Image provided by: Hillsboro Public Library; Hillsboro, OR
About Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1908)
Ilillsboro Independent. D. W. BATH, Editor ni Proprietor. MAY 8, 1908. Speaker Cannon and the Publisher. IW this time it should be pret ty plain to the newspaper and .... , . !f Ul""" J can by any means prevent it. Speaker Cannon does not mean to permit any "meddling" with the tariff on wood pulp, pulpwood or paper. Various secretaries to representatives and senators es timate that during the past month or six Aveeks ten thousand letters and telegrams relating to the tariir on paper and paper ma terials have been received by members of congress in both branches. Only recently a new deluge of telegrams poured into the house; each member receiv ing such a message walked sol emnly to the desk of Mr. Payne and dejtosited thereon the yellow slip, while a wire from E. H. I taker, secretary of the Ameri can Newspaper I'ublishers' Asso ciation, sent to John Sharp Wil liams, was filed with the follow ing petition: "I respectfully petition the con gress of the I'nited States to grant the recjuest of the Newspaper Puh lishers' Association in telegram filed herewith." Secretary Baker's telegram reads: ' The American Newspaper Pub lishers' Association, in convention assembled, protests against the sub terfuge designed by Cannon, Payne and Dalell to prevent relief from the extortions of the paper com bine. We ask that the Stevens bill, now throttled in the Ways and Means committee, be put to a vote on the floor of the house. We re piesent the seventh largest indus try in the United States, and have rights that congress is bound to re spect." Hut the only effect created by the thousands of wires and let ters has been to arouse Mr.t Payne and Speaker Cannon to wrath against the petitioners noted above. Mr. Payne, on the floor of the house said: "When we put through an anti pass law these fellows came down here and begged to be exempted from its operations. They failed then, and I thiuk they will fail now to establish their light to special legislation, instead ot waiting with all other American citizens for gen eral tariff legislation to be enacted for the lenefit of all alike." Speaker Cannon, according to all reports, became exceedingly wroth over the idea that anybody or any organization should pre sume to request that the house, under the speaker's permission, do anything. In fact, the speak er showed his anger so plainly as to give the impression that the publishers and others who have been jogging congress memory in regard to paper and the paper trust have thereby hurt the cause they sought to advance. The speaker referred to the special committee he has named to in vestigato the paper situation, and intimated that members of the various publishers' associations who have been memorializing congress of late may be haled by the scut! of the neck before the committee and made to tell all they know altout the situation. From the stand that such indivi duals and organizations have been taking, it does not seem likely that the speaker will be forced to adopt any such strenuous means; appearances would seem to indicate that force would have to be exerted to keep such gen tlemen away from the meetings of the special committee. Portland and Return, 9c. Prom now until further notice round trip tickets from Ilillsboro to Portland ami return, will be sold at W cents, good on Satur day 1 : i: p. m. and Sunday trains. and returning on any Sunday or .Monday train. WM. McMURRAY, G. P. A A bag ot hot sand applied to the part ot the body affected with neu ralgia w id bring relief. The sand etains the heat. leas for Set Una. Full-blood P.utf Orpington for sale. Call and see the stock you are getting eggs from. Eggs, $1.0) for l. A few nfore cock erels for sale. Inquire of C. Rhoades. corner of Ninth and rase lino streets. Ilillsboro. Before polishing the stove wsh it off with vinegar. It remove U grease, leaving the aurface smooth, and keeps the blacking from burn ing off so quickly, saving much time and labor. Mr. John Riha of Vining, la., ays: "I have been selling De- Witt's Kidney and Bladder fins ter satisfaction than any pill I ever sold. Sold by all druggists, Put a piece of orris root into th boiler In which clothes are being scalded and it will impart a delicate odor which drying and ironing will not remove. When your food seems to nause ate take Kodol. Take kodol now and until you are right again There isn't any doubt about what it will do and you will find the truth of this statement verified after you have used Kodol for a few weeks. It is sold here by all arug gists. The wealth of New Zealand, ac cording to recent statistics, is $1480 per person, and is said to be the hiohMt of ativ country in the t - world. As this wealth is more ev enly distributed than in other coun tries the showing is more favorable than it appears at first thought. Kodol completely digests aX classes of food. It will get right at the trouble and do the very work itself for the stomach. It is plea sant to take. Sold by all drug gists. The Oregon Electric has built a very neat station at the corner ot Front and Jefferson streers in Port land, traingular shape with the two prominent corners given over Jto saloons. Catch em a comin and gob' seems to be the plan. New- berg Graphic. Valued Same as CoM. B. G. Stuart, a merchant of Ced ar View, Miss., says: "I tell my customers when they buy a box of Dr. King's New Life Pills they get the worth of that much gold in weight, if afflicted with constipa tion, malaria or billiousness." Sold under guarantee at the Delta Drng Store. 2 sc. Old and worn typewriter ribbons can be used to a good advantage I by making writing ink from them Remove the ribbon from the spool and place it in a tumbler three quarters full of water and let soak for twenty-four hours. Remove the ribbon and pour the fluid into a bottle. This ink will be as good as any indelible ink that maybe bought. A CallfornUa'a Luck. "The luckiest day of my life was when I bought a box ol Bucklen's Arnica Salve;" writes Charles F. Budahn, ofTracy, California. "Two 25c boxes cured me of an annoying case of itching piles, which had troubled me for vears and that yielded to no other treatment." Sold under guarantee at the Delta Drug Store. The highest authorities place the total number of years elapsed since, in the light or best geological evi dence, men first appeared upon earth at 288,000. Of this. 78.000 belong to the preglacial epoch, 100 000 years to the glactal, 44,000 to the interval between the glacial epoch and the protohistoric and ne olithic, years to the two last named epochs, and 6000 years to tbe time elapsed since the begin ning 01 me historic period in Egypt. The World's Best Climate. Is not entirely free from disease, on the high elevations fevers prevail. while on the lower levels malaria is encountered to a greater or less ex tent, according to altitude. To overcome climatic affections, lassl tmle, malaria, jaundice, billious ness, (ever and ague, and general aemntv, tbe most effective remedy wr-iectric Bitters, the great alter aiive ana blood purifier: the anti dote for every lorra of bodily weak ncs. nervousness and insomnia Sold under guarantee at the Delta Drug Store. Price 50c. An attempt is being made at Tampa. Fla , to rid the place of mosquitoes. With that end in view says the Fishing Gazette, a trio ol fishermen are engaged in catching minnows, which the chief of sanita tion of the city proposes distribut ing among the tanks and water re ceptacles in the residential andbusi ness portions of the city. Several hundred minnows hae already been caught and will be utilized for destroying the embryo mosquito. Amone immigrants the process of Americanization is extraordinar ily swift, says the Century Maga sine. When the late Prof. Boye son went to Minnesota he was sur prised to find that his fellow-Scandinavians preferred to speak Kng lishto him, and it was explained that the use of their native tongue reveal their asant origin) would ndTtn' us testily I'll 1AUI I Jeriority to a gentleman who had been eraduated from the Uuiver sity of Upsala. whereas the use of English lifted them all to the lofty tableland of American citizenship. Kennedy's Laxative (.ougu hv rup does not constipate, but on the other hand its laxative principles gently move the bowels. Children like it. Sold by all druggists. Selfishness is one great cause ot lonliness. If a man builds walls around himself, so that he may keep all that he has to himself, he soon finds that he has built walls around himself which shut out all that might come in to him lrom others. So the cure ot lonliness may be the overcoming of selfish ness. The medicines lor this dis ease of loneliness are potions ot generosity, ot thoughtfulness for others, of self sacrifice, taken in large doses. Even when the lone liness comes from the bitterness of loss and sorrow, forgetting self, go ing out of self and doing for others, is the only cure that God has given on earth for its healing. Sunday School Times. Lost. Between Portland and Scholls, the back seat of a hack. Finder please notify C. R. Adams, of Scholls, by phone or card, and he will pay for trouble. Insist upon DeWitt's Witch Haz el Salve. It is especially good for piles. Sold by all druggists. Party Rales. Agents along the Southern Pa cific Lines in Oregon are hereby notified that beginning February 20, a round trip rate of one and one-third fare between all points on .southern racinc company. Oregon Lines, may be made for ten (10) or more bona bide mem bers of regularly organized thea trical, operatic or concert com panies, glee clubs, brass or string 1 1 1 1111 .. 1 Danas, Dase Dau ciuos, loot ball. polo or basket ball teams, travel- ing together on one party ticket for the purpose of giving public entertainments. Also a one and one-third fare rate for the round trip may be made between the points named above for twenty-five (25) ormore persona traveling together on one party ticket; this twenty-five party is not conhned to regularly organized companies or troupes. but is open to all. Wm. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are small, safe, sure and gentle little pills. Sold by all dructrists. How cold-storage eggs are fresh ened and the very simple manner in which it is done is vouched lor by an engineer on the Pennsylvan ia railroad. The process of rejuve nating such eggs may be unique and somewhat expensive, but the difference in price between storage eggs and those branded "fresh" j warrants the undertaking. A lew nights ago this engineer, acting un der orders, hauled an entire car load of eggs taken out of a local cold storage house to Elizabeth- town, a short distance this side of Lancaster. A few hours standing in the car on the siding of the Lan caster county town was all that was necessary, and the same engineer brought back the identical car and the identical eggs marked in blaz oned letters on the car "fresh eggs from Elizabethtown." For sale. Five-room, modern cottage on Baseline and Fourth, new, for sale on very easy terms or monthly payments. Inquire of C. Rhoades, Hillsboro, Ninth and Baseline. Notice 10 Sprayers. I have received a larjre ship ment direct from the factory at iew 1 one of the celebrated Star Brand, guaranteed strictly pure ! arsenate of lead, guaranteed to be the best in the world for! spraying purposes. I guarantee ! to save you monpv nt u-ixi., 1 j b uvit or retail. B. Leis, The Sprayman. One mile east of Beaverton. The building season is now at hand and any one contemplating work in this line should call on The Climax Milling Co., when nwnng on material. We have a -mpieie stock always on hand. 'Both .phones. " Reache ne Spo1 M'- K. Humphrey, who owns a large general More at Omega. O , and is ,),,ent of the Adams County Telephone Co., of l'ike County O., savsof Pr. Kings New Discovery: "it jved my life once. At least I think it did. It seemed to reach the si,t-the very seat ot "X URh.-heB everything .. ... I ery not only reaches the cough spot; it heals the sore spots and the weak spots in throat, lun anJ chet vSold under guarantee at the Delta Drugstore. 5oC and $t.oo. Trial bottle free. 1 tills tor Matching. S. C. Rlack Minorcas and S. C. Urown c $1 (H) for set VIUk ting of i: At the Oregon Poul try Show m,, birds won four firsts out of a possible live in competition with the best breed ers in the state. iV H. OREEIi. Cameron's S. C. White Leghorns that are leghorns of true tvne and size. Egjrs for h:it,'hintr. South of city park, Ilillsboro, Ore. Independent 'phone I5L!5. Old, mellow and thoroughly matured -it possesses every es sential of a genuinely fine, Ken tucky linn,,,--that's why I. W. Harper whiskev is the most poj- ular. Sold by F. E. Cornelius. It will be the 15th of May be fore the new eight-story steel building of the Portland Com mercial Club will be ready for occupancy. The club will form ally open its new quarters on June 12th, the anniversary of the laying of its cornerstone. The cost of the building and its fur nishing has been $434,000, 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks "rfTfV COfVRIOHT &C AnTnna Mtnllng a sketch and oaTipti"n mT qnlrklr M-t4ruiit f.ur opinion free wIimiIiit an tiiVKiitlon is prnhaMT palenlnMw. t'onimuiilr'a. II, m.(rh ll7rr,t1. Initial. HANDBOOK " I'alelitai out fre. nl'l.t nt:iiry fur orurlnn paliit. I'ltleiim thrnuiih Muun A Co. recolr tptcuu nntut, wiihut enarye. lu iu Scientific American n.lrlllni.trti1 wailf. l.nnmnr t n? riontlBa Journal. 1rmi. ' ni.,tuua, t (kla brail tiwa.l.alr. gCo.36iBro.d-.,. New York (06 F BU Waablua-iuu. U U Uraucti Ufflci, ( fth IN ONE OR MANY COLORS kin 1 LARGEST FACILITIES IN THE WEST FOR T1IK PRODUCTION OF HIGH GRADE WORK KILL the COUCH AND CURE THE LUNGS w Dr. King's New Discovery rnn amir.MS pnrrF, K)c Hi"1- run t-xrns wnso f AND AU THROtT anl t'HGTB0UBl- GUARANTEED SATISFACIOBY OR MONEY BE uw"" I Ml Stew a j VS. ROYAL SODA n ,.....B;P Tuesday , March 17 " 'U Main Street, olTOMte the led barn CnrlM,.,,tiMl Drinks of all fl.anre.l and Ulil Ills ,or sah O. FROM & CO. j J Sis (J? Home Journal patterns Path's. COFFER There is a time for pood tea, and a time for good coffee; there is no time for poor either. V ' -1 - -1 fHliiiutitf lc.l, mm pay btui. Reduced Rates to Grand lodge. For the occasion of Grand Lodge A. F. S: A. M. and Grand Chapter R. A. Masons ot Oregon to te held in Portland, June 8th to 13th, a rate of one and one-third fare on the certificate plan is authorized to Portland and return from all points on the Southern Pacific lines in Oregon, provided fifty or more paying passengers of not less than fifty cents each have been in attendance. Under these condi tions, delegates and memters ol their lamilies, who have paid full tare (regular iirst class rate) to Portland, will be returned at one third fare, but in uo case less thau 25 cents. E A will 1:1: maim: this season by SOUTHERN I IMS IN ORFCON) From Hillsboro ii'i iciws: llolh Ways Hiroiiuti I'oi ll.tnd One Way via California 10 Cliinitro - ;:Uf SI. Louis, ( St. Til ill, - KM' (Miiiiliii, - 00.1.V Kaiis isl'it.V, fU5. SS.15 S'.MO v 4 " TK'KI.TS WILL BE ON SALE May J, IS, Juno 5, 0, 1, 20, July (i, 7, 22, 2:J, August (, 7, 21, 22. Good for return in 90 days with stopover privileces at pleasure within limits. Remember the Dates. for any further Information cafl on P. C. VICKIKS, Local Auent, or write lo Wm. McMURRAY, Cenrrat Pansenser Asenl, PORTLAND, OREGON. EMM0TT BROS. Central Meat Market Fresh Meats and Groceries. Opposite the Shute Bank Your Trade Solicited. WORKS in the Ilcwctt building kin.l Fountain Tanks we're Right In It When it comes to the selling of high-grade groeeries of all de scriptions. In tea. coffee, flour, butter, ihee.-e, eggs, canned goods, cereals, breakfast foods and all kinds of groceries, we not onlv give you the best quali ties, hut ti.e best weight in all Ar.d our nrices are nuch as cannot be easily matched by any of our coiinetitors when qual ity is considered. Ladies' at Mrs. I. LOW Hillsboro, Ore. Pure Driic Wo carry a complete lino of Fine Sundries. If we do not have what you want in stock, wo will cheerfully get it for you. Having been appointed Publisher's Agents, we are now prepared to supply All Your Wants in tho . Wo al so have a full lino of School T.oots will he sold for NO CliKDIT. TAKE THE BLUE BELL LINE TO HEALTH THEY MAKE YOU FEEL LIKE A BLACKSMITH No eur-Ut. A pecific remedy for ach epecific ailment. Only th ctiv principle or th comicnaed easenct of tbe druf uaed. Keaulti guaranteed. Aik lor and try once BLUE BILL Stomach Tabltd, or Diarrhoea, Croup, Nerve, Cough, flay Fever and Catarrh, Blood, General Tonic "For Old People," Heart, Worm, Kidney, Headache, Summer Complaint, SoothinK "For Children." Liver, Female Regulator, Quiney. Bright Sunshine "Seiual Tonic," tablcta or BLUf BELL Cough Syrup, Man'aPain Liniment or File Kemedy. We print the conitituentaof each remedy upon the carton, and they comply with all pure drug lawa. Distributed by THE BLUE BELL MEDICINE CO., Incorporated! Capital Slock VMI.OUO.UU; Watertown, South Dakota, U. S. A. Fok .Sale itv the Delta I)i;ui Stohe UNDERWOOD STANSJAI13 TYPEWRITE life "Star of the First Magnitude.'' TACT Number 10 The t'ndrrrvood Fscapement Is laslrr than the l aslrsl Oprralor. The Skilled Mrrhanic sa): "It will last a hutuli ed years " UNKiJiwoon TVPiiVRirrri company hew York or Anjw tit-it-. MAKE YOUR OWN STOCK FOODS BY USING SKIDOO HORSE AND CATTLE TABLETS Crush and mix in feed or Makes Your Stock Look Like the Ton Price For Hortea, Cattle, Sheep, Swine and Fowla. condensed essence ol the drug. They don't contain a good when 10 yeara old aa when 10 days old. nd try one SKIDOO Condition Tahlela, or Blister, Cathartic Heave. Fever, Hog Cholera, Distemper, Pink Kye. Colic tablets or Louse Powder, Spavin Cure or Barb Wire Liniment. Distributed by THE BLUE BELL MEDICINE CO., Incorporated; Capital Stock Uoo.Ouo.uo; Watertown, South Dakota, U. S. A. For Sale by the Oregon .Shopj-.line akd UNION PACIFIC Three Trains to the East Daily TbrmiKh Tul'man standard and turlt alt-ep. Ini rars dally to Omaha, ( hlcex'i. CiHikann: tonrltl lwpn)K cars 'lany to Kansas! Itv: tiinniiili Pullman tourist slretmisj ram (jieriailiallt eon. ductedi weeklv m rhl aK and KansH itv. re f llnlne rhair ra (s-at 'lallri to Ka-t 'Istly The Oregon Railway and Tree Delivery Of the Ix-st F'ish, Game and' Meats. Our delivery is prompt! una in an parts ot Hillsloro We have inaugerated a new Schedule in Prices and this together with our de livery system makes this Hills boro'a popular market. Corwin & Heidel. DRUG STORE Ilillsboro, Oregon. DKALEU IN i Metjiciues ,.. . . .School Hook Lino Tablets, Pencils, Slates, Etc. CASH ONLY. Positivklv A LOVELY HEAD OF HAIR is a woman's crown of glory. You may have one with the aid of a bottle of our hair tonic. It cleanses the scalp, imparts vigor to the roots and induces luxuri ant growth. It is also absolutely harmless as well. NO INJURIOUS DRUGS enter into its comiosition. You can use it freely and safely. It is a preparation fully up to the standard of all our drugs and medicsnes. The Hillsboro Pharmacy. salt. Proper dote in tablets a They arc made from the active principle or the Sawdust, Ashes, Chop Feed or Bran. Are Just They comply with all pure drug laws. Ask lor SKIDOO Worm, Kidney, thicken Cholera, Delta Drue Store. 70 HOURS PORTLAND to CHICAGO Nil 4 hniiKe of Cars 70 M H I K I tl.THtfO I'ort iaiii 'II MP HMl 1Kb (mm t'ltri Utnl, r. -nil I.Kke. I f liver, H. virih. i "niHlid, Knti A k K l V h KH(M I m rny. i I .'Hi if, In 6 uo p m 4 .to a m via M'tlliK'oll Aliunde V. x rvm .!.' p ni Tin H lint trikftn M. K.vt Mnil 6:1 l Hi via -nit l.kt, iM'tivt-r. Kl. nrt li, Mil n hi., Kan I itV, I , HI 11, I hi i (Btff mi'l h at v hIU WhI. m lton tiiBii. M in ni in)l. Ht. 7:1.' p m n.ttipn I'nul, 1'iiluth. MiIwaii- kf, Mr Bo mm Ytwi For further Information k or write ?or General Passenger Agent, Navigation Co., Portland, Oregon 'tall Bros. Dealers in Hillsboro Real Estate AND AUCTIONEER. j Office ioutli of Court Hoiim. M!o ' Money to Loan-