Image provided by: Hillsboro Public Library; Hillsboro, OR
About Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1908)
2fi.1T Wf0 AW 'httL'rW'.'iv ;un'6 iuN Tut A i , uukuJN, FRIDAY. MAY 1, 190S Number "2 ft fi.HsbvTO Independent D. W. BATH, Publisher. Tlili pa(r i not forced upon auyoue. It la nut our practice to atop pkpen oiitil ordered to Uo to. Anyone not wishing the paper uiuxt notily tin puhllsher or they will be, held liable If t he tahecription price. KIUIIT l'AOE.S. S1.SO a Year, In Advance. Entered at the Poetnfflce at Hllle- i ro, Oregon, (or tranimlialoa through th mall' aa second-class mall matter, Official Paper of Washington County, Republican in Poll tic a. 4DVKHTIHINO -Kates av,( luu an inch, initio column, (or lour Inner tioni; rttiiliii iioiiicn, one cent a word e it'll tiisrtln (nottiinic le than cenU) ; prufwsionul cards, one inch, f 1 a month rllK canlH, , a year, pay Die qiLtrturlr, (notice and resolution! free to advertininK loijes). PROFESSIONAL CARDS. E. B. TONGUE ATTO KN kiY-AT-LAW Hlllaboro, Oragon. Office: Rooma 3. 4 and E. Morgan Blk W. N. BARRETT ATTORNEY-ATLAW Hlllaboro, Oregon. Office: Central liloek, Rooma and 7 Hlllaboro. Oregon. BENTON BOWMAN ATTORNEY-ATLAW Olllce onMain St., o the Court House TIIOS. II. TONGUK JR. ATTORN KY-AT-LAW ' NOTARY PUBLIC Jlticej Kooms A, 4 and 5, Morgan 15 loci 'Hlllaboro, Oregon. MARK II. HUMP, ATTORNHY-AT-LAW. Notary Public and HILLS BORO, Collections, ORB. II. T. UAtiLEV, Attorney - at - Law, Office Over the Postoflke. Ilillsboro, Oregon. JOHN M. WALL. Attorney-at-Law, Office upstairs, Bailey Morgan Bllt. BOTH TIIONK9. HILL30ORO, ORECON. 8. T. LINKLATER. M. B. C. M. PHYSICIAN AND EURO EON. Hlllaboro, Oregon. OlhVt upatnirs, over The IVlta Drug Store. Mice hours 8 to 12 ; I to 6, and In the evening' from 7 to 9 o'clock. J. P. TAMIESIE, M. D. 8. P. R. R. SURGEON Hlllaboro, Oregon. H-.lili'Uc'i roniiT l lilril and Main; riffle, tip livlla ilrmr Hon': liimra. a. ail low I lo .S ami 7 lo p in. Telephone I" rpaul.m-. from Hflia drim mr. All rani promptly aua witrtnl day or iiImIiI F. A. BAILEY, M. O. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Hlllaboro, Oregon. , Office: Mornan-Ilalley block, up stair, rooma 1'.', 13 and 15. Residence 8. W. cor. Hase Line and Second ate. Iloth 'phonos. F. J. BAILEY, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Hlllaboro, Oregon. Office: Morgan Italloy block, up stairs with K A. Ilulley. Residence, N. E. corner Third and Oak its. . A. H. HAIUiY PHYSICIAN AM) M. D., SUKGKON, Hillslvoro, Oregon. Office nn-r Hailvy'i Iru Hiore. Office hoar from .." I" I.'. I no lo it, and 7 In . Kealdenre third rmuw mirth of city cr loci Mo Unlit plant. Call, promptly ailende.1 day or night. Itntn The Fraternal Brotherhood Ilillsboro Lorip No. 21 s Meet every Saturday niaht, Wehrung'i Hall, 8 o'cloek All members are rciiueotod to be preecnt ELECTRIC EXTENSIONS ALL OVER THE VALLEY. The Oreaon Electric Company at Work at Reedvllle, Beaverton and Carden Home. Portland, April 27. -No nouncement made in years been more interesting to an has the state at large than the publica- tion of the plans of the Oregon Electric Railway Company, w hich mean a system aggregating three hundred and eighty-one miles in length, and reaching the princi pal towns of the entire Willam ette valley, with an extension to the coast as well. McMinnville, Newberg, Dallas, Eugene, Al bany, Cascadia, Ilillsboro and Tillamook, with innumerable oth er communities,, are included The line between Portland and Salem has received such excel lent patronage that on several different occasions it has been necessary to revise the schedule to accomodate additional trains, In the Eastern states the multi plication of trolley lines has de creased the passenger traffic on the steam roads, but the latter have felt so marked an increase in freight traffic that the passen ger loss has been more than com pensated in earnings. A very large delegation from Albany visited Portland last week for a double purpose. First, the city council came to investi gate the subject of paving, and as a result Albany will immedi ately begin the permanent im provement of her main streets, hen the committee representing the Albany Commercial Club com pleted arrangements with Bury Dasent to take charge of the city's publicity work as manager of the club, May 1st Mr. Da sent is now advertising manager of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company, secretary of the Rose Festival Association, and secretary of the Pacific Coast Advertising Men's Association, and his experience will make his work effective. The greatest success has at tended the Oregon Development League meetings throughout the eastern part of the state. La- Grande raised $3300 in a few minutes, besides adding greatly to the membership of its Com mercial Club. They will com plete a fund of $0000. Elgin business men subscribed $600 to advertise their city; The Dalles will continue their publicity work on an even more liberal scale man neretoiore; uaker Uity is alive to the value of similar work. Headquarters of the Rose Fes i 1 111 a uvai Association iook like an im mense Valentine Shop now-a days, lhousands of beautifully engraved invitations are being sent out in rose-garlanded envel opes-prose poems in accord with the occasion. "The oueen of owers will have a perfumed hisper of welcome for you, and her sweet hospitalities humored for your tarrying" closes the message. The scope of the excursion par ty which will visit Lewiston- Clarkston on May 1st has been widened to include various Ore gon cities. President J. H. Al bert, of the Capital National Dank at Salem, President E. W. Langdon, of the Albany Commer cial Club, and President George H. George of the Astoria Nation al Bank, will be of the purty. A ladies' auxiliary will provide for the special entertainment of the feminine visitors. Even-one needs new belts and neckwear this time of the Year. and it will be to your advantage to look over my line in these ar tides before you make your se lection. Mrs. I. Bath. Will Have New Schoolhouse. The school board of Cornelius has decided to build a $9000 brick schoolhouse in the near future, According to the plan3 which have been decided upon the edi hce will be a two-story structure with basement and will have four recitation rooms. It will be fit ted with a modern heating plant and the rooms will be supplied with automatic ventilation. The board has obtained a piece of property near the encampment grounds for the new building which, when completed, will be the best in the county in the mat ter of modern conveniences. There are at present 1C2 children in the district and the school has three teachers. The board of di rectors is composed of Messrs. M. II. Henderson, James Mor risey, and C. W. Fitch, the latter recently moved to Dilley. His successor will be elected on May 4. A Trip lo McMinnville and Carlton Editor Independent: A trip to McMinnville found the city very quiet but contemplating building to some extent this season. They are still talking "condenser" with the expectation of 2(KK) cows support. When enterprise starts a good payroll you may expect to see the city move along lively for it is a pretty place. Autos are becoming a common venicie, about 40 are already there, but the next most important thing is good roads and smooth ones en tering the city. At present they are almost ot the very worst. They say that when the cream comes to the factory it is next thing to butter and ' saves time for the machines, gilt edge no doubt. On my way back I dropped off at Carlton. This city is dead for the present as the mill has been shut down on account of "suits" about the water rights, so I am told. Logs are being cut and I believe the mill will be running on full time soon. The fire fiend seems to be at work there. The fine hotel gone and two buildings in the centre of the city lately They have a splendid school building which shows the result of enterprise. Calling at the Brooks Nursery I found them busy indeed graft ing and planting stock of all kinds. They will plant over one half millions this season having added more land for the purpose. Walnuts have been planted by the acre on farms near. Brooks and Sons received while your correspondent was there a large shipment direct from Holland of the genuine "Superlative" rasp berry, the "star" of all raspber ries, taking the gold medal at the Louis and Clarke fair. Hol land is the country where the "superlative" raspberry first ori ginated. As Holland is the gar den sjot of the old world you may be sure that the stock is all that is claimed. $375 was the cost to get the genuine stock from that country. Brooks & Sons spare no expense to be in the field for first class stock. The crops of cereals are looking fine since the last rain anil let me tell you it was more needed than one is willing to credit to our "beautiful Oregon." Climate for the season is very late indeed, but Oregon is here to stay and a failure has never been known, only a shortage. Your correspondent came across a large soft shelled almond tree in the hills of Yamhill coun ty, which bears bushels of splen did fruit. Our hills in Washing ton county will do the same all that is lacking is the planting of the trees. Alrert O. Yates. Webb & Hoover have in stock the "Gilsonite Rubber Paint" for roofs of all kinds iron, tin, felt, paper or wood. Also the Oregon Wood Distilling Co.'s shingle stain oil. Linseed oil, raw and boiled, and castor ma chine oil. Persons wishing cards with the 1 . a new spit ordinance printed on them, can get the same at this office at 5c each. DELEGATES . ARE NAMED FOR THE STATE CONVENTION. Republican County Central Com mittee Mel al the Court House Last Monday. The republican county centra committee met in Ilillsboro last Monday and organized, J. W, Connell being chosen chairman and C. O. Roe of Forest Grove secretary. The following were named as Washington county del egates to the state convention, which will send delegates to the national convention to nominate a candidate lor tne presidentia nomination: J. W. Hughes, Dilley; Bedford Laughlin, Forest Grove; C. F, Tigard, Tigardville; John Ire land, Beaverton, Benton Bow man, Ilillsboro; A. N. Davies and W. J. Butner, Beaverton; Herman Collier, Scholls, and B, F. Purdy of Gaston. Thos. II, Tongue wa3 the committee's choice for state cora;nitteeman. To Be Tried at Dallas. Attorneys McCain and Vinton, who are representing A. J. Hem bree, who is charged with the murder of his wife at Sandlake, made a motion for a change of venue, claiming that the defend ant was unable to obtain a fair trial in Tillamook county. Artl cles published in the Headlight, with the fact that a number of the citizens had signed a protest againat Governor Giamberlain's parollintr IlemW 4ftr being convicted of the murder of his daughter, were made special points to show that the eople of of that county had mad up their minds in the case and tnat Hem- bree could not get a far trial. A change of venue was then taken to Polk county, a ter Judge Galloway declined to send the case to Yamhill count, and now the Sandlake murderer and rav- lsher of his own daughter will again fight for his life in the cir cuit court which will convene at Dallas next week. Probate Court. In the matter of the estate of W. R. Martin, deceased; John Stewart apjxnnted administrator with bond fixed at $100, and as soon as bond is filed notice of said appointment will be pub lished in The Independent Ordered that last will and tes tament of Malinda Tupper be ad mitted to probate, and Wm. Tup per confirmed as executor with out bond. James Mutenberger, J. H. Ray and W. M. Way ap pointed appraisers; inventory and appraisement filed. Annual report of guardian of John Sommer, insane; approved and he is authorized to retain $50 for compensation and $5 for II. T. Bagley for legal services. The bond of administratrix of the Geo. A. Gore estate is ap proved. In the matter of the guardian ship of Mary L. and Theo. J. King, minors; Geo. Schulmerich is appointed appraiser of the es tate to fill vacancy caused by the death of Geo. A. Morgan and this order entered as of October 1, 1007. Order of approval of appraisement be entered as of March 30, 1908. Estate of Wm. M. Lyda, de ceased; executor authorized and directed to sell real estate or as much thereof as may be neces sary to pay the indebtedness of the estate. Inventory and appraisement filed and approved in the estate of Thomrs J. Shipley, deceased. Bond of guardianship of John E. Sutherland, a minor, filed and approved. The estate of Lendell S. Fos ter, deceased, was closed of record. Questions to Be Voted On. At the last meeting of Ilills boro Grange No. 73, P. of H., the following referendum and in itiative questions to be voted up on at the June election were dis cussed: For an amendment of Sec. 29, Art 4 of the Constitution, chang ing tne compensation ot mem bers of the legislature from $3 to $10 per day, the grange voted "no." 'For an amendment of Sec. 3, Art 19 of the Constitution, to permit the location of state insti tutions elsewhere than at the seat of government, the grange voted "yes." An act to appropriate $25,000 annually for four years, to be used in purchasing grounds and building armories for the Oregon National Guard, was opposed by the Grange. For equal suffrage constitu tional amendment permitting wo men to vote on equal terms with men. the grange voted "yes." At an open meeting of the Grange Saturday afternoon, May 9, from 2 o'clock to 3 o'clock, the public is invited to discuss the remaining initiative and referen dum questions now before the people. Vole No. The temperance and moral ele ment of Oregon have been suc cessful in bringing law enforce ment and order to a great degree to every county in the state of Oregon. This is not overly pleas ing or profitable to the element that profits by the foolishness of men, hence the scheme, originat ing in the fertile mind of a south ern Oregon beer guzzler backed by the saloon interests to pass a aw to allow towns and cities the right to regulate the saloon busi ness, gambling, etc., within their corporate limits regardless of ex isting state laws. Of course the voters of Oregon will be too wide awake to permit a thine: of that kind, nevertheless it will not do any harm for temperance people everywhere to call attention to this particular amendment, with instructions to vote no. Mc Minnville Telephone-Register. We are sorry to learn that Ion. W. K. Newell was defeated for the nomination for represen tative to the legislature in Wash ington county. Mr. Newell is one of the progressive horticul- turalists of the valley and he made a good, clean record last session a little too clean in fact to suit the saloon men and gam blers, and he was marked for de- eat He is not the type of a man the fraternity want to be represented by at Salem. New berg Graphic. MiLioyRon SHOES There's a lot of satisfaction in a shoe which after month's of wear, needs only polish to 'look like new." You will find comfort, ease and profit in the KAMI LTON'-BROWN SHOES. Your children will want something pretty and good. Come and No better can be made. oir.ryinN (f ' i e j n c .i i e. i OFFICIAL RETURNS GIVES CAKE 2487 MAJORITY. His Majority In Washington County Is 114, Bean Cfti 1399, Bai ley 939 and Reftl 6IO. The official returns of the state primary election are all in and II. M. Cake's majority over C. W. Fulton for United States sen ator is 2187. R. S. Bean, who was nominated lor supreme justice on the republican ticket, without opposition, received 40,- 807 votes. J. W. Bailey, republican nom inee for dairy and food commis sioner, 14,989 votes over his op ponent, Alexander Reid. Gov. Chamberlain received the democratic nomination for Unit ed States senator, polling about 5,000 votes. In Washington county the of ficial returns give Cake 877, Ful ton 7G3, Bean 1399, Bailey 939, J and Reid C10 votes. Jayhawkers ot '49. The Death Valley Magazine, which is publishing the life of Death Valley Scotty, will begin the story of the ' 'Jayhawkers of '49" in its May number. The "Jayhawkers" discovered and gave Death Valley its name. The story will be written by John B. Colton, one of the survivors, who is now 75 years of age. He was the youngest member of the party, being 16 years old at the time. April 5, 1849, the party, con sisting of 36 members, organized at Galesburg, Ills., under the name ot Jayhawkers, and started to the gold fields of Cali fornia. They were on foot the last 52 days of the trip, having abandoned their wagons and butchered their oxen for food. There are four survivors, one a woman aged 94 years, who car ried a chiid upon her back and keot in line while strong men fell dead or went insane ujxrn the trail. All the story will be told for the first time, the humorous as well as the pathetic. Publishers have sought it for 50 years, but the survivers have now deemed it fit and proper 'to give it to the Death Valley Magazine. No pioneer or lover of Ameri can history can afford to miss it. The subscription price of the magazine is $1 a year. Every is sue contains stones and pictures see our SCHOOL SHOES, no better made. Our guarantee goes with every pair. Our Line of GROCERIES is the finest in the county. Everything usually carried by an up-to-dato Grocery House. Our immense sales make it pos sible for us to carry strictly fresh goods. Not a shop worn article in the establishment. JOHN DENNIS The old Reliable Corner Grocery and Shoe Storo of the desert worth the price. The publishers are also giving five shares of stock in the Death Valley Quartz & Placer Mining Company as a premium. The stock is of the par value of $1 per share. Rush your orders or write for particulars. Death Valley Publishing Co., Rhyolite, Nevada. The New 1908 Model bicycles are hummers. R. Lee Sears has them on display at his store. Cameron's S. C. White Leghorns that are Leghorns of true type and size. Eggs for hatching. South of city park, Ilillsboro, Ore. Independent 'phone 325. Ejus lor Sosoil. Full-blood Buff Orpington for sale. Call and see the stock you are getting eggs from. Eggs, $1.00 for 15. A few more cock erels for sale. Inquire of C. Rhoades, corner of Ninth and Baseline streets, Ilillsboro. LdDW KATES EAST WILL BE MADE THIS SEASON HY SOUTHERN PACIFIC (LINES IN ORECON) From Hillsboro as roixowa: axxk Ways Ihraash Portland TO On Way VlN Calliurnla S3. 15 S.IO a. a g4 4 '.( Chlcaffo - $T.U5 St. Louis, cs.i:, St. Paul, - 0.. Omaha, - K.l.r KaiiNasCfty, (J0.C: TICKETS WILL BE ON SALE May 4, IS, June 5, , 19, 20, July C, 7, 22, 23, August (J, 7, 21, 22. Good for return In BO days with stopover prlvileses at pleasure within limits. Remember the Dates. For any furttirr snf oranaikxi caH on P. G. VICKERS, Local Afienl, or wrMe lo Wm. MCMURRAY, General Passenger Aaenl, PORTLAND, ORCGON.