Image provided by: Hillsboro Public Library; Hillsboro, OR
About Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1907)
THI INDEPENDENT. HILL80R0. IlT l. W. BATH. EIGHT PACES. SOUTHERN PACIFIC R. R TIMK-TASI.K. rKOU MILLSMOHO. ctl'TH. No. 2. X :lti a. in. . No. 4. 6 I). Ui . . NOBTH. No. I. . 4:30 p. ro ..9:03 a. m OOiNO KOKTI1. 1-v. No. 7 a ill No. p hi Forest (trove tt:4." 1 : , tWnelius :.'! 1 :H4 liillnboro I:M 1:42 Keedville 7:1)0 1:65 IW-averton. . 7:10 2:06 Ar. t'uitlund 7:55 2:50 UOINU SOUTH. I -v. so. 8 in No. 10 p m Portland :.:(X) IVavei lu 11:44 7.04 Heedville 1 1 :&." 7 :1ft IlillHlioro. .12:07 '.40 Cornelius 12:15 7::W Ar. Forest (irove 12:20 tl:2tl ritiH truin will run daily except Hun diiy, and service Hill be maintain! aa loiig aa tlii business will justify. This w ill be a ItM'al passenger truin of subar lun nature ana will not carry baggage rir. I. U. V1CKEIW, Agent. Tliii ia cool weather (or July.- Subscribe for Thai Independent. F.conomy Fruit J art at Greer'. Kat Swellnnd' Ice Cream, at Walk er'a. Kverylhlng in tlie line of Fruit Jan at (ireer't. Money to loan on real estate security 11. T. llagley. 1'eople are going to the couit In large numbers. Just received. A flue line of glass, water and berry sets at H. II. Greer's Have H. Lee Sears fix that broken umbrella. At the Cvclery Olympic Flour la the best you can get at H. II. Greer's. Kememlwr the dance at the Park Sat unlay nlitht. Walker's orchestra. Tick ts, $1.00. lr. I-owe has all that is new and up to date in eye glasses and can adjust them no they will be becoming. Dr. I .owe, the eyesight specialist, does not eo from bouse to bouse. Consult bim at Hotel Tualatin next Weduesday July 24. The Oregon Electric Co. has just filed with County Recorder Ireland seventeen right-of-way contracts from Heaverton to Hillsboro. Mrs. I. F. F.mmottand twodaughters left a week ago (or Council Bluffs, la to vixit relatives. They expect to be absent a couple of months. l!ev. Itreck conducted Kplrtoopat ser vices iu Foreut Grove hut Sunday and stoped in Hillslioro (or a (ew hours on Monday to visit members of his church. C. W. F.lkin, a prosperous merchant o( I'rinevillc, Or , and a brother-in-law of County Judge J. W. Goodin, was vis iting his Hillsboro relatives last Friday and Saturday. The Judge and Mr. t.l kins favored this oflice with a plessant call. IhI. On Friday hint I le(t on the ta ble at Walker's ice cream parlors, I small Hull's Kye camera. When return in a few moments later, it had disap ueared. Any information as to its whereabouts will le thankfully received Communicate with J. C. Uarg, 215 Tenth street, Cortland. Here is a law which is frequently dis cussed, but mt always rightly: "One who ia at work bv the year or month is not obliged to work on Sundays or holi days, nor can be recover (oi work per formed on those days, without a seclal agreement. F.ach states determines its own holidays, and there are no holidays ia any state uuless made by statute. More than 130 photographs o( "Grand' mi" Wood, of this city, and Hon. Geo, II. Williams o( Portland, who crowned her "ijueen of Oregan," have leen sent to the leading papers of the United Htates, accompanied by a story which will call to mind the (act that Mrs. Wood's home is in Hillslioro and not in several other places certain newspapers have attempted to locate hrr. rrobahlv the happiest man In town is E. n. Thorne. while a close second is L. J. 1'almateer. "Grandpa" savs its the cut teat kid on the (are of the earth, and believes with careful nursing the father will survive the shock. The little (eilow arrived at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon and kicked the beam at S Hera are congratulations to the happy parents. "Grandma" Wood enjoyed an auto- a . li I . at.. Ah! mobile nue last ounusv. " " in her eventful life o( 120 years. Elmer K.,.iih mis out from Portland in bis car, and thinking the old lady would enjoy the ride, took her out (or an hour. The trip was necessarially slow and care ful, lor the old lady is very leeble, but .1.. Trv minute and w as re-4 turned to her home without mishap and as happy as a child. Thoe. H.m e, o( this city, has just been road a life member of the Sportnia league of America, an honor onferred on but one other lu Oregon, T. X. Gard ner of Forest Grove. Mr. Howe has also been elected a member o( the Hen cvolent and Protective Order of Elks of Portland, and If he steps high and ex pands hi chest a little more than sul lie to to be excuse.!, (or the honors be etowed are enough to make any man feel proud, and Mr. Howe to worthy of them all. Mr. Laurel Hoyt returned the first of the week from a visit in Oregon City. Mies Marie Tuuzat leave next Mon day for an outing at Tillamook. Born. On Friday laxt to Frank C Francis ami wife, of Hillsboro, a dauglr ter. Carl au! Oliver II union have been vis iting old friends in this city for several days. , Be sure and attend the Park dance Saturday night. Splendid time and good music. Tickets 1. Tom Purilon and Wallace Gamble started for 1'ronaer, Wash., Saturday to work through the burvest. Mis Bertha Hesse returned from Portland Wednesday after a Jhree days' visit with friends mid relatives. Mr. K. S. OIhoii aud father left Thurs day morning (or Hoiilton, Ore., where thev will spend a week or two visiting relatives. Supt. Case publiiilies the school ollicers directory for Washington county on an other page. It should be filed away for reference. Mrs. Frank Wallace, of this city, de parted Saturday evening (or Hammond, Ore., where sho will join her husband who la working (or the railroad. lr. Lowe, the well known oculo op tician will lie at Hotel Tualatin next week Wednesday, July 24. Have him test your eyes (or glasses. Dr. Ixwe, the optician, has been com ing to Hillsboro (or the past seventeen year and will be here for one day onfy, Wednesday, July 24. Mrs. Thos. It. Tongue, Sr , is haying a new walk laid on the Second street il of her proierty, which will greatly improve the looks of that handsome block. Mead L. Boyd and wife of Hudson, Ia., were in the city last Friday and Satuday. They are looking over the coast country with a view of locating and may conclude to settle in Oregon. They left for Washington Sat unlay where they have relatives with whom they will visit lor several weeks. They came to Oregon by the way of California, but did not think much of the Golden State a a place of residence. Portland and Washington county looks good to them and a sack of ltoyal Ann cherries given Mr. Iloyd as they took the train, ad ded to the Interest they have taken in this locality. The Imleieiident ac knowlege a plea ant call from Mr. and Mrs. lioyd. Dr. A. 11. Kailey yesterday removed from the eye of a 6-year-old daughter of Valentine Fran, south of Cornelius, a bearded oat grain that bad been In the eye for three day and greatly Inflamed the eye, threatening the eight, much to her great relief. Hev. Daniel Thomas, recently from Ohio, will preach in the Congregational church next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Key, Gilpatrick will preach in Albany. Union meeting at the M. E. church in th evening. I jilt Friday the 10-year-old daughter of Fred Wallace of Phillipp tell dis tance of fifteen feel (rout a cherry tree, striking her arm across the top o( a tin bucket standing on the ground. The flesh on the arm was cut to the bone and the bone broken so that both ends pro truded through the Mesh. Dr. Tamiesie was called and attended the patient. Poi, the Photographer, ha told out hi photo business and is going to take a vacation. He has been at it continu ously (or almost twenty years. II successors are young men from the east who are professional photographer. They will have their families here in few dav. Mr. Pot will remain here to attend to all of hi uudnished work. Mr.. iII;tijivliMJtl; Itlng F. A. nailc- vis. Uny of Dr Attention is called to the new adver tisement of Ebv A Mader. who have purchased the Poie photograph gallery on Second street. Both young men have recently come from Nebraska and wi shortly be followed by their families, They are experienced photographer, up to the time and the art, and intend to cover tbi field thoroughly. Call on th new proprietor, get acquainted, sample their work and give them a welcome to their new home. Last week the telegraphic report was that 400,000 Japanese had arrived in Sonora, Mexico, mostly veteran of th KuHSo-Japanese war, and that tbey in temled to capture Mexico. The number has dwindled down to 400, and it turns out that they are all laborer and a Leaceful variety at that. Up to date this war talk is pretty much all fabric tion. We have nearly as many Japs and Greeks working out on the new Till amook railroad, and no one is even thinking of war. Last Monday W. T. Anderson of Port land, and George Bradley, a black mith, of the same city, got Into a fight on the Sheridan train after it passed over the Washington county line, the cause of all their trouble being a woman, the wife of Bradley. Passengers separ ated the two fighters, Anderson going on to Forest Grove and Bradley getting off The Tout Meeting on Second Street. , '' - f v m ' v v 1 , . X " I'V-vv '''' ' c - !. Mir .mi lli HIV. rilSHTS I'Al'l. UATK, ltev. Chester Paul Gates, of St. John United Evangelical church, will be pre- ent to assist in the tent meetings and will preach each evening at eight. Mr. Gate to an able and interesting speaker. Young men and women are eapecally invited to hear bim. The pastor will preach Saturday evening, also Sunday morning at 11 and also at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, when subject of special in terest will be presented. Thousands of people of Portland and other Oregon citie have gone to the coast resorts this week, and from now ontil September enjoyment will be in older at Yauina, New port, Seaside, Ne- tarts, Tillamook and other popular ocean side recreation spots, tjuite a number of our people have already joined the pleasure seekers and more will go next week. Among those who went this week are: Mr. an.l Mrs. C. E. Lytle and Mrs. John Dennis, Tillamook; Jas. Young and family, Tillamook ; II. Weh- rune ana wue, lsimna; nare at this station. The latter at once swore out a warrant (or Anderson and his own wife, who was leaving ber husband, home and five children to run away with Anderson. The paper were given to the sheriff to serve and be lo cated the pair at a Banks hotel where they had registered as husband and wife. They wer brought to Hillsboro and ar raigned before Judge Mc Bride. They pleaded guilty to the charge and Ander son was sentenced to six months In the penitentiary and the woman to three months in the county jail. Bradley had and wife, Yaquina Bay ; L. T. Cornell, ' applied for a divorce some time ago and Newport. Mrs. Davis and son rred Emerson go to Newport next week. Mr. L. W. House and daughter I.iola and Mis Jennie Dichman leave next We I- 1ay (or Hot Springs, Wash. They must have a sweet scented lot o( ministers at Astoria. They have signed an agreement with the booze dispensers of that city not to molest them if tbey rill keep their saloon closed from 9 in be morning to 1 p. m. on Sundays. The sky pilot of Fishtow n seem to think that th breaking of a state law, and a law of God, i the proier cr, so long as th liquor mills are closed while they are expounding "the truth" and teach ing the Sunday school scholars w hat an awful thing it is to go fishing on Sun day. What this age needs is a little more religion like that our forefather believed in and lees of the kind in vogue in many churches today. It is wrong to keep a saloou open at soy time on Sun day, and a minister or set of ministers that are willing to compromise have got a the wrong (tail. t but lor the row on the train would have allowed them to go on their guilty way. Banker A C. Siiute and wife returned from their Eastern trip last Tuesday, greatly pleased with their outing, but decidedly glad to get back to Oregon. They left Hillsboro on the 14th day ol April and have been on the move pretty much ever since, having covered more than 14,000 miles in their journey. They visited all the principal cities in the East and South and spent nearly two week la Washington, visiting Mount Vernon and other historic place along the Potomac. The Hillsboro band uist Mr. Sbute and hi wife at the depot with "Home Agaia" and they fully re alized when ther met the welcoming mile and hand shakes of old friends anl neighbors that it ia good to be borne again, even though every minute of the journey was a pleasure and one of edu cation as well. W. D. Smith to giving bi Min street residence a new eoat of paiot, ha tarred the roof, sodded bis lawn and baa added to the look of the place very much. Elder forry -ill tian church t ,, " Un U"ri.yo(I1;B-. Hub. Kernel"' lhe lUtU J., . i L partofitboly-uMfip '"J "P isters. Mr. ""-ruined th. M-.w- dut Aid Mia., m,; - (urnisheJ"'l. A U10f . . . ,bleti.u.WtI. AmMW' Mr. Artb-r 1 .vi, ft l'f kit bd quiu J verely on Jil.y T joint o( th- hM at lu junction with the J badly cut Dt F A. Uaiie "C'deJ wj (eweJ ' np wound. Cmla-tWurduy . living lour i'o iwrio of Ulepcoe, had a large sliver from stick of stovewood thrust deep' " ttis muecle of tb right bsnJ. The mMt WM nm)yA by Dr. F. P-' y. nj measured one and one In!' inches in length. Geo. W.MclllTH.ofWuii, wHa and Henry T. Katchff,, of ltmu Has., were i t"n TiuUy, j company with Thoiuii U. Kalcliffe, ol Scholia, on business counectej witb the settlsmeot ol the entateo' their faih,ri tm) Ute j W. Uatcliff. The gosptl tent was crowded to the entrance UttSuuduy eveniii(g and those present listfpnl to s iplendid sermon by Kev. Mock ol Palhu. Tb uieeting will continue all thi" aud Sunday morn ing, anil perhaps all of next week. Our citizen should not lail to attend the meetings. To date tbia voar 3,000,000 pound of wool have changed band at tb pool ale at Shimiko, aWt 1,000,000 pound having been ld there yenterday. The highest price paid there this year was 21) cents. It i estimated that the wool men of thedulrict alioiit Shaniko have this year received arproximatoly I00O.. 000 for their wo! anj $125,000 for th sheep they have shipped to market. Koseburg lleview. The Astoria compromise between a- loon and clergy is, after all, not unfair. The Lord li to rule the city 8unday forenoon ami abandon the field Sunday afternoon. Tin" gives the former a more equitable deal than be often gets and Is very convenient (or the church members. In the (orenoon they can re ent of their sins, in the afternoon they can commit new ones. Nothing could 1 more agreeable all round. Ore- gonian. The East ii complaining of the hot weather. In rittsbnrg yesterday ten fatalities due to the intense humidity are reported. In New York there were several heat pristrittious and two death, Peonle sonuht relief ou roofs, fire csiws "i ur- find a breeae, One man fell off1 a fire escape while asleep and fractured hi skull and died Just compare these conditions with Ore gon inJ be thankful. Kate Bradley, who was sentenced to three months in the county jail, was yenterday parolled by Judge Mc Bride Such parole is upon the condition that he hereafter, at all times, conduct ber seKin a moral and law abiding manner and shall once in each year report her hereabouts to the court, and (allure to eep the conditions w ill work forfeiture of the same and subject the defendant to th pentHy heretofore pronounced The woman glally accepted the condi ons aiul left the jail rejoicing and It i hoped she will "t" an ' in no more." She left the jail accompanied by a half' brother, J. W. tiettmgo, of Portland Anderson, who was sentenced to ais months in the penitentiary, was taken to Salem WednetJay by Deputy Down to serve his time- A yesterday ' Mem dispatch say that the Board of hegenta of the Oiegon Agricultural college today rescinded It action of last month deposing Dr. Jarae Witbycombe from the position of direc tor of the Agricultural experiment ela tion. He has bee" reinstated in that position aud will continue to be known as director initJ of vice-director, as contemplated tr the action recently taken. At the time the order vai mad deposing Dr. Wilhycombe it wa tb opinion of the Boril ' Begent that the president of the school should be al o head of the eiriment station, and they accordingly conferred upon W.J. Kerr the title of president 0 n, college and director of the experiment station, Since then it ha1"1 '"""d that an Old rule of the boarJ 1 'naking the pres ident the executive head of all depart ments. So the president already bad supervisory nower over the station. Re scinding the order mads last month re stores the title o-f aii-rtr t Dr. Withy combe. The Portland 0refnn of yesterday mornina says : "Th4 the condition of franchises (or track" priviU-ue, should be rigidly enforced b the city wa th nneition taken by Wa- I-ane at the meeting ol the council yesterday. In l communication to'lie ouncil, the may or advised that th , given the Oregon Traction Coany and now beld by the Uuited Bilavs I revoked. The time limit l" tUe imruction of the line involved W'1 "P'red and itwa declared that if lhe fonipny iti wtnU to lay it tracks, it "'m'1 com to tbe -;. n..ilier franchise. This action was recommended b '" mayor in spile of the fact that th n by tbe franchise are no u,"1'r construction. The United Kail ?'" u'ing it track on Stark street. W'h ar, -ith the Forest 0r '" and ha ma terial on the groueJ to continue tbto work. It i th f since th franchise was grft1 "' it ha pro grwsed much farther tbs0 , ,l-r ,u the privilege being hawked from one owner to another. The mayor, however asserts that he dor not wish to stop th constrution of the line. He Inti mate in bi communication that he favor granting another franchise under properconditions, and he declared per sonally that tbi wa his position. II doe not, he said, regard the city' in terest a lafe-guarded by the present ordinance, and beside tbe extension of the time clause be wishes more strict provision Included." Seni M lo Your Ne a We send you this high grade, ball-bearing machine of the very best make, hav ing all the latest improve ments, all attachments PDPp or a small payment of "Ha $3 and a promise to pay $2 a month till the total cost ($25) is paid. Write us a postal card for our FREE catalogue telling all about Machines and Ml Kinds of Furniture On the Installment Plan. GEVURTZ & SONS, Portland, Oregon. MENTION THIS PAPER Death of Mr. Barrett. Mr. Henrietta Jackson I'arrelt, wife of Nathan A. Barrett, died Friday, July 12, at her home, 882 East Davis street, Portland. Mr. Barrett was born March 28, 1862, and was th daughter of Uly se Jackson deceased, and Lucinda C. lackson, pioneer of Washington coun ty, who cam to Oregon in lH.r0, and ettled near Ulencoe. Mr. Barrett wa married September 26, 18HI. Her husband and four child ren, Elmer it., James U., Elbe A. and Lloyd L. Barrett survive her. The fn nersl occurred in this city on Sunday last at 10 o'clock, and was lamely at tended. Interment was in Masonic cemetery. The service at the grave were under tbe auspices of the IVgree ol Honor. Circuit Court. The following cases In the circilit court were disposed of this week : . City of Forest (trove vs C'harle Mil ler, petition denied. Ievere v iKivere, divorce granted. Hill vs Hill, default and referred. O'Connell vs O'Connell, dismissed. Koberts vs Roberts, decree granted. Boardman v Hughe et al, dismissed. Eugene Smith vs Mary A Smith, de fault and decree. iirewbaker v Brewbaker, demurrer overruled and order of reference and decree. Cockrill v Cock rill, decree. Hood v Hood, decree. , Steeples vs Burns, Benton Bowman appointed guardian ad litum ; decreo. Becker vs Becker, order of reference. McCracken vs McKinney, order of de fault. Buxton v May to J, default and do cree. Hoffman vs Gearharda, default decree. State of Oregon vs Kate Bradley aud W T Anderson, pleaded guilty to unlaw ful cohabitation ; Anderson sentenced to the penitentiary for six month and the woman given a jail sentence of three months. Packwood v McDaniels, order allow, ing plaintiff to Gle amended complaint. Hannah F. Campbell wa allowed $HJ with which to prosecute her case for di vorce against Joseph Campbell. Death ot Edward Kerr. Edward Kerr, whose death occurred at th North Pacific Sanatarium, at Portland, last Monday, was born at I a junta, Colo., November 22, 131. lie cam to Oregon with his parent when but 13 week old and resided her up to tb time of hi death. He was married about five years ago to Miss Ida Thomp son of tbi city, and they moved to a farm near Cornelius. He had been in tbe hospital for about five weeks and wa operated on for appendicitis, but th operation proved unsuccessful. The f.inrl was held from the M. r.. cburcn on Tuesday, Rev. 8 J. Lindsay preach ing tb sermon. The burial was in Ma onlc cemetery. Tbe deceased leave a wife, two children and five brothers. , Card of Thank. W wish to return our sincere thank t th. manv friend for the kindness bown u at th funeral of our brother, Edward Kerr, and for the beautiful flor al offering at the church and cemetery. James t. Kerr. PROBATE COURT. Matter of the guardianship of Seth Hey wood, deceased ; petition fllod for sale of real estate, set lor bearing Mon day August S, 07, at 10 o'clock a. m., service to be made on next of kin by publication in Hillsboro Independent, for three successiv weeks, beginning July 12, 1U07. Estate of Martin Sand berg, deceased; final account filed and approved. Kitata of John B. Smith, deceased: a final report filed and Monday, Septem ber 2, at 2 o'clock set for time for bear. . I ini nliWtloni lo aaid reuort. and. " ' "Sure Thing" Corn Remover, 20 a bottle at the Hillsboro Pharmacy. 1 Swift (T) Mail Serrice. Th Salem Journal of Saturday say : 'Since Uncle Samba taken to weigh iu the mail. ome of it I weighed in the balance and found wanting. This mornina the Roeeburg Review of July th arrived at tbi oflice. It was aouie- hat tal and haggard, and unfortu nately peechless, or It might have fur- ished a hot story ol tbe strenuous wme has bad." And there are others. On Saturday Tb Review received a letter that was mailed at Coburg, Lane county, on July it. Must have walked all the way anu i the heat of the day at that." Amlaeoovof The Independent was u.i fmm th noatotfice in thi city to Sylvan, thi county, on Friday morning and it reached it destination me ioiiow- ing Tuesday. And Sylvan is only eigh teen mile away. Ol.a'UU HilUboro; corner, J block, 7 ill larg nearly new bouse; fences, anu win make aa ideal home; tbree-minutea ilk to tbe postoflice, one to the depot ; OilO down, balance on time. This placet worth 2.500;own.r non-resi- dsnL For particular ln.Uir al me Independent office. WANTED. rw..i.iun. either sex. on salary of. $100.00 a month aid expenses for an up- j to-dato Association, paying weesry.i accident benefit an.l lurnisnin f medical attendant to all it mem-. liberal contract will be ma-ie ilb producers of business. American Sick and Accident Aseocie tion, Buffalo, . I US (IS IN in WANTED j A DOZEN BABIES TO SIT FOR TIIIilR PHOTOGRAPHS, from one to ioo years old. We are here for business and are prepared to do all the latest aud up-to-date work from a thuinb-uail sticker to a grand solar cab. Having purchased the O. M. Toiie Photograph Gallery, we are prepared to continue the business at the old stand, and as there are two ol us to handle the business, we propose to go out at all times to take Scenic Views and other Photographs- Bring on the Babies 1 & MADER. 1 The Edison Phonograph and free ber, When a man leaves home in the evening it is because he seeks amusemeut. The best way to keep him home is to give him the amusement there. Make home a competitor of down town, the club, the cafe, the theatre and the coticert hall. No thing will furnish so much amusement for so many people, so many times, and in so many ways as the Kdison Phonograph. Talk about versatility! If you had a brass band on tap and several leading concert hall singers on salary, and two or three funny men to crack jokes, and a beautiful soprano to sing bal. lads, you could not give the same amount of varied entertainment that the Edison Phonograph gives by simply changing records You fan hear the whole program at our store. The prices on Kdison goods are the same anywhere in the U. S. If you buy here you have no freight to pay which means something about 53.00. Prices: Kdison Standard or No. 5 20.00 Home 130.00 " Triumph . f.iO.OO " Records, per dozen 4.20 You can hear the recrodsat my store any time, and we will be only to glad to play for you. You will be surprised at the re markable distinctness and clearness of the IvlLson Phonograph in producing sound. Cash or Installments Same price. e l Mccormick, HILL8BORO, ORE.