The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, April 19, 1917, Image 3

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W hy T h ey Laughed.
Th e English toucher wa# In the
habit o f reading thu ilay'a lesson aloud
before the pupils recited It. T h ey were
atudyliiK Macbeth. In thla tragedy
Hhakespear« Introduces several storm
Th e one preceding had been a
' L A R G E S T Md F I N ___
m ighty one, where Macbeth curses his
1 H O T E L b ib N O R T H W E S T 1
luck and fate. Everyon e was very
Eric V. lit u i» , l’rHldtnl.
much Impressed with his wrath.
Th e teacher read on, not noticing
the change o f scene.
l 50
i f c t ì w » l i 7 5 u (:
"T h u n d e r!" she exclaim ed, and stop
ii» Up k j j j b i m e üp
Th e class laughed, but almost as
soon as thu young teacher realized
l A a d k n « f A a a r x i 'i E u t p U w a l H * l c l t i $
her m istake In accent. It would be
to say which laughed the hard
200 Ruomi
Nacr Both
A baolulalpr
1 0 0 Hath*
Da pota
F lrtp to o i est, the pupils or the teacher.— Indian
apolls News.
Srsin lB a
Hotel Hoyt
10 C E N T "C A 8 C A R E T 8 ”
Oornar Sixth and Map I 3 u .. Portland, Ora.
Thoroughly Renovated & Decorated
For Sick Headache, Sour Stomach,
Sluggish L iv e r and Bowels— Th ey
work w hile you slsep.
IdOtJ IIIIItM Manager.
Purred Tongue, Dad Taste, Indiges­
HATCH: 76c tu ft. 9PV5CIAL W««k or Month tion, Sallow Skin and M iserable Head-
achea com e from a torpid liv e r and
clogged bowels, which cause your
stomach to become filled with undl
Kvory Font
ahoulri carry on« «x -
Ini ttm it miv « chanirIn* on th« road. gested food, which sours and fermenta
like garbage In a sw ill barrel. That's
flta both front and r*»»r whool. ApplUxI In t> mln- the first step to untold m isery— Indi­
ut*a. K«v«a llr»**. cloth««, tcnu»«r and religion. gestion, foul gases, bad breath, yellow
I'rtca fti.fiM. Hrnt pare«I po«t prepaid, upon ra- skin, mental fears, eve ryth 'n g that la
oatpt of pric«*.
horrible and nauseating. A Caacaret
01100« VULCANIZING CO., Thr Til* Stop.”
w ill g iv e your conatlpated
&33-XI& MurnaUl« »t,,
rortland. Orvgun tonight
bowels a thorough cleansing and
straighten you out by morning. T h ey
work w hile you sleep— a 10-cent box
V . a l . P o r k , B n e f,
from your druggist w ill keep you fe e l­
P o u ltr y , B u tta r, E g g *
ing good fo r mouths.
and F a rm P ro d u ca
U> lha Ohi KaHahla Eventing hnuaa with a
racord of 4 b y vara of Houarv Ihallnjra, and
A Short Story.
ba aaaumd of TOP MARKET PRICES.
M errill.
F . M . C K O N K H IT E
Merrill loves Ruth.
4S-47 Froal Strani
Portland, O r.ra n
M errill wants to wander.
Ruth wonders w hy he would w an­
W « Arm H uy«m o f
Says Ruth, “ L e t us at least wander
Hut M errill doesn't want to wander
Etc. Your •hipmnnt* lo im will bring to you
that way.
prom p t rolurna and boat p o n ib b prtcoa.
Says he. "N o .”
H e exits Ruth lessly, but M errily !
(T h e en d .)— Jester.
Veal, Hogs, Hides, Poultry, Eggs,
119 Front HI..
Portland. Orogon
L E A R N A TRAD E. Gar Trartor and Auto-
mobile mm «/«* in >l«-m«n<i Wm srr flvinut com*
pU*l« cmirm® In both for th* pric« of onm tuition,
for • «hurt timo only. I.«nr« cl**« now gradual*
ing ami hav« room for f«w mom mrn Catalog
and detail« fr «
H-pAJi Trait VWI>. 2X*k A
Portlands Ortfon
It Works! Try It
T e lls how to loosen a sore,
tender corn eo It lifts
out without pain.
“ C. B . ’’ M I N E R S & CO.
ASTOMOStlK ItPAiaiMQ A l l I f llllS I M .
S. I. CM 1ST« AMS SlIIAN t i l
V* •>*( an jta leva wm« fer priest MS ikippHf tags
TNI H. F. Nowrow CO. nrasi. On.. Scant, w«.
FRED P. G O R IN, Patent Attorney.
Oruaniu-r and Dwvrlopnr I'a trn U securml or K w
Itrfundod. FltK E . Toy X Kay I'lata; .h o w . »ve ry
bon« in your body righ t through your clothing.
Hulbm 701. 7UI A. 701H. 70IC. Central bldg . Seattle
STUDY luokkeeping, .horthand, telegraphy,, English hranrhee. at an arcmllted
«flii.ll. wills, at phone Main IMi for f.taloguf.
graduate# guarant,eul poeition.. Ilehnke-Walker
Munirle« (To)h-ge, 167 4th Street,
rortland, Oregon.
M o n i urn.
G irls! T r y Itt H air gets s ft, flu ffy
and beautiful— Get a 25 cent
bottle o f Osnderlne.
If you care fo r heavy hair that glis­
tens with beauty and Is radiant with
life ; has an Incomparable softness and
Is flu ffy and lustrous, try Dundertne
Just one application doubles the
beauty f your hair, besides 1 Imme­
diately dissolves eve ry particle of
You can not h ave nice
heavy, healthy hair If vou have dan­
druff. Th is destructive scurf robs the
hair o f Its lustre, Its strongth and Its
very life, and If not overcom e It pro­
duces a feverishness and It hlng of
tho scalp; the hair roots famish, loos
en and die; then the hair falls out
fast. Surely ge t a 25-cont bottle of
K now lton's Danderlne from -n y drug
store and Just try It.
Know s Better.
"W h a t did you say Prof. Dippy's
latest Invention w as?”
" A muzzle fo r bumble-bees.”
"Hut they don't sting from thnt end ”
“ So he found out when he attem pted
to muzzle them ."— Judge.
N o humbug!
A ny corn, whether
hard, soft or betw een the toes, w ill
loosen right up and lift out, without
a particle o f pain or soreness.
T h is drug Is called freezone and la
a compound o f ether dlacovcred by a
Cincinnati man.
Ask at any drug store fo r a small
bottle o f freezone, which w ill cost but
a trifle, but Is su fficient to rid one's
fee t o f eve ry corn or callous.
Put a few drops d irectly upon any
tender, aching corn or callous.
stantly the soreness disappears and
shortly the corn or callous w ill loosen
and can be lifted o ff with the fingers.
Th is drug freezone doesn't eat out
the corns or callouses but shrivels
them without even Irritatin g the sur­
rounding skin.
Just think! N o pain at a ll; no sore
ness or sm arting when applying It or
afterw ards.
If your druggist don’t
have freezon e have him order It for
8 5 c th e suit
If your dealer cannot supply you
we will send them, charges prepaid
on receipt ol price, 65c each.
Satisfaction guaranteed
or money refunded.
Aa-ttSP sr
__ _ _
\iatU by
Beware ol Imitations. Look for
the Tw# f tones on the Label.
L eri Strauss A Co., San Francisco
Awarded «RAND PRIZE at the P PI.E.
p, N.
No. 15, 1917.
W. L. D O U G L A S
Four Economical Preparation# That
A re Thoroughly Good, Although
Th ey Can Be Made Cheap.
Comat arch Pudding -T o one cupful
boiling milk add tw o level tablespoon-
fills cornstarch, mix with one teaspoon-
fill suit nod tw o tahlcspoonfals cold
milk. Roll a fe w ml .utes, stirring con­
stantly, then cook slowly ten minutes.
Heat one egg nnd one teaspoonfnl
sugar nnd add lo the cornstarch. Cook
one minute, add one teaspoonfnl (fa­
Rem ove from lire nnd beat.
Pour Into mold.
Queen’s Pudding.— Pour one cupful
scalding milk o ver one-fourth cupful
bread crumbs. Heat yolk o f one egg
with tw o even tablespoonfuls sugar,
pinch o f suit and grated rind o f one-
foiirth lemon. S tir nil together, put In
¡•uttered dish and bake 1." minutes.
Spread over top layer o f Jarn or Jelly
and cover with the stiffly beaten white,
mixed with tw o tablcspoonfiil* sugar
nnd Juice o f one-fourth lemon. Brown
In oven.
Hnunnu Pudding.— Heat yolk o f on«*
egg. tw o tubles[>oonftils sugar Slid one-
fourth tenspoonful salt.
Add Juice
o f one-bnlf tart orange nnd one cupful
Arran ge sliced bananas and
bread crumbs In baking dish and pour
Ibis custard o ver It.
Hake In hoi
oven 20 minutes.
Beat the white o f
egg stiff and add two tablespoonfuls
sugar nnd Juice o f one h alf orange.
Spread on pudding and brown.
linked Cornstarch Lemon Meringue.
— Ilent one cupful to boiling point,
then stir In one level tuhlcspoonfu! but­
ter blended with same o f cornstarch
i ’<Mik one minute, stirring constantly
Add the yolk o f one egg. beaten with
two tnhlcspooufulB sugar, grilled rind
one-fourth lemon. Juice o f one-half
lemon nnd pinch o f salt. Hake 20 min­
utes. Heat w h ite o f egg with three
tnhlespoonfuls sugar, spread on toj
and brown.
Apple Cracker Pudding.
T h ro «
large milk or soda crackers, cold wa­
ter. one tenspoonful butter, one pin*
milk, two eggs, one-balf cupful sugui
one tenspoonful lemon extract, nut
Crumble the ernckers Into a pudding
d ish ; pour over these enough cold wa­
ter to soak them until soft. Pare th«
apples, cut thorn In hnlves. removs
core nnd put them on the stove with *
small quantity o f w a te r; stew tep
minutes. Pour milk over soaked era cl*
ers. add eggs beaten, and stir In tb«
apples w ith the sugar. Add flavoring
and grate nutmeg o ver the top o f the
pudding. iP ljc e butter on top Just a»
the pudding Is ready to be put Into the
oven. Hake In n slow oven until Arm
and brown. Serve h o t
S o re
$ 3 .5 0
$ 4 .5 0
D o r it wait for time
to heal your skiivlet
Resinol do it now
that make ;i horse W h ee ze ,
R oar, have T h ic k W in d
or C h o k e -d o w n , can be
reduced with
other Hunches or Swellings. N o b lis te r ,
n o hair gon e, and horxe kept at work.
nomical—only a few drops required at an ap­
plication. #2 per bottle delivered. Beck 3 M frts.
ARSORIUNL, JR., the antiseptic liniment for
mankind, reduces Cysts, Wens, Painful,
Swollen Veins and Ulcers. #1 and f 2 a bottle at
dealers or delivered. Book "Evidence” free.
W. F. YOUNG, P.D.F., 403 Timpla St., Bprlngfidd, Mast.
a ls o
Favorite Salad.
One pint o f baked beans, four tea­
spoonfuls chopped celery, tw o tnble-
spoonfula chopped onions, tw o cupfuls
chopped rnw cabbage. M ix together
nnd serve with your fa vo rite salad
Caring fo r Brooms.
Brooms put Into boiling w ater once a
week nnd then plunged Into cold wa­
ter w ill become tough nnd durable, Inst
tw ice ns long ns those not trented
thus, w ill sweep better nnd not cut the
In five
Chocolate Cream.
qunrt milk. When boiling stir
tablespoonfuls grated chocolate,
(la r g e )
one cupful sugar, one cupful
flavor with vnnilla.
Cook in
boiler until no taste of corn-
For Silverplate.
When putting aw ay best silver a fter
use try placing a piece o f lo a f sugar
In both teapot, coffee pot and hot wa­
ter Jug to absorb any moisture thnt
might be left In, and leave Ud open.
$6 $ 7 &
S a v e M o n e y b y W e a r i n g W . L D o u g la s
sh o e *. F o r s a le b y o v e r 9 0 0 0 s h o e d e a le r « .
T h e B eat K n o w n S h o e s in th e W o r l d .
J frM m
W .
L . D ouglas name and the retail price is Vamped on the bot­
tom o f all thoes at the factory. T h e value m guaranteed and
the wearer protected against high price, for inferior shoe*. T h e
retail prices are the tame everywhere. TTiey coot no more in San
Franc luo than they do in N ew Y o rk . T h ey are alwavc worth the
price paid for them..
' I Tie quality o f W . L . D ouglas product is guaranteed by more
A than 40 year* experience in m aking line shoes. T h e smart
styles are the leaden in the Fashion Centres o f Am erica.
T h ey are made in a well-eouipped factory at Bruckton, M ass.,
by the highest paid, skilled shoem aken, under the direction and
supervision o f experienced men, all working with an honest
determination to make the best shoes for the price that money
can buy.
A «k yo u r «ho« flr u lr r fo r W . fa. D oo | 1 m «ho««. Vf h e can ­
not »upplv you w ith th e kin d you w an t, ta k e no o th e r
m a k e . W rite fo r Intercut in if b o o k le t e x p la in in g h ow to
s h o e « o f th e h lg lic« t sta n d a rd o f q u a lity fo r th e p ric e ,
S et
y re tu rn m a il, poMtage fr e e .
» ei_
tw tta S iM
« ta m p e d
th e
b o tto m .
? W. I . D o u g l» Shoe Co.,
185 H p ark Ht., H ro c k to n , M «
‘ 8 Y R U P OF F IG 8 ”
Delicious “ Fruit L a x a tive” can’t Harm
tender little Stomach, liver
and bowels.
A Brutal A ttack.
An actor visited a beauty doctor to
see if he could have som ething done
fo r his nose. T h e beauty doctor stud­
ied the organ, and suggested a com ­
plicated straightening and rem odelin g
process— cost, 20 guineas.
" I m ay go you," said the actor,
Look at the tongue, m other!
coated, > r little one's stomach, liver thoughtfully. H e stroked his nose b e ­
and bowels need cleansing at once. fo re the mirror, regardin g it from all
When peevish, cross, listless, doesn’t! sides. “ Yes, I think I ’ll go you. Hut
sleep, eat or act naturally, or la fe v e r­ look here, do you prom ise to g iv e my
ish, stomach sour, breath bad; has nose— er— ideal beauty?”
sore throat, diarrhoea, full o f cold, i Th e surgeon ga ve a loud, brutal
g iv e a teaspoonful o f “ C alifornia laugh.
“ A s to Ideal beauty, I can't say,” h e
Syrup o f F ig s," and In a few hours
all the foul, constipated waste, undi­ replied, “ but, by gosh! I couldn't h elp
gested food and sour bile gen tly moves Im proving it a lo t if I b it it w ith a
out o f its little bowels w ithout grip ­ ham m er.” — B altim ore Am erican.
ing, and you have a w ell, playful child
Aek your druggist fo r a 60-
cent bottle o f "C a lifo rn ia Syrup o f
Figs,” which contains f ’ ll directions
fo r babies chlldr n o f all ages and for
Misery in Back, Headache
and Pain in Limbs.
Pimples, boils, carbuncles, dry up and
T k c r M r . E d it o r — T o r more than A
disappear with D octor P ierce’ s Golden year I Buffered with misery in the back#
Medical D iscovery. In tablets orliquid. dull headache, pain in the limbs, was
somewhat constipated and slept poorly
Domestic Discord.
at night until I w as about readv to col-
“ Christmas comes but once a year.” laps . Seeing an account o f the won­
“ You m erely use that as an argu­ derful qualities o f "A n u ric ,” prepared
ment to bankrupt m e,” retorted her by Doctor Pierce, o f Buffalo, ii. Y ., I
husband. #" I f it cam e 20 tim es a year Et-nt for a box, and before using the
you’d pay no attention to 1L” — Lou is­ whole box I ie!t and Etill feel improved-
v ille Courier-Journal.
M y sleep is refreshing, misery reduced,
and life is not the drag it was before. I
most cheerfully recommend this remedy
to sufferers from like ailment«.
* Yours truly,
W . A . KoBEETS.
Cutlcura Is Best— Sam ples Free by
Mail to Anyone A nyw here.
N o t e *. Y o u ’ ve all undoubtedly heard
An easy, speedy w a y to rem ove
pim ples and blackheads. Sm ear the o f the famous Dr. Pierce and his well-
W ell, this prescrip-
affected surfaces w itn Cutlcura Oint­ known medicine«.
ment. W ash o ff In fiv e minutes with ! tion is one that has been successfully
Cutlcura Soap and hot w ater, bathing used for many years bv the physicians
and specialists o f Dr. P ierce’s Invalids*
some minutes.
R ep eat night and
H otel and Surgical Institute, o f Buffalo,
N o better toilet prepara­
N . Y , for kidney complaints, and dia-
tions exist.
i ea.=€3 arising from disorders o f tho
F ree sam ple each b y m ail w ith
kidneys and bladder, such as backache,
Address postcard, Cutlcura.
, weak back, rheumatiem, dropgy. con­
Dept. L , Boston.
Sold everyw h ere.
gestion of the kidneys, inflam m ation
— Adv.
c f the bladder, scalding urine, and
| urinary troubles.
W ider Field.
Up to this time, " A n u r ic ” has not
" I want to reach people in all walks • been on sale to the public, bat bv the
o f life."
persuasion o f many patient« and the
“ T h a t’s a narrow audience, old increased demand for this wonderful
B etter include all makes o f healing Tablet, Dr. Pierce has finally
cars.”— L o u is ville Courier-Journal.
decided to put it into the drug stores
of this country within immediate reach
o f all sufferers.
I know o f one or tw o leading drug­
gists in town who have managed to
♦ procure a supply o f " A n u r ic " ior their
anxious customers in and around this
I f not obtainable send one
| dim e \>y mail to Dr. Pierce for trial
package or 50 cents for full treatment.
«> SE d it o r — Please insert
this letter in
gome conspicuous piai
place m yc u r payer.
Î Clear, Peachy Skin
Awaits Anyone Who !
Drinks Hot Water
Says an inside bath, before break-'
fa st helps us look and feel
clean, sweet, fresh.
E y e s ? ;
K eep Kids Kleen
Ginger Fritters.
Hrlng to the ladling point two cup­
fuls o f w ater, one-half cupful o f sugar
and one tenspoonful o f butter, stli In
tw o cupfuls o f sifted flour nnd continue
stirring until the m ixture leaves the
sides o f the pun. Rem ove from flm
tire, cool, add four unbenten eggs, one
nt n time, bent thoroughly nnd add one
cupful o f finely chopped preserved gin­
ger. Drop from a spoon Into deep hot
fat, fr y to a golden brown, drain on
soft paper nnd serve with ginger sirup
Com m ercial Perplexities.
“ L e t ’s g iv e that motion picture star slightly flavored with lemon Juice.
an Interest in the business," said the
Jugged Chicken.
film manager.
"L e t's g iv e her the whole business,
Cut up chicken as I f fo r fricassee.
replied the partner, "U n d er the agree­ T o every pound o f meut allow two
m ent that w e are to have reasonable heaping teaspoonfuls o f flour, one scant
compensation. Then she can owe her­
tenspoonful o f salt, one-quarter o f pep­
self her enormous salary.” —Exchange.
per. Roll each piece o f chicken In the
mixture. Hack closely in u large bean-
Granulated Eyelids, pot, cover with boiling w ater nnd bake
Eye« inflamed by expo­ until tender, two or three hours.
sure to Sun, Dust and Wist
uickly relieved by Murluo
Ham, W ith Currant Jelly Sauce.
>e Remedy. N o Smarting,
Put one tnblespoonful o f butter and
juit Eye C o m fo rt.«A t
Your Druggist*! 50c per Bottle. Murine Eya one-half cupful o f currnnt je lly Into a
SoivcinTubei2$c. For Book ol the Eye chnflng dish. As soon as melted add a
Druggitti or Murlue Eye Remedy Co., Chicago few grains o f cayenne, one-quarter
cupful o f sherry nnd one cupful o f cold
cooked hnm cut In smnll strips. Sim­
«5 *
mer live minutes nnd serve on toast.
({ O V E R A L L S '
Thr vmwt pra< tiral, hralthftil, playtime
rmsmta ever invented for chikirrn I to
years of age. Made in one pierc* with
drop hark. Easily slipped on or oil.
Easily wadud. No tight rlastic hands
^ lo stop circulation. Made in blur
denim, anti genuine blue and white
hickory stnpea. Alto Kuhtef weight,
fast-color material in dark blue, cadet
I blue, tan oc datk red, all appropri­
ately trimmed with fast-col or
gala tea. A ll garments made an
Dutch neck with elbow sleeyen
foe high neck and long sleeve*.
vivaciou s— m erry,
bright, a lert— a good, clear skin and
a natural, rosy, health y com plexion
are assured only by pure blood. If
only e v e ry man and wom an could be
induced to adopt the m orning inside
bath, what a gra tify in g change would
take place. Instead o f the thousands of
sickly, anaem ic-looking men, women
and girls, w ith pasty o r muddy com­
plexions; instead o f the multitudes
"n e rv e
w reck s,"
“ rundowns,” ’
“ brain
fa g s”
pessim ists
should see a virile, optim istic throng
o f rosy-cheeked people everyw h ere.
An inside bath is had by drinking
each m orning, before breakfast, a
glass o f real hot w a ter w ith a tea­
spoonful o f lim estone phosphate in it
to wash from the stomach, liver, kid­
neys and ten yards o f bow els the pre­
vious day's in digestib le waste, sour
ferm entations
cleansing, sw eeten in g and freshening
the en tire alim en tary canal before
putting m ore food in to the stomach.
Those subject to sick headache, bil­
iousness. nasty breath, rheumatism,
cold; and particu larly those who have
a pallid, sallow com plexion and who
are constipated v e r y often, are urged
to obtain a quarter pound o f lim estone
phosphate at the drug store which
w ill cost but a trifle, but is su fficient
to dem onstrate the quick and rem ark­
able change in both health and appear­
ance, aw aitin g those w ho practice in­
ternal sanitation. W e must rem em ­
ber that inside cleanliness is m ore im ­
portant than outside, because the skin
does not absorb im purities to con­
tam inate the blood w h ile the pores in
the th irty fee t o f bow els do.
W ork .
N ow Strong as a
Chicago, 111. —“ For about two year*
I suffered from a female trouble so E
was unable to walk:
or do any o f my ow n
work. I read about
Lydia E. Pinkham's
V e g e t a b l e Com­
pound in the news­
papers and deter­
mined to try iL I t
brought almost im­
mediate relief. M y
weakness has en­
tirely disappeared
and I never nad bet­
ter health. I weigh
165 pounds and am as strong as a man.
I think money is well spent which pur­
chases Lydia E. Pinkham’ s Vegetable
Compound.’ ’— Mrs. Jos. O’B ryan , 1756
Newport A ve., Chicago, 111.
The success o f Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, made from root«
and herbs, is unnaralleled. I t may be
used with perfect confidence by women
who suffer from displacements, inflam­
mation, ulceration, irregularities, peri­
odic pains, backache, bearing-down feel­
ing. flatulency, indigestion, dizziness,
and nervous prostration. Lydia E. Pink-
ham’s Vegetable Compound is the stan­
dard remedy fur fem ale ills.