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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1916)
PAGE FOUR IHIl.V IIOUl'K K IV Kit UH UIMt WEDNESDAY, JANUARY ID, 1010. Baud Powell Vlolinlit Pcrtfcd, Jan. 20, 1916 Her records are bow on Ml at t!osic ad Pkto Hesse STANTON ROWELL, Prop. PERSONAL LOCAL Few Aro Registering- The clerk's office Is not orerworked with voters looking to register as yet,' only St having appeared up to this forenoon, and these are largely the regular visitors to the court house. V AMUSEMENTS TONIGHT Bijoa "Neal ot the Navy." Star "An Enemy to Society." K COMIXO EVENTS 4 Jan. 21, Friday Meeting of Jose phine County Legislative Club tor Women, at court house, 2: SO p. ru. Jan. 23, Saturday Scholarship Loan day tea at the Commercial club rooms, by the Ladies' Auxiliary. OREGON REPUBLICANS SEEK UNPLEDGED DELEGATES Portland, Jan. 19. With petitions In circulation to put the name ot President Wilson on the ballot at the Albert Williams made a t Leland this morning. Edgar Hater, ot Medford, la In the city on business today. Guaranteed electric Iron, $2.75. Bush Electric Shop. Phone 14 1-R. tt E. E. Dunbar vent to Medford this morning on a business trip. Mrs. A. Long, ot Riddle, who visit d Mrs. T. J. Shattuck tor the past three weeks, returned north last night Bargains in ladles' and misses' coats. One-halt regular price. Mrs. E. Rehkopf. 622tt Mrs. R. E. Dean left this morning tor Cottage Grove, to join her hus band, who Is Western Union operator at that place. Miss Evelyn Taylor returned to her home at Glendale last night, af ter visiting the Judd Taylor family here. Mrs. Robert Blalock returned to Rogue River this afternoon, after spending a few days with Mrs. Harry Starr. Mrs. W. H. Brown returned to Med ford this afternoon, after spend ing several days the guest ot the M. Clemens and the P. W. Street fam ilies, i Arrow collars at Bishop's. 403tt Mr. and Mrs. Norman Larson, ot Stockton, Cal., spent a couple ot days here with Mr. Larson's father, L. W. Larson. They left Tuesday night for Kansas City, Mo. Chas. King, who spent several weeks in this section, left this morn ing on his return to Detroit, Mich. He expects to return here later. to preobytertaa Annual Meeting The annual meeting ot the Bethany Presbyterian church will bo held on Thursday night, preceded by a church supper, which has become an annual event Baptist Men to Met The men ot the Baptist church are to meet In the church basement to night for a social session, a feed and general spirit of good fellowship to be the features of the evening. A number ot other men guests have been invited. Eastern Star Meeting The regular meeting ot the Eastern Star will be held Wednesday evening, with a soctal meeting following. Delinquent Tax Lint The sheriff states that the delin quent tax list will be ready for pub lication next week. The list this year makes a better showing than on several previous years, the taxes having been pretty well paid up be fore they became delinquent. Mining Men to TakUm Messrs. Roy Clark of Spokane. M. S. Boss of Portland, and John Hamp shire of the Twohy company, left this morning on the C. St O. C. rail road for Waters creek station, where they were met by a team and con tinued on to the mines at Takllma. Tbey are investigating the Tutt estate holdings, upon which the Twohy com- nflnv and AaAnHato hiva an nnHnn presidential preferential primaries' of purcnase May 19, republicans today led an ' effort CARD OF THANKS to send nnlnstrocted delega tions from Oregon to the national I tnre passed a primary law but re- .t'he Ladie, of the Circle and other sealed a Drevious law reauirine dele gates to take an oath ot office. Without the oath, declared repub licans, instructions are not binding. CALIFORNIA OIL FIELDS IN DANGER Fullerton, Cal., Jan. 19. Heavy damage may be done to the' oil fields here If the rain continues. It was apparent today that operators faced an actual calamity. Soil erosion has exposed many pipe lines, some of them sagging dangerously over gul lies. If these mains break the pump ing plants must be temporarily closed. friends who rendered assistance and gave flower remembrances during the Illness and less of our beloved wife and mother. MRS. O. L. LEIGH. MR. O. L. LEIGH. TWO ARE KILLED IX CHICAGO STRIKE RIOT East Chicago, 111., Jan. 19. Two men were killed and three wounded this afternoon in a strike riot at the Edwards Valve company plant. Many shots were fired. More Fords in Town Another carload of Ford automo biles arrived In the city today for the Moss agency, and the people ot Grants Pass will aid In paying tor the trip ot the Oscar II through their purchase. Indications are that this will be a lively season with the auto dealers here. Rogue River Weather While floods and blizzards are re ported from all directions, the Rogue valley Is enjoying typical southern Oregon weather conditions. The sun POR 0 T VISIOII OF RAILROAD A report has recently been sent out from Port Orford stating that a party ot surveyors is now In the Hold near there making a survey for railroad, the report Including the, fol lowing: "The latest report comes from the mountain section ot the county, and the long-looked-for survey la now un der way, and It's the road the people of Port Orford want, as It will mean more tor Curry county than three roads up and down the coast. "A party ot twenty-two men have headquarters at the boundary line on Tim creek, halt of the party are working towards Port Orford. down the middle fork ot the Sixes river, while the other crews are working towards Grants Pass, north of Eden ridge, up China creek. "Port Orford haa waited a long time for this road, and It Is the one road that will give to Grants Pass and the other Rogue River valley towns a deep-water harbor." A railroad from ' Grants Pass to the coast at or near Port Orford has been one of the dreams for years osst. and will no doubt come true some day, Three years ago a sur vey was made down the Rogue from Grants Pass, crossing the divide at Mule creek, and continuing down the Coqullfe to the coast. This survey was run through to connect with the Pacific ft Eastern at Eagle Point. It today has been shining from an al-!D" 0l,en P"""" on most cloudless sky, with a bracing lon8 thttt the 11111 Une woull be frost in the air during the night. The snow is not melting fast enough to cause a rise In the river. Address Wednesday Night Remember the address by Taylor G. Bunch on "Liberty" at the Gaiety Theater Wednesday night, at 7:45. Special music. Fat Applegate Steers " Clinton Cook, one of the prosper ous Applegate valley farmers, was in the city Tuesday, bringing in six head ot fat steers for the Ahlf mar kets, one of the steers weighing 1,245 pounds. Mr. Cook is now feeding on his place 110 head of stock, but aside from keeping hay on hand for feeding be was able to sell several hundred tons of bsled hay this season. AXTHRACXOSE IS ENEMY OF WATERMELON i IJOU TONIGHT Washington, Jan. 19. Not small boys, nor "colored gemmen," consti tute the greatest menace to water-!in au 0f the mountain country wher Lost Cattle in Danger Some stock in the upper Applegate region that was not gathered In be fore the snowfall Is said to be suffer ing. The snow Is several feet deep In the hills at the headwaters of the Applegate and Its tributary creeks, ajid it is feared that some cattle may perish. The same condition prevails tended through from eastern Oregon, to connect up with the Pacific ft Eastern and continue on to the coast via Grants Pass, and If the report of the surveying crew In the field Is correct, other railroad developments may be on the way. Mrs. C. P. Slade and baby son, who have been visiting Mrs. Slade'a par ents, County Judge and Mrs. Gillette, during the past three weeks, return ed to their home In Silverton this morning. MURPHY I melons; Instead the chief danger is j"anthracnose," declared the depart ment of agriculture. DAY OF BLATANT ORATORY LV LAW PROFESSION GONE ever cattle were not brought out be fore the storm. "THE HOUSE OF NO REGRETS" Chicago, Jan. 19. Put on the soft pedal, the day of loud oratory In the law profession is gone, declared Prof. Kales, of the Northwestern ! University Law school. Neal of the Navy In two reels of dramatic adventure BRAY CARTOON COMEDY One-Reel Side Splitter Fatty's Fatal Fun Pathe News Featuring IPresIdent Wilson's Wedding 10c and 15c Tomorrow The Broken Coin WEATHER STOPS BRITISH NEAR KTT-EL-AM A RA London, Jan. 19. Relief expedi tion forces bound for Kut-El-Amara have been unable to make further 1 progress because of "atrocious" j weather, Secretary for India Cham ! berlaln today announced In the bouse. They were last announced six miles away. NEW TODAY CLASSIFIED AD RATES. 25 words, two Issues, 25c; vslx Issues, 60c; one month, $1.50, when paid in advance. When not paid in ad vance, 6c per line per issue. GOATS WANTED 40 to 50 head of Angora goats wanted. State price and give, particulars. Clinton Cook, Murphy, R. F. D. 2t FOR SALE CHEAP Light team, in good condition, with harness and wagon. Inquire at 215 Seventh street. 052 FOR SALE I have one more high testing Jersey heifer, coming three years old, which gives promise of making an extra fine cow. W. O. White, Grants Pass, R. F. D. No. 4. Phone Provolt central. 652 The Home of Features Paramount, Metro and Fox Last Time Tonight The Celebrated English Actor HAMILTON REVELLE And the Exquisitely Dainty LOIS SlEREDITII i la An Enemy to Society Five-Act Metric Classlo Surcharged with Romance, Mystery and Thrills A superb plcturlzatlon of an absorbing, gripping story. How a modern Robin Hood Ste phen Adams who sought to right the wrongs of the poor by robbing the rich, found his regeneration, his fortune and bis real Identity through love of a woman dainty Declma Duress. Tomorrow Paramount fea ture, "The Marriage ot Kitty." , Mr. and Mrs. Bochay, who have been visiting their daughter, Mrs. Carey, for some time, have returned to their home In Wisconsin. - A. H. Carsons entertained com pany at Redlands from Portland Sun day. It certainly was an unusual sight to see sleds in Murphy Sunday, and must have looked like home to those who were nsed to that style of travel ing during the winter back In the cold countries. Only the howling wind was missing. The Carey family, who have been living in the Gunnell hoiiBe, have moved Into Grants Pass. Mrs. John McArthur has been visit ing her sister, Mrs. T. E. Gil more. Rob McGuffln Is confined to bis bed with a very bad attack of la grippe. In spite of the stormy weather the stork was able to vUit the Carl home Monday morning and loave a fine baby boy. E TtilJOU THEATR ) 4 NIGHTS, COMMENCING 3 Thursday, Jan. 27th the jffifll GLAOTIH And hla own company, presenting the World's Greatest Sensation The .White Mahatma lie rails you bjr nan) tells every fr, hope, and ambition BRONSKI AND ZOUROFF Creators of all sensations In ltarefoot and Classic Danders Formerly with Mordkln and Pavolowa The Famous ABOTT, THE MYSTIC SYLVIA GARRISH, Singer and Dancer TOM SHOFNER, The Hcaan Calliope Admission ISo and 8k? , " TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY Matinee Saturday ImUIwi Only Sunday Open to All EXGLAXD MAY EXCLUDE I'N X KTKSSARY Sill PMK.NTS London, Jau. 19. The , British government Is preparing to enforce economy to relieve the International exchange situation, President ituncl- mun ot the board ot trade Informed the house of commons today. Pos sibly articles not strictly necessary will to excluded, and then the United States will be the principal trsde sufferer. AMERICANS ENLIST IN THE lUtlTIHII ARMY K.;iai TO ADD 50,000 MORE MUX TO THK NAVY SOUTH AFRICAN FORCES ARE SEXT IXTO EGYPT Pretoria, Jan. 19. The first South African brigades sent to Egypt have arrived at their destination, It was officially announced today. Vancouver, B. C, Jan. 19. Six American employes of the Regent hotel here are today soldiers ot King George. The men, who are all Amer ican born. Joined the 97th American legion; through the legion's recruit ing office here, under command of Captain Potts. Sergeant II. I. Gould, of Boston, ssys that the men were so anxious to Join the legion that they all came down together from the hotel In a taxlcab and asked to be allowed to go before the medical officer Immediately, being willing to pay the cost of their examinations. They are: Jark Kelly, San Fran cisco; D. A. Steele, Denver, snd his brother, W. W. Steele; O. W. Price. of Seattle; S. Harlsnd, of Pueblo, and W. Gibbons, of Montana. IH5 OIL WELL DERRICKS ARE WRECKED IIV GALE (By United Press Leased Wire) London, Jan. 19. iCugland Intends to sdd &0,0u0 new men to her navy. This Is taken here today as Indica tive of a preliminary step toward en forcing an actual blockade against Germany. While It was recently ststed that 14 superdreadnaughts, as well as scores of smaller' vessels, had been completed since the war began, the fact of . this extensive proposed In crease In personnel Indicates that an even more surprising number of new ships have been created. Addition or the new draft will place 260,000 men at the disposal ot tha admiralty. TRAILERS WILL FOLLOW WILSOX OX STUMPING TOUR Washington, Jan. 19. A formid able array of peace advocatos will trail President Wilson on bis forth coming military preparedness stump ing tour, Congressman 'Bailey, a friend of ex-Secretary nryan, dec clsred today. Included In the prob able trailers will bo Bryan, Rabbl Wise, Dr. David Starr Jordan, Os wald Vlllard, Meyer ' London, and Morrla lllllqultt. nakersfiold, Cal, Jan. 19. Dam age to the West Side oil fields was estimated at $1,250,000 today ns a result ot the galo which swept this region 48 hours ago. In Taft the loss was 1750,000, and In the Mc Klttrlck fields 2500,000. Rig build ers will be brought here from Texas to repair tho 4S5 wrecked dorrlcks and pumps. Mining blanks. Co'trl. officii. WANTED OLD POCKET KNIVES Wo have an arrangement whereby wo can allow you a good price for your old pocket knife on the purchase price of a now one. It your old knife has a broken tblado, bring tt In anyway. We can use it. ROGUE HIV Kit HARDWARE . This Is the first Intimation that South African forces have been sent Into Egypt, presumably to meet the reported Turko-German Invasion. TO PUT NEW ItOILEIlS IN LIXER MINNESOTA San Francisco, Jan. 19. The Union Iron Works today was award ed the contract for Installing 16 new boilers in the liner Minnesota, dis abled at sea several weeks ago. This is the largest pleco of repair work ever handled here. The reputed cost Is $400,000. C. W, Wiley, marine superintend ent for the Hill line, owner of the" Minnesota, said he does not know In what service the liner will be used after repairs are made, Keen Cutter tools and cutlery at the Rogue River Hardware. 649 Trespass notices, printed on cloth, st the Courier effloe. U More Limited Trains on Ogden Route San Francisco Chicago than any other transcontinental route From points In Western and Southern Oregon the logical way to go east Is vja San Francisco or Sacra mento and Ogden. The time Is fast, the connections good for all eastern cities. Dining cars, observation cars, standard and tourist sleeping cars. Equipment to fit the purse of every travelor. Overland Limited- Train de Luxo v Pacific Limited ' , Sun Francisco Limited ' ' Atlantic Express s ' Our local agent will be pleased to answer any questions SOUTHERN PACIFIC-UNION PACIFIC John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent V - , Portland, Oregon U