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About The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1918)
/ w'W» (V. V y . V A ¿Fmraí (farm? c f XttttBB A N IN D E P E N D E N T W E E K L Y N E W S P A P E R FOREST DROVE, OREGON, T H U R S D A Y , M ARCH 7. 1918 Vol. 3 ¡government and finds it very i i good Send a two-cent stamp to the Portland Oregonian Informa ; lion Bureau. Frederick J, dilector, Washington, I). C , and get one of these valuable books. The Brotherhood Adopts Boy Scouts No. 9 Red Cross Ladies to Put on a Sale Following a banquet, business j In order to rake much-needed meeting and talk« by Attorney j money for the Soldiers’ Emergen Virgil L. Clark, scoutmaster, of “ All a Mistake” Was Very Funny cy fund, the members of the M ili Portland, and Messrs. Inlow, Hoi A half-hour before the time for tary Rel.ef committee of the local I im , Robinson and Shot well of this | the curtain to rise <.n the opening branch o f th e American Red city, the members of the Forest sc* ne of “ All a Mistake,” given (Jiove P.rotIn rhood Tuesday ev Cross have decided to hold a a< the S'ar Monday evening hy M ening instructed their ex'cutive “ Superfluity Sale” on Saturday, home talent, every seat in the committee to take steps to more house had be»n sold and people March 16th. The s a l e will be thoroughly organize the Hoy Scout ¡weie paying for standing room, he d in the room between Shearer’s movement in this city and the i Before 8 o ’c lo e k e v e n standing Confectionery and Smith’s fur nu mbers o f t h e Brotherhood, room had to be refused. niture store and will be in charge voted unanimously to give the' The play was a bundle of non of a general committee, composed Scouts their moral support by act sense, w;th plenty of good comedy of Mrs. C A. Brodr-rsen, Mrs. W. ing as Godfathers to* the young- ! and catehy music sprink » d over J. MeCready, Mrs. J W. Hughes, sti rs. to make it palatable, and e v Mrs. M VV Patton and Mrs. W\ All the speakers heartily en erybody got their morn y ’s worth. B. Coon. The head sales ladies dowed the movement, dwelling on Those taking part were Robert are to be Mrs. A. E. Scott and the g eat am <unt o f good follow \ E Burns as Captain 0!>ediuh Mrs. T W. Younger. ing the Scout laws would do the Skinner; Fred W. Jones, ns Ferdy REV. JO H N E B E R T Articles are solicited from the boys. Youngsters of Scout age. D uell. as The new pastor of the Forest Grove Lighthead; Herbert ______ general public to-.lock up the »tore (1-1 to 18) are so full of animal M. E. church, who will open hin George Richmond ; F ank Donne, On page 4 of this issue will be a/"ld any.hing from a needle to a spirit that they mu-t not be held, Hamilton; Lena pastorale next Sunday morning at II as R i c h a r d found the announcement by L. hreshmg machine from a canary but their course may, with benefit Duycke, as N Hie Richmond; Iva to themselves and the community, o’clock. He comea from Siaaeton, South Dakota, and ia highly apoken o f Conger, as Nellie Huntington; M. Graham, attorney, farm er b,rd to a A t a m ° f h o rseJ8 o r fro .m a and business man, that he wants P“ c ‘a8e of gard'-n seed to a load I m ‘ guided along beneficial and by those who know him bent. He him Evelvn Patton as Nell, and Mrs harmless channels legislature 'Rf ^ ln Wll‘ bp * lad * recf 1 , v« 1’ Be to go to the state He been in the pMHtorate seven yearn and Fred W Jones as Corn l a. does not Butter’ G?gs and poultry will also It L proposed to organize three ia a graduate o f MorningHide college o f tween acts there wa a vocal tolo , s. county, accepted If you have any- or four troops and 'hen delect Sioux City, Iowa, and Garrett Biblical hy Ray Jackson, a reading by pretend, in his announcement, from the member of the B’ othr r-i Institute o f Chicago He has a wife Herbert D u II and a duet by Mr. that anybody has talked him thmg that will sell that you do into running for this office, but " 01, 5,ctua,|y need you r^ f the hood a committee to oversee ilv and three amall children. and Mrs. Fred Jones. movement, in conjunction with Much of the . ucce>s of ihe play frankly states that he wants one Rt;d Cross w,.‘lf ** thankful to re o f the republican nominations for ceive your gift; or if you have the Scoutmasters of the variou ; was due to the excellent music the lower house. (Each party anything you consider too good to Remembered Mrs. Walters troops. furnished by Walker’s orchestra may nominate three candidates.) ? ° " ate to . worthy cause- In the bu iness meeting, the I In view of the fact that M r. The play was staged under the He has had legislative e exper- but are w , I )a(j¡ I i n « « s w to j|| s e make committee recently appointed to and Mrs. Van Walters, who have x p e r a s a c r jf icp> t h e || ( h e d n otion of Mr. and Mrs Jones, ience, h a v i n g served nine ... . . try federating the churches was traded their re-idence property in who have worked hard to make it counties in the Nebraska state ar. !c'e on commission The room discharged, it b ing evident that * hi» city (o r a firm in Idaho, ex a success, for the benefit of the senate during the winter o f wl11 be open next Saturday after- ilic could be IW ‘C* - leave soon to spend a few no more along that j months in Portland, twenty Red Cross fund. 1896-7. Read his announcement. n0° n’ Mar<ih 9th: to r‘ ceive do- done at present. Sixty-five dollars was cleared ___________________________________nations and articles may be left on mem tiers of the Relief Corps R<*v Patten suggested that a , JJ culled on Mrs. Walters Friday a f- , from the entertainment, after pay- CONDENSED NEWS NOTES other days at Shearer's confection- bulletin board, for (I k ery notices*8placed t,*rnoon for a farewell visit. The >ng all expenses. church and other The following ladies have been visitors presented Mrs. Walters, TO RE REPEATED R. C Hi'l is confined to his in som e central location, would be appointed to solicit articles out t.n ir patriotic instructor, with a Because so many cou d not get home with an attack of the grip, of benefit to all the churche- and side the city: Miss Hazel Gilpin, the committee on preliminary handsome p ic e of silverware, seats Monday night, the enter-‘ be repeated at the o r 1" Mcf/nl visited his «in , Thatcher; Mrs Smith, Cornelius; President Lilly Buxton making tainment will survey was given power to act in rT I W . K l S . t - J , „ A. S Dilley, W a tt.; M r,. the presentation speech Mrs. same place next the premises. urday. Buxton dwelt on the fact that March 11th, at 8 o’clock Ben Dickey, Groveland; Mrs. Ad- Two hundred copies of the ever since coming to Forest Grove Men’s Jumpers in blue blue Fox, String»own; Mrs. Minnie Brotherhood constitution were or-1 Mrs. Walters had been a faithful mission 25c and 35c. Seast at with stripe, and Kh ki; overalls Lewis, K insas City: Mrs. C. H. dcred printed, a vote of thanks! worker in th- Corps and ex Littler’s. ■ * " to match. C. E. Roy & Co O’ Neil!, Dilley; Mrs. C. N. John was given the school board for the pressed regret at the family’s im F. P. King of Portland was in Mr and Mrs. C A. Maddux son. Spring Hill. Use of the high school auditorium pending departure. the city yesterday taking a father- of Portland visited M r and Mrs, M iss Manche Langley and Mrs and dining hall, to Mrs J. A ly imere-t in the closing out of c . E. Roy Munday and Tuesday. W . C. Benfer are a committee on Parker and assistants for the i x- A Reliable Cook Book the King stock in this city. What AluJrew Dick on was out from publicity cellent supper (proceeds donated j The members of the Fleur de- Mrs A. J. Whiiehouse inform, goods are natsold during the next PoVuand’ sevenir'days t hi - week to Armenian relief fund) and t o 1 the* Express that she has tried a week will be shipped out of town Li, club áre a committee on ar to visit his mother, M s. M ary A . the sp aki rs. cook book put out fre ■ by the he tells th*- editor. rangements. Dickson. L M Graham publicly thanked the Boy Scouts, on behalf of the B. G. Thompson, federal ex Faculty Concert W as Rare Treat -1 Commercial club, for the yeoman tension entomologist, with head The concert given at Marsh services rendered during the C, A quarters at Corvallis, visited En Hall last Thursday evening by the R. i i c impment last summer and tomologist C. W . Creel in this city Monday and Tuesday and faculty of Pacific University Con- the meeting adjourned. yesterday the two gentlemen went servatory was a very high-class Forty members sat at table f< r to Pullman, W ash, on Lncle entertainment and was deserving 8Up|K*r. f V Sam s busmess in their line. 0f a much fc.tter patronage than The program committee will meet at the P. U. office at 7:30 M S AHen recently traded for it received, although the profits this evening to prepare a program a span of mules and Sunday.when amounted to about $45.00. This for the l a s t Tuesday in this he went to turn the cri• ’ ers into a sum will be given to the local p isture, one of them kicked him branch of the Red Cross, to tn- month. m the right s de, fracturing two able the members to purchase Two (iames for Two Bits ribs. He is staying at home for a materials for the making of ar* Tomorrow evening lovers of j season, s t uhi ig about the per- tides for use in war relief work, athletics can have th<* privilege of ver.-ity of some animals be has j Those taking part in the con- seeing two games of basketball met. , eerf were Mrs. Virginia Spencer for the price of one game. The The editor owes an apology to Hutchinson, contralto; Miss Forest Grove high hoys are on the K. of P. boys for forgetting to ^ aggener and Miss Nina their toes for a game wi h the Walker, pianists, and Mr. William say anything in last week’s paper Hillsboro high hunch and, as, about their anniversary celebration Wallace Graham, violinist. there has always been much riv of Feb. 21st It was just a plain The card party given at K of alry between teams from these case of forge’ fulness. However, P. hall Saturday night for the schools, a real game may . be it is not too late to say that the benefit of the fund for French and looked for The local lineup is: entertainment was a very enjoy- Belgian children was not so well Iienneville and Hoar, forwards; P IO N E E R C IT IZ E N S C E L E B R A T E A N N IV E R S A R Y tI _ . . . . able one, with visitors from Port- attended as the previous one, but Kiiry, center; Schneider and Henry Franklin Gordon and- Father and Mother Gordon are |anf) f Salem and other outside those who attended had a good Troutman, guards. time. In addition to the card- Before this game, however, the Miss Ellen Steward wire united exemplar) citizens and good neigh- towns, and a nice lunch, Rebekahs from Hillsboro, Gas-: playing, there was a vocal solo by local high girls will take on the in marriage at Danville, Illinois, bors- Hillsboro high girls f o r j i fast on Match 5th, 1866, and last * — The daughters present were ton and o her points in the county Miss Porter, a reading by Miss game. Playing starts at 7:45, at Tuesday was the fiftv-s( rond-in-1 £ n ’ ^V. ^ *«!1’3 and ,rs ’ 'V were ,he 8uestsof the local lodge ' Bagsted, a violin solo by Miss • , Sewell of Hillsboro and Mrs. J. A. iast night and for their benefit the Davis and a flag drill by thirteen P. U gym Admission 25c. niversary of that important oc- Leiter of Forest Grove, all ac- Washington birthday program P. U. girls, with patriotic songs Paul Schultz to Leave casion. Io show that in was im- companied by their husbands, was re-enac ed, with slight chang- interspersed by Misses Porter and Believing that city merchandis portant to them, too, three of while Frank S. Goidon of this es> Hillsboro s e n t more than Crandall and Mrs. Fred Jones, ing experience would be of con- their daughters and one of their city (accompanied by Mrs Gor- twenty Rebekahs. The program At the close of the other festivi- siderable benefit to him thru life, j sons went to the Gordon home don) was the only son present. Was better last night than ever ties, Mrs. Humphreys, the Golden Paul Schultz has accepted a p o -' stead, one mile north of this city, | Will of Astoria and a daughter, an(j Was followed by a Hoover j Rod Milling company demon- sition as a buyer with Lang & Co. Tuesday morning and spent the , »Ire O. \ - W hite of Brownsville,1 lunch, prepared by Mrs. Hum- strator, served a very nice Hoover of Portland and will leave April day with their parents, enjoying a having found it impossible to at- phreys. the lady who is teaching lunch. 1st to take up his duties. M is. big wedding dinner at noon. The *pnd this anniversary. G S Gor- the women of the Willamette v a l-1 In the Hands of His Friends Schultz will accompany him to bride and groom of 52 years ago don of Quincy, Wash, a brother ley how to use wheat substitutes. In a recent issue of a local Portland, where they will reside, were arrayed during the dinner in f° Henry, was also among the This woman certainly knows how Paul will be greatly missed at the theapparal in which they weremar ' guests, as was Mrs. S. H. Hunter fo , ^ 1 ^ tasty bread, biscuits and paper, Joe Hurley, one of its pub- Schultz store in this city, but the >ied. While getting along in years, of this city, mother to Mrs. F. S .1 cookies out of substitutes. To- ¡fishers, announces that “ some of other members of the family, as- both Mr. and Mrs. Gordon are Goidon night she will serve at an Eastern his friends” want him to run for sisted by F. E. Williams and a enjoying excellent health at pres- The daughters, assist!d by Mrs. Star entertainment and next week the legislature. He is considering corps of efficient clerks, will see ent, although the groom had been F\ S. Gordon, prepared and served she will be at the M cN utt store, this wide-spread demand and may conclude to “ run also.” ¿hat the business is not neglected. I ailing earlier in the winter. the dinner. | at Giltner’s and Caples’ . Loyal M. Graham Is a Candidate E ;„ S i 77 - - - - - - ■_