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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1916)
IUII.V KOGIK IllVKil ( Ol Kll.ll pagbthrei LEARNS TO DANCE WITH ARTIFICIAL U; "7S 1 U I.DM.HOW, J.Wl AHV 10, 10WI. AND NEW WAY i i - jr -A v to treat catarrh Classified Advertising . i 1 - fc- W, r L AO ' rnoia. by Amvrhan rea AMoclatlon. f:i ,,. ,v,. ,., .: ... (let'innn wddlcr deprived of both hl limba and lifted with an artificial pair ta beliiB aldwl lj nnri to mnnier the modern rinnct. SIRES AND SONS, (JilonH 1'. V. Oiitramier. elidity-flve. Brooklyn, la atlll actively practicing law. Orvlvul Lvncll, the uulwl antrn nicr, la a IhoiIut of the prvnlili it of Harvard. Willi him UNtrouomy la a profpttcloti. M bim'.iicHH. im tvpiv. tut for atlmt he di'lvt'H Inio Jnpiiii(tM (KUltlUl. Dr. Wu Tins Fmiiu. frnir C'hlni'e ihIiiInut to the I'nllcd Sitttcn. In how acviiiiy-llvv yriirn old and rcccutly. after anuoiiuclnii hla tutciitlou to live to the ago of Va). tU'iliiwl thut the re mnltiliitf m-vi'iity llvi- yi-ui-a would be given over to literary pumilu. Jmln'iii Harmon. nmllilate for the DcniiM'rntlc preNlilentlnl nomlnntion In 1012, wu country born, lie earned atliool money by picking blnckberrlea at 0 (cnia per quart, lie hnrveated during the vaentlou. While lu college bo worked for a collection agvuey. Dr. Peter Cooper Hewitt, one of the men whoo work hna contributed to make KiHltilo tho nrhlevenienta of wlreleaa leleihony. la a native of New York. Ilia grumlfulher waa the phi )iintliro'Mt, PciiT OMipcr. nod hi fa ther wiiH a member or lonyn-Hi uud a nmyor f New York rlty. 77 V,S AND smite For T'-' ... ! ' - 1 ' " " j ."7 IBT " W C -JL2 (1 I '! rapher to turn out more letters with less effort In the ordinary working day. The new Royal Master-Model "10" speeds up the day's work and sets tho pace that pays I Built tor "Big Business" and its Great Army of Expert Operators . These new features of the Royal add to the sensitive fingers of the typist, the one vital thing that the old-style typewriter subtracts speed! The speed with brains behind it the all-day speed of the expert typist in the day's work. Errorless speed is the kind of speed that counts. Commonsense has punctured the illusion of the other kind. 1 Get the Facts t Send for the "Royal jyfc, fjQQ - nian -ana aea ior a DKlluNaTRATION. M in Or write ua direct ' Mmmm1Wf for our n.w bro- - Sarefea ."and book l W of facta on TbacA C 7pMr-ntfrto typewriter L. ROYAL TYPEWRITER COMPANY llOOUIil 1UVISR OOUIUEIt, AffenU GriwiU Paw. . i. t.V ft 7"""" V.' 1 ), S' -14 3 v. -r (i ate -.f l.F Hit- ,VfK Vf; i it li v. lit,- Flippant Flings. France forbid the export of nuta. We ahow a welcome dlnHnltlon to en .ourae It.-Wall Street journal, JiiiIk'Iiib from the numlwr of generate Joffre litia retlrtHl, one would any he wuk lient on a general cleaulug up.-, Chlrngo Uernld. .,; IIore itienl lna been plated on the New York bill vf fare by the health board. A NndiUe of colt ought to be Mi!iiiiilif.-IU'iioli Journn). New York wnrchouma are full of i-old atomgp fo id for Kurope. If any tiling run mnhi- ttieiu quit flgbtlng thla proMcct oiiKbt to. I'lttHburgh Dla tteh ' , Fashion Frills. Women ibm't object to old tualiioued thlnga If they nre In atylc-Pblladel-ohln Iniiilrer Iloalery iiinniifnctureni. It U hii Id. lire mnklitir trrini!i(lii!i nroflfH. mid now J idaya It ! enxy to m-e where our rain I hum un.-naltliiiore A ineilciiii The iii'Wn that women urn wearing i tin f:irililiu.'ali' iliiei't illfir, i:a lit i!n- leiint. It'ti ho inuili letter 'h'n ' ii. i d Vpn Vnt'l.' ' "SPEED UPl" to 60 minates an hour by taking tho "grind' oat of typewriting! here at last ia tho master i, ifp . . .. ff f ' : Cfij lJ!&(t ' ' ; .X jfl t j fM Breathing Germ Killing Air Ku. domed Itf Actual iu-uji TliA Hliunvtrv of IiVOIIIfil has wrouirht a wonderful change In the trentnmnt of catarrh. 1'rlor to throe years ago the me illi'inca ordinarily emnloyed In the (urn nf thla disease were drugs. sprays, lotions, etc. In some Instances they Snooted, out mo lniprovemuoi whk not lantinn. with Mvoinol you take Into the air paH0K of your throat and head a hulHttinlo air that km into the mln- iiJiml faU II nil ihflUllI fffUCtliallV kill all Korma and mli'robea of catarrh. lta purpoae la to enier mo oiooa with h nwimn. kllltnflr tne eerma In tlm iiinnd. and reotore health to the whole ayatent. Many aaUtnlshinR tea- tlmonlala have awn recoivea iroro thoHfl who have been helped -by Hyo mol. k fnmiiitts outfit la IneiDenalve and includea an Inhaler, dropper and aufflrlent Jlyoniel for aeveral weeka' treatment. Unrhim th Ktrnnvaat evidence that can be Riven to doubtera la the fact that C. 11. Donmray haa ao much faith In Hyoniel that he sella every package under a poaltlvo guarantee to refund the money If It dooa not relieve. PORTUND MARKETS , Portland, Jan. 19. -Market quota tion? today were: . , , .Wheat Club, 1.04 01.09; blue- tem, l.UH 01.15, Oata No. 1 white feed, 27.75, - Barley Peed, 18. ,t.,ti Hoga-Beat live, 77.10. , Prime ateera, 6.50 6.76: fancy cowa, 55.60; Jeat calvea, 7 8. " Spring lamba, 8 8.25. Butter City creamery, S4; coun try, 2629. Egga Selected local extrae, 85. Ilena, J5&15H; broilers, H 15j geeae.10. ' j f"l - ! - , MODERN GREEKS. They Shew Little of the Grace of Their Famous Anoeatera. . . Agalnat the background or antiquity It la caay to project the Uea or aentl meut which bind the life or the Greek of today to that of the cluaalc worthiea from whom be clalma direct descent, and It waa with only a alight abock that 1 learned that the man who brought me my morning coffee at the legation bore the tretnendou name of Tbcmtatoclcs. And yet It to dlUleult to vlauullze the modem Atbculuu with those who once walked bis Direct. Thinking of Hoiuor. or Praxiteles and of rhldlna, one looks for Ueicu, ror flermea and for Athene, but the only Helen I ever saw In Athena waa an American girl, married to a member of the cabinet nnd whose golden hair, bluo eyea and cluswlc features mude ber at once the reigning boMtess In the city. And it la only In the Islands or deep In the country, where the Alba nian flood which swept across the At tic plain has never reached, thut one Onda the racial lineaments uud the bodily grace which the ancient sculptor baa taught tho modern world us being common to nil Greeks of classic Umo. This survival perslsta chiefly nmoug tho children, because tncewtant toll and scanty nourishment aoon deprive both boys and girls of their native grace and stump them with the Ineradicable marks of a life of lubor.-l'ormer Unit cd States Minister to Greece George U. Moses In Nutlounl Geographic Mag ailue. The Poor. We all love the poor. It would be entirely unneeesHnry, If not positively caddish, to say that we bate the poor. But there are two kinds of poor the Individual poor and the collective poor. It is not the Individual poor thut we love: It Is tho collective poor. It la not tho poor that we kuow and see. but the poor tlmt we do not know and hurt) neither tlmo nor Inclination tc look at. We are afruld If we see them we shall ceuso to love them. We never any, "God bles the coal heaver or the motortnnn." Tor them we Qud out execrations for not contributing to our comfort Just so and so and so. It Is with great fervor, however, thut we can any. "God bless tho poor,' be cause the poor do uot Interfere with our comfort to the slightest degree. -Life. . ' . . Pitting It tiontly. Mr. Uenpeck - I heur thut yomu Jones ii lid lil wile me uoi neiuu along very well Mis. Heupecli tun thoiiuitivclyi .lones should never huv inuiTlud when he did. He wus ton young to iciiin-.e the xtep be uh tnu lug. , Mr. Ileupeck Yes. I know Uui 1 like the boy We buve umuy thtui-r-In common. ThiLlfrosirtJemss. , ; ( Some of the largest domes in the world are: Tho Pantheon nt Rome, U'i feet diameter. 1-13 high: baths of Cnru calln, Home. 112 feet diameter, 110 feet hlch: Bt Sophia. CoiiNtantlnople, UA feet diameter, 201 feet high: St. Marin dtlle Pure, Florence. 130 dlninoter, Uio feet high: St. Peter's. Rome, 130 feet diameter. 830 high; St. Punl's, Loudon 112 feet diameter, 213 feet Mull. ' - - ' FOii BALBi BCltKSlIIRU sows In pig to Laurel Champion, the aire who outranks all others In the world in the show record of hla get. F. It. Steel, Winona Itanch, Route 1, Grants Pass. tt FOR BALE OR TRADE 8x10 Im proved Empire State camera, triood, laukgroumia and complete piolbloual ouifli. Trado for waoou, stock or farm laivlemeoU. Address W. J. Evans, Wilder vllle, Oregon. C48 133-ACRK RANCH Over 4000 new Improvements, less than one-balf , mile to N. P. Ry. station, store and post.. office, near school; about 35 acres of clover, more ground ready for seeding In spring, and nearly all can be cultivated. . Spring water piped to buildings, free range for stock, . Will exchange for smaller acreage close in Grants Pass. Must tie good land and well improved. Bend complete description of your property. Address owner, F. E. Beers, etevensvllle, Mont. . 656 TO EXCHANGE MOTORCYCLE, with aide car, offered in trade for land In or near Grants Pass. Will trade In as first pay ment Machine) la In good condi tion, and would be convenient and quick tranaporlation for suhurtan resident See A. Jackaon, Courier office. tf EXCHANGE I hare aeveral choice California residence , nd .. ranch properties to exchange for Grants Paaa moderri bungalow or close lu acreage. Quick action. A. N. Par son. , , ., 630tf TO RENT FOR RENT 240-acre farm with , buildings, on Illinois river. About 70 acre under cultivation and ir rigation. Joseph Fetzner, Grants Paaa. 648 FOR RENT To lady, a front room. 615 North Fourth atreet Phone 49-Y. 648 WANTED WANTED Two good young horses. - Must- be sound and at right price. One must weigh close to 1500 and one 1350. Any persons having such for Bale can notify the Rogue River Orchard company at Merlin, Ore., or phone 600-F-2. S. D, Williams. 648 WANTED A good heavy horse in trade for 5-year-old cow, coming fresh. Inquire 523 West L St. 650 WANTED TO PURCHASE Two pair of ekiis. Address 2347 Courier. 47 VETERINARY 8URGEON DR. R. J. BESTUL, Veterinarian, Office in Winetrout Implement Building. Phone 113-J. Resi dence phone 305-R. . ASSAYEHS E. R. CROUCH, Assayer, chemist, metallurgist. Roma 2C1-203 Pad dock Building. Grant Pass. Making Tommy Attractive. Ethel, the twelve-year-old duugbter of a fumlly that resides lu an uptown apartment bouse, recently sold to ber mother: "Mother, I wish you'd wusb Tom my's face." Now, Tommy was the sun of the man whose upartmcnt adjoined tbctrs. bo mother was both alarmed and nston Isbed. "The idea!" she exclaimed. "Why, bo's a neighbor's cbild! I buve nothing to do with blm." "But I have." explained EtheL "We've become engaged, and I want to kiss blm." Youth's Couipnulon. . Faots About the Sun. Scientists est 1 unite the volume or size of the suu nt more thun l.OUU.OOO times that of the earth. Its mass at more than 300.000 times and Its densl ty about 60 per cent more thuu water, but they have uot nttempted to express lta weight In figures. They est I mute thut the attraction of gravliatlou aloue nt the surface of the aim Is twenty leven times that of the earth, mo that a 200 pound man on the earth would weigh, more thuu fi.000 pounds at the sun, provided he could stand the tern perature long enough to be weighed i;-t ' .. ft... . Bobwhlta. , , The male quail. . or bobwhlta de serves honorable mention nmoug gal liliaceous birds because he Is particu larly good to his wife. ' tie nlwnys helps her to hatch her eggs and If any thing keeps her away will take the whole duty on himself. : Dlsattar, Kolckcr- Were you caught In the storm without your uiutjrolln? Bocker -Worse still: I wim caught without tiny one clue's umbrella. -New York Run. V" f v.. vi ' .-. ; TIME CARD California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company (The Oregon Cave Iloute) Effective Monday, Dec, 20, 1915. Train 1 Ir. Grants Paaa7:00 a.m. Arrive Waters Creek 8:00 a.m. Train 3 Ir. Waters Creek 8:16 a-m. Arrives Grant Pass.....,9:15 a-m. Train S Ir. Grants Paa.2:00 p.m. Arrives Waters Creek8:00 p.m. Train 4 Ir. Water Creek..6:00 p.m. Arrive uranu rasa o:uu p.m. All (rains leave Grants Pass from tha rnrnftr nf (i and Elzhth Street. opposite the Southern Pacific depot . For, all. information regarding fraleht and DtiMnitr aarvice call at tha nfflra nf lha rninninv. Publlfl Ser vice building, or phon 13 8-R for MM ..t Train will atop on flag at any point between Grants Pass and Water Creek.' Passenger service every day in the week. COUNTY TREASURER CALL FOR WARRANTS All Josephine County (Pink) Road Warrants, protested prior and includ ing May 12, 1915, are hereny called in, and are payable at the treasurer office on and after the 20th day- of January, 1916, on which date Inter eat will ceue,- J. B. ITERSON, 147 County Treasurer. CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE There are fund in the city, .trea sury to redeem all warrants drawn on the general . fund numbered 11785 to 11834 inclusive. Interest will cease after January 20. 1916. Dated at Grants Pas. Oregon, January 18, 1916. : G. P. JESTER, 648 City Treasurer. The Writers. The name of Stanlslaw Przybygzew skL the Russian writer, is pronounced Psbee-be-sbeff-Bkee. Herman Bernstein. back in New York from Europe, refer to the war as "panic in a madhouse." ; Dr. Charles W. Eliot president emer itus of Harvard university, baa been awarded, by unanimous vote, the first gold medal of the American Academy of Arts and Letters "as a recognition of apeclul distinction." . Sir Gilbert Parker, the novelist and playwright wavered between two or three profession, in tho early days of his career. He has been In turn pro fessor ut a deaf and dumb institution. lecturer In English literature nt s Ca- nadluu university, associate editor of an Australian pujier aud a writer. Current Comment. Will pnn-Auieriiauism ever pan out? -New York Sun. Will our bouse and senate be known as the Sixty-fourth or the safety first congress? Brooklyn Eugle. When the time comes that every body wlli ride in automobiles uud It Is ubout here there will be nobody left to get run over. Philadelphia Tress. Wbut we need worse thun u law uiakiug "Amerlcu" the national au them Is stern legislation that will en force the proper tune among those who try to slnjr it. Washington Post Automcbile Runs. The number of automobiles register ed in the United States the past year was more than 1.70O.0OO. ; An automobile jack thut is now lu use nutomuticully lifts all four wheels of a cur clear of the floor when they are run upon a track. When a receutly patented automobile fender touches any object It shuts off the power of the car to which It is attached and drops a curtain to preveut the object being crushed by the wheels. trying to Signal. "What did you tell that man who asked you if be could marry his daugh ter?" "1 acted us grouchy us possible," re plied Mr. Cumrox. "1 couldn't tell him right out that Gladys baa a sburp tern per, but I thought I'd sort o' hint to him that she might have Inherited one," Washington Star. DO YOUR SHARE. Do not be an Idler nor a shirk er. This world naads the efforts of very on. Thar is no rea son why the burdens of life should be shouldered by a few.' Unlata you Intend to do some thing that will mak paopl think btttar of you thsr la no rtaaon why you should inhabit his SPbtr. ' 4 t"4 ..-----f PHVSICIAX8 L. O. CLEMENT, M. D. Practice limited to diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses fitted. Office hours 9-12, 2-5, and on ap pointment Office phone 62; resi dence phone 35 9-J. 3. LOUGHRIDGE, M. D., Physician and surgeon. City or country calls attended day or night Re, phone 269; office phone 182 Sixth and H. Tuffs Building. , J. P. TRUAX, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Phones: Office, 825; residence, 324. Calls answered at all hours. Country calls at tended to. Lundeburg Bldg. F. H. INGRAM, D. C, D. O. Men tal, Spinal, Nervous and Chronic Diseases. Office, 215 North Slxtk street .Hours: 10 to 12, 2 to 5. Other 'hours by appointment Phone 7. Res. phone, 248-J. DR. ED BYWATER Specialist OB diseases of eye, : ear, nose and throat; glasses fitted. Office hour: 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 6 p. m. Phone: Res. 234-J; Office, 257-J. Schmidt Building, Grant Pasa, Oregon. ,. DR. F. D. 8TRICKER Diseases of chlldren'and general practice. Tele phone 174-J. Office: Masonic build ing, tf. DENTISTS E. C. MACY, D. M. D. First-class dentistry. 109H South Sixtb street, Grant Pass, Oregon.' BERT R. ELLIOTT, D. M. D. Mod ern dental work. Marguerite H. Elliot, dental assistant Rooms 4 and 5, Golden Rnle building, Grant Pass, Ore. Phone 265 . M. R. BRITTEN, Dentist Rooms 2 and 3, Lundburg building, oppo"? post office. Hours; 9 a, m. to 12 m.; 1:30 to 5 p. m. Saturdays 9 ; a. m. to 12 m. J ATTORNEYS H. D. NORTON, Attorny-at-Law. Practice in all State and Federal Courts. First National Bank Rig. COLYIQ & WILLIAMS Attorneys . at-Law, Grants Pasa Banking Co. Building, Grants Pass, Oregon. E. S. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practice in all courts. First National Bank Building. : . i EDWARD H. RICHARD, Attorney-at-Law. Office Masonic Temple, Grants Pass, Oregon. W. T. MILLER, Attorney-at-Law County attorney for Josephine County. Office: Schallhorn Bldg. O. S. BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-Law, Grants Pass Banking Co. building. Phone 270. Grants Pass, Oregon. DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. All kinds of drayage and transfer work carefully and promptly done. Phone 132 R. Stand at fiieght depot. A. Shade, Propr. F. G. Isham, drayage and transfer. Safes, pianos and furniture moved packed, shipped and stored. Phone Clarke & Holman, No. 60. Residence phone 124-R. THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone 15-R. MISCELLANEOUS CRYSTAL SPRINGS water ,put up In 5-gallon glass Jars and delivered at your door, fresh, pure, sanitary. Telephone 293-R- and water Wagon will call. PURE MOUNTAIN WATER Clear and refreshing. Bacterial test as sure that this water is pure. De livered . in five-gallon bottles. W. E. Beckwith. Order toy phone, 602-F-3. 459tf LODGES , GRANTS PASS Lodge No. 84, A. F. A. M. Stated Communica tions 1st and 3d Tuesdays. Visiting brethern cordially invited. A. K. Cass, W. M. Ed. Q. Harris, secretary. GOLDEN RULE LODGE, NO. 78, 1.O. O. F., meets every Wed- Onesday eve in I.O.O.F. hall, cor, 6th and II. Sts. Visiting Odd Fellows cordially invit ed to foe present I. V. Howell, N. G-i Clyde Martin, Secretary. DEcoRvroRS And painters PAPERHANGING, graining, paint ing. For the best work at lowest prices phone 295-J. C. G. Plant, South Park street. ' i ;