. LUNDBURQ Republican Candidate for ' ''Noinirico fdr State Senator HOMER WHITE Candidato for Nominee for Sheriff Primaries, May 10, 1010 FRED MERRILL Democratic Candidate for Nominee for Sheriff Mountain Trees. ' ' i Borne1 Interesting 'facta relating to mountain trees aro given by Enos A, Mills In hie 'Rocky Mountain Wonder land." lie says: . "A few timber line trees live a thou, sand years, hut half this time Is a ripe old age for roost of the timber lino vet erans. The sue of those trees cannot he Judged by their sUe or by tbolr gen eral appearance. There may Is cento rlos of difference in the ages of two arm In arm trtwa of similar size, I ixamlned two trees that were growing within a few yards of each other in the shelter of e crag. One wss fourteen feet high and sixteen Inches In diame ter and had &J7 annual rlugs. The other, was seven feet high end five Inches In diameter and had lived 4D2 yours. "One dsy by the sunny and sheltered sldo of a bowlder 1 found a tiny seed bearer st nii altitude of 11,800 feet. How splendidly unconscious it was of Its fixe mid Its utterly wild surround lug; This bravo pine boro a dnlnty cone, yet, a drinking gluxa would have completely homed both tbo tree aud Its frulf Origin of the tetter V. Tbo letter V may be regarded as the mutilated remains of one of the sym bols uaed by the anvlonv Egyptians lu their hieroglyphic or picture writing. A common iinlmnl In their country wus (he (wo honitMl aandvlimr, a repreaen tatlon of which siood for V. The priests ultimately found that for the practical purposes of everyday llfo it was a wante of tlrtio to use elaborate hiero glyphics and Invented a kind of short lin nd to inert the onnNlon. In this tbo snake was reduced to a V with a duali (V to rcpreneut horna and body The PIkhmiIi'Iiiiis adopted this letter. ,snd from them we get our V by Ions of the dHh. leaving only the two little horns of the original picture. This unite Is still (uiiiimm in Ktiypt and Is probably the one im-iitimind In GciimiIi Xllx. 17. "tXill hIiiiII be a eipcllt by the wuy, an udder lu the path. Hint Mtctli the li'iiH.' Iic.-U, n that hi rider ahall full biickwsrd." Triivelern tell us I hut it 1 atlll Nddlt tiil to tli'i' unpleiimitit liablt Mualo of tht Church. Nothlnu I plainer (He seemingly Impeli'D Uoeadcii-e f Hie mil-do of the church iu riuit;ti;e l ulih iikkUtii pt Nihilities mid icalitii M of iiiiiMlcnl urt to day. , It In now Home "Jmi yearn slme the spirit of nttiMlt left the tiiircti -luce the churt-h eould hold and spir it mil ly feed n :reut i'otiioiMr ax It had dune In the preceding teutiirlos. The aplrlt of nitiHii;, eiiiHii.:li-!itei fnnu the luaterlalUUi' and pui itiiuUal Intliieneen which ovvrtmik entaliilslicd religion, brought forth the great modern rt of musk', with r.cethoveu iih Its lender, says Musical Ainertm What has hup pened to Hint urt at the hands of emu posers leas lofty and Icms spiritually mlndiHl than he the world knows only too well. eaiecbillr of late. The dl voire baa become almost complete Not only has music, lu Its greatest ow ers. forsaken the forum of the church: latterly It bus departed from splritusl vision mid usplrntluu within Its own artutle province. Faotors That Datsrmlns 8slariss. In the Wouian'H Home Companion a suceeNsful butiliierw mail y that sul srles are tlM'd by the uinouut and qual Ity of work ihtit u uiiin ean deliver "Pull.'' In his opinion, in a ueellulble factor In the IjiihIiickk world. "And that appllex to the uiun who W getting S30.0ho a yeur Just us truly a" It doea to the man who lx getting $30 A month. The only v Unit I ean be paid more money ibnu I am getting Ih by delivering more work to my com puny than I am now delivering or by showing my company how to aave mow money and ho have s larger prulli at the end of the year." Win Matchss. Wax mutches, so called, are made by drawing strands of One cotton thread, twenty or thirty at a time, through melted stearin with a small admixture of paraffin The was hardens quickly upon the, thrcads, and the long ta pers thus produced are smoothed and rounded by pulling them through Iron plates perforated with holes of tht de sired site. Finally the tapers art cut Into match leagths and dipped. Wearing Your Rubbers, , , Pqw to eludo your wife when, sht In sists that you positively must wear your rubbers whsn you go out: . ; ., Flrstr-Ttll , her . you . positively will pot do It . This, will produce In her an attitude of resignation, and. the will aJmostf forjrivejou fpr. npt wearing them for giving hor a chance to act tho role of a' martyr. ; Second-Say that, you never wore rubbers before you were married. Bite will -then', tell yon that you were al ways alck, to, and wlll.wQrk.bowelt Into a jovial glow by thinking what good care aha ,1s taking of youv,. , Thlrd.-Wear tho rubbers to keep peace hi the family.-Judge, Learning From Tumbles. i , It does not matter how many tumbles you bare In this Ufo so long as you do not get dirty when you tumble. There Is tho greatest practical benefit In making a few failures In life. You learn Unit which Is of Inestimable luipor tnneo-tunt. there nre u great iniiuy. peo ple hi the world who nre Just as clever ns you nre, and you very soon Ond out, If you linvo not found It out before, thnt patience and tenacity of putpOHe are worth more than twice their weight In rleverness.-Uuxloy. 'iy ii vTy9 nd Guarantee V TOOLS and CUTLERY 'M .1 111. it ! U: f, . .1.1 ROGIK RIVER HARDWARE - ......... The Rig Red Front- T ! : I'ortlund, April 10,- Today's mar ket quotations were: i Wheat Club, 9190: bluestem, ' i.04 1.06. , Outs No. 1 white' feed, 24.60 25.75. IJarley Feed, 260 29. Hogs Host live, 9. I'rluio steers, 9; fancy cows, 8; best calves, 8. Spring lambs, 10. Butter City creamery, 34; coun try, SO? 31. I Kkbs Selected local extras, 19 021. 1 Hons, 17 '4; broilers, 2214 030; goeao, 10 Oil. i Copper, 28. A. ritOVIHK KV NAVAL OFFICIAL I Washlnsrton, April 10. Following the advice of Admiral Flake, the sub committee of the house naval Corn ell tee today provided In the naval appropriations bill for a chief of op erations, who will have extensive authority In directing the movements of fleets. The secretary of the de partment will, however, have the last I word in all important situations. In a degree, the creation of this new 'office Is a curtailment of the secre tary's authority. ' THK KI LTAY OF SOLO PAPA TO 201 SONS San Francisco, -April 10. The sul tan of Solo Is the champion father '(' the world. According to Mrs. P. Jr. Dnvls. who has Just returned from iv'M'.Iit tho potentate's klnsdom In !.1ii.-n. tho sultan has 201 sons. He jvears tho belt. j The rultsn Is 50 years of age and ,h&: r.ore than 100 wives. i V'tBaaia J r- ( to, ! M urn 4. 4 rTTTsf sastsiaMaisssmaiaiaskas B"sstaviasiBswsisiaii fcBhlliHBIBlMBlBiai t-1 1 58 HvLUc: 4liejisiMMiWBwetaMvAatoJ snKninsinBir-s aagiHoaaiaaBiBiaiwsi.asj j "The Machine f " with a l ij , Personality" f NO matter what your J i touch this new Roval Master- f ! Model 10 will tit it f ' v.... .Li" " s jubi lurn me sci-screw g ! and regulate thetouch i fj 9 JK till HC " AVai M I fit YOURSELF Make J" it light and smooth as 1 1 velvet or firm and S snappy as you like. i Built for "Big tiismes9 .ana its I Great Army of i Expert Operator a Every keen-witted itea- i oirsphof" every office tnina- I taper! operator on I tl n II Willi of VBil Bit Buii- Bess , will rsii ID ihecoomious tk'taving Tslue I tho new Royal's AiiutUkU Tuck thai takes the "triad " out of typewritlol! ; , r,j , ijui tne new weoei iu nss msay other big," vltsl new features. Iwmiftt thmt Get it Fatf lt . ,r Ssndfortbo "Royal man" and ask for a DEMONSTRA TION. Or write na direct for oar nwbrahurse,"A7TJr SERVICE." and On Pro blunt Soivd postal brings them free of charge. S3 ROYAL TYPEWRITER CO, lac. tl OOURIKK, Agent nainnnmma-ts LAND MARKETS 3 t-5S5U , I. I HI FOst BALI, 40- ACRES 4 miiea from Grants Pass, no Improvements, for sale at 40 per acre. Under ditch sur vey. Address No. 2415, care Courier. ' " 657tf FOR BALE Six-room plastered house, close In, lot 100x100, good shade. Address No. 2412, care Courier. 657tf ANGEL, CAKES supplied for any oc casion, t0c each. Phono 190-J, 83 OLl'B PRINT plats of Grants Pass for sale at Courier office. 11.50. 93 REGISTERED. BERK3II1RE3. Uol stelns and Percherons. High class young stuff for sale at all times. Individuality, breeding;, produc tion. F. R. Steel, Winona Ranch, Route 1. 692tf KOIl SALE Very high-class regis tered Guernsey bulls, nearly ready for service. Prices right. Leonard Orchards Company. River Banks Farm. 696tf LI-SUL-FERTILIZER PASTE The residue produced In the manufac ture of litue-sulpbur solution. Con , tains calcium sulphite. . Price per barrel, tl. Elsmann Products Co., South Grants Pass. 724 FOR SALE Team, weight about 2,100; harness, back, plow and harrow, all In good condition. A bargain. K. Hammerbacher. R. F. D No. 2. 723 ILLINOIS VALLEY farm for sale. 191 acres, with good water right For terms, address J. R. White. Kerby, Ore. 7?7 r'OR SALE White Leghorn baby thicks, ten cents each. Telephone 323-R, or call 407 Rogue River avenue. 726 MURPHY farm for sale, 73 acres 10 miles from Grants Pass, on banks of Applegate river, some bottom land, much upland under ditch, with water right Address No. 615, care Courier. 707tf. PIANO, good make of Instrument. for sale cheap, on accounts owner leaving city. Address No. 615 care Courier, or call at 804 North . 5th. . " 620. FOUR ACRES set to grapes, peaches and apples, five-room bungalow", on Pacific highway, two miles from city, no Incumbrance, for sale. A snap If taken before June 1. Ad dress John Ross, Grants Pass. 762 FOR SALE First-class timothy and clover hay1, baled, $16 per ton at ranch. B. S. Watts, Murphy, Ore., or phone 53, Provolt 722 FOR SALE Fairbanks-Morse Du plex stetftn pump, 4-lnch water gate, black pipe, fittings, valves, half inch' to two inch. Inquire H. C. Sampson. , 717 HOUSE for sale or trade tor Medford property at 322 West J street Write or phone to C. F. Relchsteln, Medford, Ore. 739 HOMESTEAD relinquishment, 120 acres, for $300. Good timber, plenty of water, good land. Sixty acres could be cultivated. Address No. 671, care Courier. 717 FOR, milk cows, calves, bogs, goats, see Crave Creek Ranch, Leland, .Ore. . 718 FOR SALE Fine saddle horse, two good work horses and i first-class stock saddle. Grants Pass Livery Barn.' Phone 863. - ' 720 FOR SALE-ne live-passenger auto, best condition, electric lights, de mountable rims, etc Inquire Old lnga Garage. 721 THE! QAIETY THEATER!!! be sold at the court, , house at 10 a. m.. .Tuesday, April 11, This Includes complete equipment, piano, etc., A fine opportunity to secure good . paying! business. 717 FQIJ SALE Fjye-stamp quarts mill, including .engine, hollers, air com pressor, .pressure, tank, concen- : trattng tables, rock crusher, ore cars, T rails, etc. Address 6.85 Or.' Courier.. 742 FOR SALE Spits pups. Mrs. C. G. Plant, phone 295-J. -717 WANTED WANTED To lease, for five years. with option to buy, good dairy ranch that will carry from twenty to sixty cows. We have the cows. D. P, Jenkins, Box 867, Bandon. Orogon. 717 LOST LOST Two buggy robes, on Friday, , at the park at Rogue River, or on ' highway between Rogue River and Grants Pass. Finder notify J. Wolke, phone 706. ' 717 Classified Advertising MISCELLANEOUS CRYSTAL SPRINGS water .put up in 6-galIon glass Jars and delivered at your door, fresh, pure, sanitary. Telephone 293-R and water wagon will call. "URK MOUNTAIN WATER Clear and refreshing. Bacterial tests as sure that this water Is pure. De livered In five-gallon bottles. E. Beck with. Order by phone, 459tf 602-F-3. BREED to type and brains. . The pure bred Percheron stallion, "Harley" .will stand Friday and Saturday during season at Brownie's Livery, Grants Pass. Terms: $15, insure with foal. C. S. Etnier, owner. 718 GET your hemstitching and pleating done at Mrs. B. E. Haney, Garnett Corey building, Medford. 725 HOTELS NEW MANAGEMENT Palace hotel invites all old and new customers to make the Palace their home while in the city. Courteous treat ment. Prices reasonable. Geo. A. Hyde, manager. 736 VETERINARY SURGEON DR. R. J. BE3TUL, Veterinarian, Office In Wlnetrout Implement Building. Phone 113-J. Resi dence phone 305-R. AUTO SERVICE FOR JITNEY taxi and country aer vlce phone 262-R, or . see Ross Bailey. Cars for hire by the hour. 720 PRIVATE AUTO SERVICE Before arranging for trip to Selma, Eerby, Holland, Waldo and Crescent City or Brookings, call Phone 228-J or 243-R. Rates reasonable. Hiller & Randall.-" "- 706tt TIME CARD California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company (The Oregon Caves Route) Effective Monday, Jan. 20, 1916. Train 1 Iv. Grants Pass.... 7:00 a.m. Arrives Waters Creek..'-...8:00 a.m. Train 8 It. Grants Pass S: 00 p.m. Arrives Waters Creek 4 : 00 p.m. Train 4 lv. Waters Creek 5:00 p.m. Arrives Grants Pass. 6:00 p.m. On Sundays train No. 1 Is canceled. . All trains leave Grants Pass from the corner of G and Eighth streets, opposite the Southern Pacific depot. ' For all Information - - regarding freight nd passenger, service call at the office of the company. Public Ser vice building, or phone 138-R for same.- . "' . . '.- :-' "'" . Train will stop on flag at any point between Granta Pass, and Waters Creek. Passenger service every day In the week. Woman and Golf In Oldon Days. Clark, In his "Golf, a Royal and An cient Game." printed a few decades ago. recounts how strangers at the old St Andrews course abroad were given a trial on the famous holes, and If they proved to be of the tribe of turf dig gers and sand lifters tbey were lgno mlnlously thrust Into the outer dark ness of the "women's green." The ac commodations accorded to women in the old daya were in the nature of a sop to Cerebus, merely to -keep them quiet and satisfied while the men In dulged In the more serious pursuit of a serious business with a better equip ment on a finer course. . In the annala of .one old golf club it la recorded that slncei a certain green waa habitually Hooded and generally, useless it waa recommended that's, new bolt be built In its place and the old green given over to the women. ' Tho Sloop of Soods.- - - c Oats, corn, rennet and some flower seeds wore -exposed during 118 days to a temperature of 40 degrees F. be low tcru. Afterward, when placed In suitable surroundings, nearly all of the fennel, oat and wd seeds and many of the ethers germinated. It la con cluded tbut the protoplasm, .or the prin ciple of life, la a. resting, seed la in' a state of Inaction not comperable to that ot a smoldering fire, tbut rather, like that, of a. cbemloal mixture .which la capable . of forming a combination whenever , the required i. conditions of .temperature and Illumination are pres ent , . - ... . , . . i - - ' ' ,:i How 8 ho Was Namsd , , A little colored girl, a newcomer In Sunday school, gave her name to the teacher as "Fertiliser Johnson." Later tbe teacher asked the t hild's mother If thnt was rlKht - "Yes, uia'nui,' lint's her name." said the fond parent. "You see. she was uaiued for me and her father, tier fa ther uanie am Ferdluund. and my nntne l I.Ikii Sn we iiiiiikhI her For. tllUer."-lbstnii TmuMcrlpt Job printing of every description at the Courier office. PHYSICIANS L. O. CLEMENT, . D. Practice) limited to disease of the- eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses fitted. Office hoars 9-12, 2-6, and on ap pointment , Office phone 62; resi dence phone S 5 . , 3. LOUGHRIDOE, M. D., Fhyslciaa and surgeon. City or country eaila. attended day or nletiL Basl phone 169; office phont 111 Sixth and H. TufTa Building. J. P. TRUAX, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, Phones: Office, 121; residence, 834. Call answered at all boors. Country calls at tended to. Lundeburg Bldg. ' DR. ED BYWATER Specialist on diseases of eye, ear, nose and throat; glasses fitted. Office hours: 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 p. m. Phones: Res. 234-J; Office, 257-J. Schmidt Building, Grants Pass, Oregon. DR. F. D. STRICKER Diseasea of children and general oraitlce. Tola. phono 174-J. Office: Masonic build ing. tL A. A. WITHAM..M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Office: Hall Building, corner Sixth and I streets. Phomt 116, day or night Honrs: a. b. to 4 p. m. DR. H. WARREN NICE, Osteopathia Physician. , Chronic and nervous diseases specialty. Rooms 1 and 2, Lundburg building, opposite pott office; phone 149-R. Residence: Colonial hotel; phone 167-J. 736 DENTISTS E. C. MACY. D. M. D Flrst-claat dentistry. ,109 South Sixth street, Grants Pass, Oregon. BERT R. ELLIOTT, D. M. D. Mod ern dental work. Marguerite B. Elliott, dental assistant Rooms 4 and 6, Golden , Rule building. Grants Pass, Ore. Phone 265-J. ATTORNEYS H. D. NORTON, Attoriuy-at-Law. Practice In all State and Federal Courts. First National Bank Big. COLVIG ft WILLIAMS Attorneys- at-Law, GranU Pass Banking Co. Building, Grants Pass, Oregon. E. S. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practice In all cpurta. First National Bank Building. EDWARD H. RICHARD, Attorney-at-Law. . Offlc Masonic Temple, Grants Paas, Oregod. W, T. MILLER, , , Attorney-at-Law County attorney, for Josephine County. Office: Schallhorn Bldg. n a tT i xttt inn ... . Grants pass Banking Co. building. Phone 270. , Grants Pass, Oregon. V. A. CLEMENTS Attorney-aWaw, practices In -stats end federal courts. -. Rooms 2 and I, oyer Golden Rale store. ' . . MUSICAL INSTRUCTION VIOLIN INSTRUCTION Franco Belgian school of violin playing. E. R. Lawrence, 215 I street DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. All kinds of drayage and transfer work carefully and Promptly-done. Phone 1S2-R. Stand at frieght depot A. Shade, Propr. F. G. Isham, drayage. and transfer. Safes, pianos and furniture moved packed,, shipped and stored. Phone Clarke ft Holman, No. 50. Residence phone 124-R. m :vi i r i .' . . .. THJC WORLD MOVES; so do we. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone . 15-R....,..: .... LODGES- GRAiSTS PASS Lodge No, 84, iu F. A, JC. Stated Obmmulc tloBjt let and Id Tuesdays. Visiting brethren cordially Invited. A. fC. Caas,,Ws M. Ed. - O. Harris, secretary. -,r.i.i, GOLDEN RULE LODGE, NO, 78,. I.O. -;wv O, ,F., meeu every.Wed- nesdayeve In , I.Q.O.P. wT .. hall, cor, 6th and H Sts. Visiting Odd Fellows cordially Invit ed to be present. I. V. Howell, N. G., Clyde Martin, Secretary. f ASSAYEKS E. R. CROUCH, Assayer, ehlmlst, .metallurgist. Roms 201-203 Pad dock Building. Grants Pass. . DECOlUTOItS AND PAIXTKRS PAPERIIANGING, , , grainlngr palnt tng. , For the best- work at lowest prices phone 295-J. C. G. Plant, South Park street.