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About The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1918)
IfmTfit flkmu' AK S. jSl I A îzxmvm AN IN D E PEN D E N T W EEKLY NEWSPAPER Vol. 3 FOREST GROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 14. 1918 No. 10 The party will leave on the 7:20 Married fifty-tight Year« Monthly Meeting of S. P. train. Notify Mrs. Hum Eugenics Contest Dr. Hall Speaks On March 15th, I860, Nelson J ** phreys, at M cNutt’s, if you ex- and Miss Anna Shearer I Friday, March 22 Gardner the City Council were united in marriage back in of Hun Menace p*e* New *° » Minister - At last Monday’s meeting of the the state of Missouri, and two Has Arrived With a full attendance, the Traveling t h e Pacific coast Grove Woman’s club, M r., year, la w thuyrU.rtwJ aero" ; th e; membm, o( the cit’y'cou acil met The Methodists of Forest Grove F" re»‘ states under the direction of Reed C. E Walker, chairman of the R,“ “ wl‘ h “ t*»m,bound for; College Extension course and turned out in goodly numbers last Oregon. After six months and six in monthly session Tuesday nigh’ speaking at Marsh Hall last Sunday, both morning and even- public health committee reported days they arrived Portland, transacted a little business and two night on invitation of the Forest ! to. hear their their new minister, thattoo.Friday. March 22d. m u „ f e and sound, having met with spent several hours in social con- m. - . a Rev. John ifW«kio hardship, IT.,. Grove Brotherhood, the the Com n . Eberi, . „ late of Si-seton, of Portland s leading physicians;„nn. considerable but no versati >n and mastication of var would be in this city to t<-,t the Ebert made mereiai Club and the faculties of bouth Dakota. Lev trouble with the" Indians. They ious textiles. Treasurer Sparks asked for an Pacific University and the high a KO<|d invpfvssion in the morning babies (6 months to 5 yeurs;whose liked Oregon so well that they parents desired them entered in and better in the evening, in spite increase in compensation as light school, Dr. Walter P. Hall, mem the eugenics contest. There are have remained here ever since and and water collector and Water ber of the Princeton University of the fact that he had just com they will quietly, cele- „ . . no prizes, but a thorough scoring tomorrow brate their 58th wedding anniver- Commissioner Watkins reported faculty, related some of his ex pleted a journey of 2 000 miles to will be made of each child, under periences and resultant conclu get here. He went to Portland >ary. They have lived in Forest j that his assistant, Jap Munkers, the rules of the Congress of Monday and brought out Mrs. sions on the war against Hun Grove twelve years. Ten child had found better paying employ Ebert and three children and the Mothers. There is a charge o f ; ren have been born to them and ment and left him He thought domination of the world. members of the family are now at 25c for registration, but this can eight still live, three of them— if the city would raise the wages Dr. Hall spent several months home in the M. E. parsonage. be waived where parents do not Fred and Gus Gardner and Mrs. of himself and Light Commissioner as an ambulance truck driver on feel able to meet the expense. Bertha Howard—residing in this Sayres, they might take on the the French front and, on his way The contest will be held in the work heretofore done by Munkers, city. to the United States, was su b -! Congregational church and will couple. Long life to this estimable in addition to their own work. A marined and floated, in a nude \ k l a r lg h ir p p f n r q continue throughout the day. resolution was passed to give Mr. D i i e t i u i b Habks muHt be rcgUtered with Rally condition, for, « ight hours an a Sparks a raise of $10 per month, storm-tossed raft. As a result of j The annual meeting of the For Mrs. Walker or Mrs. M. S. A len 1 a U ,U U t IltUIJ Watkins a raise of $5 and Sayres the exposure he has suffered ever 1 est Grove Commercial club was before the day of the contest. one of $25. since with throat trouble and The club gave votes of thanks held last night at the Hotel Laugh- a m r ¿.»in.., t „Woi Street Commissioner Watkins speaks with some difficulty. to Mrs. P. L. Schultz and her lin, following a dinner, to which to every cit i ' n S B S m ,hat ,he management of First of all, Dr. Hall made it j committee for the economy prac clear that, war being the trade to j forty-eight members were seated. ticed in serving th e excellent county will be held I. H iliX r o | ^ f i C Ì which the average C< rman is ap- i The dinner was a good one, ad lunch on ‘ Guest’s Day,” when next Wednesday, March . ’ south, from A street to the can- prentieed when a boy, the Hun mirably served and put the mem the- committee expended but u d I » « 7 and the street committee bers in good humor for hearing of army is not to be pushed aside by $3 89 of the $5 00 appropriated to the wave of a hand or a breath of reports of officers and the election for the refreshments; also to the of directors. O r v g £ E p r t Railway company air. The Huns know how to fight decorations for i a Vice President A. G. Hoffman ;committee on und they fight. The English and of the Patriotic League of f f r i , " " “ do “ " a r d *he excellent work. ington County and the afternoon It appearing that sjab-wood is French have learn d this, but are presided and Treasurer Littler re- in no way dismayed. The Amer ported receipts during the year of, O n jn vital ion of Miss Wilma and evening sessions will consist costing the city $3.50 per cord ican soldiers are just as brave and, $883.36, disbursements of $785.53 Waggener the meeting of March of mass meetings and demonstra- and the wood can be purchased when they get a little more train and $95 83 on hand. Most of the 25th, will be held at the mu^ic tions by the Food Adrninistra- at the mill, ten miles away, for ing, will be able to play the Hun money handled was spent for the room of Pacific University, and tion and other War Service organ- 3,oc' Maj or Paterson suggested that the city might, with profit, game to the satisfaction of their G. A. R encampment last June Miss Waggener will have charge zations officers and the allies The great and was donated by public-spirited of the musical numbers. Mrs. O.l ‘ Mr. A r t h u r M. Churchill, seI1 ^ team and buy a motor danger is that civilians of Ainer- j citizens. The leceipts from mem- M. Sanford will read a paper on Chairman of the State Food Con- truck to haul its own wood and “ The New Russia,” and there servation campaign, who is hold- f|o other work now done by team. Ica wi I not take the war seriously I bership dues were $!*•>. , . enough to make the supreme sac-1 Secretary Johnson reported 95 will be other features of interest, ing a series of county meetings representative of the United rifieee needed to back up their | members in good standing at the Th© meeting is open to the public, throughout the state, will be pres- irucA '? ? ? and stated that ent and will address all sessions, for $3,655.00 his company would fighting men and boys with arms, I close of the year and President With him are a number of ladies sell the city a truck that would munitions, clothing, food and Graham, who was out of the city, other supplies. Ships to haul these sent in a written report, showirtg from the Corvallis Home E c o -, b*ul eight cords of wood per day nomie branch, who will give dem -! *rum the mill in question With supplies are being built, but they some of the most important act- ' will be useless unless the civilian ivitiea of the club The mo>t im ! Beginning Tuesday morning of onstrations in cooking and the use tw° men s wapos, the cost would population furnishes supplies to portant was, probably, the secur this week a new revuhtion nro- of substitutes for wheat and other be about $10 oO per day and the truck would pay for itself in two haul. T h e French soldier has ing and handling of the G A It. mis wee«, a m w regulation, pro- foQ(Js stood the brunt of the fight on encampment, which gave the city | S i x * be3Vurchased°f w U h ^ w h ^ is the earnest desire of Mr. tHef offere? t0 make a black bread, apple sauce and un much favorable advertising; the must be purchased with each Churchi]| that loval housewives demonstration at any time the pound of flour, went into effect. sweetened black coffee and is far officers of the club wi re instru from all parts o f't h e county be ? ** N o a c* from b e i n g discouraged. His mental in having a Washington Principal Bates, Forest Grove present, with their note books in a ^ n‘ _ r , . _ greatest concern is the welfare of ’ county exhibit at the Land Pro Food Commissioner, has received order that they may not only sc- Trie Oregon-\\ ashingfon Power the folks at home and the uncer d u cts show in Portland last N ov these instruction from W. B cure the information for them- company having offered to meas- Rye tainty as to how many men ember and this, also, w ara good Ayer, state commissioner. is not a substitute, but it may be selves, but may take home what uFe tbe electric current used by America will send to the conflict. piece of advertising The Club ,e cliY> “ ee 0* charge, to ascer- purchased without an e q u a l they learn and demonstrate it to The speaker was very m uch1 has also been active in working others in their home communities, tain what it would cost the city weight in substitutes for wheat. disturbed about the activity of for good roads, especially in see In this way the knowledge of food to Purchase a like amount of cur- The great need of the allies for which is such a vital rent from the aforesaid company, certain pro-Hun publications in I ing that this part of the county wheat products is given as the , conservation, . - . . . , . this ruling. Heretofore factor at . this this country and mentioned “ St. was not neglected in routing the, time, can be carried the light committee was instruct caUse °* ed to have t h e measurement Joseph’s Blati,” a German lan state highway and th e p rsid m t itbe consumer was able to purchase to every home in the county, guage paper published at Mt. believed that the n u t) bad ac- two ds of flour for e Meetings will be so arranged made. Some members of the Angel by the Benedictine Fathers, complished enough to justify its pound of substitute. thal 3,1 visitors will get the full council think the city could save from $1 500 to $2,000 per year by as a publication t h a t needed existence Don’t get angry at your grocer va].ue °f demonstrations and purchasing current, instead of The reports disposed of. Prof. if he complies with the adminis- W1. no^ be cr 9 w’ded out. watching. making it Bates and B. J. Simpson were ap He advised against public crit tration’s rules and regulations. ! entertaining musical pro gram is being arranged and the j The recorder read a short note icism of our war activities, as pointed a committee to solicit program will include speakers of from the sheriff, wherein the lat- Grand Army Man Called many people would be discour those present for membership (at statewide reputation, covering all ter promised to give the illegal aged when there was no real $1.00 per) and secured thirty William Ridgley, aged 77 years war activities. punch boards operated in this city reason for discouragement. This members. and eleven months, passed away This meeting was announced in his * attention” in due time, was a favorite method of the The election of directors result at his home in this city at 9:30 Warren Construction company Huns for discouraging civilians. ed in the selection of A. G. Hoff- : this morning, heart disease being last week’s paper for Saturday, March 16th, but has been post- reported, in writing, that it would Russia has gone down to humili man, B. J. Simpson. M. R . John- the cause of death. ation as a result of listening to son, R. F Clark, R . W. Reder, Mr. Ridgley was born in Ohio poned until Wednesday, March send a man to the city soon to the Hun whisjterings America A. E. Scott, W . C. Benfer, H. E. on April 11, 1840, and moved to 20th, because of conflicting county look after repairing the paving done by that company should be too wise to let this in Inlow and W. W. McEldowney Iowa while still a young man, be events. Let us all go. A resolution authorizing the sidious propaganda disorganize The directors will meet later on ing united in marriage to Miss her war work. ; issuing of a warrant for $1,674.00 call of Mr. Hoffman and select Elizabeth Maxwell in that state CONDENSED NEWS NOTES to pay for improvements on Sev- The house was fairly well filled their officers. on Feb 3, 1862. He served dur A son was born last week to with interested listeners and Dr. Dr. Hall, who later spoke at ing the civil war in the ‘29th Iowa Mr. and Mrs. Elm r Purdin of the enth street was passed. Hall received c l o s e attention Marsh Hall, was a guest of the infantry, serving with credit to Thatcher district. Mayor Paterson reported hav throughout his speech. President: club at the dinner and told some himself and his regiment. ing paid du-ing the month to Mrs. J. N. Austin is visiting her witnesses in the sewer lawsuit as Inlow of the Brotherhood presid- of his experiences with the French Eight children were borti to Mr. mother. Mrs. Jesse Knight, and ed and the meeting opened with army. lie is not inclined tu b e witness fees and expenses sums the singing o f “ T h e Star-, discouraged at the outlook for and Mrs. Ridgley, of whom the(Qther relatives in this city, on her tota ing $855.89, with some of following are living: H H. Rldg- way from Riverside, Calif., to an Spangled Banner,” by the aud- vanquishing the Huns, but made the witnesses still to pay. The ley ofjseattle, S. W. Ridgley and eastern state where she and her ience, led by Thos. E. Isaacs. A j it plain that it was a man’s job Mrs. Esther Watson of this city case has been sidetracked until double quartet of college girls and Yankee Men must be pre and Mrs. Jane Olson and Mrs. husband will reside. ; the second week in April and it is T h e Beaverton Commercial i estimated that three weeks more favored the audience with a song. pared to go up against the most Alura Hines of Gales Creek. club, Honor Guard Girls and citi will be required to finish. | brutal and efficient war machine The family came to Washington zens in general have invited the An Excursion to Portland 'ever assembled by man—or devil, , The monthly payroll was not so Mrs. L. A. Humphreys, the O N. Mullikin, a band man, county in 1876 and the wife and entire county to come t ° ’ hat |arge as usually, coming under 000 lady who has for the past two stated that he would like to re- mother passed away five years town next Saturday to attend the opening of the potato starch fac- L ' > ~ __. . . „ weeks been demonstrating wheat organize the Forest Grove band ago. Funeral services will be held at tory. A fine program, with din-j Recorder Dyke reported that a substitutes in this city, has ar- and the directors will hear his the Buxton chapel at 2:30 tomor ncr at noon, has been prepared. I " f * e,ec'. on ' “ *■ maklnS term.3 ? ' ranged to take as many Forest proposition later, t ,, all councilmen two years, made it Grove ladies as desire to make the Judge Hollis reported that the row (Friday) afternoon, under the The M arcb meeting of the For- necessary to amend t h e city auspices of the Masons and the trip thru the Crown flouring mills, government was looking for a site Brotherhood (March charter and he was instructed to the Pacific Coast Biscuit plant, for an aviation field and suggested G. A. R. Friends are invited. ~f)tm will be in the nature of a draw up the amendments needed, the G o l d C r e s t Creamery, that the Club try to find such a Council then adjourned. J. W. Goodin of North Plains reception to Rev. and Mrs John the I/)g Cabin Bakery and a part field near this city. President has filed for the republican nomi Ebert, and will consist of a supper of the Union meat company’s Hoffman appointed Messrs Hollis, nation for county judge. at one of the churches, addresses Mrs. Anna E. Dixon, the milli plant in Portland next Wednes Dyke and Johnson to look into by members and, probably, some ner, has just placed on display a day, with a free lunch at the Log the matter. A son was born Monday at the ‘music. T h e members will be fine line of Spring Hats of the ac Cabin Bakery. All the ladies are The crowd then adjourned to local hospital to Mrs. Julius Kin permitted to bring their wives to cepted shape, color and design. expected to pay is their car fares. Marsh Hall. dle of Verboort. this supper. Come and look them over. 10 Commercial Club Wednesday, March 20 A Chance to Show Your Patriotism